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The Catholic Churches and Missions
Central Alberta.
Compiled by
Archbishop of Edmonton.
Grateful mention must be
made here of Mr. W . H .
Atherton, Ph. })., then pro
fessor at //it- Little Seminar]]
of St. Albert, for his valuable
assistance in translating manii
parts of these accounts. He
also it was who wrote nearly
the whole of the Introduction
and the Retrospect.
I, The Parish of St. Anne, Lake St. Anne; II. The Mission of St.
Albert; III. Edmonton: 1. Parish of St. Joachim; 2. Parish of the Im
maculate Conception; 3. Parish of the Sacred Heart; 4. Parish of St.
Anthony of Padua; 5. Parish of St. Francis of Assisi ; 6. Parish of
St. Edmund; 7. Parish of St. Francis Xavier; 8. Holy Rosary Church;
IV. The Mission of Lake La Biche 9—47
1. Mission of N. D. du T. S. Rosaire, Onion Lake; 2. Mission of
the Sacred Heart, Saddle Lake; 3. Mission of St. Raphael, Cold Lake;
with Station of Lac de Coeur; 4. Mission of St. Alexander, Riviere qui
Barre; 5. Mission of Our Lady of the Seven Dolors, Hobbema ; 6. Mission
of St. John the Evangelist, Stoney Plain; 7. Mission of St. Mathias, Good-
fish Lake; with Station of St. Nazaire 48 — 68
1. St. Thomas, Duhamel ; 2. St. Paul, St. Paul des Metis 69 — 76
1. Parish of N. D. de Lourdes, Lamoureux; 2. Parish of St.
Emerence, Riviere qui Barre; 3. Parish of St. John the Baptist, Morm-
ville; 4. Parish of St. Vital, Beaumont; 5. Parish of St. Pierre, Vil-
leneuve; 6. Parish of St. Emile, Legal; 7. Parish of St. Aloysius Gonzaga,
Edison; 8. Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pickardville; with
(1.) Mission of St. Joseph, Spruce Grove; (2.) Mission of St. Charles,
Egg Lake; (3.) Mission of Lady of Sion, Sion P.O.; 9. Parish of St.
Lawrence, Brosseau; 10. Parish of St. Vincent, Denisville; 11. Parish
of St. Louis, Bonnyville 77 — 91
I. Parish of St. Benedict, Leduc; 2. Parish of St. Norbert, Millet;
3. Parish of the Sacred Heart, Wetaskiwin ; 4. Mission of St. Augustine,
Ponoka; 5. Parish of St. Stephen, Lacombe ; 6. Parish of Red Deer with
Posts: (1.) Innisfail; (2.) Olds; (3.) Sylvan Lake; 7. Parish of Our
Lady of Perpetual Help, Stettler: 8. Parish of Our Lady of Graces,
Castor; with Posts of (I.) Halkirk, (St. Peter); (2.) Consort, (St.
Andrew); 9. Parish of St. Anne of the Plains, Trochu ; 10. Parish of
St. Francis Xavier, Camrose ; II. Parish of St. Mark, Daysland; 12.
Parish of St. Boniface, Spring Lake; 13. Parish of St. Norbert, Rosen-
heim . 92—103
I. Parish of Our Lady of Angels, Fort Saskatchewan; 2. Parish of
St. Martin, Vegreville; 3. Parish of the Holy Name of Jesus, Vermilion;
4. Parish of St. Anthony, Lloydminster ; 5. Parish of Tawatinaw; 6.
Parish of St. Gabriel, Athabaska | 04 1 I I
1. Parish of the Holy Name of Mary, Viking; 2. Parish of Wain-
wrighl; 3. Parish of the Sacred Heart, Chauvin; 4. Mission of Edson . ... 1 12 1 14
1. Mission of Krakow, St. Casimir ; 2. Our Lady of Good Counsel,
Skaro; 3. St. John of Kent; 4. The Ascension of Our Lord; 5. Parish
of St. Stanislaus, Round Hill; 6. Rabbit Hills; 7. St. John Nepomuk . ... 1 15 I 19
I. Parish of Monaster, St. Basil the Great; 2. Parish of St. Josaphat,
Edmonton; 3. The "Star" Church Law Suit 121 129
A Retrospect and Appreciation 131 139
Sketches of some of Alberta's Prominent Business Men 1 40 — 153
Sketches of Industrial Concerns Identified with the Progress of Cen
tral Alberta | 54 1 67
General Advertising ... 1 68 End
Archbishop of Edmonton, Alta.
A special interest ever attaches to the origin of things. It is with a tender emotion
that we bend over a cradle. It is with watchful solicitude that the laborer awaits the
germination of the seed intrusted to the soil. The seed of Christianity, which has been
scattered over the world, and has borne fruit in spite of tempests and onsets of every
kind, has especially attracted the attention and captivated the interest of the learned and
the wise.
The growth of that great tree with its immense branches, which has developed with
so great rapidity on the soil of Northern America, is assuredly one of the most remarkable
facts of modern times.
Before the sadly memorable date of 1789, there Was as yet one only bishopric for
the whole of North America, that of Quebec, whose foundation goes baclf as far as the
year / 674. The foundation of Baltimore as the first Episcopal See of the United States,
dates precisely from this period of 1789.
Then came the French Revolution which sowed broadcast in the world those per
nicious principles from which it still suffers and will continue to suffer until it has repudiated
them. It proclaimed the rights of man to the contempt of the rights of God. It exalted
the rights of man while it passed over in silence man's corresponding duties. In a word,
it Would have substituted another civilization in place of the Christian civilizaton, a new
paganism in the stead of the Christianity of all the ages; not recognizing that it Was
Christianity which had wrested the nations from the yolfe of slavery and had proclaimed
the true rights of man while affirming his equality, but his equality before the Justice of
Wicked man continued, then, in his taslf; he sowed the cocffle in the midst of the
good grain. But the good seed in spite of all, sprouted, Waxed strong and great, and has
propagated itself.
Meanwhile, at the moment where our story commences, toward 1808, there Were,
as yet, no more than five bishoprics for Canada, and the whole of this immense North
west was still under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Quebec, with his coadjutor,
Mgr. Norbert Provenchcr, residing at Red River under the title of Bishop of Juliopolis.
This great bishop had only three priests under him, but his large heartedness already
embraced the whole of this immense region of the Northwest and of British Columbia,
which he dreamed of conquering for Christ and the Gospel.
In (ruth is there anything greater in the world than these sublime ambitions of the
apostolate? And these ambitions have been realized.
The following pages will show the marvels accomplished during the short space of
scarcely a hundred years, not indeed in the whole of the Northwest (for many large
volumes would be needed for that) but only in a very limited part of it.
There are now in these countries three Archiepiscopal Sees with four Suffragan
Bishoprics and three Vicar Apostolics; namely, first, the Archdiocese of St. Boniface
and the Suffragan Bishoprics of Prince Albert, Regina and the Viccriate Apostolic of
Second, in British Columbia, there is the Archdiocese of Vancouver, with the
Suffragan Bishopric of Victoria on the Island of Vancouver and the Prefecture Apostolic
of the Yulfon Territory.
Third, the Archdiocese of I^dmonton, with the suffragan Bishopric of Calgary, and
the two Vicariates Apostolic of Athabasca and of Mackenzie.
Leaving aside the whole of British Columbia and of the Ecclesiastical Province of
St. Boniface, We shall treat only of the central part of the Province of Alberta, which
forms the Archdiocese of Edmonton. But while limiting our view to this restricted field,
we shall still have ample occasion to rejoice in the progress made and to give utterance
to our heartfelt praise of "Glory be to God."
Y Central Alberta, we mean that part of the Province of this name which is
bounded on the South by the Red Deer river district, more precisely the
line of the 30th and 31st Township; on the North by the 55 degree of Lati
tude; on the East by the Province of Saskatchewan and on the West by
British Columbia; this is the territory of the archdiocese of Edmonton.
The history of Catholicity, in Central Alberta, properly starts with the year 1842,
for in fixing this date it must be noted that up to that period not one missionary or priest
had as yet come to plant his tent in these vast regions, which up to this time were almost
unexplored or unknown, and reputed as unfit for cultivation, unapproachable and cut off
from every means of communication with the civilized world.
Nevertheless, the time assigned by Divine Providence for the R.vangelization and
Christian Civilization of these immense territories wa ; fast approaching.
Where hitherto there had been seen neither temple nor altar; neither church nor
modest chapel, nor humble school; neither priest nor religious nor Sisters of Charity; we
witness today all the works of Catholic zeal, education and charity covering the land,
strengthening their hold, extending their influence and multiplying themselves year by year,
in a wonderful manner.
The table of contents will have shown the Catholic Missions existing today within
the limits of Central Alberta as above defined. It remains for us to point out in detail the
origin of each Mission; when and by whom is was founded; the nature of the works that
were undertaken by the clergy in charge of it and the religious orders who have there
dedicated their works and their entire lives, their whole-hearted zeal and self-devotion
to the cause of God, in this part of the North West.
The Parish of Lake St. Anne, the first mission founded in the North West, dates
from 1842, when the Rev. Jean Baptiste Thibeault, then a missionary at Red River,
now St. Boniface, made his first journey to the regions around the upper reaches of the
Saskatchewan river.
There had, however, been an earlier journey which it is interesting to record here,
made some years previously by two missionaries who had traversed the North West
on their way to British Columbia. These were the Rev. Francis Norbert Blanchet and
the Rev. Modeste Demers. They had left St. Boniface on the 10th of July, 1838, and
they arrived by the vessels of the Hudson's Bay Company on the 18th of August at Fort
Carleton, where they baptized thirty-six persons and married seven couples. Continuing
their route, thence, they passed on to Fort Pitt and to the Fort of the Prairie (Edmonton)
adding fifty more baptisms. These were the first baptisms to be administered in these
North Western wilds, and these two missionaries were the first to celebrate the Holy Sacri
fice on the solitary banks of the Saskatchewan. It is recorded that as they journeyed
from place to place, they erected crosses on their different camping grounds, taking possess
ion, as it were, of the country in the name of the Catholic religion. On the 2nd of
October they were at Fort Jasper, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, where they bap
tized thirty-five more, mostly half-breed children.
To these first two missionaries must also be attributed the evangelization of that im
mense tract of country, situated beyond the Rocky Mountains, which was then called
Oregon and comprised the whole Pacific coast from Northern California almost up to
2nd degree of latitude. One of them, the Rev. F. N. Blanchet, became in 1843
the first Vicar Apostolic of Oregon and early in 1846 the first Bishop of Oregon City
The other, the Rev. Modeste Demers. became in his turn the first Bishop of the Island of
The accounts which these bold apostles sent to Mgr. Provencher to acquaint him
with the desire of the numerous half-breed population and even of the savages them
selves, as well as the application of a half-breed named Piche, who went himself to St.
Boniface in search of a missionary, determined Mgr. Provencher to delay no longer the
sending of him who was to be the pioneer of the Catholic religion in these parts of the
North West.
It was then, in 1842, that the Rev. J. B. Thibault was sent by Bishop Provencher
to evangelize the wild Indians and half-breeds scattered over the immense districts of
the West, on the Eastern side of the Rocky Mountains.
On receiving the long wished for commission, the missionary courageously began his
Starting en the 20th of April, he traveled overland by easy stages, sometimes
on foot or on horseback, and someLmes in carts drawn by oxen. These were the old
time 'Red River Carts," fashioned by the knife and the axe of the half-breeds. This
was the first trip of a missionary overland. Until then the boats had been taken advantage
f to make this journey up to the territory watered by the Saskatchewan. He had for
his guide a half-breed and it had been arranged that the other half-breed who had come
the year before to St. Boniface should meet him at Fort Edmonton and introduce him to
the Indian population.
Ihus journeying, he would nearly every day meet with water courses, some of
them of considerable size, which could not be crossed except by swimming, for as yet
bridges were unknown and often it was even impossible to find wood to construct a raff
Habitations were few and far between. With the exception of three or four
forts or stations belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company, and these were about 200
miles apart from one another, there was not a single settlement, scarcely a single house,
at which he might rest.
After more than two months of this toil and fatigue, the Rev. J. B. Thibault arrived
at Lac La Grenouille, "Frog Lake," about thirty miles north of^Fort Pitt. There he
erected a temporary "shack," entered into friendly relations with the Indians whom he
might encounter, and resolved to explore the country before definitely founding the first
Catholic Mission in these distant parts of the Territories.
Some Methodist ministers had previously visited the forts and plac.es through which
hather Thibault passed, with the consequence that most of the people, half-breeds and
Indians, had attended their meetings, but Father Blanchet had written to Bishop Pro
vencher: "All the people throughout this country, half-breeds and Indians as well, ask
for a priest to stay with them," and indeed, as soon as the priest appeared in the person
of Rev. Father Th^bault, all left the Protestant minister and flocked to him. At the
first service that he held for them at Fort Pitt, he chose for his subject, "The Remission
of Sins' and the means instituted by God for this end, namely, "Confession." Father
Thibault had already a perfect command of the Otchipwais or Sauteux language, which
is akin to the Cree, and he could be perfectly understood. This sermon made a vivid
impression and all were saying, "Nobody has as yet spoken to us on this subject, and
there was something lacking. Here we have what was wanting."
At Fort Edmonton, Father Thibault met the halfbreed, Piche, as arranged before,
and he continued to visit all the half-breed settlements and Indian encampments during
all this summer. He administered 353 baptisms, performed 20 marriages and prepared
four people for their first communion. Then he retraced his steps and was back at St.
Boniface on the 20th of October. The journey had lasted exactly six months.
The following year, some time in June, he returned, this time to establish himself
permanently. Half-breeds and Indians had signed a request to the Governor of the
Hudson's Bay Company to the effect that the missionaries should be allowed to stay in
the Territories, as so far the powerful company had not been willing to leave the country
freely open to any comer. Father Thibault re-visited Fort Edmonton and advanced
Westward as far as the lake which the Indians and the half-breeds called "Manito-
Sakahigan" and the employees of the Hudson's Bay Company, "Devil's Lake." It
was to this point, out of reach of the dangerous encounters of Crees and Blackfeet war
riors, that the missionary decided to establish the first Catholic Mission of the North
But, as a true son of Canada so devoted to the great and good saint whose cele
brated shrine graces the shore of the St. Lawrence river, he changed the name of this
lake and called it "Lake St. Anne." Soon he had built himself there a modest dwelling
as well as a not less modest chapel, which nevertheless commanded the admiration of
the Indians.
Then he strenuously continued the work of the evangelization and of the Christian
instruction of all the Indians and half-breeds of those parts who sometimes would come
great distances to visit him and whom, in turn, he would seek out in their distant en
campments — at times many hundreds of miles away. It was on those occasions that
he went to Lake La Biche and even to the foot of the Rocky Mountains.
In the year 1844, however, a companion was granted him m the person of Rev.
Joseph Bourassa. This new missionary left St. Boniface on the 25th of June in com
pany with M. Rowand, chief factor of the Hudson's Bay Company, at Edmonton,
heading for Lake St. Anne. When he reached there Father Thibault was away visit
ing distant parts. Hearing of his arrival, the latter hurried back, passing through Jack-
fish Lake, Fort Pitt, Cold Lake, Lake La Biche and Edmonton. They worked together
to complete the building construction of the Mission which then was happily and solidly
established. Since his second departure from St. Boniface, Father Thibault had ad
ministered 236 baptisms and blessed 26 marriages. This, added to previous work,
brought the number of Catholics to over two thousand.
To show how the introduction of Christianity in the vast regions of the West is
still of very recent date, we may mention that many of those who were baptized when
adults, by Fathers Thibault and Bourassa, are still living. It was on one of these trips
that Father Thibault brought with him from St. Boniface a young couple, Michael Nor-
mand and his wife, well known under the name of "La Rose." These proved to be
faithful and devoted servants of the missionaries, passing their whole lives in the various
missions where they were sent. Michael Normand died a few years ago. His relict,
Rose Normand, died only a few years after, the 21st of March, 1908, at the age of
eighty-seven. She breathed her last at the Bishop's house, at St. Albert, tenderly at
tended to and well esteemed and respected by all. With her a land-mark of Christian
ity in the West has disappeared.
In the year 1845, after passing the winter together, the two missionaries separated,
Father Thibault going to the Chipweyans or Montagnais of Cold Lake and Isle a la
Crosse; Father Bourassa to Lesser Slave Lake, and the Grand Prairie of the Peace
river. He even wanted to go to evangelize the Sekanais and other Indians of the Rocky
Mountains, and thus the work continued for seven years.
During the year 1846 the Mission of Lake St. Anne received the visit of an il
lustrious Jesuit missionary, Father de Smet, who, coming along the Rocky Mountains,
passed through Fort Edmonton and Lake St. Anne, and continuing his journey reached
Jasper House, where he administered eleven baptisms.
At the sight of the vast extent of the missionary field opening out before them, and
recognizing the impossibility of recruiting fellow workers from the secular clergy of the
Catholic Province of Quebec, which itself had not enough priests for its own needs, the
first two apostles of the North West urged the saintly Bishop Provencher to the end
that he should consider the ways and means of procuring missionaries of a religious order
for these countries.
1 he Rev. Father 1 hibault, already worn out by work and hardships, returned to
St. Boniface in the year 1852. Rev. Father Bourassa was to follow next year. Fortu
nately the Rev. Father Albert Lacombe, yet a secular priest at the time, but anxious to
join the order of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, had just arrived in St. Boniface,
when Father 1 hibault was coming from the distant missions of Saskatchewan. Father
Lacombe wanted to join the order of the Oblates before being sent to the mission field,
yet he could not resist the entreaties of the Bishop, who prayed him, his eyes filled
with tears, to go at once and take the place of Father 1 hibault. Father Lacombe con
sented on condition that an Oblate Father should be sent as soon as possible to enable
him to make his novitiate, to be admitted into the order.
In 1815, a secular priest, the Rev. Charles Joseph Eugene de Mazenod, afterwards
Bishop of Marseilles, laid the foundation of a new religious order, whose principal end
was to be the evangelization of the poor and the most neglected.
The 25th of January, 1816, saw the opening at Aix of the first house of the
Oblates and on the I I th of April of the same year the founder with his first and only
companion, bound themselves by vow to labor all their lives at the work of missions,
which should be entrusted to their care by the Bishops of France. It was not long,
however, before many devoted and zealous priests placed themselves under the direc
tion of the new founder. Several houses were founded in the South of France and on
the 17th of February, 1826, the Sovereign Pontiff, Leo XII, approved the rules and
constitution of the young congregation whose members, hitherto known only as the "Mis
sioners of Provence," he now graciously chose to honor under the beautiful name
of the "Oblates of Mary Immaculate."
I he connection of the Oblates with Canada was brought about thuswise: In
1841 the Right Rev. Ignace Bourget, the Bishop of Montreal, had occasion to go to
Rome on an official visit to His Holiness Pius the Ninth. When passing through Mar
seilles he learned there that Mgr. de Mazenod was the founder of the Oblate Fathers.
Him he approached at once with the request that he should be granted at least four of
the Fathers for the missions of his diocese. Without exception all offered themselves
with the greatest readiness to the service of the Foreign Missions which were now opening
out to them, and from that day the Society of the Oblates ceased to be a purely local or
exclusively French congregation.
In a short time it spread over the four parts of the world, and at the present moment
the Oblates are piously engaged in the work not only in the different countries of Europe,
but also in Africa, Ceylon, Australia, and especially in Canada and the United States.
The first Oblates who came to Red River were Rev. Father P. Aubert and Brother
A. Tache. They arrived there on the 25th of August, 1845. Five years after this,
young Brother Tache was to be elected as the Coadjutor of Bishop Provencher, on the
24th of June, 1850. He was only twenty-seven years old, certainly the youngest Cath
olic Bishop at the time. His consecration took place more than a year after, on the 23rd
of November, 1851. at Viviers in France.
It was when Bishop Tache was coming back from France, after his consecration,
that a young assistant priest of the Parish of Berthier made up his mind to come again to
devote himself in the missions of the North West. This young priest was to be also an
illustrious missionary, none other than the Very Rev. Father A. Lacombe. I he year be
fore, he had been assistant priest to Father Belcourt at Pembma, which was then a
mission attached to the missions of the Red River, and then he had realized that the
mission work in these new countries was better suited for missionaries belonging to some
religious order, and he had made up his mind to become himself a member of such a
religious order to fit himself for the task.
To return now to our story of the Mission of Lake St. Anne. The Rev^ Fr.
Lacombe started his journey on July 8th, 1852, and made his way to Lake St. Anne.
The Rev. Joseph Bourassa then departed in his turn in the following year and the
Father Lacombe remained alone in charge of all the missions formerly visited by the 1
J. B. Thibault and the Rev. Joseph Bourassa. It was not until
month of September, that he was able to commence his noviceship.
The Rev. Father Remas, who had arrived at the mission of Lake La Biche since
the month of October of the year 1853, now came to be his novice master and the Rev.
Fr. Lacombe made his religious profession on the 23d of September, 1856.
The Rev. Fathers Remas and Lacombe passed four years together at Lake St.
Anne. The Rev. Fr. Frain was sent some time after but his feeble health would only
allow him to remain a few years.
The two missionaries of Lake St. Anne were, besides, often obliged to make long
apostolic excursions, each in his own direction. They had to attend to the needs or Less
er Slave Lake, the Lake La Biche Mission, and Fort Jasper at the Rocky Mountains.
Then too, they had often to accompany the parties of half-breeds and Indians on
their hunting expeditions. However, it was the half-breeds of Lake St. Anne and ol
Edmonton, as well as the Cree and Assiniboine Indians frequenting this part of the coun
try, who most profited by the presence of the priest and who generally became go<
Although the foundation of the Mission of Lake St. Anne was but of recent date,
the missionaries already were desirous of making it an important centre, and they ob-
tamed the co-operation of the Grey Nuns of Montreal to labor at the
instruction of the Indian childhood, and especially of persons of their own sex. It was
Father Remas who went to St. Boniface to bring back the first contingent of these
good nuns. On the 24th of September, 1859 he was again at Lake St. Anne, ac
companied by the first three sisters to come to the North West, Sister Emery, Superioress,
Sister Lamy'and Sister Alphonse, three holy women who have left behind them
nown of goodness and devotedness.
Nevertheless, this foundation begun at Lake St. Anne had to be consolidated more
definitely elsewhere, for a little while after, these same nuns passed on to St. Alto
in 1863.
After a period of five years, during which the Rev. Fathers Remas and Lacombe
had been conjointly or separately engaged in providing for this mission, we find suc
cessively a number of other missionaries who spent a more or less considerable time here
and devoted themselves to the works of the ministry, such as the Rev Father Leduc in
1867 and 1868. Then the Rev. Fathers Andre and Bourgme in 1870 and I 8/1 ; the
Rev. Fathers Blanchet and Dupin from 1871 to 1874; the Rev. Fathers Scollen and
Grandin in 1883-1884 and finally on the 12th of November, 1886, the Rev. Fr. Lizee
was placed at Lake St. Anne where he remained for ten years — but it would be too
wearisome to notice in detail the different incidents which occurred during this long suc
cession of years.
It will be sufficient to note that in 1 888 the new church was built. In the fol
lowing year, 1889, when the Rev. Fr. Lestanc was Superior of St. Albert, it came to
the mind of this pious missionary, who was a native of Brittany, that the good St.
Anne, who scatters her favors from her Breton Sanctuary of St. Anne D'Auray and
her Canadian shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre, could also well grant similar favors in a
sanctuary of the North West if only she was solicited for them. Accordingly he an
nounced from the pulpit that he would depart on such a day of the week on a pilgrimage
to Lake St. Anne and that all were cordially invited to accompany him. Indeed, a
good number of pilgrims responded to the appeal. They made the pilgrimage, prayed,
asked and received graces and they felt consolation and happiness at having accomplished
this act of faith. The pilgrimage was talked about, and the following year it was more
numerous and it has since become a custom. People come even from Duhamel, Ath
abasca Landing and other places seven or eight days' journey. Numbers already ex
perience the graces obtained from the good St. Anne, graces which those privileged to
receive them do not hesitate to call miraculous. This pilgrimage has been fixed for some
years for a determined date, not exactly on the feast-day of St. Anne, the 26th of July,
but always on the Wednesday nearest this feast.
In 1897 the Rev. Fr. Vegreville was at the head of the Mission of Lake St. Anne.
A little later we find the Rev. Fr. Lizee, who after some years' departure had returned
to take charge of the mission which he had always regretted leaving.
Fr. Lizee soon undertook the publication of a little newspaper edited in Cree and
lithographed in syllabic characters. The title was "The St. Anne's Cross." Since 1906
the publication of this little journal has passed into the hands of Father Baiter, who re
sides at the Mission of the Sacred Heart at Saddle Lake, and it now bears the name of
"The Sacred Heart."
In the year 1908, we find the Rev. Fr. Lizee still at Lake St. Anne, but for some
time he has been assisted by Rev. Fr. Dauphin. The work, in fact, has been increased.
In addition to the service of the very considerable parish composed for the most part of
French speaking half-breeds, there are also new comers of various nationalities.
Then, too, it became necessary to visit the Indians of the Alexis Reserve, the In
dians of White Whale Lake (Wabamun) and finally the different groups of new col
onists who are beginning to make settlements towards the West along the roads tra
versed by the Canadian Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. Visits are
also paid to Lobstick Lake on the Pembina river, to Paddle river and even beyond.
This is assuredly a great work for the years to come that is now being announced.
The Mission of Lake St. Anne, now located on the line of the Canadian Northern
Railway, with the fine lake abounding in fish, can not fail to assume a growing importance
with the development of the country. Rev. Father J. Portier, O.M.I., has been in charge
of the Mission for the past few years.
St. Albert, in the beginning, was part of the immense diocese of St. Boniface, whose
Bishop was the Rt. Rev. A. Tache. "On the first day of January, 1861," writes
Bishop Tache, in his "20 Annees de Mission,' "we were spending the New Year at
Lake St. Anne, in company with the Rev. Fathers Lacombe and Remas. On this oc-
casion it was decided with these zealous missionaries that they should found a new sta
tion not so far away, in order to facilitate the maintenance of St. Joachim Mission, at Ed
On the 14th of January, Bishop Tache left Lake St. Anne to return to St. Boni
face. He was accompanied by Rev. Father Lacombe. About nine miles from Ed
monton they stopped on a hill, at the foot of which flows the Sturgeon River. They
cleared away the snow, lighted a fire and rested a while. It was there and then that
Bishop I ache, after cutting down a young sapling, made a staff, and planting it firmly
into the snow addressed his companion, thus: "Father Lacombe, here is the site of the
new mission! It shall be called by the name of your Holy Patron, St. Albert! You
will undertake the work as soon as possible, and you will found this new mission!"
Father Lacombe soon started the work and in ] 862 he had already built a wooden
house, 30 feet by 24, which served as his residence, and another building 40 by 20 feet,
as yet not completed, it is true, with its unjointed boards, and its lack of ceiling, but
which served its purpose as the church. Another construction of two floors was erected
there, 50 by 40 feet, which Father Lacombe intended to be soon transformed into an
Orphanage under the direction of the good Sisters of Charity, called the "Gray Nuns of
Of all the religious communities of women, devoting themselves in the West of
Canada to the works of Charity and Education, the Gray Nuns of Montreal were the
first to consecrate themselves with absolute devotedness to the good of the missions; the
first to penetrate even into the heart of the Mackenzie district, not far from the Polar
Circle, and we find them today, at the head of important institutions, schools, asylums,
orphanages and hospitals, in the various missions whose origin and development we are
now briefly outlining.
In 1863 these excellent Sisters came from Lake St. Anne, where they had been
established for about four years, to found the first school and orphanage at St. Albert.
The half-breeds now commenced, little by little, to come and settle around the mission.
They occupied the land which they began to cultivate, while they built themselves simple
houses, where they could rest after their return from the prairies on their buffalo hunting
expeditions. I hey could also now place their children under the care of the Sisters,
where they would receive, at the school, an education as complete as was possible under
the circumstances. I he orphanage would also receive the children abandoned by their
parents, and thus in time it might, little by little, be converted into an Indian Industrial
School, properly so-called.
On the 3rd of December, 1864, Bishop I ache returned to visit this Mission where
he arrived at night fall. "Sunrise," he wrote, "permitted us to contemplate with par
donable pride and complacency the beautiful mission of St. Albert, so advanced and yet
so new. Fhe beauty of the site, enhanced by art, amazed us, although we had chosen
the spot ourselves only four years ago. And yet, what a great work had already been
done! Handsome and vast constructions had been erected as if by enchantment; broad
meadows had been cleared, well fenced around and put under cultivation, and were
already yielding abundant harvests.
"The whole scene enraptured our gaze. 1 he houses built all around this pretty
mount; that of the Lord and those of His devoted ministers and His most devoted hand
maids forming a group, dominating the whole country side. The little river winding
around the base of the hills and crossed by a fine bridge; then, at a little distance the
lake, whose waters lave the hill-sides which furnished the timber for the buildings! All
this we could not leave without admiration.
"Yet for all that," said he, "the dreamers of absurd systems other than Christian
would have it that priests are not men of the time — not up-to-date. Let then these
enemies of revelation come themselves. I here is still enough savagery about for each to
try his experience. There is still darkness in abundance for each one to make trial of his
own light-shedding system.
"Yes, let them come. Let them render to the ignorant Indians more services than
the poor priest has done. Let them civilize more fully and more quickly. Let them
more easily soften and smooth down the barbarous manners of the savage. Let them
come and work in our wild wastes the wonders that the priest does. Let them give the
world the spectacle of a like devotion, a like entire self denial, then we will believe in
their mission as reformers, but in the mean time, while they enjoy all of the blessings
which the civilizing hands of Christ's missionaries have sown with such great profusion in
the world, let them not blaspheme against God; against His Holy Law or His con
secrated ministers."
From 1 865 to 1 867, Fathers Tissot and Andre continued the work so liberally
begun, and meanwhile Father Lacombe founded the mission of St. Paul des Cris, a
settlement for the Indian aborigines, on the banks of the Saskatchewan river where, to
day, there has sprung up the pretty and thriving town of Brosseau.
In 1867 Father Andre was replaced, at St. Albert, by the Rev. Father H. Leduc,
who also took sole charge of the mission in the spring of 1868. Though left alone by
the departure of Father Tissot for St. Boniface, Father Leduc soon had the happiness
of receiving the announcement of an event of great importance which was to give a new
spirit to the material and spiritual progress of the mission.
"This autumn," wrote Bishop Grandin from France to him, "I shall fix my per
manent residence at St. Albert. I shall come to you with a regular caravan of mission
aries, priests, ecclesiastical students and some pious young men who wish to devote them
selves to the missions. Get to work, then! Use every effort to procure us the provisions
and lodging arrangements that are absolutely necessary."
At this time Bishop Grandin was Bishop Tache's devoted coadjutor and to him
had been entrusted the care of these northern parts of the vast original diocese of St.
These orders were faithfully carried out. Bishop Grandin and his companions would
find on their arrival an abundant supply of "pemmican" for the winter and tea in moder
ation, but no bread. As for other delicacies they would have to do without them. An
addition of twenty feet square was in all haste fixed to the mission dwelling-house, while
the loft had been converted into a dormitory.
Very soon the caravan arrived, followed a little later by Bishop Grandin, who had
wished to re-visit He a la Crosse before settling down at St. Albert. His Lordship
took possession of the only room of the house, which had been reserved for him, while
the others were installed together as comfortably as was possible under the circumstances.
Among the new comers there were found some young men who had learned dif
ferent trades. Their aim was to be admitted into the Congregation of the Oblates of
Mary, as lay Brothers, and to give their services for the good of the Church and Chris
tian civilization, without any other recompense than that of their bread, lodging and
One of these was a blacksmith and very soon a shop was provided for him where
he fixed up his bellows and an anvil. For many a long year Brother Leriche rendered
signal service to the mission.
Another was a shoemaker; he changed his little cell into a cobbler's shop, and
moccasins now gave place to shoes of a more civilized style. Another made wooden
sabots of a kind unknown here, but none the less of great usefulness.
A carpenter and joiner's shop was also opened under the judicious supervision
of Brother P. Bowes, who for forty years was the master builder and architect of all
the chapels, residences, houses and schools built by the Oblates in the North West.
The Oblates, whether priests or simple brothers, have not only for their end the
preaching of the Gospel and the teaching of the truths of Faith, but they are also the
children of that great Catholic Church which has conquered the old paganism and has
carried the light and benefits of civilization among all races and peoples.
The Oblates therefore who have come to this country, ought doubtless to be, above
all, its Apostles, but none the less they came also as pioneers of civilization. This they
had shown at St. Albert, and, from the earliest days of the foundation of the mission,
they set to work at once to clear the land and cultivate the soil.
In I 868 the time had come to give, by their example, a new impetus to colonization
work. It became necessary to prevail upon the Indians no longer to count solely up
on the results of their hunting and fishing expeditions for their subsistence, but to learn
how to extract from the soil its precious resources which would banish the necessity of
those long, forced fasts which they had often to undergo. The work, therefore, of till
ing and clearing the ground continued every year at the mission, and very soon some
hundreds of acres were put under cultivation.
At first the crops were not very abundant, but they increased year by year. And
now it became necessary to find a means of making use of their grain and of turning it
into bread, of which the missionaries had been so long deprived. There was an old
flour mill worked by horsepower, but it no longer gave any satisfaction, so it was decided
to build one to be driven by water. Accordingly a suitable place was chosen. The
Brother carpenters and others of the Oblate fathers themselves lent a hand to rhe work
and, a few months later, the mill was in running order and working famously. The
power was not extraordinary, but it could grind a decade of sacks of wheat in twenty-
four hours. That was wonderful at this time for the country side!
For some months all went well till there came a heavy storm, which was followed
by a second and a third. The river rose ever higher and higher till the mill dam yielded
to the force of the flood — and all the labor had to be begun over again. Afterwards,
new trials and tribulations were encountered, but never daunted, the missionaries worked
on, for were they not there to give the natives practical examples of energy and persever
ance? Later on, however, other attempts were made with better success, as we shall
hear in due time.
In the meantime Bishop Grandm had taken up the government of the mission and,
at all times and places, he gave his missionaries a perfect example of zeal and devoted-
ness. St. Albert was fast approaching the time when it should became the centre of a
great and important Catholic diocese.
At this time the poor, temporary chapel was threatened with ruin, for under the
action of a strong north wind it had lost its balance and was only maintained in position,
thanks to an unsightly buttress of four or five solid spruce trunks placed to support it.
It was now high time to think of building a Cathedral for him who was soon about to
become the first Titular Bishop of St. Albert and in which he could at least officiate in
his mitre without catching it in the joists, as was often the case in the first church. All
this was in 1 869, and it must be remembered that, at this time, such a thing as a circular
saw or machinery of any sort for planing and polishing wood was quite unknown in this
part of the country. The mason's art, too, was also unpracticable and consequently the
new building must necessarily be of wood, for which a whole spruce grove had to be
felled and the trunks squared and transformed into planks by means of the hand, or at
least with the aid of the pit-saw. The lay brothers undertook the task and during the
whole winter the work of felling, sawing and hauling the timber went merrily on.
In the following year the mission possessed a church measuring 84 feet in length,
with transepts 72 feet wide, and in addition, galleries for the harmonium, the choir and
the children. In a word it was the wonder of the country, standing far above all the
other ecclesiastical monuments of this period. But it has since been eclipsed and for
some years it has been converted into Assembly Rooms for the Catholics and a concert
hall for the young students of the Seminary of St. Albert.
At the commencement of 1870 a goodly number of houses grouped themselves
along the banks of the Sturgeon River, on the rising ground and around the water's edge.
The population began soon to settle down more definitely and the mission was making
more and more progress when the small-pox made its appearance in the month of July
of the same year. In a few weeks every family was attacked by the scourge and for
some months, i.e. from July to the end of December, the Oblates of St. A'bert had need
to multiply their services and to hurry day and night to the relief of the dying. Father
Leduc and Father Bourgine administered the sacraments to the sick and dying, and the
Scholastic Brothers, Doucet and Blanchet enshrouded the dead. The entire population
had been, until then, about seven hundred. Nearly half of the inhabitants of St. Albert
were carried off by the plague, not counting three hundred half-breed hunters who died
on the piairie, whither Bishop Grandin had gone himself to visit them, to console, en
courage and assist them in their dying moments, and where he remained to the end, to
give his services, and even sometimes nursing the sick along with Father Fourmont.
On September 22nd, 1870, Pope Pius IX. raised this young mission to the
dignity of an Episcopal See, with Bishop Grandin as its first Titular Bishop.
His wise and paternal government naturally communicated new vigor, not only to
St. Albert but to all the missions of the diocese which were soon to increase and multiply.
Rev. Father Lestanc, a veteran missionary from Manitoba, came in October, 1874,
to take charge of the mission. For three years he devoted himself with unsparing self-
sacrifice to the temporal and spiritual welfare of the work entrusted to him, after which
he went to found new stations in the Eastern part of the diocese. The Rev. Father H.
Leduc came in 1877 to fill the place left vacant by the departure of Rev. Father Lestanc,
and the progress went on.
Until 1878 the main body of the population had been made up almost exclusively
of French half-breeds. But at that time a new influx of settlers came from various
quarters and gave a fresh impetus to the material progress of the district. These were
Messrs. Will Cust, Hermenagilde Majeau, George Gagnon, Lecn Harnois, Edmond
and Frank Juneau, Edmord Brosseau, Edmond Couture, Louis Beaupre, and others.
The new settlers devoted their energy mostly to farming, and from that epoch we
may date the fame of St. Albert as an agricultural district. The various crops suc
ceeded beyond expectation, and there came plentiful harvests. Then the want of a
good grist mill was felt even more keenly than at any other time before.
At this time, 1878, Bishop Grandin and Father Leduc, coming back from a trip to
Lake La Biche, received a deputation of the inhabitants of St. Albert, who urgently
petitioned for the reconstruction of the grist mill. After numerous difficulties experienced
in former years the prospect of a new venture was not very attractive, but the consider
ation of the encouragement likely to be given to the population of the whole district,
finally prevailed. A company of six share-holders was formed, of which the mission
took a good part of the shares and eventually the whole of them. The mill was rebuilt
on the Sturgeon river, eighteen miles below the mission, and supplied with proper machin
ery and a circular saw, to which soon a planer and a shingle machine were added.
All this was a real boom for the colony. Ten years later, on the 19th of March, 1890,
everything was destroyed by a forest and prairie fire, driven in the direction of the mill
by a violent wind. The buildings, the machinery and 400,000 feet of lumber — every
thing became a prey to the consuming flames! The loss was estimated at $25,000
at the very least, hence it was impossible for the mission to ever think of undertaking a
fresh enterprise of this nature. It had done its share in the past abundantly. Besides,
times had changed, and these undertakings were to be left to those who had not given
their lives to the service of God, but who mainly sought to realize good and substantial
The new settlers of 1878 had come from British Columbia or some other parts of
the American western states. In I 880 and 1 88 1 others came from the eastern provinces.
Let us mention Messrs. David and Louis Chevigny, A. Arcand, Dan Maloney and
others. David Chevigny, with his family, left his eastern home in the Province of
Quebec, St. Stanislaus, Champlain County, to come and settle down in these remote
parts of the North West. He had his wife and nine children, the youngest a mere baby,
and it was not a mean undertaking to come across this immense stretch of wilderness,
extending from Winnipeg to the distant shores of the Saskatchewan, with the meagre
comfort of the Red River Cart. Those who come now over the C.P.R., C.N.R., or
G.T.P. lines, in a well upholstered Pullman car, can scarcely form to themselves any
adequate idea of the case.
A joyful event took place in St. Albert in 1884. It was the Silver Jubilee, or
twenty-fifth anniversary of the Episcopal consecration of the Titulary Bishop of St.
Albert. Nearly all the clergy of his diocese was gathered around him to commemorate
the joyful event and show their affection and devotion to their first pastor and fatherly
Before going further, mention must be made of the troubled epoch of 1885, when,
under the leadership of Louis Riel and the command of Gabriel Dumont, the half-
breeds decided to claim by the strength of armed bands the rights they were entitled to.
Unfortunately, Indian tribes had been enlisted and there was great uneasiness and ill
forebodings all over the land. However, the great influence of the Saintly Bishop
Grandin was equal to the task and the half-breed population at St. Albert and the
surrounding district were prevailed upon to remain quiet and not to join in the uprising.
Numerous families, not only of Catholics but also of Protestants, flocked for
protection from Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan to the Mission of St. Albert. The
Bishop turned over to them the spacious school house and other buildings and he went
every day himself to encourage and comfort them. These days of anxiety passed away
at last, all danger was over, and calm was restored. Every one then returned to his
home, but those who have enjoyed the hospitality of the kindly Bishop are not likely
to forget it.
The time had come, however, when the new comers to the North West would
have the comfort and facilities of railway transportation. The Rev. J. B. Morin had
now begun his campaign of colonization for the Diocese of St. Albert. Up to 1891
the new colonists had to make the drive from Calgary to reach their further destinations,
but in the following year, 1 892, the Canadian Pacific Railway brought its line right
into South Edmonton, formerly known as Strathcona. Henceforth St. Albert is no
more a distant and unknown land; it is linked to the civilized world.
From that moment, indeed, numerous and distinguished visitors came, no doubt
drawn by the fame of the country, but attracted still more by the fame and renown
of Sanctity of the good Bishop of St. Albert. Among these distinguished visitors it is
worthy of particular mention that three Governors-General of Canada with their vice
regal parties repaired to St. Albert — Lord Lansdowne, the Earl, and Countess of
Aberdeen and Earl and Countess of Minto.
In 1902, through the exertion of Rev. Father A. Lacombe, who is such a favor
ite with all the C. P. R. officials up to the President of the line, a large party of Arch
bishops and Bishops with their Vicars-General and other friends, were provided with
a special car to come all the way from the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. They
came to get acquainted with the conditions in the West, and to pay their homage of ven
eration to good Bishop Grandin. The party included Archbishop Tache, of St. Boni
face; Bishop Lafleche, of Three Rivers, himself a veteran missionary of Red River and
He a la Crosse; Bishop McDonnell, of Alexandria; Bishop Brondel of Helena, Mon
tana, came also for the occasion, and it was certainly a great joy and consolation for
Bishop Grandin to entertain his distinguished visitors.
In 1896, Rev. Father M. Merer, O.M.I., took charge of the parish which he
was to continue to direct for many years with the greatest zeal and devotedness. He
is still at the present time (1914) the parish priest of St. Albert.
Bishop Grandin, advanced in years and broken down by continuous illness, fearful
moreover that he could not fulfill alone the duties of his high calling, had petitioned
several times to be granted a coadjutor. His petition was heard at last, and the Rev.
Father F,. Legal, O.M.I., who had been for sixteen years a missionary of the Blackfeet
tribes, was nominated the 29th of March, 1897, by His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII,
Bishop of Pogla, and Coadjutor Bishop of St. Albert. The solemn ceremony of his
episcopal consecration took place the 1 7th of June in the old Cathedral that had wit
nessed already so many pious functions. The consecrating Bishop was Bishop Grandin
himself, assisted by Bishop P. Durien, O.M.I., of New Westminster, B.C., and Bishop
T. Clut, O.M.I., Auxiliary Bishop of Athabasca and Mackenzie, while the service was
presided over by His Grace, the Metropolitan Archbishop Langevin, of St. Boniface.
This was a great consolation to the venerable Bishop of St. Albert, for he thought
that there would be two henceforth to love his faithful flock, and to work for the salva
tion of their souls. Other consolations were to follow. On September 15th, 1899,
Archbishop P. Bruchesi, of Montreal, came to pay a solemn visit to the old Bishop,
who now was unable to undertake long journeys. The following year, October 6, 1900,
it was the representative of the Pope, the Most Excellent Diomede Falconio,, Apostolic
Delegate for the Dominion of Canada, who came purposely to see St. Albert and its
holy bishop. How much this great favor was appreciated, it is easy to imagine by
those who know How Bishop Grandin had always been intensely devoted to the Holy
See and to the Successor of St. Peter.
As a token of the intimate attachment of the See of St. Albert to the chair of Peter,
the favor was asked from the Apostolic Delegate that he would bless the corner stone
of the new Cathedral, which it was intended to erect, to take the place of the old church,
now much too small for the increasing population. His Excellency willingly consented,
and on the 7th of October he solemnly blessed the stone which had been kept ready
for the occasion, and he went over the entire site which was to be covered by the new
edifice, sprinkling it with holy water.
We must not omit another event of great importance which had taken place the
21st of January of this same year, 1900. This was the inauguration of the Diocesan
Seminary, an object that the Bishop had in view since the beginning of his episcopate.
A large school house had been removed at a convenient distance and with the addition
of two wings could afford accommodation for about thirty-five students.
We have come to the year 1902, which was to be the last of the earthly career of
the first Bishop of St. Albert. On the 6th of April another episcopal consecration
took place in the venerable Cathedral. All the hierarchy of the ecclesiastical Province,
and a numerous gathering of the clergy were present for the occasion, when Bishop
Gabriel Breynat was consecrated Bishop of Adramyte and Vicar-Apostolic of Mac
kenzie and the Yukon Territory. As Bishop Pascal exclaimed in an impressive and
eloquent sermon, "It seemed as if St. Albert was the place in which to consecrate
On May the 28th, Bishop Grandin, although unable to leave his room on account
of his increased sickness, was gladdened to hear that his coadjutor had turned the first
sod for the excavation of the crypt of the new Cathedral. This was another dream of
his life which had begun to materialize.
The end was not far away, and on the 3rd of June the saintly bishop quietly
passed away to his well deserved reward, mourned not only by the clergy and the people
of St. Albert, but by the whole diocese and numerous friends beyond its limits. His
memory is still kept fresh and will remain forever in veneration. Not more than two
years later, his Life, at once so edifying and so interesting, was written by Rev Father
E. Jonquet, O.M.I.
His Lordship, the Right Rev. Emile Joseph Legal, O.M.I., for many years
isnop Grandm s coadjutor, with the right of succession, has succeeded to the throne of
the diocese of St. Albert. The work on the new Cathedral was kept up for the whole
season of the year 1902 and continued during the following year, to be resumed again
I he crypt was built and the walls carried about four feet above the floor of
the upper church, and then the whole structure was roofed in. It was only on the
4th of January, 1906, that this crypt could be blessed and dedicated for divine ser
vice. I he total cost so far was about $23,000. Although lacking all decorations, the
building is of impressive aspect, and with its large proportions affords ample room for
the seating of the congregation and the display of religious ceremonies.
As soon as the crypt had been open for divine service steps were taken to remove
the old Cathedral some distance away in proximity to the Seminary, and convert it into
a large and commodious hall, furnished with a stage and other fixtures for all classes of
On the 21st of March the remains of Bishop Grandin, buried under the Sanctuary
of the old Cathedral, were solemnly transferred to the tomb prepared for them in the
apse of the crypt behind the altar. This was a pious and impressive service, and the
good Catholics of St. Albert and the surrounding districts had the consolation for two
days of again viewing the features of the Saintly Bishop through a glass plate which
had been purposely set in the front of the coffin. Although three and one-half years had
elapsed s;nce the time of [he death, and the body had not been embalmed, the sweet and
calm face was still perfectly recognisable.
I he last ten years have been busy ones for the new Bishop of St. Albert. The
country has made wonderful strides in the way of development and progress since the
when the organization of the new Provmce was in view. Railroads have been
built in all directions. The formal inauguration of the Province took place on the
first of September, 1905. The C.N.R., which had reached Edmonton from Win
nipeg through Fort Saskatchewan, pursued its course through St. Albert, as far as
Morinville. Branch lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway have been built East
of Lacombe and Wetaskiwin. Then the Grand Trunk Pacific had inaugurated its
gigantic undertaking and reaching Edmonton in 1911, unrelentingly pursued its course
towards the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coast. New churches and chapels had
to be provided for a number of stations, besides other numerous groups of Catholics
springing up in every direction. Yet it is certainly gratifying for the Bishop and his
efficient staff at St. Albert to be able to record the great progress and the expansion of
our holy religion in Western Canada. May God Almighty be praised for all His heaven
ly blessings that have made the divine seed grow and increase!
^1 here are a few other events worth recording. On the 8th of September, 1909,
the Golden Jubilee of priesthood of Very Rev. Father A. Lacombe was duly celebrated,
at St. Albert. A large gathering of priests and friends took place on the occasion. Rev.
Father Leduc preached the sermon and fittingly dwelt on the wide and eventful career
of the venerable missionary. The banquet hall was graced by the presence of His
Honor the Lieutenant Governor of the Province, Hon. Geo. H. V. Bulyea, the Attor
ney General Hon. C. W. Ross, and many other distinguished members of the Provincial
Parliament, together with a host of other friends.
The next day another impressive celebration took place. It was also a Golden
Jubilee, the fiftieth anniversary of the coming to the missions of North Western Canada,
of the devoted missionary sisterhoods. Not only Gray Nuns were called, but all the
other communities which had come later on to join in the noble work. About a dozen
of these communities were represented m the gathering.
This double festive event was, for good Father Lacombe, as a parting farewell to
his beloved mission of St. Albert. Then he went back to his old friends and orphans
whom he was gathering in his home, "the Lacombe Home" on the banks of the gentle
stream known as Fish Creek, at Midnapore, there to pass the last years of his devoted
life, amongst the poor and destitute of the Province for whom he had provided the tender
solicitude of these angels of mercy called the Good Sisters of Providence. There, m
silence and a prayerful retreat, he is awaiting the call from above, for a well merited and
bountiful reward.
Let us record also the visit of His Excellency Most Rev. Donat Sbaretti, Apostolic
Delegate, October 18, 1903.
As time went on, the evangelical work was progressing wonderfully in the former
wilds of the North West. Big cities had taken the place of former humble villages,
especially after the organization of the new Provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta, in
1905. Regina, which had been selected to be the capital of the Province of Saskatch
ewan, had become an Episcopal See with Rt. Rev. O. Mathieu as first Bishop. From
the title of Vicariate Apostolic, Prince Albert had passed to the rank of another Bish
opric, the Vicariate of Keewatin, had been formed from the eastern part of Saskatch
ewan and the northern part of Manitoba. Something was to be done also for the Diocese
of St. Albert. Calgary, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, in the southern part of Alberta, had
grown to be large cities. The Holy See decided to create a new Diocese, in this part of
the country, with its Episcopal See in Calgary, and a first Bishop, in the person of Rt.
Rev. John McNally. But at the same time, it was considered proper to raise the old
See of St. Albert to the dignity of an Archbishopric. As the population of Edmonton
had reached at that time nearly 60,000 inhabitants, the Metropolitan See, instead of
remaining at St. Albert, was transferred to Edmonton, the capital of the Province of
Alberta, 30th November, 1912. Later on a decision of the Holy See directed that
the new cathedral and the residence of the Archbishop should be also in Edmonton.
Such decision, of course, will cause the severing of very sweet ties, but the endearing
memories of the hallowed place of St. Albert will remain with us for the years that are
to come.
In 1910 a new Apostolic Delegate had succeeded Msgr. Sbarelti in Ottawa. Msgr.
Pelegrino Stagni, the new Delegate, was invited to visit the immense country put under
his supreme jurisdiction, and St. Albert, for the third time, had the honor to receive
the first representative of the Pope. The occasion of the visit of His Excellency was
also a great event in the annals of St. Albert, and this event was fittingly celebrated on
the I Oth of July and following days, by all marks of devotedness to the Holy Father,
and attachment to the centre of Catholicity.
On the 16th June, 1914, only the other day, another celebration took place in
the old Cathedral. This was the Golden Jubilee of priesthood of two venerable mis
sionaries: Rev. Father H. Leduc, for 35 years Vicar General of the Diocese, and Rev.
Father C. Fissier, who had done pioneer work in the northern missions of Athabaska and
McKenzie, as well as in this Diocese. About 90 priests had gathered here for the
occasion, the largest clerical gathering ever witnessed in St. Albert.
Edmonton, Aha.
Edmonton, in 1842, was nothing but an unimportant post of the Hudson's Bay
Company, The residence of the Chief Factor in charge, the warehouses and the dwel
ling for the Company's employees, all surrounded by a high wooden palisade, formed
what then was often called the "Prairie Fort," or Fort L'August or rather Fort a
Hughes (August Hughes) or sometimes Fort Edmonton.
The first priest visiting this post towards the end of 1842 was the founder of the
mission of Lake St. Anne, Father Thibault, who came thither from time to time and
icsided a few days at times, to minister to the spiritual needs of the half-breeds employed
by the Company.
He came there especially when the Indians of the nation of the Crees, as well
as those of the Blackfeet tribes, used to arrive in gangs to barter their fur skins or the
products of the chase. The presence of a priest was then very often urgently sought
for by the officer in charge of the Fort. The savages, who oftentimes, on these oc
casions, menaced danger, were restrained by the authority of the missionary, whom they
always respected.
Considerations of this nature moved the representative of the Company for thai
district, Mr. William Christie, to think of building a chapel with a residence for the
use of the missionaries, both to be erected within the enclosure of the Fort.
In fact, the chapel was so built in 1857. This was the beginning of a permanent
mission. The Oblate Fathers from St. Anne and St. Albert came very often to take
up residence there in turn.
In 1 865 they opened in this same chapel and residence the first school at Edmon
ton. Rev. Father Const. Scollen took charge of it, and it was well attended by the
children of the employees of the Fort.
On October llth, 1876, the circumstances had changed. The Mounted Police
had just been established in these parts and a treaty had been arranged between the
government and the natives, so that there was no longer any danger to fear from this
latter quarter. Then, too, a certain number of colonists had come to settle on the lands
to the east of the Fort. In consequence, the officer succeeding Mr. Christie in charge
of the Fort, decided to thank the Oblate Fathers for the services which they had
rendered in the past, but for which there was no further need, and they were then
invited to transfer their church outside the Fort and beyond the lands reserved by their
Company. At this juncture Mr. Groat offered them nine acres on that handsome pro
perty known today as the "Groat Estate." There it was that in October, 1876, anoth
er chapel was erected with the materials of the old building.
The Rev. Fr. Blanchet was put in special charge of the services there, and • for
some years he took up his residence at St. Albert but came thither to stay for days and
sometimes weeks together.
A wretched shack, built a few paces from the church and occupied by undesir
able neighbors, was bought up by the church authorities at St. Albert and let at the
reasonable rent of $3 a month to a young stranger who had arrived in the country
by way of Montana, with a little merchandise, some packages of tobacco and especially
some candies for the children. This man, by his perseverance and energy, was destined
to make his mark in the history of the Northwest. He soon increased his little store,
and with a little hand printing press undertook the publishing of some telegraphic news,
which he distributed each week to his subscribers. From these humble beginnings he
became, in time, the proprietor and editor of a newspaper which made its influence felt
in the whole country — "The Edmonton Bulletin." Later on he was elected a member
of the Legislative Assembly of the Territories and then a member of the Federal Parlia
ment. He later became the Minister of the Interior of the whole Dominion of Canada
— the Hon. Frank Oliver. He it was, who said afterwards to Father Leduc of Ed
monton, "You priests, you are at times quite incomprehensible. For years you live in
paltry sheds; your churches and your chapels are wretched affairs. You allow other
religious denominations to leave you behind, and then all of a sudden you set to work
to build real cathedrals, houses, convents, schools and hospitals which carry you to the
very top of progress, all abreast with the times."
Notwithstanding, the mission at Edmonton, now in 1876, at the second phase of
its history, had much headway to make to reach the height above mentioned. Before
long it became necessary to change its site.
In 1882 the Hudson's Bay Company, in view of coming events and of the im
portance which Edmonton was likely to gain in the near future, divided its land into
town lots and put them on the market. A whole block was bought by the Oblate
The following year a chapel-house was built and the Mission of St. Joachim was
then firmly established in the western part of the survey then made by the Hudson's
Bay Company.
On October 1st, 1883, the Rev. Fr. Grandin assumed charge of the mission,
accompanied by a young Oblate, a theological student. Father Grandin became
his professor, teaching him in the philosophy and theology courses preparatory to Holy
Orders. In return, his pupil by way of distraction and recreation, became his profes
sor s cook.
The Catholic population, few in number at first, began gradually to grow more
numerous. It became urgent to increase the accommodations. A pretty large chapel
was erected near the house of the missionary. This done, the mission began to assume
an air of some importance. Nevertheless, one thing of great moment was still needed, a
good and excellent general school with a boarding school for the children of the young
The Sisters of the Congregation of the Faithful Companions of Jesus had been found
ed in France in 1820 by the venerable Madame de Bonnault d'Houet. In a few years
they had acquired a great reputation for learning and for ability in the art of teaching.
In France, in Spain, in Italy and especially in England they were directing primary
schools, boarding schools, academies and houses of higher education with the greatest
It was to these, that the Bishop of St. Albert appealed. The appeal was
favorably received. The Rev. Mothers promised to undertake the direction of the Cath
olic School and to open a boarding school for girls and young ladies with a special course
preparatory to taking diplomas. The prospects were not very bright, indeed, but the
Bishop had said, "It is to your devotedness and spirit of sacrifice that I appeal."
"Then," answered the Very Rev. Mother de Bengy, then the Superioress Gen
eral of the Institute, "If it is a sacrifice that you require from us we will make it."
A convenient home was immediately built, adjoining the church, for the dwelling of
the priest, and the Oblate Missionaries handed over their own residence to the coming
Rev. Mothers to be their temporary convent.
The Faithful Companions of Jesus arrived in Edmonton in September, 1888, and
immediately opened their classes and boarding school. Edmonton was still at that time
only a village, dignified, in anticipation, with the name of town, until it should become
what it is today, a flourishing city and the capital of Alberta. Very soon the Convent
of the Faithful Companions had to be considerably enlarged, for it was indeed too in
sufficient in size to receive the children who were becoming each day more numerous.
In 1 890 Father L. Fouquet, who had lately come from British Columbia, took the place
of Father Grandin, who had been appointed to Lake Labiche. Rev. Fr. A. Lacombe
took the place of Father Fouquet as parish priest in 1895. The veteran missionary of
the West devoted himself with his usual zeal to the spiritual good of the mission.
In 1895 he laid the foundations of a good and substantial brick veneered house
which was at last to be a decent and proper presbytery. In this same year also the Grey
Nuns of Montreal built a magnificent hospital at the cost of $35,000, which was far
ahead of the best brick buildings of the town of Edmonton. For this purpose they had
not feared to assume a considerable debt, with full confidence in Divine Providence which
had never failed them. Very soon they were able to receive and bestow their care and
attention, at once so affectionate and solicitous, on some fifty sick cases. The first patient
was admitted on the 6th of December, 1895. Since that date the work has increased to
such an extent as to necessitate, twelve years after, the construction of an addition,
double the size of the former building.
Some years later, in 1897, on his request, Father Lacombe obtained from his
Superiors permission to go again to exert himself in the missions of Southern Alberta,
and the Rev. Father Leduc came to succeed him at Edmonton. This latter, soon after
having taken charge of the parish, decided that the time had come to build a substantial
church suited for the importance of the Catholic population. The following year saw
the commencement of the work of excavation necessary for the foundation of the present
handsome church of St. Joachim, the blessing of which was solemnly performed by his
Lordship, the Most Rev. A. Langevin, Archbishop of St. Boniface, in presence of Bishop
Grandin, Bishop of the Diocese, and assisted by Bishop Legal, coadjutor of the Diocese
of St. Albert, and Bishop Dontenville, coadjutor to the Diocese of New Westminster.
By the side of the General Hospital there has lately arisen another charitable in
stitution, the Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy, a community which was founded under
the patronage of Mgr. Ignace Bourget, Bishop of Montreal, by Madame Rosalie Jette
(Mother M. de la Nativite) its first Superioress General. The scope of this Congrega
tion is manifold, so that all the miseries of poor, suffering humanity can find in this estab
lishment the best remedies and relief that the most disinterested and tender pity can
This institute, since its relatively recent foundation, has wonderfully increased and
multiplied its houses in Canada and in the neighboring republic.
In August, 1900, Bishop Grandin of St. Albert, commissioned Father Leduc to
arrange with the Rev. Mother General at Montreal for the foundation of a house in the
On the 29th of May following, four Sisters accompanied by a certificated nurse,
arrived at Edmonton to make at least a tentative experiment, but they were to stay. These
four Sisters, though poorly accommodated in their temporary dwelling, began their work
with an energy that was soon crowned with success. In March, 1905, the concrete foun
dations were built of the magnificent building known today as the "Misericordia Hos
pital." It is only a part of the immense hospital that the plan has provided for.
The building was completed at the beginning of the following year and on the 19th
of March the Sisters took possession of it. Already about 80 patients on an average
per day have been admitted and this work of Catholic enterprise still continues its forward
The Obstetrical Department has recently been thoroughly organized. It occupies
the second floor and is kept quite separated from the rest of the Hospital wards. The
meals, diet-kitchen and operating rooms are set apart for the exclusive use of this depart
ment. Even the staff of nurses is quite distinct.
Rev. Father A. Jan had been the able assistant of Rev. Father Leduc for several
years. During these years he exerted his zeal and activity unsparingly among all classes
of the population. He even took the greatest interest in the protection and moral education
of numerous young Galician girls who were engaged as servants in many homes. An
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evening school was established for them, and with the devoted co-operation of the Rev.
Mothers Faithful Companions of Jesus, was kept up until the establishment in 1902
of a Greek-Ruthenian parish in the east end of the city.
In 1904 Rev. Father Jan assumed the functions of Parish Priest of Edmonton,
with Rev. Father P. Hetu as assistant. Then the Catholic population had increased to
such an extent and the city grown so large that it became evident that another parish had
to be organized in the near future. This was to be the parish of the Immaculate Concep
tion, in the east end of the city.
In 1906, Rev. Father Jan, on account of failing health, had to be relieved of the
heavy task imposed upon him. Rev. Fr. A. Therien, coming back from Texas, where
he had been sent to recover his health, was temporarily put in charge at St. Joachim's
parish, but this proved also too much for his impaired strength. Rev. Father A. Naes-
sons, for many years the able and efficient principal of the Industrial School for the
Blackfeet and other Indians of the plains, located at Dunbow, on High River, was called
to take the duties of Parish Priest of St. Joachim and he came in 1907.
Meanwhile the Bishop of St. Albert, having resigned his office as Vicar of Missions,
or Superior of the Oblates of the diocese, the Very Rev. Henry Grandin succeeded him
in this position and took his residence at St. Joachim's Presbytery, which became thereby
the Vicarial or Provincial House of the Order of the Oblates, not only for the Province
of Alberta, but for the Province of Saskatchewan as well. 1 hen the place had to be en
larged. This was done during the year 1907. I he capacity of the house is now more
than three times what it was before. A commodious basement has been provided and
the whole house is fitted with all the useful appliances of modern buildings.
At about the same time, the General Hospital, conducted by the Grey Nuns, had
become inadequate for the increasing wants of the population. A new plan was con
ceived in which the former building would be the east wing while another one exactly
bymmelrical would be built at the west end. For the present the central building was to
be erected. This has been done at the cost of about $80,000, and with the power house
and the nurses' home added, afterwards, the entire cost will reach the neighborhood of
$160,000. This will give accommodation for at least 100 patients. I he whole build
ing, as it now stands, is one of the handsomest edifices in the city of Fdmonton. In
addition, the institution within has been so devised as to supply every possible comfort to
the patients, anJ it is provided with all the most recent appliances and improvements de
manded by the advancement of the science of Hygiene. Above all, there will be found
the most intelligent and devoted care for suffering humanity.
Of late, the elegant church of St. Joachim, unfortunately too small for the impor
tance of the parish, has received the complement of the needed decorations. We can
mention a large and artistic set of the Stations of the Way of the Cross, and a mag
nificent altar of similimarble, provided with fixtures for electric lighting. With all these
improvements and the efficient assistance of a well organized male choir, the services at
St. Joachim's church are very attractive, and the parishioners may congratulate them
selves on the manner in which their spiritual wants are attended to.
The sacristy only was a temporary affair, a relic of the old mission buildings. These
disappeared in 1912, to make room for a commodious vestry, provided with a hall for
the confessionals and a large basement, very suitable for rehearsals, practices of the choir,
meetings of the congregation, etc., etc.
Then the parish would not be behind the church of the Immaculate Conception which
had been provided with a pipe organ ; so a pipe organ was also purchased for the
church of St. Joachim, from the same firm, Casavant Freres, of St. Hyacmthe (P.Q. )
at a cost of about $5,000.
When Rev. Father P. Cozanet, O.M.I., had done this he was called to another
field of labor and in June 1914 he went to the Sacred Heart parish of Calgary. His place
has been filled again by Rev. Father A. Lemarchand.
The church of St. Joachim having proved much too small for the whole congrega
tion, a double service had been organized on every Sunday, for the French and English
congregations, but the division of the parish had been decided upon already for a couple
of years. Rev. Father Cozanet was trying to negotiate a loan, when he was called
away. Under the energetic management of the Rev. Father Lemarchand everything
promises to come to a satisfactory issue, and the new parish which is to be called "St.
Joseph's parish" will be organized on the same lines as the Sacred Heart parish was, viz.:
the present church of St. Joachim will remain with the French speaking population, and
St. Josephs church to be built in the rear of St. Joachim and facing 1 1 1 th street will be
for the accommodation of English speaking nationalities.
I his parish began to be organized in the latter part of the year 1905, but the
construction of the church was started only in 1906. The Bishop of St. Albert donated
five lots on Block 27, which is situated on Kinistino avenue, one and one-half miles distant
from St. Joachim's church. Beside the ground, the Bishop gave also the proceeds,
amounting to $2,000, of the sale of three lots on the same block to the Separate Catholic
School District of Edmonton. The entire cost of the church, built of solid brick, has
been about $10,000. The debt remaining at the end of the year 1907 was about
$6,300. Scarcely was the church finished when it was found to be too small, the
population having rapidly increased beyond expectation. The solemn blessing of the
church took place on the 8th of December, 1906.
Rev. Father P. Hetu, O.M.I., who had assumed the task of organizing the parish
and of the building of the new church, was the first to be put in charge, continuing to
reside at St. Joachim's. In May, 1907, Rev. Father A. Lemarchand came from Calgary
to become parish priest,^ keeping Father Hetu as his assistant until the latter was
sent to Pincher Creek. There had been no resident priest as yet, as the presbytery had
not been built. As soon as Father Lemarchand was appointed he took steps towards
the building of a good dwelling house for the priest. A school, conducted by two Rev.
Mothers, Faithful Companions of Jesus, was soon organized, so that the Catholic
parish of the Immaculate Conception can now be said to be in good working order.
On the 8th of October, 1911, the parish of the Immaculate Conception passed
into the charge of the secular clergy, Rev. Th. Rocque, a priest of this diocese taking
its direction. Rev. J. A. Ouellette who had been colonization agent since April, 1910,
succeeded him in 1912. Then the parish having become so large, that the church could
no longer provide the seating capacity wanted, the question arose of the division
of the parish as to languages and it was agreed with the consent of the Bishop
that a new church should be built on some parish property, just across the street. The
French speaking element were to keep the old church, and the new church to be built
by and for the English speaking people. This was to be the Sacred Heart parish.
From that moment, before the church could be built, a double service was provided
in the church every Sunday, one for the French speaking Catholics and the other for
the English speaking, or for all other nationalities not French speaking, viz.: German,
Poles, Slavs, Hungarians, Bohemians and many others who are very numerous in this
eastern part of the city.
The last improvement to the church of the Immaculate Conception was the installa
tion of a pipe organ, the first of its kind in any Catholic church of Edmonton. This was
rather a heavy expense for the parish. Soon after, Rev. J. A. Ouellette, in order to devote
all his time to the cause of colonization, by locating new settlers, especially in the northern
district of St. Paul des Metis, Lac Labiche, etc., was prevailed upon to resign his fine
parish in favor of the present parish priest, Rev. A. Ethier who had succeeded him
agent of colonization, but abandoned the position to another priest.
Corner Kinistino Ave., and Picard St.
Edmonton, Alta.
I *
Rev. A. Normandeau is the actual agent of colonization (1914) and by concerted
action with Rev. J. A. Ouellette is doing a very important work.
The parish of the Sacred Heart is, as seen above, a division of the parish of the
Immaculate Conception. Rev. M. Pilon, a secular priest, admitted already for several
years in the diocese, had been put in charge of the English speaking element of the con
gregation, about a year before the building of the new church could be undertaken. A
settlement of the financial status of both parishes having been reached by mutual consent
and good will, the new edifice was begun in the spring of the year 1913.
At the time of the visit of the Apostolic Delegate it was far enough advanced to
have its corner stone blessed by His Excellency, a special favor greatly appreciated by
the whole population.
The work went on so very satisfactorily that possession of the new building could
be taken by December following.
This church is a fine structure of dignified appearance on the outside. The inside
is still plain, but may receive additional ornaments. The seating capacity is remarkable,
for the size of the church; 1000 people can be accommodated, 550 on the main floor,
450 in the galleries.
A fine large presbytery had been constructed while the church was being built.
All this reflects great credit on the ability and energy of the parish priest, Rev.
M. Pilon. Of course there is a heavy debt, about $38,000, remaining on the parish,
but it is expected that this will be paid up in due time.
The new church was solemnly blessed by the Archbishop of Edmonton, on the oc
casion of his first pastoral visit to the parish, the 10th of May, of this present year,
1914. Pontifical Mass was celebrated, and afterwards a banquet for several hundreds
of guests was provided in the commodious basement of the new church.
The large Catholic separate school on Kinistino Avenue, conducted by the Rev.
Mothers Faithful Companions of Jesus supplies the needs of the children of both parishes
for secular and religious instruction.
The problem of the division of parishes as to nationalities seems to be satisfactorily
settled, only in this manner, by having the two churches built in very close proximity.
Then there is no occasion for anybody not to attend the services in his own church.
(South Edmonton).
The Parish of St. Anthony of Padua, at Strathcona, now named South Edmonton,
had been destined to be under the charge of the religious of the order of St. Francis of
Assisi, hence the name of St. Anthony of Padua, the great wonder worker of the Fran
ciscan Order, which was originally given to it. Bishop Grandin had entered upon nego
tiations to obtain Franciscans, but without success. Towards 1 898 further steps were
taken for the same purpose, but with no better result. In the end it will not be Strath
cona or South Edmonton, but North Edmonton and Fort Saskatchewan, which will secure
the blessing of the presence and ministry of the sons of St. Francis of Assisi.
The first house-chapel was built at the time when the Rev. Father Lacombe was
Superior at Edmonton in 1895, in a central portion of the little town which had com
menced to develop rapidly from the time of the arrival of the railroad, whose terminal
station was there. A gift of two acres of land for the site of a church had already
been made by Mr. Garneau, but as this property was near the river bank, at too great a
distance, the Episcopal Corporation bought one-half of Block 80 at a cost of $300.
^»rf.— .. •
Edmonton, Aha.
The first chapel had a small sanctuary which could be separated from the re
mainder by curtains, and the church thus served as a school house for several years.
Every day in fine or bad weather, winter or summer, two nuns of the haithrul <
panions of Jesus, left the convent at Edmonton, in sufficient time to arrive at the school
for classes, driving their little carriage and crossing the Saskatchewan river, on the terry
boat in summer, or on the ice, in winter time. Some years hence this might perhaps
appear not much short of heroism, but it was a question of giving instruction and religious
education to this little school population already somewhat numerous, and tnes.
devoted Sisters took no account of inconveniences and fatigue. This state of affairs
lasted until 1902, when the Rev. Mothers gave place to a lay master.
Up to about the end of the year 1901, the Mission of St. Anthony was served
by the Rev. Oblate Father from the parish of St. Joachim, Edmonton. In the course
of the year 1901 the Rev. Father Jan, then in charge of this post, undertook the con
struction of a more spacious church, for the former building, at once a church and school
house, could no longer hold the congregation which had already been increased consider
ably The church was erected, but it was far from being finished when the Rev. K L,.
Nordmann was appointed to take charge of this parish on the 10th of '
The principal framework was already in position and the roof on, but there was
only one row of boards on the exterior and daylight could be seen through the chinks
left The tower was raised as high as the roof, but it had no steeple. Moreover, there
was a debt to pay. In the month of May, 1902, the debt was cleared, thanks to a
subscription, a bazaar and some concerts. It was now possible to think of continuing
the building of the church. A new subscription was undertaken, the young girls at '
school organized a new bazaar which brought in a goodly sum. Then the exterior ot
the church was brick-veneered and thus it became more handsome and afforded more
The Rev. Father Nordmann, like his predecessors, had commenced by residing at
the house in Edmonton, but after a year he was able to construct a diminutive presby
tery which could, at a pinch, suffice for the exigencies of the time being. In the month
of March 1905, Father Nordmann, on being appointed to take over the direction
of the Seminary of St. Albert, was replaced by the Rev. Father O. I1. McQuaid from
July to October, and later on by the Rev. Father J. Danis. In the following spring the
Rev Fr. Jan, now in need of a comparative rest, came to reside at Strathcona.
rest was not, however, sterile, for he undertook to finish the interior of the church and he
also surmounted its exterior with an elegant steeple. He also succeeded in constructing
a handsome little presbytery in the chalet style, and the old one now became the kitchen
The school in its turn had become too small and the Separate School District resolved
to build a larger and more suitable one. The new building of brick was erected in I
and officially opened in January, 1907. The old school was then transported to the
rear of the church to serve as a sacristy.
In July of this same year the Rev. Fr. O. P. McQuaid again returned to the parish
of St. Anthony as parish priest. On the 6th of October, following, His Lord
ship, Bishop Legal, made his first pastoral visit and administered the Sacrament of Con-
lirmation to 21 persons.
After all these expenses and improvements the parish is, none the less, free of debt.
The explanation is to be found in the consent of the Bishop of St. Albert in applying
towards these expenses the results of the sale of the land formerly given by Mr. L.
Garneau, although the land had been substituted by the half block bought in the centre
of the town.
The Rev. Father A. Blanchet has been stationed at St. Anthony since the month
of September to act as Fr. McQuaid's companion. South Edmonton, besides being the
university town of the Province of Alberta, has been chosen by the C.P.R. as the site
for its terminal station, and has intelligently profited by these real advantages, but in
1913, the work on the high Level Bridge over the Saskatchewan River, which had
been vigorously pushed, was completed and the southern bank of the river was connected
with the northern bank, just close to the majestic pile of the Provincial Parliament build
ings. Yet South Edmonton had already made such headway as not to be materially
affected by the event. And the impendent construction of the new cathedral on its side of
river will add a considerable interest to the university town.
Rev. Father A. Lemarchand had been located here since October, 1911. During
his stay the congregation enlarged considerably, the school was already too small for the
increasing number of children and another providing four more class rooms, was built
in another part of the city where a piece of ground had been secured with the view that
it might be the new center of the parish. Rev. Father Lemarchand was fortunate
enough to secure anew the services of the Rev. Mothers Faithful Companions of Jesus
who had been the first to assume the work of education in that parish.
Accommodation also had to be made for another part of the parish which was too
far removed from the church and could not easily attend the services of St. Anthony's.
Part of what is called Gallagher flats had been included in the parish. Then it was found
out that the former limits were the right ones; the ravine known as Mill Creek being
the natural boundary of the parish, and in consequence these limits were altered again,
in order to provide another parish on the Eastern Side of Mill Creek. The congregation
of the Oblates had already erected there, on a fine property, overlooking the bank of the
Saskatchewan River, a nice brick building fitted for the Juniorate of the Order, where
about forty students could be easily accommodated. At some distance from it, a piece of
land was secured by the Bishop to become the centre of the new parish. This parish
was to be called St. Rene, in remembrance of saintly Father Rene Remas, uncle of
Rev. Father Lemarchand, who had been a devoted missionary in this country and whose
name has been frequently mentioned in connection with St. Anne, St. Albert and many
other missions of the Diocese.
However, not to impose too much hardship on people living at Gallagher Flats a
temporary church was built nearer the crest of the hill overlooking the Flats with the in
tention of moving the site later on, when roads and other facilities of traveling by
street cars, will have been improved, and of building the permanent church on the ground
provided for it.
A small separate school was also provided, in the Flats, for the children of the new
parish. I his new church is to be attended to, partly, by the Rev. Fathers of the Juniorate.
In June, 1914, Rev. Father Lemarchand having been called to the parish of St
Joachim Rev. Father I osquinet, O.M.I., has just taken his place as parish priest of
St. Anthony.
About the year 1909, on account of the packing plant of Swift and Co., of Chicago
having been located on the C.N.R. line, north-east of Edmonton, a population mainly
composed of working men employed by the company, had begun to settle around, in the
vicinity, and it was soon considered necessary to provide religious service for the Catho
lics of the mixed population. The place was as yet some distance from the city limits
with a large tract of the country entirely destitute of houses, but it was evident that, be
fore long, the city of Edmonton would extend in that direction and eventually absorb
the whole settlement.
The Rev. Franciscan Fathers had been already for some time in charge of the
mission at Fort Saskatchewan. They had come, as early as April, 1908, during the
enten season, to take temporary charge of the parish of Our Lady of Lourdes at
Lamoureux, P.Q., after the unexpected death of Rev. E. Dorais, on the 16th of March
It was appearent that eventually a parish, at the Packing Plant, would become more
important than at Fort Saskatchewan, and, in consequence, the Franciscans were pre
vailed upon to built their convent here, in North Edmonton, instead of the location which
had been previously intended for it.
The Bishop of St. Albert donated to them one block of land, situated at a con
venient distance from the Packing Plant. A small house had been built already to
answer the purpose of a church for the dozen or so of Catholics, who had been gathered
on Sundays. But, soon after, the convent proper was commenced, and by the end of
9 neanng completion. It was a small and modest monastery, but, at the same time,
it was substantially built of brick, with a neat and pleasing appearance on the outside]
and sufficient capacity, on the inside, for the small community of Fathers and Brothers]
who were to be there accommodated. Rev. Father Berchmans was the first superior, and
to the personnel of the house was soon added Mr. Pierre Dorais, an uncle of the late parish
priest at Lamoureux, who had been already a Tertiary of St. Francis and thus became
the first apostolic syndic of the convent.
At first the chapel of the community was open to the Catholic population on Sun-
But as it was not long before it proved too small for the increasing number of
Catholics, it was decided to build a proper conventual church adjoining the monastery
and the new church was solemnly blessed under the name of St. Francis of Assisi. The
whole disposable ground was not fully occupied at first, and the church can be lengthened
by some twenty feet. It is built of solid brick and presents a fine appearance. The en
largement cannot be long differed as the church is already too small for a population which
has passed the one thousand mark.
Rev. Father Xavier-Marie has succeeded Father Berchmans since the end of the
year 1 , and already the question has been considered of the advisability of divid
ing the parish in two: one for the French speaking Catholics and the other for the Eng
lish speaking and other nationalities. (July 1914). A separate Catholic school has
been organized for the young of the parish, and some Franciscan Sisters are preparing
to take charge of it.
6.— THE PARISH OF ST. EDMUND. (Elm Park, Edmonton).
1 he Transcontinental Railway known as the Grand Trunk Pacific had pursued its
s course, through this vast Northern section of Canada, and had reached Ed
monton. When the company decided to construct its works and shops on the North
ern part of the district adjoining the city, it was the occasion for many to come
i locate in the vicinity, and the subdivisions of Elm Park and Calder suddenly became
|uite prominent. There were already a certain number of Catholic families settled
there, and many more bachelors. It was decided to lay, there again, the foundation of
a new parish.
The priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, (from St. Quentin, France), had come
to this diocese the year before, on the 26th July, 1910. They were asked to
take charge of this new parish. Rev. Father E. Gaborit began to visit this population
A town lot was secured near the works of the G.T.P. and eventually a small presbytery
and a diminutive church were built. The church was blessed under the patronage of St
Edmund, on the 19th June, 1911. It has been enlarged once already, in the course of
the year 1913.
As elsewhere the question of providing for the education of the young was not
neglected In due course of time, Elm Park having been included in the city limits the
trustees of the Catholic separate school district of Edmonton took the school under 'their
control. I he Rev. Sisters "Ursulines de Jesus" had come on the 28th September 1911
and they were soon in a position to take up the work of education for the Catholics of
this part of the city.
At the time of the last pastoral visit of the Archbishop, 17th May, 1914, three
Fathers of the Order of the Priests of the Sacred Heart had just arrived to help in the
work of our missions.
In the west end of the city we have another parish known as St. Francis Xavierus,
and fittingly, this parish is under the auspices of the Grand Society of Jesus. The found
ation of this parish was brought about in this wise.
For many years already, at least since 1904, steps had been taken and long cor
respondence engaged in, first with the "Clercs of St. Viateur" and then, since 1906,
with the Rev. Fathers of the Society of Jesus, in order to secure the foundation of a
classical and commercial college in Edmonton. After many unsuccessful attempts and
delays, at last, in March, 1912, Rev. Father Carriere who was to be the new Provincial
of the order, while in Edmonton, finally decided the foundation of the college.
After several proposals concerning the acquisition of a convenient ground for the
location of the college, which did not materialize, the Archbishop of Edmonton trans
ferred, on easy terms, to the Jesuit Fathers four acres of land in the western part of the
city, to be, at least the temporary location of the college, and the area of a new parish
was immediately decided upon.
The work of the construction of the new college was soon under way, and through
the ability and energy of Rev. Father Th. Hudon, S.J., the new building so satisfactorily
progressed that the new institution was ready to open its doors in September, 1913, with
in a few days from the ordinary epoch of commencing the scholastical year. The build
ing was advanced enough, at the time of the visit of the Apostolic Delegate, 1 1th July,
1913, to receive from His Excellency a first blessing. The solemn blessing provided by
the Ritual of the Church, for a new institution of learning, was given later on by the
Archbishop of Edmonton, in the presence of parents and students.
The parish of St. Francis Xavierus, connected with the college has been from
the beginning under the able management of Rev. Father J. A. Grenier, S.J. A priest s
house, part of which was doing the office of parish church had been previously built and
was the residence of the community, until the college would be available. Now the large
and commodious chapel of the college is used on Sundays as the parish church for the
accommodation of the parishioners, as the surroundings are being built up with a goodly
number of Catholics.
In 1914 the college received addition to its staff, and will be in perfect
running order. Yet as was said before, it may happen that the present location will
be only a temporary one, as the Rev. Fathers have bought a large and magnificent pro
perty overlooking the banks of the Saskatchewan River, just opposite the Provincial
University of Alberta, and this site might become the permanent location of the college.
8.— HOLY ROSARY CHURCH (Polish) Edmonton.
Before leaving Edmonton we have still to mention another beginning of a parish
for the Polish population in the eastern part of the city. A nice little church was
erected last year, 1913, in the district known as Norwood, through the exertions of Rev.
Father P. Kulawy, O.M.I. The parish is only visited a couple of times every month,
but the church is well filled on every occasion.
The blessing of said church has not taken place so far, but it will be called the
Holy Rosary church.
Lately a house has been purchased to be the residence of the missionary so that
before long the Holy Rosary parish will be put in complete running order.
We have now to resume the narrative about early missions.
Lake La Biche is a magnificent sheet of water dotted with islets of more or less
considerable size, which are covered with woods of aspens and birch trees, and inter
spersed with little stretches of virgin prairie. It was to these islands that the native In
dians came, each autumn, for the fishing season, so as to secure a supply of fish for their
subsistence during the winter. The lake, in its greatest length from Northwest to South,
measures about thirty miles, with a shore line of approximately 120 miles. The depth
is, on an average, five to six fathoms (30 to 36 feet).
Although its period as a mission station is not recognized till the autumn of 1853,
nevertheless its inhabitants had not been altogether neglected, for they had already beeri
honored by the Rev. J. B. Thibeault on a first visit, in the autumn of 1844.
I his man of God came to instruct them on three different occasions, and, in 1851,
Rev. Joseph Bourassa also came to offer them the aid of his ministry. In the course of
these visits, many of the natives had been baptized. Some had received the sacrament of
Christian matrimony and four or five had been admitted to the Eucharistic banquet.
&& In 1852, Bishop I ache, whose diocese then extended all over the North West,
came accompanied by Father Lacombe, as yet a secular priest, and paid a visit, the
principal purpose of which was to take all the necessary measures to discover if Lake
La Biche could provide the means for the support of a missionary settlement, and to in
quire into the disposition of the natives in the matter. The result of these investigations
being favorable, Bishop Tache determined to send a priest to them as soon as possible.
In the spring of 1853 good Father Remas left Red River for Lake St. Anne, but Divine
Providence directed him to Lake La Biche, where he commenced his apostolate amidst
privations and hardships of every kind, but the same holy Providence inspired Father
Lacombe to come to his relief from Lake St. Anne, with many indispensable articles,
and even to take him back with him for the rest of the winter. It was there that
Bishop Tache found them later.
In the beginning of the year 1854 he had left Ile-a-la-Crosse, in the severest sea
son, in the very depth of winter, in company with a hired servant and two Otchipwewan
Indians, and after making a passing call at Fort Pitt and Fort Edmonton he had arrived
at St. Anne, on Palm Sunday. These good Fathers had the consolation of entertaining
His Lordship for three weeks, after which they journeyed with him to Lake La Biche,
where he consecrated the mission to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, under the title of
"Our Lady of Victories."
In the meantime, Father Vegreville came from Ile-a-la-Crosse to pay a visit to
his old schoolfellow and fellow countryman, needless to say to the intense joy and grati
fication of Father Remas.
This Father was badly housed and troubles came to him from many quarters. Yet,
in spite of this, his zeal did not flag in his arduous labors for the salvation of the souls
entrusted to him and he kept to his post, till news came for him, by the February prairie
mail, that another post was assigned to him by an order of obedience for the winter of
1855, when he went again to Lake St. Anne to act as novice master to Father La
combe, who still desired to be enrolled under the banner of Mary Immaculate.
During this first sojourn at Lake La Biche, he had baptized seventy-two, of which there
were as many children as adults, conducted seven marriages and four burials. This
success, in spite of his numerous difficulties, was very consoling and gave testimony to
his untiring energy in the instruction of souls, especially as at that time he spoke
the Cree language only with great difficulty.
To fill the vacancy about to be caused by his departure Fathers Maisonneuve and
Tissot received orders from Bishop Tache to betake themselves to N. D. des Victoires.
The former was stationed at Red River and the latter at Isle-a-la-Crosse.
Father Tissot left Isle-a-la-Crosse on June 11th, and arrived at Lake La Biche
the 24th of the same month.
Father Maisonneuve left Red River on the 2nd of July on the barge of the Hud
son's Bay Company and arrived at Lake La Biche toward the end of September, bring
ing with him, but not without much trouble, the goods destined for the maintenance of
the mission.
Further trouble was now in store. The site which Father Remas had chosen had
soon to be abandoned by reason of its too close proximity to the Fort or trading station
which the owners talked of extending up to the mission house. Thus the missionary
could have no land left then but a narrow place, which afforded no means of approaching
the lake for water. Finally the fishing was not very abundant at this spot and this was a
serious deficiency, for fish was the chief means of subsistence.
All these reasons determined the Fathers to change their place of abode. They
made repeated visits to the borders of the lake to find some better position. At last,
after many attempts, the site on which the present mission stands today seemed to offer
most advantages, and it was chosen, in spite of all the obstacles which arose on all sides.
The new location was six miles away and to establish the mission house at this great
distance was no easy enterprise.
After removing all that he could of the scanty furniture of the house built some
years before by Rev. Fr. Remas with so much trouble and fatigue, Father Fissot aban
doned it on the 20th of March and came to rejoin his brother religious in his encamp
At the new site of the mission, every Sunday, however, he left it to offer Holy
Mass for the Catholics still residing near the Fort. This service he continued to render
them as long as the ice on the lake remained solid.
By dint of hard work the missionaries succeeded in clearing some acres in which
they sowed fourteen barrels of potatoes, a little barley and a quantity of cabbages and
radishes. Meanwhile, the work on the house had been started and advanced, it is true,
very slowly, for the carpenters were only beginners. Nevertheless, it was habitable by
the 1 3th of June, 1856, the day of the arrival of Bishop Tache on a visit to the house.
It certainly was not a palace, yet the sorry piece of work though it was, the mis
sionaries congratulated themselves on having a shelter to protect them a little against bad
weather, and in which they could entertain His Lordsh:'p. Bishop Tache remained at
Lake La Biche till the 14th of June, sharing with the missionaries their modest and ill
prepared hut.
While on his visit, Bishop Tache took the desired opportunity of now determining
the exact limits of the mission. He also blessed the property, and the presence of the
men who had accompanied him was made use of by placing the old house, which still
stood at the former site, upon a raft and bringing it thus along over the lake.
At the time of the Bishop's arrival a cart road had been decided upon to put the
mission in communication with Fort Pitt. Indeed, it had already been begun and car
ried as far as the Little Beaver river, about forty miles from Lake La Biche.
By the 10th of August, the news of the arrival of the oxen and carts ordered from
Red Rver was brought by the Indian guide, who had left the caravan at a standstill
on the route, unable to approach for want of a practical road.
On the 20th of the same month, then, Father Maisonneuve started off with four
men to continue the work already taken up. On the fifteenth day of this work the road
was laid out and opened as far as Fort Pitt, a distance of 100 miles more. All the
country side was waiting to see the efforts of the missionaries fail. In fact, they spoke
of it as a foregone conclusion, when the arrival of the carts themselves put an end to
all their idle talk. The Company and the neighborhood were glad enough now to make
use of this means of communication, ready to admit that without the courageous and
constant efforts of the poor missionaries, the appearance of carts at La Biche could not
have been brought about so speedily.
It was in 1857 that the first two houses were built near the mission, a good sign
that the natives were beginning to come to the priests of their own accord. During this
year, too, Brother Bowes prepared the frame work of a much larger building, destined
in the near future to receive the Sisters.
In the spring of 1858, as the result of great labor and perseverance, a consider
able quantity of limestone was extracted from the lake. A limekiln was immediately
constructed and the Fathers had at their disposal more than 300 bushels of excellent
lime. They commenced at once to construct very strong and solid, in stone, the new
building, the wood work for which was set up in the course of August.
During the summer of the years 1859 and 1860, Fathers Tissot and Maisonneuve,
assisted by Brothers Bowes, became masons and brought the house for the Sisters to a
satisfactory state of completion. A part of the ground floor was, however, reserved
to serve as a public chapel.
At the end of the summer of 1860, after eight years of laborious endeavor, Fr.
Tissot and Fr. Maisonneuve had the consolation at last of seeing their mission each year
progressing materially and spiritually, and being placed more and more on a lasting basis.
They had a house of their own, rude enough, it is true, but still comfortable. In ad
dition, they had built a fine house in stone of two floors, measuring 30 x 50 feet. It
was now time to think of arising and offering the poor, ignorant natives of Lake
La Biche more abundant means of religious instruction. It was time, also, to establish
a good school and, in due course, to open an orphanage.
To the regeneration of a people it is a point of absolute necessity to start by look
ing after the young; an impossibility without a school conducted in a wise and Christian
It was resolved upon, therefore, by the Fathers, that they should obtain Sisters for
the mission of N. D. des Victoires. Bishop Tache again applied to the Superioress
General of the Sisters of Charity of Montreal to be kind enough to send a little colony
of her good nuns to Lake La Biche. Three Sisters received their order of obedience
and made ready to depart, glad to co-operate with the Fathers in the establishment of
Catholicism in these far off territories now being opened to their zeal. These three
Sisters were Rev. Sister Guenette, Superior; Sister Daunais and Sister Tisseur.
In the beginning of May, 1862, Fr. Maisonneuve left with some men for Red
River to meet the Sisters there, where he arrived after a journey of 32 days. On reach
ing Lake La Biche the Sisters had the consolation of seeing the Indians grouping them
selves around the mission. In the course of the summer ten new houses had been begun.
Thus they could see, from the first, that there would not be wanting plenty of work for
their zeal. They courageously took up their duties at once, sharing the labor in a spir
it of mutual charity. They took charge of the chapel, the sacristy and vestry, the ward
robes of the missionaries, the kitchen arrangements and the school. Oftentimes, too, ac
cording to their strength, they helped on the farm, which was being developed more and
more each year, but the principal aim of the constitution of this order is rightly the con
duct of schools and orphanages.
A year after the coming of the Sisters, the Fathers rejoiced that God was each
year blessing their first attempts, and began to think of means of providing bread for
their colony. At the end of June, 1863, they had the satisfaction of being able to build
a mill on a little water course about a mile from their residence.
This mill held on well for many years, rendering valuable service in spite of the
damages it received, which, however, were repaired every year. Meanwhile, Father
Tissot was sent to St. Albert to replace Fr. Lacombe, who was now destined in a
special manner for the evangelization of the Half-breeds and the Blackfoot Indians.
Father Maisonneuve, now worn out with toil and fatigue, and threatened moreover
with complete deafness, received an order of obedience to repair to Red River, whither
Bishop Tache had recalled the good Father to have him near himself, there to secure
for him the rest he so greatly needed.
Father Vegreville was in charge of the mission, when Right Rev. Bishop Faraud,
Vicar Apostolic of Athabasca-McKenzie, came to take up his residence there. This
post could be easily made a point of distribution for all the goods and supplies of the
northern missions. There boats could be built and laden with their cargoes and the La
Biche river, being the outlet of the lake of the same name into the Athabasca river, it
was an easy matter for the boats to go down stream to the said river.
By an agreement concluded in 1877, by Archbishop Tache, delegated for this
purpose by the Very Rev. Superior General of the Oblates, it was decided that the
Mission of Lake La Biche, while remaining part of the Diocese of St. Albert, would
be temporarily considered as a dependency of the religious vicariate of Athabasca-McKen
zie, and administered by Right Rev. Bishop Faraud.
This state of affairs was to be maintained for twelve years more until 1889, when
a new road, through Edmonton, was opened, giving communication with the same river
Athabasca, at Athabasca Landing.
During all this period the Mission at Lake La Biche, being an episcopal residence,
took on great importance and became prominent over all other missions after St. Albert.
Large warehouses were constructed in which to store and keep the supplies of all the
northern missions. There, early in the spring of each year, boats were built in order to
be ready to be launched at high water time in the rainy season. And when the goods
were arriving from Red River or when they were transferred to the boats and the little
fleet was getting ready for the trip, there was, around the mission's buildings, and along
the shore of the lake, a busy and picturesque scene of noisy and bustling activity.
Bishop Henry Faraud, O.M.I., Bishop of Ananour, Vicar Apostolic of Athabas-
ca-McKenzie, arrived at Lake La Biche on the 27th of July, 1875. There were great
rejoicings at the mission, but alas! the joy was not to last long!
We find the following account of the sad event in the annals of the Oblates of
Mary Immaculate:
"On the day following the arrival at Lake La Biche of Rt. Rev. Bishop Faraud,
a good half-breed, named Thomas Hupe, reached the mission. 'Brother Alexis Rey
nard, where is he?' was his first question. 'If the Brother has not yet returned, then
I greatly fear some misfortune has happened. A month ago we left Lake Athabasca
together to come here, in company with my family and an Iroquois half-breed named
Louis Lafrance. The journey was being made satisfactorily when all at once we found
ourselves confronted by the sudden swelling of the waters in the Athabasca river.
" 'We had already passed Fort McMurray at some considerable distance, when we
realized that it was impossible for us to row our way up stream in our canoes. Our
provisions, also, were so reduced that we were quite unable to make for our destination
at Lake La Biche. Then, said I to Brother Alexis, "We have nothing else to do but
to retrace our steps to Fort McMurray and wait there till the river returns to its normal
height. We can then-obtain the necessary supply of provisions from the Hudson's Bay
Company, and we shall then be able straightway to ascend the stream again in safety."
" 'But Brother Alexis replied: "Monseigneur Faraud is waiting for me at Lake La
Biche to construct the boats that are absolutely necessary for the transport of the supplies
indispensable for his mission. I must at all cost arrive at the appointed time, otherwise
all the missions of the north will be in suspense and deprived of their needful supplies.
Return with your family to Fort MclVIurray while I and my guide, Louis the Iroquois,
will go by land to Lake La Biche. We will live as best we can by our guns, and after
six or seven days march across the forest we shall arrive at the mission."
'My wife and I,' added Thomas Hupe, 'returned to Fort McMurray. It is
now three weeks since Brother Alexis and his guide left us, and they ought to have been
here fifteen days ago. Since they have not arrived I can only conclude that some mis
fortune has occurred.'
"The following day, two half-breeds engaged by Father Leduc, left Lake La
Biche to go to the relief of the missing Brother and the guide. Twelve days later they
returned, arriving at the mission at four o'clock in the morning.
'I have found your Brother,' said one of them. 'He is buried under a slight
covering of sand at the entrance of the mouth of the River des Maisons into the Atha
basca river, and what is very extraordinary,' added the man, 'the bones were already
fleshless, but I recognized the Brother very easily by his beard and his hair.
'Brother Alexander Lambert immediately set out with a canoe and four men to
discover the remains of our poor Brother. Arrived at the spot that had been pointed out
to them, they were proceeding to exhume the dead body, when, to their horror, they
found only dried bones, scattered pell mell, while many were completely missing. None
of them bore the marks of an animal's teeth, but they had been chopped in various places,
apparently by the axe that was found by the side of the body, bearing the stains of
blood. I he victim's head was pierced through and through. There was no doubt but
that Brother Reynard had been killed and the charred bones found at some paces from
the spot gave indication that he had served the purpose of appeasing the hunger of his
Iroquois guide.
"The scattered remains were gathered together by Brother Lambert with deep
respect and unspeakable emotion. Twenty days aftrwards we gave reverent burial to
these dear remains after I had examined them myself and had ascertained the identity of
the Brother by the inspection of his hair and his beard which had been left intact. A
shoulder blade was missing. We learnt that it had been found later in the forest, a
day's march from the scene of the crime.
'The murderer had been forced to satiate his hunger on the spot Then, doubt
less, he had stripped the flesh off the bones and carried away as much of it as he was
able, after having first dried it after the manner the Indians on the prairie dry the flesh
of the buffalo. Had the wretched guide himself finally to succumb to his fate? We
may well forecast, for he has neither been seen nor heard of since."
Brother Alexis Reynard had labored for more than twenty years in the missions of
the North with unstinting devotedness. He was always the model of a perfect Re
ligious. His death was terrible from a natural view-point, but God will have received
His faithful servant, to be Himself his eternal recompense.
After the departure of Bishop Faraud from Lake La Biche, 1869, the Mission
lost much of its importance, and became the far away outpost of a Half-Breed settle
The community of Sisters who continued conducting their boarding school for Half-
breed and even Indian children from the surrounding reserves, helped however to keep
up life and movement on the shores of the beautiful lake.
When, however, at the request of the Indian Department the Sisters had to move
away to the Indian reserve of Saddle Lake, it was another sad blow to the old mission.
The year 1898 saw the removal of the community, to the great lament of the whole
population. Then many of the buildings began to fall into decay; the big shed which
had been the warehouse of all the northern missions, gave evident signs of disuse
and abandonment, and the little church by the bank of the lake with its moss-covered roof
looked, indeed very old.
For a long time the lumber and grist mill had been out of commission, and when
the colony of St. Paul des Metis had been started in 1896, what could be still of some
use was carried away to the new mission, with much other material from the former
Yet the parish of Lake La Biche was never abandoned, and under the charge of
successive and devoted missionaries: R. Fathers, Tissier, Grandin, and others it continued
to give to the Half-breed population all the needed spiritual assistance.
Rev. Father Grandin succeeded even, in the year 1904, in getting another com
munity of Sisters to take up the work which had been stopped since the departure of
the Gray Nuns.
The Sisters called Daughter of Jesus came to Lake La Biche, to open a convent
and a school for the people of the surrounding district. The old episcopal residence
was turned over to them, and a new presbytery was built for the priests,
Now, in 1914, the parish is under the care of Rev. Father V. Le Goff, O.M.I.,
assisted by Rev. Father C. Boulenc. The country around has been settling considerably;
a new parish has been for some time in formation, to the north-west end of the lake,
under the name of Plamondonville, and new settlers are coming from many directions.
Besides, by reason of the Alberta and Great Waterways Railroad, which had
been the stumbling block of the former Provincial administration, in march 1910, being
now constructed through this district, a new era of prosperity seems to be still m store for
the country of Lake La Biche. It could not be otherwise, and without being a prophet,
any one could have announced these new and prosperous times, for this Lake La Bichi
country, on account of its vast opportunities and of the magnificent scenery of its lake,
the finest of the whole region of central Alberta.
Up to the period of the conclusion of the treaties passed between the Government
o Canada and the different tribes of Indians in Alberta in the year 1875, the savages
Province had, properly speaking, scarcely any fixed or permanent missions.
Living, for the most part of their time, a nomadic life, now out on the vast prairies
in pursuit of the buffalo; now in the woods trapping wild animals for the skins which
they disposed of to the fur buyers; now on the banks of the lakes and rivers on their
fishing expeditions, they could have no resident priest. It is true, however, that
3blate Fathers visited them regularly and spent a great part of their time in their
various encampments. All those who had to exercise the ministry under these con
ditions are unanimous in declaring that those really were the "good old times."
Without doubt they had none of the material comforts since brought by civilization
hor their only food there sufficed the flesh of the buffalo, dried in the sun, pulverized and
mixed with the melted fat of the animal. This was the famous "pemmican," which, if
not a tasty dish, was at least highly nutritious. Sometimes a good-sized fish, boiled or
roasted, at the camp fire, was the sole repast. There was no bread no vegetables—
but for drink there was plenty of black tea thrown into the pot of water, made, in the
winter time, from the melted snow. At other times the savages were reduced to long
enforced fasts when the chase and the fishing had not been successful. On these
occasions the missionaries shared the lot of their Indians and endured the most severe
One example among many will suffice. The Rev. Father Tissier, now in charge
of Stony Plain, was then in the Peace River district. In the depth of winter he had
accompanied a band of thirty Indians, whose children he was instructing. They were
encamped in the woods, at a distance of a ten to twelve days' journey from any habita
tion and their hunt had been a complete failure. For thirty days, Indians and missionary
were subjected to extreme starvation. Soon, for their sole nourishment they had to be
content with the insignificant "rations" of about one pound of flour, divided among the
whole party. Sometimes a miserable dog, reduced to a mere walking skeleton, vvould
die or be killed by the savages of the camp who disputed among themselves for the
disgusting remains.
In spite of all this the missionary was happy to consecrate his services to the salva
tion of these poor Indians. Meanwhile, he hoped for the day when it would be given
him to see them, if not altogether abandoning their nomadic life, at least able to settle in
a more permanent fashion, in those localities where they could have missionaries at a fixed
place and then receive from them a deeper knowledge of Catholicism and the first
rudiments of a truly Christian civilization.
This desire of the Oblate Missionaries has been realized today in Alberta.
All the Indian tribes located in the Diocese of St. Albert have entered into treaties
with the Government. They have relinquished their rights to their lands on certain con
ditions. They have been permanently established on Reservations set apart for them
and there they have become easy of access for the missionaries, with the result that we
have, at the present time, on most of these "Reserves," as they are called, important and
flourishing missions.
These missions among the different tribes: Crees, Blackfeet, Stoneys, Chipweyan
and Montagnais, are provided with churches, mission-houses, convents, and also in cer
tain cases. Industrial or boarding schools for boys and girls, and even hospitals.
We will now proceed by giving some information on the principal Indian missions
of Central Alberta.
I.— THE MISSION OF N. D. DU T. S. ROSAIRE. (Onion Lake).
The Onion Lake Mission, originally dedicated to St. Louis, King of France, can
be looked upon as the survivor of many other missions which have passed through various
vicissitudes, such as those of St. Francis Regis at Fort Pitt; Our Lady of Good Counsel
at Frog Lake and St. Charles at Long Lake.
In August, 1877, the Rev. Fr. Lestanc and the Rev. Fr. A. Fafard, accompanied
by Brother Boon, left St. Albert to found the mission at Fort Pitt. They were received
with hospitality by Mr. McKay, the Chief Factor of the Hudson's Bay Company, at
this post. As yet the savages and half-breeds at this point had been visited but rarely
by Rev. Fr. Maisonneuve, who resided at Lake La Biche. Father Lestanc had to
accompany the hunters on their buffalo seeking expedition, while Father Fafard re
mained, for the most part, alone. In 1878, the Rev. Father Bourgine was appointed
as his companion and in 1 880, as Father Lestanc was sent to undertake the missions
around Battleford, his place was taken by Rev. Father Merer.
Father Fafard could now devote himself a little more actively to the other groups of
Indians established elsewhere. Then, in 1882, some had chosen a Reserve at Frog
Lake, and but rarely visited Fort Pitt, and consequently it became important to establish
a mission on their behalf, of which mission Father Fafard was especially put in charge.
He chose a beautiful elevated ground, situated at a little distance from the Agency, and
built there a little church which was placed under the patronage of Our Lady of Good
Counsel. The other Indians having established themselves at Onion Lake, the Mission
of Fort Pitt was no longer necessary and it was abandoned in 1884.
A certain number of the Indians at Onion Lake were regarded as Protestants. In
deed, a Protestant minister had been in evidence here since 1876. But many had been
baptized on the prairies by Father Lacombe or some other Catholic missionary, and as
soon as the mission was established they immediately came to it. 1 here was a band.
also, living further off at Long Lake, which was entirely composed of good Catholics.
In 1 884, the Rev. Father Merer, who had built a house-chapel at Onion Lake,
having gone to St. Albert on the occasion of the celebration of Bishop Grandin's Sil
ver Jubilee, fell sick and had to remain there. Rev. Father Marchand, who had arrived
there about two years before, was thinking of having this house-chapel blessed by Easter
Sunday, 1885, but sad and painful events had to intervene, to destroy in a few days all
the work of many years. For the mission at Onion Lake as well as that of Frog Lake,
both became the prey of flames.
The brief story of these sorrowful events may be here recorded. About this time
there had come into the midst of these savages, especially at Frog Lake, a band of Indi
ans, all infidels still, composed of twenty families under the Chief "Big Bear.' There
they passed the winter of 1884-5. As they did not belong to this Reserve, they did
not share in the distribution of rations which were made, from time to time, by the Gov
ernment officials, and in consequence they were discontented.
Moreover, as they were of a savage and fierce disposition, they brought about other
disagreeable circumstances for themselves and they were in such a state of mind that any
motive whatever would be likely to drive them to excesses. Unfortunately the occasion
then presented itself.
1. — Indian Mission, Beaver Lake.
2. — Church at Nillet.
3. — St. Mathias, Indian Mission.
4. — Indian of Cold Lake.
5. — Vegreville Church.
6. — Quarrel Lake, Polish Mission.
7. — Spring Lake.
8. — One of Rev. Fr. Kulawy's, O.M.I.
Polish Missions, Lake Demay.
Louis Riel, at the head of the Half-breeds and Indians, had had recourse to arms
to vindicate their rights. There had been an encounter attended with bloodshed at Duck
Lake. Two letters coming from the Half-breed leader caused a great deal of excite
ment in minds already restless, especially in "Big Bear's" band. Several meetings were
held. In the first two, the opinion prevailed of the wisdom of keeping quiet. Neverthe
less, at the third gathering, presided over by "Big Bear" himself, it was decided that all
the whites, half-breeds and Indians should betake themselves in a body to "Big Bear's"
camp, near Frog Lake, with the purpose, as it was supposed, of avoiding all danger.
All the other savages dared not oppose this plan. The true leader, however, seems to
have been "Big Bear's" son, rather than "Big Bear" himself, who was, it is said, a
peaceable man.
Next day, April 2, was Holy Thursday. The church's special service for this
day took place as usual, and although the minds were much excited and many of the
Indians carried arms, there was no disorder in the church. The Rev. Fr. Marchand
had come from Frog Lake to join his Superior, as, on this day, it is customary for
priests to make their Easter communion. At the conclusion of the service, the two Fath
ers started on their way to "Big Bear s" camp, according to orders issued to them.
The Agent, Mr. Quinn, had, however, not been accustomed to receive orders from
Indians and it is probable that he made some objections and refused to leave for the
camp. "Wandering Spirit," one of "Big Bear's" councillors, came to repeat anew
the order to follow. With his gun pointing to the man he gave him three successive com
mands. At the last summons, on the Agent's refusal to obey, "Wandering Spirit" fired,
the bullet taking effect in the forehead and stretching him dead on the spot.
This was the disastrous signal ! In a moment the cry reached among the Indians.
"Death to the Whites," and indeed in a few minutes nearly all had fallen under the
death dealing bullets.
The two Fathers were already on their way, when the sound of the fusilade at
tracted their attention and caused them anxious alarm. They were at some distance from
each other when an Indian arrived in all haste, exclaiming to Father Fafard that Mr.
Delaney, the farmer, was fatally wounded and was calling for him. The missionary
returned on his path, and it was while on his knees near the dying man, administering
absolution to him, that he, himself, fell, struck by a bullet. Thus, in the very exercise of
his Sacred ministry he received the Martyr's Crown.
The Rev. Fr. Marchand had continued to follow those who were taking him to the
camp. On learning, however, that his companion and Superior had himself fallen mor
tally wounded, he came back to assist and console him, but he had not time to rejoin
him, for as he appeared on the top of a little knoll he was himself struck on the fore
head and expired on the spot. Father Fafard had not been killed outright, but an In
dian seeing him in the throes of his agony, shot him again to give him the finishing blow,
out of pity, as he pretended afterwards.
Some good Catholics carried the bodies of both martyrs away and deposited them
on the floor of the little mission church. A little time after, other Indians, intoxicated
with blood and carnage, set fire to the church, but the floor of the church, having fallen
in, the bodies were partially covered with earth, which prevented their complete destruc
tion. Some days afterward they were found there by the soldiers, who buried them
reverently in the little cemetery close by. There they rested until the time of their
translation to the Mission of N. D. du T. S. Rosaire, at Onion Lake.
After this massacre of Fathers Fafard and Marchand, the other missions of Long
Lake and Onion Lake underwent the same fate as that of Frog Lake, They also were
burned and destroyed from top to bottom. However, the work was not interrupted very
long by these sad events, and in the month of August of the same year we find Father
Remas at Onion Lake, striving to revive the downcast spirits of these poor Indians who
had allowed themselves to be so sadly led astray by the pernicious councils of some over
excited leaders. In the autumn of the same year, 1885, Bishop Grandin also came to
mourn over the martyrs' remains and to bewail the sad ruins of these promising missions.
In the summer of the following year, 1886, the Rev. Father Merer was appointed
to raise again the poor mission of Onion Lake from its ruins. By September he
had already built a little house, but it was quite insufficient for the crowd of Indians who
gathered there on Sundays. In the following year, 1887, it became necessary to build
another house-chapel of more spacious capacity, in which Holy Mass was celebrated for
the first lime on Christmas Day.
In the course of the summer, in August, the Rev. Fr. Dauphin came to join Father
Merer, and, thanks to the enlightened /eal of these missionaries, the number of Chris
tians rapidly increased, so that for the third time in two years it was found necessary to
undertake a new building. This time it was to be a real church, exclusively devoted
to divine worship. It was commenced on the first of June, 1888, and the work was
pushed on with such activity that it was nearly finished for the feast of the Holy Rosary,
October 7th, the day appointed for the solemn blessing.
Bishop Grandin, himself, blessed the church, assisted by Rev. Fathers Merer, Le
GofT, Dauphin, Cochin, Vachon and Penard. This mission had originally been de
dicated to St. Louis, King of France, but, on this occasion, it was placed under the
protection of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, keeping St. Louis as a second patron saint.
On this occasion Bishop Grandin also blessed two bells, one for Onion Lake and the
other for Cold Lake mission, and all these beautiful ceremonies performed by His Lord
ship, surrounded by a number of the clergy, made a lively impression on all the Indians
of the Reserve.
Father Merer was now no longer in charge of this mission. On the 29th o(
August of this year, 1888, he had been removed to another field of labor and Father
Dauphin had remained to fill his place. On the 13th of December, 1890, the Rev.
Father Fhenen came to lend his co-operation, as Father Dauphin was experiencing
fatigue, but on the 5th of September of the following year, Father Therien received
his order of obedience for Calgary and he was replaced by the Rev. Father C. Boulenc.
I he missionaries have always realized the importance of the education of the
children. Thus a day school had been opened since 1886, which was attended as reg
ularly as is possible on an Indian Reserve. But, here, as elsewhere, the need was felt
of a Religious Community of Sisters to direct so important a work with success. Bishop
Grandin had succeeded in obtaining the co-operation of the Rev. Sisters of the Assump
tion of Nicolet, and on the 8th of September, 1891, the feast of the Nativity of the
Blessed Virgin, the first nuns arrived under the personal conduct of Bishop Grandin, who
wished to install them himself in their poor mission. These first Sisters were Rev.
Sisters St. Ignace, Superioress; St. Stanislas, and St. Patrice. They immediately entered
upon the charge of the school, which, under their management, has not ceased to develop
and assume importance.
It was in the course of this visit of Bishop Grandin, on September 15, 1891, that
the sad ceremony of the translation of the venerated remains of the brave missionaries
massacred at Frog Lake took place, in the presence of a great gathering of people; all
of the employees of the Indian Department, all of the Indians, Catholic as well as Pro
testant, and the Protestant minister himself. The bodies were borne from the little
cemetery of the former mission of Frog Lake and had been deposited in two separate cof
fins, which, after the funeral services, were solemnly lowered into the vault prepared for
their reception in the middle of the church of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, where
they still remain. During his stay on the Reserve the Mission Cemetery was also solemn
ly blessed by His Lordship.
Since this period there have been many changes in the mission staff. In August,
1892, the Rev. Father Boulenc was replaced by the Rev. Fr. Cunningham to assist
Rev. Father Dauphin. Two years later, in August, 1894, Father Dauphin himself
was replaced by the Rev. Father Therien. Up to this time the Sisters had only been
able to keep a day school, but this system was far from giving the satisfaction desirable.
On February 17, 1893, the school house built by the Rev. Fr. Merer and opened on
February 6, 1886, accidentally became the prey of the flames. Thereupon, owing to
the demands of Bishop Grandin, and the endeavors of Father Therien, permission
was obtained from the Indian Department for the erection of a boarding school for fifty
Indian children, with a pecuniary grant to aid in the building of it.
Since that time the Christian education of the children is much more complete and
the results obtained are far more durable.
Other changes of the staff may be briefly noted. In January, 1896, Father Fhe-
rien was succeeded in the charge of the mission by Rev. Father Comire, with Father
Cunningham as his assistant. The latter was replaced in July of the following year,
1897, by Rev. Father Lestanc, who only remained eight months, but during this short
space gave free scope to his apostolic zeal. In January, 1 899, Rev. Fr. Phillipot
came as Father Comire" s companion to be initiated in the mission work among the Indians
and to learn the Cree language. In July, 1900, Fr. Comire being called to the Industrial
School at Dunbow, the Rev. Fr. Boulenc returned to take charge of the mission at
Onion Lake. When, however, he had to exchange it for the new colony of St. Paul des
Metis, Father Cunningham was again recalled to replace him.
In 1903, Father Phillipot, requiring rest, was replaced by Rev. Father Portier,
who later on, in March, 1906, was transferred to the Mission of Stoney Plain, while
Rev. Fr. Tissier came from the latter place to direct the mission of N. D. du St. Rosaire.
He remained there only about one and one-half year, when he was again called upon
to assume the direction of his former post at Stoney Plain. But during this brief space,
Father Tissier knew how to fight the good fight. On his departure the Rev. Fr. Le
Clainche came to Onion Lake as Father Cunningham's assistant. The assistant of Rev.
Father Cunningham is now (1914), Rev. Father Dupe, O.M.I.
At the present moment the mission is on an excellent footing. The boarding school
is very successful. The Indians show themselves more than ever disposed to allow their
children to be instructed and to have them at the boarding school for that purpose. There
are at present seventy children of both sexes under the direction of eight or nine religious.
The Catholic Indians of the Reserve show respect to the priests and are attached to
their religion, and although they are not perfect, they nevertheless afford some con
solation to those who are entrusted with the salvation of their souls.
Besides the Mission of N. D. du St. Rosaire, the missionaries of Onion Lake have
still to give their attention to the different other posts:
1st. The station of Long Lake, situated fifty-five miles from Onion Lake, com
prising twenty-five Catholic families.
2nd. That of Frog Lake, which has not had a resident missionary, since the
sad events of 1885, situated about twenty-five miles from Onion Lake. It is com-
posed of fifteen Indian or Half-breed families.
3rd. Vermilion, on the south of the Saskatchewan river, situated more than 100
miles from the Onion Lake mission. This station is of recent date and is composed of
twenty Half-breed families, who have come from the colony of St. Paul des Metis since
1906 (to settle there and avail themselves of the opportunities given them by the Gov
ernment of taking homesteads). They are all good Christians, who are glad to welcome
the visits of their missionary.
Besides these, it is necessary to visit the Cold Lake Reserve from time to time for the
benefit of those Indians who do not speak the Tchipweyan language, as well as Island
Lakes where there are some Catholics among the Indians not yet belonging to the Faith.
Father Cunningham is especially responsible for these visits and a great part of his time
is taken up on these long and often arduous journeys.
This mission was originally dedicated under the name of the Great Apostle St.
Paul, for it seemed to succeed to the Mission of St. Paul des Cris, founded by Rev. Fr.
Lacombe, on the banks of the Saskatchewan at the place called today, Brousseau. The
Mission of Saddle Lake is likewise situated on the banks of the Saskatchewan about
twenty miles higher up. The Mission of St. Paul des Cris had been abandoned in 1873;
that of Saddle Lake was not definitely founded until 1888.
Nevertheless, it was visited from time to time from the year 1878. It is true that
the population was not very numerous. There were only ten families then living at this
spot, when the missionaries from Fort Pitt or Frog Lake from time to time made a short
After the unhappy crisis of 1885, the Indian Department insisted on the Indians
scattered to the south of Victoria and in the neighborhood of Egg Lake (today Whit-
ford) being gathered on to the Reserve at Saddle Lake. In consequence this Reserve
was increased in size and in fact became but one with those of While Fish and Good
Fish Lakes, under Chief Pakan. On the visit of the Rev. Fr. Merer in 1886,
they made great and earnest entreaties for a resident missionary in their midst, but their
number was still very limited, consisting of only five Catholic families, to which must
be added six others residing at White Fish Lake. It was not then possible to grant
their request, but, for the two following years, they were visited by the missionary from
Onion Lake.
Nevertheless, from the time of his visit in the month of July, 1888, the Rev. Fr.
Merer perceived that this state of affairs could not last long without great danger to the
faith of the Catholics, for there was a Protestant mission at White Fish Lake and the
Protestant missionary sometimes came to hold religious services in their neighborhood.
The Catholics who were only visited twice a year, at times went to assist at these services.
It is true that they went there, beads in hand, and by way of compensating themselves
for the privation to which they were submitted from the religious point of view, but it
was none the less a serious danger, and the wisest and the oldest amongst them did not
hesitate to express to the missionary the fear that, in a few years, the children would come
to confound the two religions.
Accordingly the Rev. Fr. Merer made careful report of the situation to Bishop
Grandm. He exposed the danger to which the faith of the Catholics was exposed in
this district and the hope he had of leading back to the practices of their religious
duties a good number of Christians who had been formerly baptized by Rev. Fr.
Lacombe or other missionaries, from Lake La Biche or elsewhere, and who, while living
habitually at Good Fish Lake or White Fish Lake, in the neighborhood of the Protestant
mission, had practically abandoned all Catholic practices and were passing for Protes
tants. Finally he pointed out the advisability of establishing an intermediary post be
tween St. Albert and Lake La Biche on the one hand and Onion Lake on the other.
This reasoning was accepted and the Rev. Fr. Merer, who had directed the Mission of
Onion Lake since 1886, was himself entrusted with the charge of organizing the new
foundation. He left Onion Lake on the 13th of August, 1888, and arrived three
days after at Saddle Lake.
The Indians were overjoyed to see their desires realized and they gave the mis
sionary the best reception. For their first religious establishment they were satisfied with
a little shed, built of logs and covered with earth, and leaning against the house of an
Indian named Alexis and communicating with it. This provisional installation lasted for
nearly two years and here the Indians were assembled every Sunday for Holy Mass,
Catechism and afternoon service. A hundred persons could be crowded into the two
dwellings and the congregation was always numerous, for these good Christians, some-
times coming from a long distance, would bring their victuals with them and would
not return to their homes until all the religious services for the day were over.
They could have provided themselves somewhat sooner with a less primitive as
sembly room, but they met with opposition which it is useless to recite here in detail.
Chief Pakan always remained opposed to the Catholics, and the Protestants, who
were certainly more numerous, were unwilling to permit the Catholics to build on the
Reserve. Nevertheless, owing to the negotiations entered upon by Bishop Grandin with
the officials of the Indian Department, this discussion ended by it being made clear
that the Catholics of this Reserve had also the right to have the means of practicing the
Religion of their choice as well as had the others.
It must be said that the Catholics had the good sense to meet the provocations of
their adversaries with no other reply than that of patience and calm, and thanks to this
moderation and their union in rallying around their missionary, they ended by securing
their rights.
The first house-chapel, which still serves as the residence of the missionary, was
built on the present site of the Mission in the course of the year 1890. It measured
32 x 24 feet and was of two floors, of which the top served as the dwelling part and
the lower as the chapel. The Catholic population had notably increased. There were
several abjurations and many marriages had been duly celebrated. The Catholics of
Good Fish Lake, although thirty-five miles distant, came regularly several times during
the year on the occasion of the greater feasts, and encamped for several days round
the mission, to fulfill their religious duties. Finally there were also some Half-breed
families settled towards the place known today under the name of St. Paul des Metis.
In consequence, the missionary of Saddle Lake at this period had the care of about 300
At this time, too, the first school was organized. The building of the school house
was begun on September 19th and was finished on October 26th, costing about $700.
Mr. A. Betournay came to visit this school, even before the building was completed.
Mr. William Todd was the first teacher. The Agency for the Department was, at this
time, entrusted to Mr. Ross, assistant to Mr. Potvin.
On the 8th of August, 1892, Rev. Fr. Boulenc arrived at Saddle Lake, to fill
the post now left vacant by Rev. Fr. Merer, who had been summoned to St. Albert to
help in the duties of the parish. In September, 1894, Bishop Grandin visited the mis
sion for the first time.
The work of evangelization had continued in a sustained manner. The frequent
visits of the Catholic missionary at White Fish and Good Fish Lakes had dispelled the
prejudices of the Protestants. There was no longer such marked opposition. Indeed,
the priest was often sent for to the sick bed of those who were reputed to be Protestants,
in preference to the minister. In 1897, on the occasion of a journey to Saddle Lake,
the Rev. Fr. Leduc baptized the last pagan Indian. This was the old father of Crane.
This old man was then nearly 80 years of age. He it was, who m 1876 had inadvert
ently killed the great Cree Chief Wikaskokiseyin, or "Sweet Grass," who was so well
loved and respected by his race.
After the conclusion of the treaty with the Crees, during the months of August
and September, 1876, the Government had made a present of some ordnance revolvers
to the Indian chiefs. These were objects of curiosity for them. One day when visiting
"Sweet Grass" (Wikaskokiseym) the old man asked the chief to show him his curious
firearm. While handling it and not knowing that it was loaded, he touched the trigger and
the ball pierced the heart of the famous chief. It was his brother and his friend whom
he had shot and he remained disconsolate for the rest of his life.
On the 18th of January, 1898, the Mission of Saddle Lake was visited by Bishop
Legal. The Rev. F. H. Grandin was then in charge, having been so since October
2nd of the preceding year, with Fr. Boulenc remaining on, as his assistant, with the
special task of visiting the surrounding posts as far as Birch Creek, and what afterwards
became Vegreville.
At this period, in accordance with the desire expressed by the Government, it had
been already decided to transfer the Indian boarding school from Lake La Biche to
Saddle Lake. The new school house had hardly been finished towards the end of July,
1898, when the transfer took place. It was opened in its new location on August 1st
of the same year, and ever since that time it has fulfilled its purpose with the utmost
The following year the new chapel was erected by Brothers Bowes and Nemoz.
It was dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, thus giving the name to the Mission.
In 1902, towards the end of the month of August, the Rev. Father Grandin re
turned to Lake La Biche, where he had already resided for a long time, again to take
charge of this Mission, but he retained, nevertheless, the title of Superior of the whole
Saddle Lake district. The Mission at Saddle Lake had now for its director the Rev.
Father L. Baiter, who had already acted as Fr. Grandin's assistant for three years.
There were two other humble but devoted missionaries to be mentioned as living
at this time at the Mission where they had labored so much, and whither they had
come to end their days. They were Brother Alexandre Lambert, who died on October
23rd, 1905, and Brother A. Nemoz, who died on July 1st, 1906, both of whom left
behind them the memory of holy and devoted religious.
In 1906 the Rev. Father Baiter commenced the publication of "The Sacred
Heart," a small monthly journal, published in Cree and lithographed in syllabic char
acters for the benefit of the Indians. This newspaper soon took the place of another
periodical of the same type that had been already inaugurated by the Rev. Fr. Lizee
at Lake St. Anne under the title of "The Lake St. Anne Cross."
The Rev. Father Baiter has of late obtained a proper printing press and with the
assistance of Brother Guibert to second his efforts, he is now about to present his little
publication in a more attractive external guise, but which, however, has always been
edited in an interesting manner and which is called upon to do much good among the
Cree speaking people. Rev. Father A. Husson, O.M.I., is now in charge of the
mission, but he has still the efficient assistance of Father Baiter. (1914).
Two-thirds, at least, of the Tchipweyan population of Cold Lake bear the name
of Janvier, or are the descendants of some Janvier. The parent stock of these families
is indeed a certain Janvier who came from Lower Canada as an employee or servant of
the North West Company, which had a post on the North bank of the Beaver river,
about two miles from the present Mission.
This Janvier took to wife a 1 chipweyan woman from Cold Lake or its neighbor
hood, and by her he had among other children the twin sons, Jean Baptiste, who became
the parent stock of the Janviers of Portage la Loche, and Basile, that of the Janviers of
Cold Lake. This Canadian Janvier returned to Lower Canada when the North West
Company was definitely supplanted by the Hudson's Bay Company. After his father's
departure, Basile was engaged by the Chief Factor in charge at the Fort as its hunter
or food provider, a post of confidence which gave him a certain importance among his
When the Rev. J. B. Thibault came in 1844 to winter at Lac la Grenouille (Frog
Lake) this Basile had a great number of children who were all baptized in the spring of
1 844. They were all good Christians, the women especially, who have never wavered
in their attachment to their religion. Nevertheless, one of their brothers, regarded by all
as the chief of all the band, unfortunately gave occasion for a deplorable scandal by send
ing away his legitimate wife and taking in her place the widow of one of his brothers.
This happened in 1864 or 1865. All did what they could to bring him back to his
duty. Old Basile, his father, although now more than 80 years of age, and fallen al
most mto his second childhood, did not fail to reproach him with his conduct, but every
thing was of no avail, and to prove the feeblemindedness of these poor Tchipweyans,
this scandal, given by one man alone, had the effect of discouraging the others and
causing them to neglect the practices of religion. The women continued, however, to be
take themselves every spring to Ile-a-la-Crosse to go to their religious duties.
In 1870 the Rev. Fr. L. LeGoff, on his arrival at the Mission of Ile-a-la-Crosse,
became acquainted with this state of affairs. He would have liked to have gone to Cold
Lake to try to find a remedy for the situation, but his knowledge of the language was
as yet insufficient and he resolved to wait.
In 1874, according to an arrangement made the previous year, three or four young
men from Cold Lake came to meet the missionary and they arrived at Ile-a-la-Crosse
about Easter Eve. The priest was to return with them and they departed together on
April 6th, Easter Monday.
The first halting place was at Lake de L'Outarde, (Goose Lake) where there was
a Tchipweyan village in which the missionary was to give a first mission. The journey
to Lac de L'Outarde is about 1 30 miles and it was accomplished in about four days.
The missionary did not delay there long, four or five days only. Besides, all were
decided to accompany him to Cold Lake, where consequently they would have every
facility for being present at the spiritual exercises of a second mission, more important
than the first. There were still sixty miles before reaching Cold Lake. When the banks
of the lake appeared on the horizon, where the Tchipweyan band had their dwellings,
the missionary experienced some anxiety. Was his important and difficult mission to
succeed? He recommended it to the archangel Raphael, promising that if he should
take this cause under his protection, the first mission to be founded at Cold Lake should
be dedicated in his honor.
The missionary was well received, even by the bigamist Indian himself. On the
next morning a great assembly was convoked for the purpose of treating the difficult
question. The missionary, in his address, referred to the scandal and the necessity thai
lay on the culprit of putting himself right with his conscience and his God, by sending
his concubine away and taking back his legitimate wife. After him, one of the guilty
man's younger brothers, a man of thirty years of age, also spoke, and in an address
which lasted between two and three hours, he spoke with so much force, eloquence and
conviction that the day seemed gained. No one dared to add anything to his words.
Even the bigamist himself, now disconcerted and overcome, declared himself ready to do
all that was expected of him. The Archangel Raphael was doubtless no stranger in
this result, for the guilty man dismissed his concubine.
Nevertheless, the evil spirit was not prepared to relax his hold en his prey so easily.
Hardly had the missionary returned to Ile-a-la-Crosse than the two culprits returned to
their evil ways. The following spring, when the missionary came to pay his annual
visit, they even tried to elude him. On the pretext of a short hunting expedition, on the
eve of the day on which he was expected to arrive, they had betaken themselves away
and they only returned when they thought he had departed. But they were deceived,
for the good Father was still waiting for them. They were very crestfallen, and the
poor culprit exclaimed to the missionary, "Look here! I am a fool. Leave me alone.
People don't bother about fools. " But he was not so easily to escape the lesson he
deserved. He took time for reflection and finally declared himself ready to return to
his duty. This time his resolution was decisive. Every one was relieved and hence
forward, as the cause of scandal had now disappeared, all seemed to take fresh courage
in the faithful practice of their religious duties.
The Rev. Fr. Le GofF continued thus for six years visiting them at least once a
year towards Easter, in addition to which he had more than two visits to pay during the
winter in answer to sick calls. These journeys, especially in spring time in preparation for
Easter, were attended with severe hardships. He had usually to splash his way, almost
all the time, in the melting snow. Father Le Goff found them especially painful, for
although he was an excellent walker on snow-shoes (raquettes) or otherwise, by reason
of the nervous excitement which he experienced he could neither eat nor sleep, while on
the journey. Thus, when reaching Lac de L'Outarde, after a four or five days' march,
his strength was generally below zero point. On one occasion, among others, he found
himself so enfeebled that it was impossible for him to begin his mission, as he could
neither speak nor hear confessions. It was not till two days later, after resting, that his
energies began to be restored.
At the end of 1879, it was thought advisable to appoint another Father to take
charge of Cold Lake. Father Le Goff had sufficient work to engage his attention with the
Indians of Ile-a-la-Crosse and those of Portage la Loche, who numbered from 1,000
to 1,100. According to the census taken in the preceding year of Cold Lake, there
were no more than 1 1 0 to 115 Indians there. In consequence the Rev. Fr. E. Petitot,
a recent arrival from the McKenzie district, was appointed to organize the Mission at
Cold Lake. This father was a scholar, but while engaged on his philological and
ethnological studies he was also actively employed providing the Indians with the news
of religion, and if there was any long journey to make on a far off sick call, he was
not the man to fear the distance or the difficulties of the road. But, at the end of two
years, in the autumn of 1881, for reasons of health, Fr. Petitot had to leave Cold Lake,
and for a time the Indians were without a priest.
In 1882 the Rev. Father Le Goff was called upon to leave Ile-a-la-Crosse and
settle definitely at Cold Lake, where he has remained ever since. Father Petitot had
built his first house near Lake L'Hamecon, some five miles from the present mission. On
his arrival, Fr. Le Goff built, with the aid of the savages, a little house-chapel, 22 feet
square, with a little addition, shed-roofed, twelve feet square, adjoining, to serve as a
private chapel, and on Sundays the whole was turned into a church by sliding two doors
into grooves. But in winter it was difficult to guard against the cold, for the building
was like an ice house. However, the missionary remained twelve years under these
In 1891 the new structures were begun, comprising a church, a house a little
more suitable and comfortable, and some outhouses. The house was of two floors,
30 x 40 feet in dimensions. The church 40 x 22, with its sanctuary 15x12 feet is
well constructed with its vaulted roof and an elegant bell tower. It is painted within,
and its exterior is fairly tasteful, but unhappily the church is too small for the Tchip-
weyan worshippers, who are always very assiduous in their attendance at the religious
ceremonies. The outhouses comprise a cart shed and a stable. The whole was
finished in 1894 with the exception of a kitchen 22 x 20, which was added to the
dwelling house in 1 896.
We must now make special mention, among other events, of the unfortunate affair
of 1885. The Tchipweyan Indians of Cold Lake could very easily have gone for
refuge to Lac L'Outarde, where they could have spent a pleasant time in full security,
and this their devoted missionary advised them to do, but other counsels prevailed, which
shows the want of sagacity in these good people. Instead, they joined "Big Bear's"
camp, near Frog Lake. On arriving they perceived the trap into which they had
been ensnared, but it was too late. They had gone there to seek protection, impelled
by their timidity, for, to own the truth, there is no tribe less warlike than the Tchipweyan.
The only result of their false move was the loss of a great number of their animals and
their effects, and the loss, into the bargain, of Government favors.
We must notice a violent epidemic of small pox which raged at the beginning of
the year 1 889, and made many victims. The Rev. Fr. Le Goff had just departed for
the East of Canada with the view of having some grammars, prayer books and sermons
printed in the Tchipweyan language. His place was filled by the Rev. Fr. Penard,
whose knowledge of the native language was as yet very slight, but the Rev. Fr. Dauph
in, of Onion Lake, came to his assistance and gave valuable help in attending to
those who understood the Cree language.
In spite, however, of his very limited knowledge of the Tchipweyan tongue, the
Rev. Fr. Penard conducted the Mission in a very satisfactory manner, hearing confes
sions and administering the sacraments through the assistance of interpreters, if he had
no means of doing otherwise, and on Father Le Goff's return all was found to be going
on admirably. Father Penard has the reputation of having a firm hand in his adminis
tration and this is what the Tchipweyans need.
Besides this absence of some months in 1889, Fr. Le Goff had had no other holi
day in the space of the sixteen years he had spent at this Mission. In I 899, however,
he obtained leave for a prolonged absence of seven or eight months in which to revisit
his relations in France. In the interval he was replaced by Fr. Lestanc, who, in spite
of his ignorance of Tchipweyan made himself beloved by these good Indians.
The Rev. Fr. Le Goff had generally been alone on this far away post, but in 1 902
the Rev. Fr. J. Portier was sent as his assistant and he remained there two years, from
January, 1902, to January, 1904. In October of 1906 the Rev. Fr. LeClainche was
sent to study the Tchipweyan language, but his health did not permit him to remain
long and he left in February, 1907. Father Le Goff at present has only a Brother
as his companion, who combines the offices of a cook with all the other duties of a lay
The population, which was only 1 1 0 to 1 1 5 in 1879 has since increased by births
and by recruits from Lac de Coeur (Heart Lake) and Ile-a-la-Crosse. At present
there are about 300 souls. The Mission can now be said to be organized like a civilized
parish. On Sundays and Feast days is High Mass in the forenoon and Catechism
immediately after mid-day; at 1.30 p.m. Hymn singing, instructions, Rosary and Benedic
tion of the Blessed Sacrament. The Tchipweyans are fond of the church's services and
never grow weary of singing hymns in their own tongue. There are 170 to 180 com
municants and nearly all approach the Sacraments at Christmas and Easter, and others
at the principal Feasts of the year, and those of the Blessed Virgin. Each Sunday there
are many communions. In the year 1907, on the occasion of the pastoral visit of His
Lordship, the Bishop of St. Albert, there were twelve first communions and twenty-
five confirmations. What renders the ministry difficult are the sick calls, for the In
dians do not remain constantly on the Reserve. They are often absent on hunting ex
peditions 100 to 150 miles away to the North, East or to the West. Rev. Father L.
Le Goff had contemplated for a long time the publication of a Dictionary of the Tchip
weyan language. He has gone now, 1914, to Europe for this purpose and his place
is filled by Rev. Father Dauphin, O.M.I.
Heart Lake is about 1 30 miles north-east of Cold Lake, but much nearer Lake
La Biche. However, there are 80 Tchipweyan Indians there, and therefore it is the
missionary from Cold Lake who visits them. At present he makes the journey twice a
year, once in summer and again in winter. Formerly the winter travelling was done on
snow shoes with a dog train. At present, by taking a longer course and passing by Lake
La Biche, thus making a journey of 200 miles, the distance can be done by carriage with
less strain and hardships. There is neither chapel nor priest's house at Lac de Coeur,
but Holy Mass is celebrated in a poor Indian cabin. Though poor and abandoned,
these Tchipweyans are, however, a kind hearted people and good Christians, and if
only they were more numerous and in better circumstances, they also would be glad to
have their own little chapel.
4.— THE MISSION OF ST. ALEXANDER.— Riviere qui Barre.
I he Mission of St. Alexander is situated near the Riviere que Barre, about twenty-
two miles from St. Albert, but it was not originally started here. It is an Indian mission
of Crees and "Stonies," nevertheless the Cree language is the only one in use at present.
Formerly their hunting grounds extended over all that part of the country north of Ed
monton bounded by the Athabaska river. Their trading post was especially the old
Fort Assiniboine, of which there only remain a few traces. The Hudson's Bay Com
pany had also a small post at Lake La Nonne, where each winter they sent an em
ployee to trade for furs.
A somewhat numerous band was settled in this direction and the missionaries com
menced to visit them. In 1 869 the Rev. Fr. Leduc made a short stay there, but the
Indians asked for a resident priest and towards the end of June, 1877, the Rev. Fr.
Fafard was sent to take up his abode with them. He built a little house for himself
on the shore of the lake, on the eastern side near that of the Chief Katchikaweskam. The
mission was, from the beginning, put under the patronage of St. Alexander in honor of
His Lordship, Bishop Tache. On July ! 9th, however, Fr. Fafard returned to St. Al
bert and the house built by him was hardly habitable, when the Rev. Fr. Tou/.e arrived
to replace him, so that he was obliged to take up his quarters in the chief's dwelling.
Henceforth the evangelization of these Indians began in a more continuous manner.
It must be mentioned, however, that a number had already been baptized by a Methodist
minister. Nevertheless, with some few exceptions, they gave the best of welcome to the
Catholic priest. 'I he chief was one of the most zealous. He gave hospitality to him
and in return he and his family received a thorough course of religious instruction. He
sent away one of his two wives and received baptism at St. Albert on Easter Sunday,
1878, Jiaving for his god-father the Rev. Fr. Blanche!, and for his god-mother the Rev.
Sister Shette. Since then he is known especially by his Christian name of "Alexander"
It was^ decided to fix the site of the Mission in a more appropriate position near
the Hudson's Bay post, to the north of the lake, and indeed another more convenient
house was built there by Mr. Majeau. Fr. Touze came to take up residence there,
accompanied by Brother L. Van Tighen, who, while engaged in continuing his studies,
at the same time worked at the completion of the interior of the house.
In the autumn of this year, 1877, the Cree Indians had signed a treaty with the
Government and Alexander was recognized as the Chief of the band. This brought
about other changes. In fact, on the 16th of October, 1879, Mr. Wadsworth, Inspec
tor of Farms for the Indian Department, arrived with Mr. J. J. McHugh and Mr.
James O'Donnell, whose business was to choose a suitable place for the Indian Reserve.
I hey decided on that territory which is watered by the Riviere qui Barre, not far
from its mouth. The following year, 1 880, in August and September, the Reserve was
surveyed and in 1881 the Indians came to take possession of it. The change necessitated
the abandonment of the Mission of Lake La Nonne after only two years of existence,
and the Rev. Fr. Fouze returned to St. Albert, continuing, however, to visit the Indians
from time to time, as did also the Rev. Father Remas, who was also appointed to visit the
"Michel Callihoo" Reserve and that of Stoney Plain.
With the year 1886 the Mission entered on its period of stability. On the 4th of
March the Rev. Fr. Blanchet arrived to take up residence there. The Indians had de
cided to build a house which should also serve as a church, while, in the meantime, the
Father lodged with the Chief. FVom the 15th of this same month a school was opened
with twenty children under the management of Paul Durocher. By September the house,
though unfinished, was habitable and the Rev. Father took up his abode there. At
Christmas the Midnight Mass was solemnly celebrated in the lower part of the house,
which served as the church. There was a great gathering of worshippers and the touching
ceremony made a beneficial impression on the Indians.
In the spring following, the question of a boarding school for the Reserve began to
be mooted, for a day school on a Reserve cannot be kept up with regularity and gives
but little satisfaction. The preceding winter of 1887-88 had been one of utmost
severity and hunger had treated the Indians rigorously, for there had been no harvest
and the chase had utterly failed by reason of the excessive cold and the depth of the
snow. Their misery had been very great and many deaths ensued in consequence of
these extreme privations. I he Government employees seemed scarcely to trouble them
selves about these conditions, while the missionaries, on the contrary, constantly inter
ceded on behalf of the Indians, but with no great success. They made numerous com
plaints and finally obtained the visit of Mr. Reed, the Indian Commissioner. The In
dians in this manner had the opportunity of exposing their grievances and of making
known their needs, and they obtained satisfaction to a certain extent.
On the question of a boarding school, they were, however, unable to obtain their
request, but it was decided that the establishment at St. Albert, under the direction of the
Gray Sisters, being in the more central portion, should serve as the boarding school of
the three Reserves of "Stoney Plain," "Michel Callihoo" and "Alexander." Never
theless, the Protestant ministers were exerting themselves on their side and were endeavor*
ing to sow discord. They also wished for a school and they even established themselves
on the outer boundaries of the Reserve. Then it was determined to take a census of
the Indians from a religious point of view. At the request of Bishop Grandin, presented
at Ottawa by the Rev. Father Gendreau, who had come on a semi-official mission to in
spect the Oblate Missions among the Indians, a Catholic agent was obtained in the
person of Count de Cazes. This gentleman, however, sent his clerk, Mr. Lake, to take
the census so as not to restrain the liberty of the Indians. The Indians were convened
in the presence of the priest and the Protestant minister and it became known that the
cause of all this trouble was to be found in the actions of a handful of fanatics. The
Chief, Alexander, in a truly eloquent address, declared that he wanted peace on his
Reserve and that those who were not satisfied and wished to favor the Protestants should
betake them to a distance and settle elsewhere. This, in fact, was done, and the min
ister made no further attempt to settle on the Alexander Reserve.
The years which followed were marked with peace and progress from the religious
point of view.
In 1 892 the Rev. Fr. Blanchet, who had obtained leave to visit his family in
France and rest there a little, was replaced by the good and zealous Father Remas,
as ardent as ever for the instruction of his neophytes. At the end of two years he ob
tained in June, 1894, the companionship of Rev. Fr. Simonin, whose duty it became to
acquaint himself with the secrets of the Cree language, and the ministry among the
Indians. But at the end of November of the same year Rev. Fr. Remas was succeeded
in the care of the Indians of the Mission by the Rev. Fr. Dauphin, who was to spend
the following six years among them, doing much for the development of the Mission and
the Christian education of the natives. From his time, however, the day school was
closed, as it had never given satisfaction, and the regular course followed is to draw
the children to the boarding school at St. Albert. A presbytery was then built. The
house-chapel was now exclusively reserved for worship with a small sanctuary and
sacristy added. Of the upper floor, the gallery only was retained. Moreover, new
settlers were arriving on all sides. It was necessary now to devote attention to them
also. At first these attended the services at the Mission, but soon it became needful to
organize them into a parish.
The first church of St. Emerence was built outside the Reserve and its care en
trusted to Fr. Blanchet, on his return from France. The Rev. Fr. Dauphin also visited
a group of Catholics to the south of the Sturgeon river and built a little chapel there.
This is now the parish of St. Pierre.
After a lapse of years, Father Dauphin was called from the Mission of St. Alex
ander to another sphere of action and his place was taken, in October, 1900, by the
Rev. Fr. Simonin. This father had for his companion the Rev. Father Nordmann,
who, however, was very frequently absent, especially on Sundays, in his duty of visiting
St. Emerence, the Germans or Irish of Glengarry, Morinville and even of Leduc, and
also the Galician settlement at Star.
The Rev. Fr. Simonin continued the work left unfinished by his predecessor, the
arrangement of the interior of the presbytery and the furnishing of the church with an
elegant bell tower.
From the point of view of Christian habits, it must be owned that the advance of
the so called civilization was becoming fatal to the poor Indians. They were afforded
more facilities for procuring intoxicating liquors and the passion of the Indians for "fire
water" is well known. Drunkenness, too, always gives birth to other failings, and the
Indians, formerly so pious and docile to the voice of their priests, now began to fall
back considerably.
Besides these causes of laxity, it must be said that the time of the missionary was
very much taken up with other works which were imposed on him. The Parish of St.
Peter had to be visited, then near Long Lake; the foundation of a new parish was re
quired, that of St. Charles; then, finally, at Lake La Nonne a somewhat numerous group
of Whites and Half-breeds also needed the visit of the priest. It became even neces
sary to visit the new settlers away on the Pembina river and Paddle river as far as the
Athabaska river.
In 1905 Father Simonin was called elsewhere. Since then, after several changes,
we find in charge in 1907, the Rev. Fr. J. Portier, who soon received a companion in
the person of Rev. Fr. Le Bre. Brother Guillaume came a little later to complete
the staff.
The work is sufficiently great to occupy two missionaries, especially if all the sur
rounding stations are considered, which have to be attended to, but, with stability in
the staff, the perserving labor of the missionary will succeed in destroying, in part, at least,
the evil influences which combine toward the ruin of the poor Indian race.
In 1887 the number of souls on the Reserve was about 220. Today, 1914, it
hardly reaches 1 70. It is true that two or three families have departed, but we
are forced to admit that these Indian tribes are slowly diminishing in number. Rev.
Father P. Le Bre is now in charge with the assistance of Rev. Father Lizee.
One spring, towards the year 1840, an incident occurred in a band of Indians, of
the same parent stock as those now composing the Reserve at Hobbema, which was to
be fraught with considerable consequence. Some of their hardy trappers had gone,
during the winter, as far as Red River to sell their furs. On their return they were
relating among their other interesting adventures, that they had seen the "Men of prayer
who have a good heart."
In the midst of the group of listeners there was an old Canadian named Piche, who
had long ago thrown in his lot with this band, and indeed had married the daughter of
its chief. What it was that passed in the mind of this man, now half a savage him
self, who had almost forgotten the pious remembrances of his childhood, we can not say.
But he seems to have had made some deep reflections, for he decided to send two of his
sons to Red River, not only to see a priest, but, if possible, to bring him back with
^^^"X-'X"]^-!!' 'l^'X''!'*5/^^^!!'^^^^
This deputation was in fact received by Bishop Provencher during the winter and
no doubt contributed no little to the sending of the Rev. J. B. Thibault in 1842.
From Battleford to the Rocky Mountains, the whole country south of the Saskatch
ewan was the hunting ground of this band which often found itself at war with the re
doubtable Blackfeet. Without doubt they had been visited at times by the missionaries.
But it was very difficult to instruct, civilize and christianize them satisfactorily on these
rare and short visits. The Buffalo then roamed over the plains. It was the time of
plenty and the Indian's God was his belly, according to the forcible expression of St.
However, on the occasion of these missionary visits, all of the family of this Can
adian who had sent for the "Men of Prayer" became Catholics. This was the root
stock of all that band now forming the present Mission at Hobbema. Still, though
Catholics, they were far from possessing a very complete Christian education. For that
it was necessary that they should renounce their nomadic life and settle down some
where in a permanent manner. A new condition of affairs, co-operated under God's
providence to effect this.
The smallpox of 1870 decimated their ranks and sowed misfortune in the family.
Soon, too, buffaloes began to grow scarce and all of a sudden they disappeared, to
the great consternation of the Indians, who believed that they would always have the
buffalo with them as long as there was grass on the prairie and water flowing in the
streams. Then, too, immigration had set in on all sides, and the new colonists were set
tling all around. To avoid the conflicts which would not be wanting between these
newcomers and the aboriginal tribes, the Government then decided to make treaties with
the Indians on the condition that they should yield up their lands and be content to be
confined to certain marked out "Reserves."
In 1877 the Half-breed issue of the Canadian Piche and the chief's daughter be
came in his turn chief of the band. One was named Ermine Skin (Okosikowiyan) , and
his brother "Bob-tail" (Kiskayuw). The latter was the leader of another band who
lived side by side with that of the former. Both "Ermine Skin" and "Bob-tail" ac
cepted the treaty. In consequence of a dream m which "Ermine Skin" saw a priest,
cross in hand, pointing out a wooded hillside to him, recognized in this the "Bear Hill"
and he chose the site for his Reserve and came to settle there. The Mission at first was
then known as the "Bear Hill Mission."
&l In 1881 the Rev. Fr. Touze and the Rev. H. Beillevaire came to visit these In
dians and to choose a place for the Mission which afterwards Bishop Grandin, on his
coming there in the following summer, entrusted to the care of the Rev. H. Beillevaire.
The latter hastily built a poor hut, a portion only of which was covered with pine bark.
He could not pass the winter there under these conditions, and at the end of the fall he
went to the "Laboucane" settlement, the Duhamel of today. The following spring he
returned to Bear Hill and visited both Missions in rotation.
In November, 1 884, a new attempt was made by Fathers Gabillon and Scollen
to fix the site of the Mission. After having taken the precaution of having the place
determined by the chief himself, who had informed the agent, Mr. Lucas, they settled
on a spot not far from the Agency, built a little hut and were passing the winter there.
But in spite of these precautions the spirit of opposition and meanness prevailed in
forcing them to betake themselves three miles further up the Battle River. There they
built a house and found themselves on "Bob-tail's" Reserve.
The Mission of Our Lady of Seven Dolors had already experienced its trials. It
was still to undergo further trouble. It was necessary again to move elsewhere and while
still maintaining their foothold on "Bob-tail's" land the Rev. Fr. Merer and Rev. hr.
Gabillon went this same summer of 1885, seven miles to the north, on to "Ermine Skin's"
Reserve, not far from the high road from Calgary to Edmonton. This is the site of
the present Mission.
The Rev. Fr. Gabillon was now left alone and he built a house-chapel which was
more suitable than the preceding ones, measuring 14x28 feet, but still very unpre
tentious. None the less, at this period, it was considered very becoming and at any rate
it was the House of God and that of His minister. This building still exists, but its
purpose is not as dignified as of old, being now a mere outhouse belonging to the Mis
From this point the religious instruction of the Indians commenced in a continuous
and regular manner. At the same time an attempt was made to train them to habits of
labor, and to teach them the cultivation of their fields and the art of gardening.
It was in the year 1887 that the first school was started in the missionary's own
house. A little assistance was given by the Government, but difficulties arose in mak
ing the Indians understand the necessity of education and of sending their children to be
taught, as well as in retaining school teachers sufficiently persevering in this discouraging
and ungrateful task.
In 1891 the C. & E. railway line was constructed from Calgary to Edmonton and
a simple flag station was established quite near the Mission. The C.P.R. company was
exploiting this line and their President, Sir William Van Home, himself an artist, had
given the names of great painters to some stations along the line. That of the celebrated
Dutch artist, Hobbema, was given to this little station and the Mission, which up to this
time, had been known as "Bear Hill," was now known also under the name of Hobbema.
The school, begun m 1 889, had been continued and improved with a school house
specially set aside for the purpose. But above the school lessons, there is the moral and
religious training to consider. This can not be obtained when the attendance is very
irregular and when the work of some hours in the class room is destroyed by the opposing
influence of the camp. For a long time a boarding school where the children could be
kept day and night had been recognized as necessary to obtain serious and lasting results.
The Bishop of St. Albert had entered into negotiations with the community of the Sisters
of the Assumption, of Nicolet, and happily succeeded. This excellent order, which
had been engaged with such great success in the education of the young in civili/ed coun
tries, was willing also to devote itself to the Christian education of the savage races.
The 30th of August, 1894, was a great occasion full of promise for the religious
future of the Reserve when the first Sisters of the Assumption arrived at Hobbema.
They were three in number, their names being Rev. Sister St. Stanislas, Superioress;
Sister St. Arsene, assistant, and Sister du S.-Coeur de Marie, teacher.
The day of their arrival Father A. Lacombe, the veteran pioneer of the Indian
Missions of the North West, was then with other missionaries to witness the dawn of
this new period in the development of the Hobbema Mission. The Rev. Fr. Gabillon
gave his own house to the Sisters and retired to the loft of the kitchen until the new
presbytery could be constructed.
The present church was then in process of being built. I he Oblate lay brothers,
engaged on the work, pushed on the operations with energy, so that in spite of the
rigorous cold the building was completed for the Christmas of that year, 1894, and
the wonder-struck Indians, marvelling at the size of this pretty church, with its hand
some steeple, prepared for their own benefit, attended in great numbers.
Father Gabillon, who had so long been under the strain of difficulties, was now-
able to catch a glimpse of happier days and of more consoling success, but he was called
by obedience to work in the neighboring Diocese and his place was filled by Rev. Fr. O.
Perrault, who came in September, 1895.
The Sisters had not been able to start their boarding school from the moment of
their arrival, for their premises were too small. During two years they managed as
well as they could with the day school, but the moment had come when they had to
build. The Government gave a subsidy of $2,500. The Sisters solicited the charity
of the public and then contracted a somewhat considerable debt, but on the first of May,
1987 work on the present spacious building was commenced, being located close
to the former school. This new building measured 40 x 50 feet, in three floors
authorized to take in fifty children, for whom the Government would pay the ordinary
annual grant. Soon after the school had been opened this number was reach
very short time and even surpassed.
The Rev Fr Perrault was a zealous missionary who employed himself actively
with his Reserve, his school and his Indians. The latter quickly gave him their confi
dence But illness attacked him from the year 1896. Father Dubois came for some
time to his assistance, then afterwards Rev. Fr. Lizee was sent to take charge
In 1898 Father Perrault, now a little better in health, came again to take up his
post and he was assisted by Rev. Fr. Simonm. But soon the malady overcame him
again and in October 1899 he left to see if he could recover his health in milder climate!
He passed the winter in Texas. In the spring he went up to Colorado. But his illusions
vanished and his only desire now was to return to die among his Indians. r made
the journey back with painfulness and by short stages, arriving at last as tar as L,al-
gary where he died on the 8th of December, 1900. Thus it was only his body that
was brought some days later to repose in the humble cemetery of the Mission. During
his sojourn at the M.ssion, in spite of his feeble health, the Rev Father Perrault had
done much good. He never spared himself. In sickness or in health he often visited
his Indians, even when they were at a distance, and thus he brought many of the Indians,
on "Bob-tail's" Reserve, back to their Christian practices, when they had fallen aw
from their duty.
The Rev. Fr. Simonin, who had remained in charge of the Mission after the de
parture of Rev. Fr. Perrault, was replaced by Rev. Fr. Dauphin, under whom the work
continued to develop. The buildings were finished and the presbytery was enlarged and
decorated in 1903. The school was also provided with new buildings; a s
laundry; cistern and artesian wells in 1906.
The Rev. Fr. Dauphin was seconded in his efforts to a certain degree by his as
sistants, at first by the Rev. Fr. Portier, and later, ,n 1901, by the Rev. Fr. C. Vanden-
In 1907 there was a new change in the staff. The Rev. Fr. Moulin, who had
arrived here nearly three years previously, replaced Fr. Dauphin for a time and since
Father Dauphin left for Cold Lake Mission has remained in charge of the Mission ,
Hobbema. This institution is now on an excellent footing. The staff has been increase,
and about sixty-five pupils are at present, 1914, admitted. The Rev. Sister Superioress
St. Jean Baptiste has nine Sisters with her to bestow on their young charges, boys
girls, all the solicitude that a truly maternal devotion can inspire.
The children are fond of their school, finding there both useful and pleasurable
occupations combined. A mandolin orchestra has been organized for the girls, whc
astonish all those who hear them by their skill on this instrument. The boys, likewise,
have a brass band and all this gives their little family entertainments much ami
and brilliancy.
The graceful group of the well arranged buildings of the Mission of Hobbema
stand out surrounded by the background of verdure of the protecting hills at whc
it nestles.
To the west it presents a most charming effect, seen from the railway line and
travellers are quite surprised to learn that this is a Mission for the benefit of Indians.
Many civilized people would be glad enough to have an institution of this kind
education of their own children.
The Mission of St. John the Evangelist at Stoney Plain is situated on an Indian
Reserve about nine miles west of Edmonton. Formerly, it appears that this district was
a particularly choice hunting ground of an Assiniboine tribe (Assinipwatak) , in English
Moneys, a branch of the Sioux nation, which inhabited the lower slopes of the Rocky
Mountains Later on a Reserve was marked out for them. This part of the country
was also known under the name of "Maskigesik," because of the great Maskeg or
Savanna that is still seen.
Until 1887 there had been no resident priest, but the Indian band established there
was regularly visited by the missionaries of St. Albert and Edmonton.
In 1885 the Rev. Fr. Remas was in charge of this duty. He would have wished
3 reside there and construct a house, seeing that he found so many inconveniences in
living in an Indian s house. Later, Father Grandin took up the work. He had besides
many opportunities of seeing them at Edmonton, whither they went to obtain their
In 1 887 the Rev. Father Tissier was appointed to organize this parish and to es
tablish it in a permanent manner. At this time it was designed to have a school for the
Indian children, but it was difficult for the missionary to keep a school regularly as he
KY/°u-V1SAYn0t,0nTly,thlS ,Reserve' but also that of Alexis at Lake St. Anne, and that
of White Whale Lake (Wapasakahiganik).
However, during the winter of this year Rev. Fr. Tissier attempted to hold a
school in a wretched hovel which allowed the daylight to penetrate its covering and
which could not be heated without being filled with smoke.
In the spring of the following year, 1888, a house-chapel was built and other ar
rangements made. Mr. Thomas Ridsdale was engaged as the school master with the
condition of performing other services of a hired man for the Rev. Father Missionary
outs.de the class hours. This arrangement did not last very long and other combination
were attempted. The Mission of Stoney Plain, as all the other works of this nature
had to pass through its period of difficulties and trials.
An Agency had been established at Stoney Plain and the Count de Cazes named
Rev. Fr. Tissier remained in charge of this Mission till towards the end of 1891
when he was recalled to another field of labor, being replaced by the Rev Fr Oscar Per'
rault on the 29th of November of this same year. This latter Father had only ar
rived a few months before in the Diocese and he had to learn their language before
obtaining any appreciable influence over the Indians. But, nevertheless, in a short time
he was already well on the way towards gaining their esteem.
In 1895 Fr Perrault was replaced by Fr. Remas, who remained for two years
in charge of this Mission. Later, the Rev. Fr. Simonin succeeded to Fr. Remas on the
xasion of the latter having to go to Montreal to have his eyesight attended to At thi<=
time a little group of Catholics had settled on the outskirts of the Reserve, who were
sufficiently numerous for a small church of their own. Fr. Simonin undertook the
building of such a one and this is now the Mission of St. Joseph at Spruce Grove.
? we find the Rev. Fr.Lizee in charge of the Mission. He, however did
He came in January and was replaced in the month of October by
the Rev. Fr. Vegreville.
The Rev. Fr. Beaudry, a native of the Diocese and belonging to the Half-breed
race, had arrived a year before. The Cree language was his mother's tongue, and to
him was entrusted at once the task of visiting the different Cree Missions and of preach
ing retreats there until he finished his tour in 1903. He was then senl to Stoney Plain
to reside with Fr. Vegrev.lle, whose occupation now lay especially with the White
population which was beginning to invade this part of the country.
But as the Rev. Father Beaudry had in the course of the summer to make a
somewhat long journey on a visit to another band of Indians, the Crees and Iroquois,
who dwell in the neighborhood of Fort Jasper, the Rev. Fr. Tissier was again sent to
the Mission of St. John the Evangelist to take his place.
On the return of Fr. Beaudry, as it had been decided that he should remain at
St. Albert, with the duty of visiting the new Mission of Athabasca from time to time,
the Rev. Fr. 1 issier was again placed in charge of the Mission until 1906. After a
short absence, during which he was replaced by the Rev. Fr. Portiei (May, 1906),
and the Rev. Fr. Ernest Lacombe (May, 1907) Fr. Tissier returned a third time to
take charge of the Mission at Stoney Plain in the month of December, 1907. He is
still at his post and in spite of his advancing age and his long term of service, which
would entitle him to ask for well merited rest, he is still full of courage and energy. He
still expends himself for the good of his Indians who can not but bear witness to his
ever ardent zeal. Fr. Tissier, moreover, is alone at this post, and while attending to the
needs of the Mission of St. John the Evangelist has also the care of the Mission of St.
Thirty miles north of the Saddle Lake Reserve, on the road to Lake La Biche, there
is another Indian Reserve along White Fish and Good Fish Lakes. A Protestant mis
sion had been established there for a long time and many of the Cree Indian Catho
lics dwelling on the southern part of this Reserve were in danger of being more or less
influenced by this neighboring Protestantism. On one of his journeys to Lake La Biche,
Bishop Grandin encamped here and celebrated Holy Mass there in the little hut of
an Indian Catholic. He grieved to see the danger to which these Catholic Indians were
exposed and he promised that if it were possible for him to found a mission in this place,
he would dedicate it to St. Mathias, whose feast occurred that very day.
This desire could not be realized until twenty years later. Then, at last, in 1900
it was resolved to settle a permanent establishment in this place and the Rev. Fr. H.
Grandin, then residing at Saddle Lake, was entrusted with the enterprise. Opposition
was put in his way and he had to wait. Chief Pakan, though less intractable, was
hardly favorable to the Catholics, yet this time others were put forward. In spite of these
obstacles the work was pushed with energy and on December 2nd, 1900, Bishop Legal,
then Bishop Grandin's coadjutor, had the consolation of solemnly blessing the pretty
little church of St. Mathias, built in a charming position on the bank of the lake. The
aged Bishop of St. Albert, Bishop Grandin, although incapable of taking part in this
festivity, was nevertheless greatly rejoiced.
On this occasion also there was the solemn blessing of a fine bell destined for the
steeple of this new church. However, even after the building of the church the mission
had not yet a resident priest. It was visited as before from Saddle Lake by the
Rev. Frs. Grandin, Comire and Baiter, but in October, 1 90 1 , the Rev. W. Comire
came to settle there, and to assist him he had Rev. Brother F. Barasse, who assumed a
multiplicity of offices.
About fifteen miles in a south-easterly direction from Lake La Biche there is a
group of Cree Indians dwelling on the margins of Beaver Lake. The duty of visiting
this band, composed entirely of good Catholics, was entrusted to Rev. Fr. Comire. In
1905, with the active co-operation of these good Indians, he found it possible to build
them an excellent church of hewn logs and sufficiently large for the population, with the
addition of a room for the priest's dwelling. The little church is even surmounted by a
neat steeple. The position is well chosen on the shore of a very picturesque lake, with
its wooded forelands jutting out far and boldly into its waters. On September 1 I th of
the year, 1905, the new church was solemnly blessed by His Lordship, Bishop Le-al
who was accompanied for this circumstance by the Rev. Father Nazaire Dozois "the
official visitor of the missionaries of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. The name given
to the mission happened to be that of St. Nazaire.
One of the Indians, a bright and intelligent fellow, made a witty request of the Rev
hr. Dozois, suggesting to him that it would be very appropriate if the little empty belfry
d receive its natural complement and there should be a bell to awaken the neigh
boring echoes with the name of Nazaire. Was his request successful? This at least
we may say, that in the October of 1907, a handsome bell, weighing 300 pounds was
blessed by Rev. Father A. Therien, who had been delegated for the purpose by the
Bishop of St. Albert.
The total population of Indians of Good Fish Lake and Beaver Lake comprises
Catholics. In addition there are about 50 other Catholics, Indians or Half-
breeds, who frequent the Mission of St. Nazaire at Beaver Lake, while coming from
Mosquito Lake and I rout Lake. Up to the present time the Beaver Lake Indians have
exclusively by hunting and fishing, but the time is doubtless not far distant when
they will be obliged to adopt another mode of life, as has already been done by the
Indians of Good Fish Lake.
The Missions of Lake St. Anne, Lake La Biche and even St. Albert, of which
we have spoken in the first chapter, were originally especially established for the needs
of the Half-breeds, who then composed the greater part of the population. Two others
of the same nature remain to be mentioned: St. Thomas, at Duhamel, and St. Paul
des Metis.
The Mission is situated on the banks of the Battle River, about twenty miles east
of Wetaskiwin. Its origin dates back to 1881. In the month of May of that year,
the Rev. Father H. Beillevaire, who was then residing at "Bear Hill," the Hobbema
of today, came in company with two Indians, one of whom was the old man "Papa-
kines," or the "Grasshopper," to visit some Half-breed families established in this
spot.' Among others those of the Salois and Laboucane families. These last, three in
number, had given the place the name of the Laboucane Settlement.
The banks of the Battle River at this place are rather high and steep. On the
north they are completely bare, but on the south, on the contrary, they are still covered
with timber. Today there can still be seen numerous excavations which served as m-
trenchments, for this was the frontier line separating the hunting grounds of the Crees
from those of the fierce Blackfeet, and here in the neighborhood there had taken place
frequent encounters between these rival races, which doubtless gave its name to the Battle
River, which it has since preserved.
After having visited the Battle River Settlement a certain number of times in the
course of the year, the Rev. Fr. Beillevaire came to settle down for the winter here. At
the Bear Hill Mission he had only a cabin covered with pine bark and exposed to the
winds, and he could expect here better quarters. The little house, 20 x 1 8 feet,
placed at his disposal, was, however, hardly any better. It was made of upright logs
and also covered with pine bark, with the addition of a chimney made Indian fashion of
stones and mud. Besides, there was a little iron stove. But the good Father could
count upon the Half-breeds settling in the vicinity, for the favor of these little personal
services which he had not been able to have at Bear Hill.
He divided his little dwelling into two parts by means of large curtains, which, on
Sundays he had only to draw aside and the whole was transformed into a chapel. After
having stayed at Bear Hill during the next summer, the missionary returned once more
to Battle River in the autumn of 1882 to take up his abode for the winter as he had
done the previous year.
In 1883 ten Half-breed families came to settle in the vicinity and it became neces
sary to build a chapel. With the scanty means at command this was no easy matter.
A little land was bought for twenty dollars and in the meantime a little house was built
on it for the priest, in the same style as before, and although this missionary is far from
being of colossal stature, still the house was so low that he had to bow his head down to
make his way into his dwelling. Mass was said on Sundays at Mr. Elzear Laboucane s
house which was fairly large and suitable. In the course of the summer the wood for
the church building was cut in the neighboring spruce groves and on the day following
the heast of All Saints, 1883, the building was begun and could be used for the festi
val of Christmas. In the place of mortar, moss was used to fill up the chinks left be
tween the pieces of wood. In consequence the building was far from being warm. They
had, however, an old stove which came from the "old chapel" formerly built within the
enclosure of Fort Edmonton.
On the 14th of May, 1884, the Half-breed settlement was visited for the first
time by the Right Reverend Bishop, Mgr. Grandin, accompanied by his nephew,
the Rev. Fr. [. Grandin, and the Rev. Fr. Blanchet. They were contented with the
meagre hospitality that the poor missionary could offer in his humble cabin. His Lord
ship administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to several persons and the new church
had even to be turned into a banquet hall to entertain all those who had gathered from
the neighborhood. During the summer the missionary's house let in water on all sides
and it was, moreover, infested with snakes in such sort that the missionary had to find
refuge elsewhere.
About this time, on the occasion of a visit to the east, Bishop Grandin offered His
Grace, the Archbishop of Ottawa, to call this Half-breed parish after his name, to
which His Grace willingly acceded, and it was thenceforth known under the name of
St. Thomas Duhamel. Some years later, in 1892, Archbishop Duhamel, on a journey
to St. Albert, remembered the little parish that bore his name. He promised to make it
a present of a bell, which he was not long in sending, blessed beforehand and ready for
use to call the faithful to prayer.
In the year 1883, to avoid discussions and quarrels, the Government decided to
make a survey of the land with the purpose of determining the respective possessions of
the Half-breeds, so as not to force them to annoying removals. The plan of river lots
was adopted, and the surveyor engaged on the work was Mr. Pare. After this land
survey, other Half-breeds came to settle on either bank of the river. Their principle
occupation up to this period had been the transport of merchandise belonging to the Hud
son's Bay Company as far as Edmonton, at first from Swift Current and afterwards
from Calgary. They owned a good number of horses and oxen.
In 1887 the missionary built a dwelling house close to the church and a little later,
in 1900, there was added to it a school for the instruction of the children who were now
becoming numerous. The first teacher was a Half-breed, Ambroise Gray, who was
duly certificated.
But now the immigrants began to arrive. The railroad between Calgary and Ed
monton had been completed in 1902 and thus offered facilities for the arrival of new
colonists. From that time, too, the work of transporting goods by road ceased and the
greater part of the Half-breeds thus found themselves without the means of subsistence.
They contracted debts and many were obliged to sell their lands and go elsewhere. The
buyers were white men, and thus the present population is a very mixed one of different
nationalities, such as Canadians, Belgians, Irish, Scotch, Germans and Austrians.
In 1903, the postoffice, which had been long asked for, was opened. Its first
postmaster was Mr. Adam, a recent arrival from Belgium, who had started a store near
the bridge over the river. This gentleman contributed to the decoration of the church
which was very bare and poor. He furnished the lumber for the roof vault which was
placed in position by the two Oblate Brothers Royer and Hays. Another good parish
ioner, Mr. David, in spite of his ranch being twenty miles distant, came to decorate this
vault with handsome paintings. The visitor on entering this chapel is surprised to see
these decorations, such as are not ordinarily found in little country churches of this size.
,. I895 the C< P' R' company undertook the construction of a railroad from
Wetaskiwm to the east, which already provides direct communication with Winni
peg. This road is of the greatest importance to the progress of the country. Many
little towns are being formed and are rapidly developing at the different stations, of
which Camrose is the most important. Bittern Lake, which is only nine miles distant
from Duhamel, is its nearest station. Rev. Fr. Beillevaire, the young missionary of
1881, who witnessed the first beginnings of the Mission and underwent early privations
of these heroic times, is as yet at his post, a little aged, it is true, but still full of vigor
and affection for his good Half-breed population. Nevertheless, he is now obliged to
divide his time and besides the care he bestows on the parishioners of Duhamel, he is
forced to be almost constantly travelling to visit scattered families and to give religious
consolation to numerous little groups of Catholics of every race, Germans, Bohemians,
Gahcians, etc. But everywhere he goes, his good humor and his open hearted kindli
ness of disposition secure him at once the affection and confidence of all.
St. Paul des Metis is a Mission with a special character of its own. All the old
missionaries of the country who have had frequent and intimate relations with the Metis
or Half-breeds remained extremely devoted to them. It is with sorrow they have to
record that the coming of European civilization has been, from more than one point of view,
fatal to the Half-breeds. These simple and upright people are at the same time very
helpless in the face of the seductions and temptations of all kinds to which they are ex
posed. The neighborhood of towns is especially harmful to them on account of the
manifold occasions they afford them of yielding to their weakness for intoxicating liquors,
and drunkenness brings in its train numberless evils.
Father Lacombe caused the Federal Government to realize that this situation de
manded a special remedy. He had conceived the plan of withdrawing his beloved
Half-breed population from these pernicious influences of vice, not indeed by force, but
solely by persuasion, of gathering them together, far away from the White men and
of placing them under the paternal direction of their priests, and in a colony of their
own; to train them to regular work and industry by means of which there could come
from this colony some good and consoling results, such as had been brought about in the
reductions of Paraguay, under the direction of the Jesuits.
The colony lands should still belong to the Government. They should be let to
a syndicate which would direct the enterprise, and, by this body, be sub-let to the Half-
breeds at a nominal price, in lots of eighty acres for each family, and the Half-breeds
could not alienate these lands.
In unfolding this plan to the Government, the good Father Lacombe put his whole
heart, that of an ardent patriot and zealous apostle, and his words carried persuasion
among official circles. A carefully thought out scheme presented by Mr. A. M. Bur
gess, Deputy Minister of the Interior, received the sanction of the Governor-General in
Council and realized the hopes and desires of Father Lacombe.
Four townships, i.e. a space of twelve miles square, about 140 sections (for one
of the townships is a little cut into by the Lake La Selle Reserve), were granted for
twenty-one years to a syndicate composed of the Episcopal Corporations of St. Albert,
St. Boniface, Prince Albert, Father Lacombe and two laymen, Hon. Judge Ouimet and
the Hon. Senator R. Dandurand, for the realization of what was called, the "Redemp
tion of the Half-breeds."
In the month of May or June, 1896, the Government sent a surveyor to subdivide
this Reserve, comprising townships 57 and 58 of both ranges 9 and 10, west of the
4th Meridian.
On the 8th of July of the same year, Bishop Grandin, on the request of Father
Lacombe, appointed the Rev. Father A. Therien to lay the foundation of the colony.
Fr. Therien went by land while Brother Nemoz and Frederic Durocher proceeded down
the river in charge of a great quantity of materials for building purposes. On the 15th
of July Fr. Therien arrived in company with Rev. Fathers L. Le Goff and Comire.
The Rev. Fr. Morin had visited this part of the country and had advised the choice of
this place, but the Rev. Fr. Therien located the site for the future mission at some
distance north of Egg Lake (Lac des Oeufs). There were already a small number of
Half-breeds established here on the arrival of the Father, and others soon came to in
crease it. Father I herien and his helper lived in tents until the first house was ready,
which was not before the month of December. The winter was rather severe, and as
the newcomers had no other resources they had to take to fishing in Moose Lake and the
surrounding lakes which happily furnished them with fish in abundance.
In the spring of 1897, they hastened to sow their seed and many Half-breeds were
engaged in wood sawing at Lake La Biche and in the transfer of the materials of this
Mission to Lake La Selle, where it had been decided, at the request of the Government,
to transfer the boarding school. Fortunately the harvest of 1897 was a very good
one. I his gave encouragement to all and restored their confidence.
The flour and saw mills were removed from Lake La Biche to the settlement
at St. Paul des Metis, but as there was not as yet any building to receive the machinery
it was necessary to work them in the open air. Brothers Racette and Kowaltczek were
not discouraged by this and the Half-breeds were able to grind their own grain and
they had sufficient flour for the winter. During the year 1898 the Half-breeds were
employed in transporting the material for building purposes, but as means were still
wanting they were unable to commence building this year, so that they had again to have
recourse to fishing and hunting for their support, during the winter.
The population was by this time fairly numerous, so that the need of a school was
already felt. From the beginning in 1897 a school had been opened by the devoted
Brother Petitdemange and was well and numerously attended. But it^ was thought
that the co-operation of a religious community would be of immense advantage.
Happily, the Rev. Sisters of the Assumption, who already had an institution at
Onion Lake, responded willingly to Bishop Grandm's appeal and the first four Sisters
with Sister Marie Fmmanuel at their head, arrived at St. Paul on the 14th of September,
1 899.
I he Mission building was handed over to them by the Fathers and Brothers, who
thus had to provide themselves with another house, or rather shed, 25 x 30 feet, which
they built near by. The Fathers occupied the ground floor, while the room above served
as a chapel on Sundays. The building was unfinished, having been hastily put together.
In consequence they had to suffer from the cold during the course of the winter. The
Brothers took possession of the log house which had, up to this, served as a school.
The Sisters had undertaken the charge of a day school, but as the Half-breed
population had increased and some of them dwelt at so great a distance from the school
that their children could not come every day, especially in winter and bad weather, it
was therefore decided to erect a large building which would serve the purpose of a
boarding school for 100 children and more.
In 1900 the Rev. Fr. Ch. Charlebois, who had arrived from Ottawa to take
charge of the finances of the Mission, laid the foundation of the new house which was
to measure 108 feet in length by 36 feet in breadth, with side wings, two stories high
while the central block had three stories. Meanwhile Rev. Fr. Therien had gone to
the United States, to Dakota and elsewhere, to visit the Halfbreeds, to preach retreats
to them and to acquaint them with the work of the new colony.
The harvest of the year 1900 was very poor. Luckily many of the Metis had
received scrips of land which they sold to procure themselves the means of passing the
winter and waiting for better times. At the same time it was becoming quite evident
that this work for the Half-breeds was an enormous tax on the congregation of the Oblate
Fathers, who were obliged to employ on it a number of missionaries, Fathers and Broth
ers, so that for some time it had been thought desirable to entrust this important work
to some other Religious Congregation, which had more subjects at its disposal and
less work to provide for them. Accordingly the Rev. Fr. Lacombe was commissioned
to see if the "Salesians" would accept the undertaking. For this purpose he crossed
over to Europe. He was unable to succeed with the Salesians, but the Premonstra-
tensian Fathers of the Abbey of Grimbergen, in Belgium, seemed willing to entertain
the idea of a mission of this kind, and the Rev. Father Van Wetten was sent on
ahead to investigate the situation and to report on it. He arrived at St. Paul on the
llth of January, 1901.
In the month of March of this year the Rev. Fr. Cunningham preached a mission
which was very well attended and did much good.
At this time a great trial came upon the colony in the form of the smallpox which
spread over the country. It was not very virulent, but it took, however, a good number
of victims. The Reserve and even the Mission were put in quarantine. No one suc
cumbed at the Mission, but on the Reserve there were several cases of death.
On the 12th of May the Rev. Father C. Charlebois, whom the Canadian Pro
vince had only lent, had to return to found the new parish of the Holy Family m^ the
East of the city of Ottawa. A little later on the 20th day of June, the Rev. Fr. Thenen
had also to leave for a time. His Lordship, Bishop Grandin, had obtained the kind
permission of the Bishops of the Civil Province of Quebec, and of the Archbishop of
Ottawa, to solicit the charity of the faithful of their diocese for the good works of
the Diocese of St. Albert. The Rev. Fr. Therien went to assist in this collection cam
paign and the Rev. Fr. Grandin, Superior of the Lake La Selle district, took his place.
After the report of the Rev. Father Van Wetten, the Premonstratensian Fathers
of Grimbergen, considered they were not in a position to accept the direction of the Half-
breed colony.
Meanwhile the great building of the boarding school was steadily advancing, but
it was a vast enterprise. It had also been decided to add another story to the original
plan and the workmen were not very numerous. Still, Midnight Mass at Christmas
of said year, 1901, was celebrated in one of the halls, but the building was far from
being completed.
In the month of August of the year following, 1902, at the opening of the classes,
while the teaching took place in the old school, yet the boys now occupied a dormitory
in the new building, and a class room was also utilized in it. The number of children
at this time was 70.
During the year the Rev. Fr. Comire came to lend his co-operation to the work
for the Half-breeds.
At last, on the 13th of April, 1903, the Sisters were able to take possession of the
new building, although there was yet much work to be done on it. Sister St. Stamlsaus
replaced as Superioress the Rev. Sister M. Emmanuel, who was recalled to Nicolet, the
Mother house.
The new church was built in 1904, as the great school hall had become very
insufficient to accommodate the whole of the population which thronged the Sunday ser
vices. It was therefore decided to construct a rather large church measuring 104 feet
in length and 42 feet in breadth, with a sacristy 42 x 22 feet. It was commenced
in July and was ready to be opened for Christmas Midnight Mass the same year, and in
truth the population had every reason for congratulating themselves on the possession of
a fine and large church that would be a credit to a parish of considerable size.
The year 1905 commenced by a great trial for all those who had at heart the
material and spiritual progress of the settlement. In the night of January 15th that
magnificent building which had cost so much toil and solicitude and which had scarcely
been finished, became in a few hours the prey of flames. In spite of every effort nothing
could be saved. They had succeeded, as they thought, in saving the lives of the
children and their mistresses, when at the roll call one of the oldest girls, the same that
had been the first to get out to give the alarm to the Fathers, failed to make her ap
pearance. Doubtless she had been anxious to save something, and re-entering the burn
ing building had become a victim to the flames. Her charred body was found a little
later near one of the exits, where she must have fallen asphyxiated. This was a time
of great sadness and discouragement for all. The children dispersed to their own
homes, as well as the Sisters, nine in number. Some went to Hobbema and others to
Onion Lake, four only, remaining. On the 12th of September of this year, Bishop
Legal, accompanied by the Rev. Father N. Dozois, official visitor of the Oblates, came
to bless the new church and to administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. The joy
usually customary, at an event of this kind, was overclouded by the remembrance of the
late disaster, and the sight of the ruins strewing the ground. The Rev. Father Therien
had also fallen sick and had to go to the hospital, and the Rev. Fr. Boulenc, who had
already for so long given his labors and co-operation to the work for the Half-breeds,
esoecially in the mill and farm undertakings, remained alone at his task until January,
1906, when he was joined by Rev. Fr. Simonin, who was to replace Fr. Therien. The
latter had left for Texas in the December preceding, where he hoped to recover his
It was now necessary to supply new premises which were badly needed. The
building of a modest school house, 30 x 30 feet, was decided upon, as well as another
convent for the home of the Sisters, but of considerably smaller size than the former.
The new convent was only to be 45 feet long and 40 feet broad, for in view of the
scarcity of funds the idea of taking boarders had been renounced. The saw mill was
transferred to the forest for the purpose of preparing the lumber necessary for these
In the summer of 1908 affliction dealt its blow at the staff of the Mission. On
June 20th the good, devoted Brother A. Nemoz left this earth for a better world. Ever
since the burning of the magnificent building he had never been the same man. The
sorrow he experienced was intense. He had worked so much in its construction and
he had taken such great interest in its growth! The blow had been too rough for him,
and he began to decline visibly. He can be said to have been another victim of the
In September the new school house was finished and the day classes were immediate
ly opened, being regularly attended by some thirty pupils. At this time the surrounding
country had already begun to undergo a notable transformation. Since the month of
June a great number of settlers had arrived to take up lands in the neighborhood of the
At the end of the year there were already twenty homesteads at least taken
by French Canadians. It was useless to attempt to discourage this tide which was
about to be still further increased. It was, in reality, the announcement of the end of
the work for the Half-breeds, at all events, under the form in which it had been pro
jected. The object in view had been to keep the Half-breeds apart from the Whites,
but this was becoming henceforward impossible of realization. Finding it was no longe;
possible to check the course of immigration, it was resolved to further it by bringing p.
select class of excellent colonists to occupy the magnificent lands extending to the east
and the north of the settlement as far as Moose Lake and the valley of the Beaver river.
The Rev. J. A. Ouellette, parish priest of Beaumont, received, therefore, the appoint
ment of colonization agent for the Diocese of St. Albert, and his duty was to exert him
self to send the new comers in this direction. In the month of March, 1907, the Rev.
Fr. Simonin was himself obliged to go for his health to the hospital at Edmonton. He
was succeeded in May by the Rev. Fr. Therien, who had been left in charge of St.
Joachim's Edmonton, but being unable, by the state of his health, to continue to occupy
this post he returned to St. Paul. It now became part of the Father's duty to second
the Rev. J. A. Ouillette in the work of distributing the settlers who continued to come
under his management. By the end of 1907 there were one hundred homesteads taken
up north of the settlement at Dog's Rump Lake, where the nucleus of a new parish had
been formed. This was to become the parish of St. Vincent. The Rev. M. Bonny,
a French priest, who had been a missionary in Africa, was entrusted with the charge
of this parish. He constructed a presbytery in the course of the summer. Other colon
ists went still further afield, to the north-east of Moose Lake. This will form the parish
of St. Louis, and already about sixty homesteads have been taken up there before the
end of 1907. Rev. Father Bonny was sent to make a new start also, at that point,
which was to be called Bonnyville.
In the east and all around important groups are being formed. St. Paul will con
tinue to be the central point whither the colonists are bound to make their way before
being dispersed in all the surrounding country. This is necessarily a point on their course,
for on account of the configuration of the banks of the Saskatchewan river, it is only
possible to cross the river on the south of the settlement at Brosseau, or a little higher in
front of Saddle Lake Reserve. At these two spots there are already fine ferry boats
which provide a regular transport service. Hence for some time it had been felt that in
the very near future it would become necessary to open out the four townships of which
the Halfbreed Reserve is formed, to the stream of immigration, and to allow St. Paul
to become a fine Catholic parish open to all comers.
This took effect in the course of the year 1909. The Government had been applied
to in order to alter the conditions of the Half-breed colony, and to allow it to be open
for homesteading. Some of the Half-breeds had already left to profit by the right
given to them to take homesteads. Those who wanted to stay on the Reserve, were
to be allowed to do so, and the full and unrestricted title to their eighty acres was to be
given to them. Then they would be in a position even to sell their land, if they wished.
It was more than they had ever been promised. The rest of the land could be entered
for homesteading by any other on the usual conditions.
The Episcopal Corporation of St. Albert, however, was to receive a free grant
of four sections, as a compensation for the heavy expenses that had been mcured for
the promoting of the original scheme, and these four sections were set apart for them off
the unoccupied land before any entry could be made by outsiders.
The Episcopal Corporation of St. Albert had been, in reality, the only one con
cerned with the undertaking; the other members of the Syndicate having given only their
name and moral support for the good purpose, so that they willingly assigned all their
interests in it, to said Corporation to enable it to fully deal with the Government.
The Episcopal Corporation afterwards transferred two of these four lots to the
Corporation of the Oblate Fathers in recognition of their devoted services to the colony.
Immediately many settlers took up the advantage offered to them. They came
and located on all the vacant lands. The village of St. Paul increased in number and
importance, and assumed the appearance of quite a large town. Besides, several centres
of new parishes began also to organize in the surrounding country. The population is
almost entirely Catholic and the church, although of large proportions, is much too small
for the crowding population.
Rev. Father A. Therien, O.M.I., is always the leading spirit of the whole district
and is endeavoring, in every way, to promote its spiritual and material interests. A
branch railway has been secured, a couple of years ago, to pass through St. Paul. Work
has been started already, and although there have been delays, yet it is bound to
be completed before long, and then communication will be made easy with the adjoining
Province of Saskatchewan and a splendid tract of the country will be open for
colonization. 1914.
I- — New Galician Settlement.
2.— St. Albert's First Cathedral.
3. — Polish Church, Lake Demay.
4. — Archbishop Legal, Camping out.
5.— Saw Mill at St. Paul des Metis.
6. — Ste Emile Church.
7. — Our Lady of Lourdes.
8. — Mission of Lac La Biche.
New Parishes or Missions
The origin of the Parish of Notre Dame de Lourdes dates back about thirty years.
Towards 1874 or 1875, Messrs. Joseph and Francis Lemoureux, Baptiste Beaupre and
James Reid established themselves on the north side of the Saskatchewan river,
opposite the present town of Fort Saskatchewan, and facing the point, where,
a little later, the North West Mounted Police placed their barracks. A little colony
was founded there and Mr. Joseph Lamoureux went down to the Province of Quebec
in 1875 to bring up his family as well as several of his brothers, among whom were
Amable and Moise. From Winnipeg they had to travel in the primitive fashion then
customary, in carts drawn by oxen, and their trip was consequently long and difficult,
but they were full of courage, and difficulties did not affright them. Coming, however,
from good Catholic parishes in the Province of Quebec, being born and bred under the
shadow of the church's steeple, their great anxiety was lest they might not be able to
have the consolation of their Holy Religion administered regularly to them.
The Saintly Prelate, Bishop Grandin, who was then visiting the Diocese of St.
Albert, forestalled their request, and being desirous of rewarding them for the sac
rifices they had made and the courage displayed in coming to these lonely parts, he pro
vided them with regular religious services. These were undertaken from 1875 by the
Oblate Fathers of St. Albert, who car-e regularly to administer the Sacraments and to
distribute the Bread of Life to make compensation for the want of material comfort.
From 1877 to 1891 several Oblate Fathers followed one another in this work of devot-
edness, among whom we may mention the Rev. Fathers Vegreville, Brunei, Merer,
Blanchet, R6mas, Grandin and Therien, who were always hospitably entertained on
their visits by Mr. J. Lamoureux.
In 1877 a small chapel of hewn logs was commenced by Fr. Blanchet, and on
October 1 st the contract to finish it and to build a presbytery was taken in hand ^by Mr.
Joseph Lamoureux. This latter, though scarcely completed, served as the priest's house
until the arrival of the Rev. E. Dorais in 1891.
From this moment the parish began to be organized. The Rev. E. Dorais came
with his parents and thus an enlargement of the presbytery was necessaiy. In the mean
time he received open and cordial hospitality from Mr. Charles Paradis. The parish as
vet only numbered twenty-two families. On his arrival Fr. Dorais had gone to .
Albert 'to receive his Bishop's orders. There he met a lady who said to him, \ ou are
going to the Barracks? Ah! well! the Fathers who preceded you remained no longer
than a year. As you are young, and a newcover, you may possibly stay there two
years !
We must allow that this forecast was not very encouraging, but Our Lord has
said, "No one is a prophet in his own country." The new missionary returned to his post
and took up his work with courage and perseverance. He remained there for nearly
seventeen years, until the moment of his untimely death, on the 16th of March, 1908,
at the age of forty-five.
It was in this way, according to Father Lestanc's account, that the little church
received the name of Notre Dame de Lourdes. Bishop Grandin for a long time had
been suffering from excrutiating ear aches, which scarcely left him any rest. How ter
rible these pains are is well known. One evening when they seemed almost unbear
able, Bishop Grandin made a vow that the next parish to be founded should receive
the name of Our Lady of Lourdes, if this good Mother would obtain him alleviation
of his sufferings. His pains were relieved, and on awakening next morning the good
Bishop believed himself entirely cured. Some time after the name of Notre Dame de
Lourdes was given to the parish.
The unpretentious church built by Fr. Blanchet did good service for ten years
more, but in the end it was crumbling from old age. The pieces of wood which served
as foundation being rotten and worn eaten, the building seemed to sink into the ground.
Moreover, it had become altogether insufficient in size for the population, which had
grown remarkably. But there were no reserve funds and the enterprise of building
a new church seemed most difficult, if not rash. However, the work was com
menced in 1901. At their pastor's suggestion, the ladies of the Society of St. Anne,
then newly established, organized a bazaar to procure funds in view of build
ing. Success crowned their efforts, and through the zeal displayed by their priest and
the ladies, and by means of "Raffles and Lunch Socials," the sum of $600 was re
alized, which, when added to the subscription raised by the parishioners, amounted to
$1,200. But, alas! this good result was not to be of much use. A committee was form
ed to prepare for the erection of the new church and a certain quantity of lumber was
procured. Nearby, a brickyard was opened for the purposes of the new building. This,
however, proved to be a complete failure. All the money thus vanished and soon the
people found themselves without any resources. All this was somewhat of a disappoint
ment, so that, for a time, they did not dare to make any further attempt.
Meanwhile the need of a new church was very urgent. Things could not long
remain thus without some new effort being made. A new committee was formed under
the direction of the parish priest. A new bazaar was organized and in fifteen hours the
sum of $775.45 was realized. Towards this result a courteous competition between
two ladies of the parish, which was settled by votes, greatly contributed. Rev. W.
Dorais obtained plans for the new church from Mr. Venne, an architect of Montreal.
The church was to be 60 feet long and 40 feet wide, with an addition of a sanctuary
and a sacristy, 12x18 feet. The construction was entrusted to Mr. Millette, a con
tractor in the parish.
Bishop Legal came to bless the corner stone on the 10th of August, 1902, and
on the 15th February, 1903, His Lordship returned to celebrate the patronal feast of
Notre Dame de Lourdes, and to bless and dedicate the church to divine service. It is
a fine building, with its high steeple. Its exterior is distinguished for its solemn elegance,
but its interior is still awaiting decoration, which it is hoped will not be long deferred.'
A debt of $1,000 remained on the church. Rev. Fr. Dorais turned for help to
his family and his pious and generous uncle advanced the sum, receiving in return an
insurance policy as a guarantee. A few years later the debt was cleared from the parish
revenues, and now it is proposed to build a new and more convenient presbytery to re
place the old one.
After the completion of the new church the Rev. E. Dorais well deserved a little
rest. In 1905 he was permitted to take a trip to the Province of Quebec, there to
breathe the air of his native parish and to visit his relatives whom he had left behind.
During his absence the Rev. Fr. A. Bernier was especially entrusted with the
care of the spiritual interest of Notre Dame de Lourdes.
On the arrival of the Rev. E. Dorais, 1891, the parish possessed twenty-three
families, but at the end of 1907 it numbered eighty-three, nearly all French Canadians.
Within the parish limits there are four Catholic schools attended by about 1 20 children.
The statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, from its elevated position on the facade of
the church, draws down the blessing of Heaven on all the parish, one of which has
been that it has already provided a priest for the Diocese in the person of the Rev.
Theodore Rocque, who was ordained on the 14th of May, 1905. Seven families m
the parish also have the privilege of counting some nuns among their members.
On the 19th of March of the year 1908, numerous priests had assembled at Notre
Dame de Lourdes with their Bishop for a sad ceremony. They had come to pay the
last tribute of affection and respect to the priest who had been so unexpectedly called
to the reward promised to good and faithful servants of God.
The death of Rev. E. Dorais, hastened the coming of the Franciscan Fathers,
who had already consented to come and assist in the missionary work of the Diocese.
I hey came during Lent of 1908. Rev. Father Berchmans taking charge of the parish
and keeping it until October, 1 909.
7 hen Rev. Father M. Pilon was appointed parish priest and remained there until
December 1912. During his stay he provided the decoration of the inside of the
church making many important and tasteful alterations.
Rev. A. Normandeau succeeded Rev. M. Pilon until the time when he was called
himself to take charge of the colonization work at the beginning of the year 1914. It
is now Rev. J. Gamier who presides over the destinies of the parish of N. D. de
2.— THE PARISH OF ST. EMERENCE. (Riviere qui Barre).
Towards the year 1893, white colonists of various nationalities commenced to
settle in the neighborhood of the Mission of St. Alexander, at Riviere qui Barre. At
first they were visited by the Fathers on the Reserve, and it was not until the month of
May, 1895, on the occasion of a visit from Bishop Grandin, that it was decided to con
struct a chapel for them outside the Reserve.
The church was dedicated to St. Emerence in remembrance of a benefactress from
France who had given assistance for this purpose. The house-chapel was built to the
East of the Reserve, and it was served by Rev. Fr. Blanchet. On the 10th of February,
1897, the latter was replaced by the Rev. Fr. George Nordmann, who resided habit
ually at the St. Alexander Mission as Fr. Dauphin's companion. Besides St. Emerence,
Father Nordmann had to attend to the needs of many groups of Germans, which oc
casioned many journeys.
In October, 1901, Fr. Nordmann was replaced by the present parish priest, the
Rev. Fr. Okhuysen, who had been ordained priest at St. Albert, the June preceding.
But the primitive little chapel was far from being sufficient for the population.
Moreover it was not in a central position, and in consequence it was determined to trans
fer it elsewhere and this was done on the following 30th of December. Its new position
was about four miles distant to the south-east. But the time had now come to build a more
spacious and suitable church. The parishioners undertook the work courageously. The
wood was cut and hauled in the course of this same winter and building operations started
in August of 1902. Fhe church was sufficiently advanced to be used for
public worship on the 1 6th of November, when Bishop Legal came to bless it and
administer the Sacrament of Confirmation for the first time in the new parish. The church
measured 96 feet by 42. It is built of lumber and far from being complete, both in
ternally and exteriorly, but it has already a fine appearance and affords ample accom
modation for the Catholic population.
This result had not been obtained without contracting a considerable debt of more
than $1,200. Owing to bad years and other expenses to meet, this debt could not
be paid by the first of January, 1908. It was a heavy burden and the cause of con
tinual anxiety. It was then decided to make a generous effort. In spite of the bad
harvest of the preceding year, a subscription list was started which realized a sum of
more than $600. A basket picnic succeeded also in furnishing the rest of the sum
needed, and on the 16th of February the whole debt was cleared. It is pleasing to
behold what can be done by mutual agreement and unanimous good will. May such
continue and there will soon be a completely furnished church which will be an honor
to the parish. Some other buildings of considerable size have also been added to the
Mission. The presbytery has been enlarged and repaired, so that the parish is now
solidly founded and can not fail to develop rapidly.
Up to the year 1 89 1 , the new settlers coming to the North West had themselves
taken the initiative. There was not as yet any plan of colonization. It was M. 1'Abbe
J. B. Morm, who undertook this important but difficult task for which he had, how
ever, all the qualities for success. Of indefatigable activity, good humor, and high
spirits proof against any difficulty, even in the most critical moments, he knew how to
gam the confidence of all, and while submitting to their, at times, somewhat unreason
able exactions, he was always able to make his authority and the firmness of his manage
ment felt. He did much for the colonization of this part of the country, and the parishes
of Mormville, Beaumont, St. Pierre and St. Emile, amongst others, owe him a well
deserved debt of gratitude.
It was in the spring of 1891 that he brought the first contingent. The railroad had
advanced as far as Calgary, but the branch line to Edmonton had not as yet been con-
His Lordship, the Bishop of St. Albert, sent some carriages to meet the new
comers and they made the journey of 200 miles between Calgary and Edmonton, without
too much difficulty. Bishop Grandin wished to receive the new settlers with solemnity.
He went in procession, surrounded by his clergy, to meet them at the door of his
Cathedral There he addressed them in befitting words of encouragement which created
a profound impression. The new comers learnt from the outset that they had not ar
rived in a desert, but that there were hearts there devoted to their services and ready to
watch over the salvation of their souls. They proceeded on their way, consoled by the
words of the Bishop, and under the leadership of Mr. Paul Auve, the first and only
settler so far in these parts, they came to the place which is today the flourishing district
of Morinville.
It is always interesting to learn who were the first to have the courage to face the
unknown and to found a new settlement. The following are the names of the first
settlers who then arrived with their families: Messrs. Aristide and Ovila Riopel, Emanuel
<ivet, Noel Boissonnault and his sons Louis and Hormisdas, Norbert Houle and his sons
Joseph and Thomas, Dolphus Morin, Mederic Labbe, Narcisse Brissette, Charles and
Ludger Lemire and Dieudonne Tellier.
From the beginning the Oblate Fathers of St. Albert regularly visited the settle
ment. A little house built on the land belonging to them, east of the present church,
served as the first chapel. In 1892 the arrival of new settlers further increased the settle
ment and the Rev. M. Harnois was appointed as the parish priest. A little chapel was
built on his land and at this time, too, the privilege of a postoffice was granted.
In 1893 the Rev. Fr. B. Desroches undertook the charge of the parish. The
population was now increasing so rapidly that soon the chapel was too small, and it
was decided to erect in the course of the following winter, the spacious building con
structed of hewn timber, which served as a church until the beginning of the year,
1908. It was dedicated to St. John the Baptist, the patron Saint of the Rev. J. B.
In 1894, yielding to the entreaties of the Rev. Fr. Morin, there came the Rev.
J. M. Jolicoeur, to whom the care of the new parish was at once entrusted. In the fol
lowing year he undertook the construction of the elegant presbytery which still exists.
Meanwhile, Rev. Fr. Morin, who always felt a special attachment for
Morinville, did not fail each year to direct hither all those settlers who were willing to
follow his advice. In 1897 he arranged for the construction of a telephone connection
between Morinville and St. Albert which was already joined to Edmonton. Certain
townspeople formed a company to furnish the posts and Fr. Morin obtained the wire
and other apparatus from the Government at Ottawa.
In June, 1989, the Association of St. John the Baptist was organized for the
first time. Mr. Emmanuel Rivet being its first president. The National feast was cel
ebrated at Morinville with great splendor. There was a banquet held, with patriotic
addresses, and in the evening a grand concert, the whole being a great event in the his
tory of the otherwise quiet parish life.
In the autumn of 1899, the parish priest, the Rev. Fr. Jolicoeur succeeded in
erecting the first village school, which was situated near the church. It was an independ
ent school in no way under Government control, where French and English could be
taught at will and to whatever extent that was desired. In fact, both languages were
taught, the French course being entrusted to Miss A. Latulipe, and the English to Miss
Steffes. At the opening of the school 60 children responded to the appeal.
The little village had increased in such fashion as to assume the proportion of a little
town. Several stores were already there, among others those of Mr. Dolphus Morin,
Mr. O. Gouin, and a hotel built by Mr. Joseph Beaudry, which shortly afterwards
became the property of M. Louis L'Agace.
The Morinville Flour Mill Company was also organized at this time. The mill
was built in 1900, but it was not put into operation until the winter of 1903-4.
In March, 1 902 Rev. Fr. Jolicoeur decided to return to his original diocese
of Montreal. The Oblate Fathers of St. Albert undertook temporarily to provide the
religious services at Morinville until Rev. Fr. A. Ethier, then parish priest of St.
Vital, Beaumont, was appointed to Morinville. He took charge of the parish on
Ascension Day, the 8th of May, 1902. The parish now counted 120 Catholic families,
of which 20 were German. The village itself only counted fifteen families, but in
these years, 1903 and 1904, many other buildings had been erected: shops, hotels
and offices in addition to those already existing. The flour mill was now in working
order and the more considerable operations at the coal mine belonging to Mr. J. G.
Chevigny contributed also in a notable manner to increase the prosperity of Morinville.
For some time it has been desired to obtain the services of some community of nuns
to take over the care of the school and to open a boarding establishment for young girls
and children living at a distance. The persecution raging in France had scattered the
religious congregations far and wide. One of these had found refuge in the Diocese
of St. Albert, the Daughters of Jesus (Filles de Jesus) from Kermana, in Brittany.
They had already established several houses here, particularly in connection with the
Bishop's House and the Seminary at St. Albert, but they were a teaching congregation,
and in consequence these Sisters were approached and the appeal was successful.
In January, 1903, the first nuns arrived at Morinville. These were Sisters Mane
Adeline, the Superioress; Sister St. Nicholas, for English; Sister Ste. Tarcienne for
Music and Sister Ste. Eutrope Marie, a lay Sister. Thanks to the generous co-opera
tion of the population the school house was enlarged to give the nuns sufficient dwelling
1 he new school was opened on the 2nd of February, and remained for some time
parochial and independent. In 1 906, however, it came under Government control.
In 1905, the coal mine belonging to Mr. J. E. Chavigny passed into the hands of
a company of about twelve members, French-Canadian and English of Edmonton. The
approaching branch line of the C. N. R. was an assured thing, and in consequence there
would be large coal orders placed with the company of the Cardiff mines and every
facility for transportation. In fact the construction of the railroad was begun in the spring,
and pushed on with such activity that the line was finished by the end of October and
trains were arriving regularly at Morinville. This, added to the very successful harvests
of the years 1905 and 1906, gave a new spurt to the prosperity of the district. In the
course of the summer the first grain elevator was erected by Mr. J. H. Gariepy, of
For a long time, the first church built in 1894 had been inadequate to satisfy the
needs of the district. It was much too small. Moreover, with its unfinished tower and
its exterior blackened by exposure and the inclemency of the seasons, during so many
years, it presented a sorry appearance in the little town which already possessed many
houses of elegant design. There was no longer room for hesitation, but every call for
action. The church had only about $2,000 in hand, so a subscription list was decided
on and in a few days the handsome sum of $4,000 was realized. The plans for a
large and handsome church were prepared by Mr. J. A. Senecal, of St. Boniface,
Manitoba, and in the course of July affairs were so far advanced as to entrust the
building of the church to Mr. Arch. Munn, an Edmonton contractor, at the price of
$18,777. It was necessary, of course, to arrange for a loan of $13,000. The work
commenced at the end of August under the superintendence of Mr. Barnes, an archi
tect of Edmonton.
The blessing of the corner stone was an imposing ceremony, presided over by
Bishop Legal of St. Albert, who was accompanied by many of the clergy. The Rev.
Fr. Blanche!, a Lazarist on a visit to St. Albert, was the preacher specially appointed
for the occasion to give the sermon in French, while the Rev. Fr. Nordmann, O.M.I.,
Superior of the Seminary, preached in English. The work was pushed on with vigor,
and in spite of disappointments which happened here as usual, and perhaps more than
usual, the church was opened for public worship on January 1st, 1908. The need of
sufficient funds has caused the building of the Sacristy to be delayed as well as the
covering of the exterior with bricks, and the general ornamentation, but, such as it is,
the Morinville church is already a building remarkable for its vast proportions and its
beautiful exterior appearance. The parish priest, the Rev. Fr. Ethier, had every reason
for congratulation on having brought his great and difficult enterprise to so successful a
termination. The blessing of the new church by Right Rev. Bishop Legal was another
imposing ceremony which took place on the 29th of March, 1908. Yet Rev. A. Ethier,
in Nov. 1912, decided to resign his large parish, in order to assume the functions of
agent of Colonization, in place of Rev. J. A. Ouellette. His place has been filled by
Rev. A. Gauthier the present parish priest, 1914, who has already succeeded in doing
much work. The whole structure of the church has been strengthened and the inside
partly decorated.
The parish of Beaumont, situated fifteen miles south-east of South Edmonton,
and ten miles east of Leduc, has not the advantage of those special conditions which
attract settlers, such as railroads, or coal mines, but is satisfied with the fertility of its
soil and owes its existence to the church built there a little after the arrival of the first
It was in 1892 that under the personal direction of the Rev. J. B. Morin, the
energetic Colonization Agent, that the first pioneers of the parish settled in the district,
which was, up to then, known as "Sandy Lake." The following may be enumerated
as the first settlers: Messrs. Chartier, Dumont and Brunelle, to be shortly followed by
Messrs. Bolduc Dubord, Juneau, Lachapelle, and others who came mostly from the
states of Wisconsin and Washington.
In 1893 the new colony already numbered twenty families. At this time the Rev.
Fr. Perrault, O.M.I., from the Mission of Stoney Plain, began to visit the place
regularly, and in 1 894 the Rev. Fr. A. Lacombe came to console and encourage the
new comers. But they were desirous of having a real parish, whereupon they applied
to His Lordship, Bishop Grandin. This saintly man, so full of zeal for the salvation
of souls, could not refuse their request. He bought ten acres of land on a section
belonging to the Hudson's Bay Company and afterwards Mr. Chartier made a gift
of twenty acres more, which laid the foundation of the village of Beaumont. Bishop
Grandin sent as its first pastor, the Rev. Fr. Poitras, whose immediate task was to build
a church. With good will and axe in hand he himself aided in its construction, which
was accomplished in the spring of the following year, 1896. For rheir patron Saint,
the parishioners desired none other than that of their Bishop, St. Vital.
However, as often happens, difficulties arose. Some of the parishioners wished to
change the site of the church, while others wanted it to remain in its place, so Bishop
Grandin himself came with the Rev. J. B. Morin and Rev. Fr. Perrault to listen to
arguments for and against. A few days after a letter came from His Lordship to
decide the question. This was publicly read. It ruled that the site of the church
should remain as before, and to His Lordship's touching words all respectfully submit
ted. The first High Mass was celebrated there on the 30th of June. At this time
also the settlement underwent a change of name. A group of English settlers who lived
at some little distance from the church wanted to retain for themselves the name of
"Sandy Lake," and this was readily granted them. But on account of the beautiful
situation of the Catholic parish on the ridge of the pretty hill, the village received the
name of Beaumont.
The church was indeed finished, but now it became necessary to procure the articles
requisite for divine service. A bell was bought for $100. Bishop Grandin furnished
the chalice, cruets, censer and altar linen, and the Rev. Fr. Morin, who continued to
take great interest in the young parish, made a collection to buy the sacred vestments,
stations of the cross, etc. Lastly, several of the parishioners also contributed in divers
ways to aid in the decoration of the modest sanctuary.
In 1896 a small presbytery had been constructed of hewn logs. The Rev. Father
Leduc, from Edmonton, furnished the little household furniture and His Lordship, the
Bishop, supplied the new pastor with a carriage and a team of horses. The Rev. Fr.
Poitras having been called to another Mission, the Oblate Fathers from St. Albert or
the neighborhood were obliged, during the space of two months, to provide the re
ligious services at Beaumont. The Rev. Fathers Lemarchand, Vegreville and Tissier
came in turns. Their visits did so much good that the memory of these good Fathers
has ever since been fondly cherished.
1 he Rev. M. Beauoarlant, corning from Mortreal, was next placed in charge
of St. Vital by Bishop Grandin in the spring of 1896. He found the situation still far
from comfortable. His presbytery, only twenty feet square, was poor and wretched
and he was obliged to undergo privations of various kinds. Thus he did not stay long.
On the Feast of All Saints, 1897, he returned to his original Diocese, and Fathers
Lemarchand and Culerier. for six months, undertook the spiritual charge of the parish.
Finally, the first priest that has had the time to cause his influence to be felt on the
parish was appointed toward the middle of 1898. This was the Rev. A. Ethier, whose
ministry as parish priest, for four years, was very fruitful, both from the material and
spiritual aspect. He added a kitchen to the presbytery, as well as other dependencies,
and the church was further ornamented with several statues. On the spiritual side he
organized the Association of the Apostoleship of Prayer, the Congregation of the Blessed
Virgin and the Confraternity of St. Anne. When Rev. A. Ethier was called upon to take
charge of the parish of Morinville. he left that of Beaumont solidly and definitely
During the three years following the departure of Rev. A. Ethier in 1902, the
parish was served by the Rev S. Bouchard and the Rev. Th. Quevillon, conjointly at
first, but later in succession. The first named marked out the cemetery and built the
gallery of the church, while the latter added to the work of the ministry by the direction
of a school.
About the middle of July, 1905, there arrived from the Diocese of Valleyfield a
young priest who had been ordained on the mission title for the Diocese of St. Albert.
This was the Rev. J. A. Ouellette. who was immediately put in charge of the young
parish of St. Vital Beaumont, and who, from the first, succeeded in gaining the confidence
and the sympathies of his parishioners. There were yet many necessary improvements
to be made m the presbytery, and the church to which he at once directed his energy
.ind zeal. Very soon the presbytery was suitably improved, the sacristy furnished and
the church enriched with a handsome high altar, carved in wood work, the gift of his
brother, Mr. Alfred Ouellette, of Terrebonne. Lastly he intended to provide the
church with that indispensible complement, a bell tower, without which a Catholic church
seems unfinished, but was obliged to delay the work.
In 1907, recognizing the energy and the many sided abilities of the Rev. M. Ouel
lette. His Lordship, Bishop Legal, resolved to entrust him, at least temparanly, with the
work which had been accomplished with so much success in the past by the Rev.
M. Morm. Accordingly he was appointed colonization agent, and in that capacity
he had to undertake many journeys eastward and to the United States. He has
been able in this manner to exercise his zeal in a wider field and to labor not only
for the good of Beaumont, but for the whole Diocese of St. Albert. He has already
succeeded in bringing out many contingents of Catholic settlers whom he directs especial
ly towards the Half-breed settlement of St. Paul des Metis and the beautiful district
around Moose Lake.
During his absence the Rev. L. Simon took his place at Beaumont. Before his
departure, the Rev. M. Ouellette invited the Rev. F. Emard to preach a retreat to his
parishioners, which was attended with the happiest results. It was not, however, the
first of its kind, for before him the Rev. A. Ethier had obtained the same blessing
ior the parish from Fr. Z. Lacasse, who in this retreat greatly stirred the people with
his manly and graphic eloquence.
During the space of sixteen years the little group of settlers had been gradually
added to, and the present population of Beaumont numbers about 510 souls. The
village of Beaumont has also increased in size and the parishioners have seen their affairs
prosper. They are all fairly well off and their lands are well worth from $4,000 to
$5,000. The present parish priest, Rev. J. E. Ouellette, a cousin to the previous in-
combent. is trying to provide the parish with a new and more convenient church.
The young parish of St. Pierre is situated about nine miles east of St. Albert,
borne settlers who had come here and established themselves as far as the limits of Chief
Michael Calhhoo s Reserve, had for some time been asking for a church and a parish,
because they found themselves at too great a distance from St. Albert. Two days
only arter his Episcopal Consecration, Bishop Legal went, accompanied by Rev. Fr.
Dauphin, to choose the site of the church and they decided on the south-west corner
of Section 17, T. 54, R. 26.
Among the first inhabitants of the parish at this time we may mention Messrs.
Philippe Frenetic, Henri and Pierre Emile Michelot and Hernias Marois. Steps were
taken to obtain from the Government a legal sub-division of forty acres, and as the
section belonged to the C.P.R. company an exchange of land was necessary. 1 he
Government lent itself to the transaction and the subdivision was obtained.
The Indian Reserve of Michael Callihoo commences half a mile to the west, and
thus forms the western half part of the parish, which is a little more than six square
The Rev. Fr. Dauphin, of the Mission of St. Alexander at Riviere Qui Barre,
undertook the erection of a modest church constructed of logs or hewn timber. A lit
tle, simple steeple surmounted the gable and is the sign by which it is recognized as the
House of God. The wood for the church had been taken from the Reserve, and this
gave the Indians the right of attending services in the church. The church was very
poor with its bare interior, but at least it offered a place of worship for the surrounding
population which was gathered together once a month by Fr. Dauphin, who undertook
the work of visiting the parish until 1900.
In the month of October of this year, 1900, the Rev. Fr. Simonin came to take
the place of Fr. Dauphin at the St. Alexander mission, and continued to provide relig
ious services as before for the people of St. Pierre. The church, without being very
elegant, had meanwhile been wainscoted within and revaulted with fine timber from
British Columbia. This benefit to the congregation was due to the labor of Brother
Hays and Brother Barreau.
The first resident priest at St. Pierre was the Rev. Samuel Bouchard, who came
there towards the commencement of 1899. The first act inscribed on the register
is that of the marriage of M. Emery Tellier, of Morinville, with Mille Clara Hebert
It is dated the 10th of January, 1899.
The Rev. Father Bouchard constructed a little presbytery with some outhouses
near the church, all of which had to be abandoned later. When Father Bouchard
was appointed to found the new parish at St. Emile, he was succeeded by Rev. Father
Normandeau, as the second resident priest who was installed as such by Bishop Legal
on June 2, 1901.
In the month of April, 1903, Rev. Father Normandeau was appointed to the
charge of St. Emile and it was not. however, till the September of this year that the
Rev. Louis Tremblay took charge of the parish.
Since that time the parish has been enriched with a good presbytery, which was
commenced in June, 1904, and finished in 1906. It was in the course of the year
1907 that the old presbytery and its outhouses were abandoned and the new one
erected a short distance away on the road running north and south. The cemetery
placed at the north-west corner of the forty acres near the road, was solemnly con
secrated by Mgr. Legal on June 30. 1907.
In the course of the summer the church property was surveyed and divided into
town lots by Mr. A. Cote, with the intention of selling them to private persons and
others to form a little village.
At the end of the year 1907 the population of St. Pierre comprised 53 Catho
lic families. There were, in addition, five Protestant families. The total number of
individuals was about 300, of which there were 106 Indians or Indian half-breeds.
There is a post office and a general store. Many private residences are very com
fortable and of good appearance. The lands on all the extent of the parish are of
excellent quality. The mam line of the C. N. R. heading for the terminus in Vancouver
,. passes about one mile north of the church. This will surely give this locality
another guarantee of prosperity. The new church, which is of fine appearance was
built through the exertions of Rev. A. Clermont the present pastor of the parish in the
fall of 1911.
The first settlers at St. Emile were Messrs. P. Jelot and E. M.nard, both French
men coming from California. They arrived in 1894. Mr. Webber also made the
entry for his homestead at that time. Other settlers did not make their appearance till
two or three years later, viz.. Messrs. D. Demers, O. Pouliot, F. X. Trudel, P. Monn
and others.
In the course of the summer of 1899, His Lordship Bishop Legal, accompanied
<ev. .1. B. Monn, came to designate the site for the church, and the frame
work was erected in the same autumn. But it was not until the following year 1900
?!? ™ P™V1S1°nal church,' built of he^ log^ vvas completed. The church measured
ML o f1, 1maSS had been celebrated in 1898 at the house of Mr. Phileas
Monn by Rev. J. B. Monn, who was accompanied by Rev. S. Bouchard. The latter
continued to visit the growing settlement from time to time.
In the course of the summer of 1900, a shack was built at the side of the church
to serve as the priest's house. This shack measuring 20x30 feet, was constructed of two
rows of rough boards with the space between filled with earth, and the roof shingled.
In December, 1900, Rev. S. Bouchard came to dwell there with his parents The
hut Baptism entered on the parochial register is that of Joseph Emile Bouchard, Septem-
l onn1 L r nal' DamC Menes'PPe Massie, nee Rose L'Ecuyer, 30th
10; the first marriage, Hormisdas Pelletier and Delle Adelia Leclerc, 30th
December, 190 The first house built in the village was Mr. Fortin's, which
served as the post office ,n 1 89 1 . The name of Legal, g.ven to the postal district, and
t St. Emile to the parish, were chosen as a tribute to Bishop Emile J. Legal
then coadjutor to Bishop Grandin, first Bishop of St. Albert.
A •,Re,VAn'- Bouchard resided at St- Emile until the month of August, 1902. In
)3, Rev. J. A. Normandeau, succeeded him. In the interval Rev Fr
^thier had gone from his parish at Morinville, one Sunday a month, to hold the re
ligious service.
Rev. A. Normandeau busied himself increasing the buildings of the presbytery
and in enclosing the cemetery. The presbytery had become almost untenable and in
he commenced the building of a more suitable house. The new presbytery
was Dished in the following year. 1906. It is painted and presents a fine appear-
>07 the parish aquised a large steel bell, weighing 3,500 pounds, which was
)lemnly blessed by Bishop Legal on September 8th. But it is the need of a good
ious church was now most felt. Not only did the miserable, primitive chapel'
t a most sorrowful spectacle, but it had become absolutely insufficient for the
number of the people of this flourishing parish. Consequently, at the beginning of the
1 a building committee was formed under the direction of the parish priest
Lumber and material were collected and a start was made for the construction of a
large and commodious church. However, the work for some time was slow and it was
only during the spring of 909 that the frame of the new building was erected and was
made ready for the brick veneer which was intended for it.
But it was left for another parish priest to give such a complement to the
NUn J ^bout December I91£ Rev. A. Normandeau was called to the parish of
IN. L>. de Lourdes (Lamoureux P. O.) and his place was filled by Rev. Remi Guertin
who managed, during the year 1913. to brick-veneer the church, and in 1914 also to
veneer the sacristy which had been left to wait, in order not to incur loo much expense.
Now the church of St. Emile, nestling in the little valley, presents a quiet and charming
In 1902 the parish of St. Emile counted only 30 to 40 families, but owing
mainly to the intelligent and patriotic efforts of Mr. Joseph Bolduc and of our energetic
clerical agents of colonization, the number has greatly increased, so that at present, 1914,
there are about 232 families, almost exclusively of French speaking origin, making
a total of over one thousand souls. The village has several stores and hotels in addi
tion to private residences, and is connected by telephone to Morinville and Edmonton.
In October, 1907, the property of the church was sub-divided into town lots
and it is expected that the village will have every facility to develop.
In addition to the quality of the soil of all this district being exceptionally good,
th sub-soil is very rich in coal, which is found some few feet from the surface. Rev. A.
Normandeau, the parish priest, was the first, in 1903 to excavate it for his own use
quite near his house and on the church grounds, but it was Mr. Paiement, who, after
acquiring the mining rights from Mr. Joseph Tailleur, was the first to mine it for
commercial purposes. Finally, a line of the Canadian Northern Railroad passes quite
near to the village and a regular service has betn in operation for a couple of years from
Edmonton to Athabaska Landing. 1914.
In the year 1901, Bishop Legal had gone almost twelve miles north-west of the
parish of St. Emile, to fix the centre of a future parish. A party composed of several
persons had accompanied Rev. Father Jolicoeur, the priest in charge of Morinville,
on the 1 7th of September. They encamped beyond the little river, Vermilion. The
site of the church was determined by planting a cross on a pretty hill commanding
a large view of all the surrounding country. Each one chose his future home
stead, and it happened that on the following evening fourteen homesteads had
already been selected. The district was called the "Grande Prairie." Unhappily
this sanguine eagerness cooled, and the grouping languished. Thus the parish was not
established as soon as was at first expected.
On the 9th of September, 1907, six years later, Bishop Legal again visited this
place in company with Rev. A. Normandeau, parish priest of St. Emile, and a friend
then staying wilh him. Rev. A. A. Bertrand. They were cordiallv welcomed by
Mr. Joseph Beauchamp. The site of the church was again visited and the people re
quested that Rev. A. Bertrand should be entrusted with the charge of erecting a little
temporary church for them and of undertaking the care of the parish. On his part,
Father Bertrand seemed desirous of consecrating himself to this work, and Bishop Legal
consented to apply for the necessary permission to Flis Lordship, the Bishop of Valley-
field, to whose Diocese Rev. A. Bertrand belonged. The latter then put himself
resolutely to the task in the following days, and in spite of the difficulties and ob
stacles which are never wanting under like circumstances, he succeeded in a few weeks
in erecting a fairly good house measuring 24x32 feet, with an annex 16x18. The larger
room served for the church and the other for a dwelling place.
On December 1st, which happened to be the first Sunday in Advent, High Mass
was celebrated for the first time in this temporary church. The church land consisted
of a legal sub-division of forty acres. On the summit of this hill there has been found,
contrary to all expectation, a thick seam of coal of excellent quality. This, it is hoped,
will prove an important source of revenue for the rising parish. Rev. A. A. Bertrand
also visited another group of Catholics at Jeffrey, a distance of about nine miles.
Rev. A. Bertrand having been transferred to Medicine Hat, the mission of Edson,
for some time, was left without a resident priest, and was attended in the meantime
from the surrounding parishes, until Rev. Jos. LeCerf came to take charge of it, in
March 1912. _At the same time, he took charge also of the other parts, which also had
assumed some importance.
1 here was quite a settlement growing in a south-westerly direction from Edson,
named Pickardville. A large number of Catholics, mostly French-Canadians, were
settling in that part of the country, and soon it was necessary to build a new church
for the accommodation of these new settlers. Mr. Alfred Demers donated 10 acres
of land on his homestead. The gift of a memorial chapel had already been obtained
from the Church Extension Society of Canada, and when Rev. J. LeCerf could look
after the place, the sum of $500.00 donated by the Laderonte family, of Ottawa, for a
memorial chapel, was applied to the building of the new parish church. According
to the wish of the donor the church was dedicated in the name of Our Lady of
Perpetual Help.
The C. N. R. line going from Edmonton to Athabaska Landing had somewhat
altered the conditions of the district. Edscn lost part of its importance, as the post
office was removed to Westlock, further north, and as Pickardville progressed faster,
Rev. J. LeCerf was obliged to transfer his residence to that point in 1914.
Yet while residing in Pickardville, he continues attending to the religious needs of
Edson, Jeffrey and also Clyde, a new railway station on the road to Athabaska Landing.
We must mention three more Catholic missions in this district which are provided
with churches, but without resident priests.
^The church was built about 1900, on a piece of land, (20 acres) donated by
Guenette. The population is mixed, French-Canadians in the majority, half-breeds
and quite a number of Germans or other foreigners. The religious service is provided
for them from the adjoining Indian Reserve of Stoney Plain; Rev. Father Vegreville,
Rev. Father Portier and others, in succession looked after this mission. At the present
time it is in charge of Rev. Father Chr. Tissier, missionary at Stoney Plain Indian
West of St. Emile parish, a small church has been built, about the same size as St.
Joseph's church, of Spruce Grove. 1900, on a legal subdivision obtained from the
government, but the number of Catholics has never been large enough to require a
resident priest.
The mission has been always attended to from the neighboring Indian Reserve
of Riviere qui Barre, by Rev. Fathers Dauphin, O.M.I., Portier, Simonin and
lastly, 1914, by Rev. Father LeBre and Lizee, O.M.I.
(SION P. O.)
Lake La Nonne, so called from the translation of the Indian name which means
the "Whitehead Eagle," that the French-Canadians and half-breeds name "La Nonne"
was the first location of the Indians now forming the Indian mission of "Riviere
qui Barre". When the mission buildings had been removed, the place remained for a
long time without religious service, except on occasional visits, at long intervals. Later
on. however, for the benefit of a number of half-breed families which had joined those
who had remained, and of some incoming settlers, a new church was built, near the
lake, a fine location, on a legal subdivision of land obtained from the government.
The church was blessed on the 8th of August, 1911, on the occasion of a pastoral
visit made to this locality by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of St. Albert. It has been dedicated in
the name of "Our Lady of Sion" and the national feast appointed to the 8th. of
September, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The mission has always been attended to from the Indian Reserve of Riviere
qui Barre, formerly by Father Rev. Simonin, and now, in 1914, by Rev. Father
P. LeBre. O. M. I.
As the country north of Lake La Nonne is fast settling, it will be necessary, before
long, to make of this mission a central point wherefrom to visit many other settle
ments lately formed in the whole district.
The site of Brosseau exactly coincides with that of the former Mission of St. Paul
des Cris, founded by Rev. Father Lacombe on the banks of the Saskatchewan. It is
situated about thirty miles north-east of Vegreville. Nothing remains of the old mission
save some traces of the cemetery which are still quite recognizable. The buildings,
which had been unoccupied for some time were destroyed by a conflagration, which
is believed not to have been due altogether to chance.
The Catholic population here is rather numerous, on both sides of the river.
The south side is called "Duvernay". It is composed principally of French-Canadians.
The first attempt to found a parish here was made in 1905, by the sending of Rev. M.
Gendre, a French priest, but the population did not seem as yet to be in a posi
tion to maintain a priest, and after his departure the post was visited, as before, from
Vegreville, by Rev. Fathers Bernier and Gamier. A fresh trial was made at the end
of 1907 by Rev. L. J. Roy, a Canadian priest, but he was able to remain only a couple
of months.
Rev. A. Clermont came to this post in the month of February of the year
1908. He has succeeded in building for himself a suitable presbytery, and he is active
ly engaged in the erection of a church sufficiently large for the needs of the population.
This new parish has been from that time in a good way towards complete organization
and its fine position assures for it an importance which must continue to increase.
In May 1911 Rev. A. Clermont was succeeded in Brousseau by Rev. J. B.
Leduc, a young priest from the Diocese of Valleyfield, P. Q. Father Leduc has
added a few improvements to the church which, however, is not quite finished and
has not received the additional compliment of a steeple over the tower waiting for it.
Rev. J. B. Leduc has been obliged to divide his attention, in order to organize
another parish north of Brosseau, on the road to St. Paul des Metis. This is the
mission of Lafond, where a good substantial building has been erected to serve as
a church. The place is now attended to from the Indian Reserve of Saddle Lake by
Rev. Father A. Husson, O.M.I.
Several other posts, viz. St. Benedict, south of the River Saskatchewan and Beau-
vallon must also be visited by the priest of Brosseau.
About ten miles to the north of the settlement of St. Paul des Metis there has
been founded in the course of the year 1907, a new Catholic centre in the district of the
lake, dignified by the poetical name of "La Croupe au Chien," "Dog's Rump."
All this country, indeed, from the banks of the Saskatchewan as far as the districts
of Moose Lake and Cold Lake, and the whole length of the valley of the Beaver
river, are essentially suitable for cultivation. The land is excellent. There are wooded
regions as well as prairie and rich pasture land.
At the above mentioned centre Rev. E. Bonny has been appointed to organize
the parish of St. Vincent. Rev. Fr. Bonny belonged to the congregation of the "White
Fathers of Algiers," founded by the celebrated Cardinal Lavigerie, but as the climate
of Africa was very unsuitable to his health he has come to try that of Alberta. He
has build for himself a house-chapel, in a beautiful position, on a high hill commanding an
extensive view of the country around.
Rev. Father Bonny was transferred, in 1910, from St. Vincent to Moose Lake
district, in order to organize a new parish in that district. He was replaced by
Rev. Remi Guertin.
However beautiful the former location of the church of St. Vincent was, on a
property of 10 acres, obtained from the government, for the accommodation of the
larger part of the Catholic population, it was decided to remove the site of the church
some distance east. Rev. R. Guertin erected at the new place, a building destined to
answer the double purpose of a church and dwelling house.
Father Guertin was called, in 1912, to take up the parish of St. Emile. and his
place since then has been filled by Rev. A. Desroches who had already made a stay
in this diocese, at Beaumont, and after returning to his own diocese, had been obliged,
on account of his health, to come back again.
Rev. A. Desroches is still, 1914, in charge of the parish of St. Vincent, which is
steadily growing and boasts about 70 families.
Rev. Father Bonny went from St. Vincent, in 1910, to the district of Moose
Lake, where he organized a new parish, as there were already a good number of settlers.
The first building used as a church was nothing more than a log-house covered with sod.
Anything of a more primitive character could hardly be found anywhere. Meanwhile
the priest lived with a private family. A post office was opened and called Bonnyville.
For a long time there were discussions and wranglings about the proper site for a
church. Finally the question Wcs settled by the Bishop of St. Albert and Rev. J. M.
Boucher, a priest of the diocese of Three Rivers, who had succeeded Rev. Father Bonny
was in a position to build a house-chapel, at a more central place. The ceremony of
Confirmation took place in the church, which occupies the ground floor of the building
on the 13th. of August 1913.
Before leaving this part of the country, there remains to be mentioned quite a num
ber of places which are intended to become in the near future, the centres of new
Catholic parishes. The two lines of railways passing through this district: the branch
of the C. N. R. though St. Paul des Metis and the line of the Alberta and Great
Waterways, heading for Lake La Biche and Fort McMurray, are opening up splendid
stretches of agricultural and grazing lands, and our colonisation agents are directing
their efforts towards the filling up of these new territories.
We can only mention some of the many centres of these parishes of the future:
1. Near St. Paul des Metis: St. Edward, Flat Lake.
2. North of St. Vincent: St. Agnes, St. Lina, St. Alfred.
3. Near Little Beaver River: Grandin. Lac Charron.
4. Near Lake Cardinal : Normandeau.
5. Near Lake La Biche: Lake La Biche South, Grande Baie.
6. N.W. of Lake La Biche: Plamondonvilie.
These are a few of the centres that are occupied already by a large number of
Catholic families, and which are to be increased and developed as fast as possib'e.
Recent Parishes and Missions
We will take the city of Edmonton as a radiating centre for the description of all
the remaining parishes on all the railway lines.
St. Benedict's parish at Leduc had been in existence for some time before having
a resident priest. Leduc is a station on the Calgary and Edmonton branch of the
. about twenty miles south of Strathcona. The name of Leduc was given to
this station in honor of Rev. Father Leduc, vicar general of the diocese of St. Albert, and
one of the pioneers of civilization in the northwest. This locality was visited by Fr.
Nordmann from 1896, when there were only a dozen Catholic families at Leduc' itself
and within a radius of twelve or fifteen miles Mass was ordinarily said at Mr. Jeers'
house or in the town hall.
In 1 896 steps were taken to build a church. Rev. Fr. Leduc arranged for the
purchase of five lots in a pretty location near the little lake, which is one of the
attractions of the district and a little church measuring 24x24 feet was soon erected.
Bishop Grandm, himself, came to bless it and dedicated it to St. Benedict, on the last
?-Un<ca3u-In Septemben Rev" Falher Leduc Preached the sermon of the occasion and
hr. Ethier, then parish priest of Beaumont, sang the high mass. From this time foward
the latter was appointed to visit this post regularly. In the spring of 1900 Rev. Fr.
Nordmann, then resident priest at Strathcona, again took charge of the mission until
)4, when Rev. Fr. Van Wetten, residing at Wetaskiwin. commenced to visit this
post as well as others along the line as far as Lacombe. The religious services were
provided regularly every fourth Sunday of each month. The little church was at first
divided by a partition so as to serve partly as dwelling for the priest, but a- the
father ordinarily lodged with Mr. Owen McKay, or Mr. W. Mogg. where he was
always cordially welcomed, this partition became useless and in 1906 it was removed.
Then the church was finished, its interior varnished and its exterior painted. It also
received a set of the stations of the Way of the Cross, a confessional, some benches, an-
Dther altar and the ornamentation of some statues. The five lots of land belonging to
the church were leveled and surrounded with palings. At this time, another acre of
lands was bought, from Mr. Mathias Schweckrath, two and one-half miles from town,
to serve as a cemetery. Personal gifts and a subscription furnished the necessary funds
for the payment of these expenses.
In 1909 Rev. Father Alex De Lestre, another Premonstratensian father, having
:ome from Belgium, took charge of the parish of Leduc. He built a small presbytery
cottage. When he was sent to Coleman, a new priest was supplied for Leduc in
the person of Rev. Terence Caraher, who remained in charge only till sometime in
912, when Rev. Father J. Riou, O.M.I., took temporary charge of the religious
interests of the Catholic population.
Now, in 1914, Rev. Fr. F. X. Teck, also a Premonstratensian father, from Grim-
bergen, is the parish priest of Leduc.
Millet, from the name of the celebrated painter, is a station on the Calgary & Ed
monton line about 30 miles south of Strathcona. Before the year 1903, Rev. Father
A. Jan, of Edmonton, visited the few Catholics of the neighborhood at times, saying
Mass in a private house. In 1903 Rev. Father Van Wetten, of Westaskiwin, was en
trusted with this place. He came at rare intervals, only, indeed, when there was a fifth
Sunday in the month, and he gave the service in the town hall or in the school.
The first Catholic settler of Millet was Mr. J. P. Mullen. During the year 1905
attention was directed towards securing land suitable for building a church there, and
the choice fell upon a pretty, rising ground at a little distance to the west of the town.
In 1906 a subscription list was opened to which all the population, even Protestants
generously responded. Mr. Mullen subscribed $200 and Mr. Gregoire, proprietor
of the hotel, and Mr. West, a Protestant, $100 each. A concert organized on the
first of April, 1907, by Rev. Fr. Walravens, with the assistance of the mandolin
orchestra of the young Indian girls from the Hobbema school, brought in $213. In
the course of 1907 the contract of building a church measuring 36x24 feet was con
cluded with Mr. Kovar, of Millet, and the church was finished by August, costing
$1,550. On the first day of December, Bishop Legal came to give the solemn blessing
and to dedicate it to St. Norbert, the founder of the religious order of the Premonstra-
tensians, to which belong the Fathers of Wetaskiwin. The good townsfolks of Millet
well deserved the eulogies they received on this coccasion for their generosity.
The statue of St. Norbert, which ornaments the altar, is the gift of the Abbey
of Grimbergen in Belgium. Rev. Fr. Van Wetten provided the sacred vessels and the
priestly vestments, the Way of the Cross and the altar linen, etc.
The church at Millet is still attended to and visited by the priest from Leduc.
After Rev. Father Van Wetten it was Rev. Father DeLestre, then Rev. T. Caraher
and temporarily Rev. Father J. Riou, O.M.I. Now in 1914 it is Rev. Father
F. X. Teck also a Premonstratensian father.
The mission at Wetaskiwin, 40 miles south of Edmonton, dates from the construc
tion of the railroad from Calgary to Edmonton. The first regular train passed through
in May, 1902. Mr. L. C. Miquelon was the first settler in this locality. On his
arrival there he said to one of his companions, "You will see, we shall have a line here
coming from Winnipeg and passing by Wetaskiwin to the west. Let us settle down in
this place." He was not such a bad prophet. This line from Winnipeg has been an
accomplished fact since 1908. The name Wetaskiwin, given to the railway station,
signifies "Peace." It comes from the neighboring hills, called the "Peace Hills,' in
memory of a treaty of peace formerly concluded there between the Crees and the
It was in the autumn of this same year, 1892, that Rev. Fr. Leduc, accompanied
by Mr. Miquelon, chose half a block of land for the church. The number of Catholics
was still very limited. Besides Mr. Miquelon, Mr. Frank Lambert and a few others
had their own houses in the neighborhood. Rev. Fr. Gabillon, of the Hobbema mis
sion, ten miles to the south, came from time to time to say mass for fifteen or sixteen
persons who were present. In 1894, Bishop Grandin entrusted the growing parish of
Wetaskiwin to Rev. L. Poitras. A little church measuring 30 x 22 feet was built,
and the space intended for the sanctuary, served as the dwelling for the priest. He
took his meals with the Miquelon family, where he was always cordially welcomed.
The Catholic population increased somewhat rapidly, for in 1 895 there were already
25 families, nearly all French speaking. In 1896 Rev. L. Poitras was replaced by
Rev. Fr. Dubois, but he resided at first at Hobbema and served the Wetaskiwin mis
sion from that place. By reason of his frequent journeys he had to be often replaced
by Rev. Fr. Beillevaire of Duhamel, or by Rev. Father Lizee and Simonin in the
course of 1896 to 1898.
The first little presbytery was bought from a Mr. Young for $50 and was moved
on the church property. This house measured 1 6 x 12 feet. Rev. Fr. Dubois
undertook to add to it a little chapel, which he wished to render handsome, but he
had not time to accomplish it. He also constructed a good stable, expecting to have a
horse, which seemed very necessary, but, the horse not coming as soon as was ex
pected, the stable was turned into a dwelling house. Though it might possibly have
been warm enough for a stable, it was not so for a dwelling house in winter.
In 1 899 Fr. Dubois surrounded all the mission property with a good fence, one
of the prettiest in the town, and he placed a good loft and galleries in the church which
had become too small. In 1901 he was busy organizing a "Separate School" district.
The first teacher was Mr. Connolly and the church served as his class room, in which,
also, the work was afterwards continued by Mr. Quinlan till 1903. Then the district
built a good school house by the side of the church. In the autumn of 1905 Mr. Quinlan
was replaced by Miss Anna Lannon, who remained in charge until September, 1907.
Then the school attendance was so far increased as to necessitate two mistresses, and
the school hall was divided into two portions. Miss Lucy Campbell and Miss Lily
Arnoldi continuing the good work. In 1902 Fr. Dubois had to go to Eastern Canada
on a begging quest on behalf of the poor missions of the diocese of St. Albert. Rev.
Father C. Vandendaele came twice a month from Hobbema, to supply the religious
services during his absence.
His Lordship, the Bishop of St. Albert, offered this still humble post of Wetaskiwin
to the Rev. Premonstratensian Fathers of the Abbey of Brimbergen, in Belgium, and
on September 2, 1902 Rev. Fr. Van Wetten, who had already been in the diocese
for nearly three years, took charge of the mission. The house was so cold that in
November he was obliged to abandon it and to seek refuge with a family of the parish.
In the course of the. winter, the stable was moved nearer to the former house; the little
private chapel was finished, and by joining all these together a continuous dwelling was
arranged, of which Fr. Van Wetten took possession on March 1st, 1903. In the
spring of this year he built a little stable with the aid of three of his parishioners. In
the course of the year the church was provided with benches and the interior decorated
with the help of the ladies of the Altar society. Finally, in November, 1904, electric
lights were installed. I he cemetery land, containing two acres, was bought from Mr.
Mathias Iheroux for $100. It is situated three-quarters of a mile from the town.
From July 7th, 1914, there have been two Premonstratensian Fathers at Wetas
kiwin. On this date Rev. Fr. Walravens arrived from the Abbey of Grimbergen, ac
companied by a lay brother and he proceeded to take over the parish work while Fr.
Van Wetten served the different missions along the railway from Strathcona to Lacombe.
Lately he has also undertaken the charge of the branch line from Wetaskiwin to
Daysland, thus occupying all his time in apostolic journeyings. We will by and by
say a few words on the different posts visited.
The town of Wetaskiwin has lately been greatly extended. The church had be
come too small and it was decided in 1908 to build a larger and more convenient one,
for which plans had been prepared. The new church which was to cost upwards of
$8,000, was built in the year 1912. The subscription organized toward the building
was generously supported, and the new church built of solid brick is a handsome struct
ure, the best church in the whole town.
Moreover, the Community of the Sisters of the Assumption of Nicolet has con
sented to take the direction of the separate school and to establish a convent of their
order so that the progress of this parish is assured.
Ponoka is a station of the C. P. R., situated 60 miles south of Strathcona. Its
name is derived from its proximity to the River La Biche, "Red Deer," in Blackfoot,
Ponoka. Nevertheless the little river which winds its picturesque and sinuous course
through the valley is not the River La Biche, but the Battle River.
In 1904 steps were taken to secure four town lots upon which to erect the future
church. The first priest to visit the few scattered Catholics in this direction was Rev.
Fr. Lizee, of Hobbema; later on Rev. Fr. Dauphin succeeded him. Mass was usually
iaid in the house of Mr. Kennedy, two miles to the north-west of Ponoka. A little
later Rev. Fr. Dubois also came to provide religious services. These were held at that
time in the Royal hotel, which belonged to Mr. Laurendeau and was kept by Mr. Camille
Miquelon. Since 1902 the service was held every third Sunday of each month in the
C. O. F. hall, first by Rev. Fr. Vandendaele and afterwards by Rev. Fr. Van Wetten.
In 1907, a subscription list was opened and generously supported, the sum of $700
being realized. All the wood for the frame work was given by Mr. J. Hageman.
Building operations commenced early in 1908, and were successfully carried out. Con
firmation took place in the church on the 27th of July, 1909.
The church measures 40 x 24 feet. The number of Catholics is not large, about
20 persons in the town and 18 families within a circle of eight miles around.
A large insane asylum has been located at Ponoka which requires also the visit
of the priest.
Lacombe is a station of the Calgary & Edmonton Railway, or C. P. R., situated
about 80 miles south of Strathcona. Its name is derived from the celebrated missionary
of that name, who is so popular and well known in all the Northwest, as well among
the Indian tribes as among those of other nationalities. Rev. Fr. Dubois, residing at
Wetaskiwin, used to come three or four times a year, to visit the few Catholics scattered in
the neighborhood, and ordinarily he celebrated mass at the house of Mr. Kangiezer, six
miles west of the town. Mr. John McKenty's family were the first Catholics to settle
at Lacombe, on the first of July, 1900. From this date the religious service was held
at their house until the erection of the church.
After Fr. Dubois, the next priest in charge of Lacombe was Rev. F. C. Van
dendaele, of Hobbema. The company of the Calgary & Edmonton line and Mr.
Edward Barret made a gift of two town lots destined for the future church, and in
1903 a beginning was made to collect funds for its construction. In the month of
June Mrs. McKenty and her sister organized a concert which brought in $80 and a
committee was formed to gather subscriptions. The Bishop of St. Albert gave substantial
assistance and soon they had in hand $745. The contract was given to Mr. Mobley,
of Lacombe, for the sum of $845.
In 1905 some improvements were effected. The priest's house adjoining the
church was finished. The church was plastered and completed inside, thus necessitating
other expenses, so that the church easily represents the sum of $1,400 or $1,500. Rev.
Fr. Vandendaele succeeded in furnishing it with many objects necessary for Divine Wor
ship. The church was solemnly blessed and dedicated to St. Stephen on the 16th of
August, 1903, by the Bishop of the Diocese, the Right Rev. Emile Joseph Legal.
In the month of January, 1905, the post of Lacombe was entrusted to Rev.
Father Van Wetten, of Wetaskiwin, who used to go thither every second Sunday of
the month. Now Rev. Father H. Voisin attends to this mission from Red Deer. 1914.
The Catholic population has not appreciably increased these last few years. Some
families have come, but others have departed. There are only about a dozen of
families wholly Catholic within a radius of five or six miles around the town. How
ever, this town is expected to assume importance, for it is on a branch of the C. P. R.
running towards the east, in the direction of Regina, connecting with the road to St
Paul, Minn.
Red Deer is a large town about half way between Edmonton and Calgary. It
had been thought that, on account of that convenient distance, the town being located
on a fine and large stream, the Red Deer River, and in a beautiful valley hemmed
on every side by wooded hills of picturesque aspect, would rapidly develop to be a
large city. The increase, however, has not been as fast as was expected. But now,
in 1914, with several branches of railways: C. P. R., C. N. R., Alberta Central R.[
meeting here, every indication points to very rapid progress in the near future.
Tne Rev- Fathers of Our Lady of Tinchebray are now in charge of the parish.
I his order of priests were prepared to undertake work of higher education in France.
I hey had indeed fine institutions and colleges, which were closed by the fanaticism of
the present Government of France. They sought admission to this diocese and were
very cordially welcomed.
At first, however, they had thought of devoting their energy to the foundation of
an agricultural institution or orphanage. This did not seem to be a very pressing need
in this country and they consented to take charge of parish work.
I he episcopal corporation had already acquired some property; (about one block)
m the centre of the town. Rev. Father Voisin, while residing at Innisfail, managed to
build a small church, and the religious service became regular, once or twice every
But Rev. Father Voisin had larger ambitions for the parish of Red Deer. As
he noticed that Innisfail was not progressing as fast as Red Deer he decided to make
his headquarters in the latter place, and he looked for a place where he could have
not only the church but also a convent of some Sisterhood, at the same time as the
house 01 their order and a college.
He bought a property across the river not far from the bridge, which was suitable
tor the purpose of a convent and college. It is located on a very high hill overlooking
From the top the view indeed is splendid, but it is a tiring climb to reach
summit of the hill, so the place though well adapted for a college and a convent
oardmg school, is not so convenient for a parish church and eventually the parish church
will have to be located again, at the place formerly intended for it.
However, the concrete basement of a new church was started on the top of the
hill on a piece of the property that was bought from the community by the Bishop of
Albert and the religious service from that time, 1908, took place in this basement
which had been roofed in. Rev. Father H. Voisin had commenced also the building
of a small college, which was called St. Mary's Apostolic school, in their own house
for about 12 pupils.
The Rev. Sisters of Wisdom came in 1908, and a fine convent had been erected
for them. I hey soon took possession of it, and under the direction of Rev. Sister M
Agathe, first superioress they began teaching the Catholic separate school, for day
pupils and also for their own boarders. Progress has been steadily going on, so that,
in 1 13, it became necessary to enlarge the convent to double its capacity.
On the other hand the Rev. Fathers have also seen their work progressing and in
the present year, 1914, they have erected another large building, to provide class rooms
for the students of the Apostolic school.
The parish is in charge of Rev. Father Voisin, assisted by Rev. Father P. J.
Chauvin, for the visitation of numerous outposts.
The college of St. Mary, since March 1909, has been under the direction of
Rev. Father P. Lamort who recently received an assistant in the person of Rev.
Father Mortreux.
Besides, the Rev. Fathers from Red Deer attend to several other posts or missions,
as Innisfail, Olds, Sylvan Lake, etc., etc.
/. — Innisfail.
Red Deer, however, had not been the first parish of which the Rev. Fathers of
Tinchebray assumed charge. It was Innisfail. Rev. Father H. Voisin came there
soon after their arrival, in the diocese. There was then at this place quite a little colony
of French speaking Catholics, from France or from Eastern Canada: Messrs. Hermary,
Lerouge, Humbert and other families. The little town seemed to be promising enough,
and a small presbytery was built, as well as a small church which, in fact, has neve;
been completed. The Catholic population indeed, in place of increasing began to
dwindle away, and in 1907, the Rev. Fathers moved to Red Deer, continuing however to
look after the congregation of Innisfail.
Rev. Father Voisin had been assisted in the beginning, by Rev. Father Paul
Chauvin who never enjoyed very robust health. In 1906 he developed serious illness
and he had to go to the Holy Cross hospital, in Calgary, where, after a short time, he
died a holy death, in August, 1906. This was a very sad loss for the congregation of
the Fathers of Tinchebray. Rev. Father P. Chauvin was the first to depart from
the missionary field to go, before the eleventh hour, to receive the reward of the
Since then Rev. Fathers Anciaux, Lamort and others and lately, 1914, Rev.
Father P. J. Chauvin have been caring for the Catholic congregation of Innisfail.
2.— Olds.
Olds, 18 miles south of Innisfail, has also been attended to by the Rev. Fathers
from Innisfail, and lately from Red Deer.
3. — Sylvan Lalfe.
Sylvan Lake, about 30 miles west of Red Deer, had already a small Catholic
Congregation and, in the course of the year 1913, a nice little church was built through
the energy of Rev. Father H. Voisin. It has a fine view of the beautiful lake, which is
becoming quite a favorite summer resort.
The C. P. R. branch line of Lacombe has been, from the beginning given in
charge of the Rev. Fathers of St. Mary of Tinchebray. Rev. Father P. Bazin, the
first to visit this locality, and then his brother priest although not belonging to the com
munity of the Rev. Father of Tinchebray, have attended to the religious needs of the
population. Before there was any church built, religious service took place generally
at the home of Mr. Sewerd, a devoted family always happy to receive God's represen
tative, in the person of the priest.
Some time in 1908 Rev. Father J. Bazm remained alone at Stettler and managed
build a nice commodious church, dedicated on the 17th of April, 1910 under the
name of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
While taking care of the parish he had also to visit numerous other places. In
Rev. Father J. Bazin s health began to fail. He went for a trip to Europe, and
was obliged to submit to a regular treatment. He was unable to come back.
the parish has been regularly visited from Red Deer by Rev. Fr. Voisin.
Castor is also on the C. P. R. Lacombe branch, 85 miles east of Lacombe. The
mission has been entrusted to Rev. Father L. Leconte of the congregation of Our
idy of Iinchebray. He came there in 1910. Then were bu.lt a small presbytery
and a church which is also too small and hardly sufficient for the accommodation of
Catholic population. his place having been for some time the terminus of the line
was growing very fast and on the occasion of his first pastoral visit there, April 23rd,'
1911, the Bishop of St. Albert administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 105
n cer!! C°nse,nted /° °Pen a hospital in Castor, came there
II. and soon steps were taken for the erection of a fine building for the
The institution is located on a convenient plot not far from the church, and
. was opened without delay under the direction of Rev. Sister St. Pol.xene, as super
A hospital at that place ,s a boon not only for the town, but also for all the
surrounding country. Rev. father L. Leconte has an enormous district to visit and for
Rev TT6 A " a'UT ueen aTtecl by S°me °ther members of h's congregation
Father nX "^ '9'4' by ReV" Father R Renut and Rev-
Amongst the places visited we may ment.on: Halk,rk, Gadsby, Botha, and Erski
on the west; Coronation Throne, Veteran, Loyalist, and Consort on the east L
' aV°] '
R h
and ma^y otheVs ' '"^ °r6man' ^"^P^ Leo, Ingleton Evvmg
r IW° °f- ^f Plfcer ReV", Father LeC°nte has ^ceeded in securing a sum of
or memorial chapels, from the Church Extension society of Canada. These are:
\.—Hallfirl(. (Church of St. Peter).
The church at Halkirk was built in the course of last year, 1913, and has bee
fully furnished with altar, vestments and sacred vessels by the Lad,es Auxiliary of he
hurch Extension. This was valuable assistance to a new mission for which every hmg
has to be provided Of course outs.de of the donation of $500 from the Church
Extension the people had also to contribute for the completion of their church- so that
the church, now completed, represents a value of at least $1,800.
2. — Consort. (Church of St. Andrew).
The gift of $500 from the Church Extension for a memorial chapel at Consort
has just been received; ,t ,s a donation from Miss E. M. Behan, in memory of her two
brothers. The church ,s to be built .mmediately and will be called St Andrew's
The Black Robe Voyageur.
Trochu is not on the C. P. R. line, but on a branch line of the G. T. P. from
Edmonton to Calgary, via Tofield; but as it is situated in the district entrusted to the
Rev. Fathers of Tmchebray, we will give an account of it at the present time, in order
to dispose of all these missions confided to that religious order.
Trochu is like Red Deer, a parish transferred to the Rev. Fathers of Tinchebray
titulo perpetuo." The name of Trochu is from the well known General Trochu who
was in command at Pans, after the commune of 1871. A nephew of his had just
ttled in this district and several French officers and other French families had con
gregated there. There were amongst others: Mr. Ekenfelder, Mr. Theodoli Mr
higarol, Mme Butruille, Ctesse de Cathelineau and other members of the family A
company had been formed under the name of The St. Ann Ranch Co., a creamery had
been organized and the little colony seemed full of hope and enthusiasm.
The,nt;-7An?, Ra,nch C°- gaVC a town lot for a church site- The church was
'07. Rt. Rev. BIShop Legal went, about that time to visit the parish
He was met at some distance from the little town and driven "a la Daumont"
by three spans of gray horses, and a full artillery equipage. No Governor-General
had ever been driven in such grand style across the prairies of the West The
church was solemnly ded.cated on the 23rd of July, 1907, under the name of St. Ann
Plains. The St. Ann Ranch Co. had also advanced the sum of money needed
for the construction of the church. This church when blessed was far from being
hn.shed and daylight could be seen through the walls, which were only of one pl.ght of
The congregation of the Rev. Fathers of Tmchebray were given also by the same
.mpany two town lots adjoining the church and thereupon they built a small presbytery.
Rev. Fr P. Bazin had been in charge of the parish from the beginning After
few years he was able to replace the primitive house used as a presbytery by a
more substantial residence.
In 1909 the question of a hospital for Trochu was seriously considered and by the
end of the year the Sisters of Charity of Evron who had assumed the work, were al
ready on the spot. They immediately commenced their work of charity in a tern-
orary building, the old boarding house generously lent by the St. Ann Ranch Co The
first superioress was Rev Sister M. Recton, destined to be the first Mother Provincial
of this Sisterhood in the North-West of Canada.
Soon steps were taken for the erection of a permanent hospital on a fine site donated
by the company, and m 1 9 1 1 , on the occasion of another visit from the Bi,hop of St
Albert the hospital-convent now a large and substantial frame building, was ready for
occupancy and solemnly blessed. There still remained the veneer to be applied on the
1 his has been done since and this veneer made of small cement blocks gives
the whole institution a monumental appearance.
Rev. Father Bazin since the last chapter of the order of the Fathers of N. D de
tinchebray. August. 1913, has been appointed superior of all the members of 'said
congregation residing m the west of Canada. He had prepared, during the fall of 191 3
or an early start, ,n the spring of 1914, on the building of another and larger church
t one having become quite inadequate to the needs of the population. The excava-
"lf fli H? 't °Ut> l °n aCC°Unt °f the busmess ^Pression which has made
elt, it has become necessary to postpone the undertaking.
Now coming back to another branch of the C. P. R., starting from Wetaskiwin,
we hnd, 25 miles east of the last named town, Camrose.
Camrose had been visited from Wetaskiwin by Rev. Father F. Van Welten of
the order of the Premonstratensians. Before the erection of a church, the religious
services used to be held at Mr. F. Adan's residence, where the priest, whoever he was,
was sure to receive a hearty welcome. When the town was first organized Mr. F. Adan
gave one acre of land for the church and the Episcopal Corporation bought three more
During the year 1909. Rev. Father F. Van Wetten managed to build a good
and substantial church which was duly blessed by Bishop Legal on the 12th of De
cember of the same year and given the name of St. Francis Xavenus.
Since then the parish has been regularly visited, a couple of times every month;
but it has not been possible, so far, to establish a resident priest.
Camrose seems, however, to be destined to grow into a large city. The C. N. R.
company has another townsite, at some short distance from the actual town, and there
is its station on a subdivision called Noyen and belonging to Mr. Rene Lemarchand,
of Noyen, France.
The G. T. P. branch, from Edmonton to Calgary also passes through the town
which is consequently quite a railway centre already, and cannot fail to become a
very important town.
Daysland is a station situated 52 miles east of Wetaskiwin on the branch of the
C. P. R. going east to Winnipeg via Saskatoon. There are as yet only about six or
neven Catholic families, and the place had been originally visited from time to time by
th* Rev. Oblate Fathers of the German colony of Spring Lake, eight miles to the
In the course of the year 1907, the Bishop of St. Albert acquired from Mr. Day,
the founder of the town, three blocks of land for the sum of $1,000. One of these
blocks was destined for a hospital under the management of a religious community of
nuns. The Rev. Sifters of Providence, from Kingston, had assumed this work and they
arrived early in the spring of the year 1908. Having taken up their temporary quarters
in a private house, they soon began the erection of the permanent hospital, which was
completed in the course of the year.
The hospital, although not very large, is equipped with all modern improvements
and can accommodate about twenty patients. It is a fine and substantial building of
solid brick and easily the best structure to be found in the town.
At the same time as the hospital a small church was also erected on one of the
blocks, in front of the hospital with a room adjoining, for the residence of the priest.
The bishop of Si. Albert advanced the sum necessary for the building of the church,
viz. $1,000, and the church was solemnly blessed on the 25th of April, 1909, and
given the name of "he Apostle and Evangelist St. Mark.
Rev. Father F. Van Wetten, order of Premonstratensians, was appointed, from
the-, beginning, parish priest, and chaplain of the hospital, with the added duty of visiting
the large district north and east of Daysland.
Rev. Father Van Wetten having started for a trip to Europe, in June, 1909, his
place was filled by Rev. Father F. X. Teck, O. Proem., who remained there until
March, 1914, when Rev. Father Jos. Mulders came to take charge of the parish and
of the district.
Rev. Father Mulders attends to the following missions along the line of the railway:
Strome, Killam, Langheed, Hardisty, Amisk, Nilrem, and tries to hold religious services,
in each place, a couple of times every month.
Strome is the most important of all these ports. A church had been built there, and
it was solemnly blessed on the 30th of May, 1910, and called St. Joseph.
The colony of Spring Lake begins about 50 miles east of Wetaskiwin. Its ex-
carcely dates back further than ten or twelve years. At that time there were
families scattered on this lonely tract, and it was no small affair for them to
go ov'«°n* £ Wetaskiwin or to some other point on the Calgary and Edmonton
a" ll
At the beginning of the year 1904 the construction of a railway runnina from
skiwin ana going m an easterly direction to Winnipeg was assured! and thfs gav"
an .rnpo.tance to this part of the country to which new colonists flocked. Some German
Sort J LkkeT/ 'T^117 fl"°T ^inneSOtf and Dak°ta< turned their ^ toward
X he' firs nQ r ff Par'ICU M I ^ f°Ur tOWnshipS' THe Centre °f the C°lony
first pos office was established, was m the neighborhood of a charming little
o Snrinl nU™OU* **> «" te
Sp ing Lake. These Germans were not Catholics in name only. They de-
o It* Albe I \ f P°l ' U°nC ,°f.jheLir.°Wn IangUage" H'S LordshiP' ^shop Legal,
: ?; t^.11^ Sr e
man' new to
However m 1905, Rev. Fr W Shulte was entrusted with the charge of organ
the parish of Spring Lake, On his arrival he had everything to do. There was
neither a church nor a priest's house. At the end of three years, by dint of persever7n«
efforts he had succeeded in erecting a good church and a small dwellfng house
The church is a good-sized building of wood, with a stone foundation. It could not
fuUj completed, but such as a was it was looked upon as an important edifice
Meanwhile the German population of Spring Lake and the neighborhood stead.lv
increased and several centres were formed on different s.des. Rev. Fr. Schulte as no
longer able to do the work alone, and ,n March or April, 1906, after Easter Rev
r-r. t,. INelz, a recent arrival from Germany, was sent to him as his con l'
the autumn of 1907 the staff was changed.' Rev, Fr. Luhe wa caH to be t
assistant to Rev. Fr. Lemarchant at the new parish of the Immaculate Conception a
Catholics. He Wa
Rev. Fr. Nelz was also called away to Pmcher Creek to serve a little Germ-
mission on the Kootonais River, and he was replaced by Rev. Fr. Bie er who ha
recently arrived from Germany, Octover 1st, 1907.
r ^li^A^STiT^i IncCOmP]etTln§ the ch^ch, in the course of the
A beautiful statue of the Sacred Heart surmounts the h.gh altar- two
for the choir"' P''° ^ ^ ^'° C°nfessionals' a — °n rail and a galley
he tower has been completed with a strong and elegant steeple. The bell also
ihe firsi
A new presbytery aiso had been built in 1909, and completed in 1913 but t
an_ unfortunate fire which originated from defective pipes, the whole bu.lding was com
pletely destroyed, on the 29th of January, 1914. The church, however was saved
he population of Spring Lake is now about 550 souls, but the whole German
i. strict is already large enough for two new parishes which have no resident pries a
yet. but are attended to from Spring Lake. These are-
I. St. Peter, whose church was blessed on the 31st of May, 1910, and 2.
Wanda, also provided with Us church. There are three Catholic schools in the district
of Spring Lake and these schools are regularly visited, every week, by the priests fror
Spring Lake.
After the destruction of the presbytery a building, which is intended to be the
sacristy, was built by the side of the sanctuary of the church and is used as a
resident, for the present. Rev. Father Schultz, O.M.I., who had been assistant
to Rev. Father Seltmann, since December 1911, has been obliged to go and take
the place of Rev. Father A. Forner, at Rosenheim.
Not far from the eastern limit of the diocese there are three other parishes or
missions, provided with their churches: Cadogan, Provost and Rosenheim. The priest
resides at Rosenheim, although this place is some 8 or 1 0 miles south of the railway.
Rev. Father A. Forner, O.M.I., has been, for many years, in charge of this
district, and especially of the mission of Rosenheim which is more important than the
others, being a compact German settlement. The church or rather house chapel, at
Rosenheim, was built in the course of the year 1909. The 2nd floor of the house i
used as a church for the parish.
Cadogan and Provost have their own churches and are attended to from Rosenheim.
Cadogan church is dedicated in the name of St. Joseph; all the expenses have
been paid, and there is no debt on the church.
Provost church has not been blessed as yet, as there remains a large indebtedness
on the building, some $1,500. This shows that it is not safe to allow the church com
mittees a too free a hand, because they are liable to incur heavy expenses, and then
leave all the worry for the priest.
South Rosenheim is another German colony, which has caused some trouble to the
priest by reason of their reluctance to submit to the rightful authority.
In May, 1914, Rev. Father Forner started for a trip to Germany, and has b
replaced by Rev. Father Schultz, O.M.I.
Recent Parishes and Missions
When the Franciscans came to this diocese, in 1908, it was intended that they
would have their principal monastery at Fort Saskatchewan which seemed at the time
the most advanced and promising town, outside of Edmonton. These expectations
however, did not materialize, as Fort Saskatchewan, then the seat of a large detach
ment of the R. N. W. M. Police with extensive barracks has not grown to a very
large extent. It is only eighteen miles distant from Edmonton on the C. N. R line
going east, and the larger city has evidently proved to be too near to the smaller town
and has attracted all business to itself.
Edmonton having developed beyond the most sanguine expectations it had become
necessary to organize new parishes and it was thought advisable that the main monastery
the hranciscan Fathers should be located in Edmonton where they could be more
easily reached from everywhere, to be applied to for sermons, retreats, or other religious
which had been
1909, they kept
church was soon
from the police
by far, the most
number of them,
of May, 1910,
However, they did not want to completely abandon the Fort,
their first mission in this country, and, in the course of the year'
busy in order to build there a spacious and commodious church. The
built of solid brick, on one acre of land granted by the Government
reserve. It is complete with a tower and an elegant steeple, and is,
conspicuous of all the churches of the town, where there are a goodly
It was solemnly blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Legal, on the 8th
and has received as titular name "Our Lady of the Angels."
An attempt had been made, at the same time to organize a Catholic separate
school district but this only resulted in showing the strength of the Orange organization
the town; the attempt was frustrated, on account of some irregular proceedings.
The parish of Fort Saskatchewan has continued ever since to be served from
the monastery at North Edmonton by some of the Fathers in succession, viz., Rev
Father Simon, Rev. Father Hilarion, Rev. Fr. Boniface and others.
Besides the town of Fort Saskatchewan the Rev. Franciscan Fathers also look
after the spiritual welfare of many settlers scattered in the whole district surrounding
rort Saskatchewan.
Rev. Father Martin, O.F.M., visits regularly Cookville and Myrtle Creek Pine
Creek, Red Water, Chipman and Ross Creek, Lamont and Scotford.
Rev. Father Denis O.F.M., until June, 1914, was in charge of numerous
Polish stations, viz., Krakow, Wostok, Skaro, Mundare, Egremont, Waugh, Chayly.
Towards the month of May, 1894, some families in Kansas, hearing of the Can
adian Northwest, decided to come and found a new parish. To avoid difficulties and
vexatious delays, they arranged to send ahead some persons of trust who should choose
the site of the future Canadian centre. These were Messrs. Joseph Poulin and Benoit
Tetrault. At St. Boniface these gentlemen met Mr. Martin, a surveyor, who had
recently been sub-dividing on behalf of the government the region of the River Vermil
ion, to the east of Edmonton. He spoke to them with enthusiasm of this part of the
country, putting before them a statement which has since become celebrated in the dis
trict: "This valley is the veritable garden of the Northwest." At Calgary the deputa
tion was increased by the addition of a new member, Mr. Theodore Theroux, and it
arrived at Edmonton on the 22nd of March. They then started on their way to the
River Vermilion, but the bad state of the roads hindered their project. They were so
enchanted, however, with the quality of the lands through which they passed that they
succeeded in persuading the other intending settlers to come also. The rest arrived at
Edmonton on the 4th of April, and there they met the Abbe Morin, who was then the
colonization agent for the diocese of St. Albert, and who decided to accompany the
courageous immigrants.
On the 18th of April they started to explore, and proceeded as far as Egg Lake
and then to St. Paul des Metis, but they determined to settle in that place which Mr.
Martin had called the "Garden of the North-west." The Rev. Fr. Morin planted a
little flag on the selected place and then they returned to Edmonton for their baggage.
On the 29th of April all the party assisted at a mass celebrated by Father Morin and
then they departed, accompanied by the good wishes of numerous friends. It was on
the 2nd of May that they arrived at the site chosen, where the little flag was still waving.
The first comers settled on Townships 51 and 52, Ranges 14 and 15, West of the
4th Meridian.
It was a country that had been uninhabited. It was about 70 miles east of Ed
monton and all this space was still uncultivated and unpeopled. The first thing they
did was to make sure of a suitable place for the erection of a church, for already they
foresaw in the near future a flourishing Canadian parish. But the new settlers did not
arrive as quickly as they had calculated. They had still some trials, disease and loss
of animals. They became partly discouraged. The first labors were undertaken on
the 19th of May. They sowed oats, barley and vegetables, but the cultivation of wheat
did not commence until much later, in 1897. It was sown in April and succeeded very
To the names of the first French Canadian settlers mentioned above, we must add
those of other nationalities: Messrs. August Hartman, John and James Stanton, who
§§ arrived a little later, and can be equally placed among the number of the pioneers of
'!!';> It was on the 14th of June, 1894, that the settlement had. the consolation of receiv
ing the first visit of a priest, Rev. Fr. C. Boulenc, O.M.I., then a missionary on the Lac
La Selle reserve, some 40 miles north, who came from time to time to give his religious
aervices to this good population, to celebrate mass and to give Holy Communion. There
were then only ten communicants. Rev. Fr. Boulenc thus continued his visits for
some years, to the consolation of these poor exiles in the midst of these vast uncultivated
In addition to these services this little, modest settlement, did not forget its re-
-JHJ= ligious duties, for the little journal edited by the Poulin family, notes that they recited
their morning and night prayers in common, and that, on the Sundays they gathered
twice to recite the Rosary.
The second visit of a priest was that made by the Rev. Fr. Dorais of Notre
Dame de Lourdes, who came on the occasion of the death of a child, the first victim
which death had made among the settlers. Rev. Fr. Dorais stayed many days with
them, and on the 5th of July, 1894, he sang the first High Mass which had been
celebrated in this settlement.
The same day, Mr. Theodore Theroux, who had been a teacher in British
Columbia, accepted the invitation they had extended to him of opening the first school,
which they named the Catholic Independent school. Rev. Samuel Bouchard also oc
casionally visited the settlers. The first official census was made by the Mounted Police
from Fort Saskatchewan on the 14th of August, 1894 and gave 88 inhabitants, and
in the October following steps were taken to secure a post office. The name proposed
was that of St. Joseph de Mazenod, but this was not accepted, the name of Vegreville
being chosen. I his was the name of one of the old-time missionaries of this country.
The post office was opened early in 1895.
The first marriage celebrated in the settlement was that of Mr. Eugene Poulin
and Mir, Philomene Minard, and took place on March I Oth, 1895. The new colony
was now well established, but new trials awaited it. Great prairie fires raged over the
countryside, destroying the wood for building purposes and consuming the harvest. It
was necessary for the Government to come to the assistance of the settlers in supplying
them with provisions and seeding grain for the following year. Happily this was the
end of their difficulties.
From this time their progress was so rapid and the attention that they attracted
on this land was such that numerous colonists, of whom very many were Protestants,
invaded the whole district. Thenceforward, Vegreville became a centre of the whole
valley of the Vermilion river. By it passed all the roads which ran across the great
prairies of this country.
Bishop Legal visited Vegreville for the first time on 30th of July, 1901, after
a memorable journey across the district which was completely inundated by torrential
rams. He would have turned back on the road, twenty times, except for the knowledge
that there was there awaiting him a sick person needing the consolation of religion. His
Lordship approved of the site that had been chosen, with a view to building a church,
but he could not provide a resident priest. The colony, therefore, continued to be
visited almost regularly every two weeks until 1904.
At the commencement of 1904 an event of great importance took place, for the
development of Vegreville from the religious point of view. After repeated applications
to the Rev. Dom Paul Benoit, Superior of the Canons Regular of the Immaculate
Conception in Manitoba, and to the Rev. Dom Grea, founder and first Superior General
of^the order, it came to be decided that an establishment should be ventured upon at
Vegreville, and Bishop Legal came himself to accompany thither the first missionary
destined for the place, Rev. Dom. Augustin Bernier, Can. Reg. I. C.
They arrived at Vegreville on January 9th. They found ready to be to let a lengthy
work-shop built of unhewn logs and covered with earth whereon the weeds grew in great
profusion The building measured 14 feet in width, 30 feet in length and 6 or 7 feet in
|| height. It was poor and mean, but it furnished three rooms, two of which communicated
so as to provide the gathering place for the population on Sundays. The southern ex
tremity was straightway converted into a chapel, and Rev. Dom Bernier undertook his
work with an energy and courage ready for all emergencies.
After spring they set about organizing the erection of a chapel on the land
belonging to the church. The big timber had to be carried a distance of forty miles-
the finishing timber from Edmonton, a distance of seventy miles. In the month of
April the chapel was standing, and however unfinished, it could, nevertheless be used
ror worship and was placed under the patronage of St. Martin, the great wonder worker
At the end of this same year, 1904, a companion was sent to Fr. Bermer in the
person of the Rev. Dom J. Gamier, C.R.I. C. From this time they could engage in
more regular visits to some little groups of Catholics at some distance — the Missions
of St. Benoit, sixteen miles north, and Notre Dame de Mt. Carmel, ten miles to the
south-east, in the district of Birch Lake.
It was to be hoped that the Canadian Northern railway line coming from Win
nipeg to Edmonton would pass quite near the village which had now assumed a certain
iinDortancc. There were already two hotels, two smithies, many stores, some real
estate offices and two banks. But towards the month of October, 1905, it was per
ceived that the railroad was about four miles distant and from the place fixed for the
station about four and one-half miles. We must own that it was a great disappoint
ment that caused some confusion in the midst of this already ambitious population.
There was hesitation for a time, as they wished to keep to their old place, but soon
they were forced to yield to necessity and they took a resolution at once heroic and
American. A little after there could be seen a dozen houses moving across the prairie.
It was nearly the whole of the village of Vegreville that was then being transfered
to the new site chosen for the station. At the end of 1905 the railway was inaugur
ated. Almost immediately the population was doubled, and in a few months later the
settlement was incorporated as a village.
It was the Catholic parish of Vegreville that held out the longest, at the old site,
but the old Vegreville was being more and more deserted, and it became evident that
there was nothing left to do but allow themselves to follow the current. The Episcopal
Corporation then reserved twenty acres in a good location in proximity to the new town
to be ready for all developments.
The former village having little by little disappeared, Bishop Legal, after having
sent Rev. Fr. Leduc, his Vicar-General, to render an account of the situation, decided
to remove the centre of the parish and establish it definitely at the new town. The
Episcopal decision was read from the pulpit on Easter Sunday, 1906.
A house was built on the new spot, measuring 42 x 26 feet, and had to serve
the double duty of a church in the upper part and a dwelling house on the ground
floor. It was used even as a school house. A subscription list was immediately opened
for the construction of a new church and in six weeks the sum of $1,100 was collected.
The church was begun on the 23rd of October of this year, 1906, measuring 80 x 3
feet and was sufficiently advanced to be blessed by Bishop Legal on the 16th of
December, following.
But the population now asked for a convent and a hospital under the care of
nuns. Rev. Fr. Bernier put himself into communication with many religious communities
and went to Manitoba for the purpose, but without result. He then learned that the
"Daughters of Providence," a French community of nuns, originally of St. Bneuc m
Brittany, were just disbanding one of their establishments at Prince Albert. Fr. Bernier
immediately approached the Sisters and it was decided that these religious should come
to Vegreville to found a convent there. The "Omnibus" house, of which we have
spoken above, was immediately put in order to become the temporary convent and on
the 14th of October, 1906, there arrived the first three "Daughters of Providence
Rev. Mother Adelaide, who was also the Provincial, and two Sisters, St. Leonard and
Madeleine. At the same time the Rev. Fathers built a very small house in front of
the church to which they transferred themselves.
The school district was legally organized under the name of the Separate School
District of St. Martin, with classes to open in the month of January, 1907, under
the direction of the Sisters and a young teacher, Miss Doyle, who had already with
much success taught the former school of Vegreville.
The school, commencing with twelve children, saw its numbers augmented to
forty in the course of the year 1907. There were twenty-five boarders, so it became
necessary to think of building a new convent on a more spacious plan with two floors
measuring 50 x 60 feet. Operations were begun on the 22nd of August. A few days
UN6 vt°WLVCr' °n the "th °f Au§ust' there had taken Place ^e blessing of a fine
bell. I his bell, weighing 1,500 pounds, was the generous gift of one of the parishioners
Hartmann. On the day of the blessing there were two Bishops at Vegreville.
Bishop Pascal, of Prince Albert, had graciously replied to the invitation of Rev
The bell was blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Legal, and His Lordship,
ishop Pascal, administered the Sacrament of Confirmation in the afternoon. Rev.
rr. Leduc, Vicar-General, assisted with some other priests.
The convent, begun in the month of August, was opened on the 16th of December
the anniversary of the blessing of the church. The separate school course was carried
on there under the direction of Miss Doyle, engaged by the District, and by the Sisters
now numbering nine. In addition to the ordinary class matters there were special courses
given in religious instruction, music, drawing, embroidery, sewing, etc.
Another member of the Canons Regular of the Immaculate Conception Rev
hather Maur Mourey had also come to help in the work of the parish. But soon after
e difficulties arose in the administration of the order, and on account of substantial
changes that had been introduced into its constitutions, the Holy See gave to all the
members full liberty to severe their connection with it. The three reverend fathers at
Vegreville, accordingly, decided to be seculiarized, and Rev. Father Mourey accepted
another post in the province of Saskatchewan.
For some time it had been the desire of the whole population at Vegreville, Prot-
slants as well as Catholics, that the nuns should undertake the management of a' public
I he Daughters of Providence could not accept the offer as they are rather a
purely teaching order; but another community was found to take up the work. These
are the Sisters of Charity of Lvron, a community that originated at Evron, the native
place of Rev. Father H. Leduc, in France.
I he work of building the new hospital commenced in the year 1910 and pro
gressed so favorably in the following year, that the institution was ready for openin-
before the end of 1911. The hospital was blessed by Rt. Rev. Bishop Legal, on the
^ September. It is a splendid solid brick building with a concrete basement, and
equipped with all modern appliances, even to its own electric light plant. It accommo
dates at least 30 patients. Rev. Sister Marie Victoire was the first superioress- she
has been succeeded by Rev. Sister M. Jouin with a staff of 8 sisters, and other help
Ihe convent attendance had also grown to more than 100 pupils, of whom there
e about 60 boarders, so the building was not large enough for the classes The
isement, which had been built under the church in the course of the year 1912 was
used for one of the classes. Even with this additional space there is still need for more
that the trustees of the separate school are building, this year, 1914, a fine brick
school, of SK large class rooms, for the accommodation of the Catholic pupils of the
district. 1 his school should be ready about the time the classes regularly open Rev
Mother St. Adelaide, assisted by 1 3 sisters and 3 lady teachers, has been at the
head of this institution since its establishment.
Six months after its incorporation as a village, Vegreville was incorporated as a
town, and it has now a population of about 1500 inhabitants. It has many fine streets
the principal one being lighted by natural gas found inside the town limits There
are numerous important buildings, stores, banks, law offices, doctors, and agencies of
various kinds. Many handsome and wealthy private residences are also to be found in
the town.
The Catholic population of Vegreville, at the beginning of this present year 1914
jV3Sj j • one third of the total population; but as the Protestant population is
divided in so many denominations the Catholics form the most important religious group.
Ihe Catholic institutions, moreover, are at present much more important than all the
rest, and from all points of view the Catholic position is strong and assured.
Rev. Father J. Gamier having been appointed parish priest of Our Lady of
Lourdes in November, 1913, Rev. Father Bernier had been left alone for some
time, to discharge all the duties of pastor; in June last, Rev. Father M. Schmtzler
was sent as his assistant.
One man indeed could not do all the work of the parish, as besides the services
to the two religious communities of the convent and the hospital there is also a large
district to be attended to, especially Lavoy, Ranfurly, Innisfree, where there are
several Catholic families.
This post had been visited from Vegreville, but in September 1909, Rev. H.
Goutier, a secular priest, was sent to attend to it, and try to organize a new parish.
Rev. H. Goutier had been already in the diocese for a couple of years. He had
come with his parents and stayed with them, on their farm, not far from Inmsfail, where
he had charge of a small group of French Catholics; when called to this post of Ver
milion he remained for a few months at Vegreville with Rev. Father Bernier, and soon
took steps to build first a small presbytery and then a little church suitable for the
Catholic population of the place. The church was built in 1910 and dedicated to the
Holy Name of Jesus.
Rev. H. Goutier has remained ever since (1914) at the head of the parish and
his family has come also and taken a new farm not far from the town.
Besides Vermilion, Rev. H. Goutier also looks after several other posts and mis
sions, especially Islay, Kitscoty and Lloydminster.
Lloydminster is a town situated just on the boundary line of the two provinces of
Alberta and Saskatchewan. In fact the eastern half of the town is in the province of
Saskatchewan, while the western half is in Alberta. The foundation of this town is
due to a party of Englishmen who had come, under the direction of a certain
Mr. Barr, and was known as the Barr Colony. These people had to undergo
severe hardships, coming without any experience of this country and not in the least
prepared for the new kind of life they had to pursue. The winter, after their com
ing was particularly trying for them. They lacked everything, and the government
had to provide for them shelter and provisions. A good many went back to England,
but the majority stayed, and in spite of all difficulties they began to thrive and prosper.
The few Catholics amongst them were too poor to go to the expense of building
a church. Fortunately a grant from the Church Extension society of Canada made the
building of the church possible. This was a gift of $500 for a memorial chapel, from
Mr. Hirst, in memory of his son Anthony, and the church was duly called St. Anthony.
It was built in 1910; and this parish is regularly visited from Vermilion by Rev. H.
Tawatmaw is a new place on the C. N. R. line, from Edmonton to Athabasca
Landing, about 35 miles south of the last named place. In the course of 1913 a
number of Catholics had located about there and in the surrounding district, and they
petitioned to have a resident priest. The priests of the congregation of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus, having had their number increased by three new arrivals from Europe,
it became possible to commission one of said congregation for the organization of the
new parish. Rev Father Jos. Huet, S.C.J., was therefore entrusted with the task.
He began to visit the : locality in the summer, about June, and soon after, July 1914
5 $M P 7 D'ldLng nllUle reSldenCe and 3 Church °n a Pjece of la"d donated
by Mr. Pomerleau. Brother Berger of the same congregation will do most of the
work, saving thereby much of the expense.
The Mission at Athabaska Landing now called simply. Athabaska, is situated
on the southern banks of the Athabaska river, about 95 miles north of Edmonton, and
near the northern boundary of the Diocese of St. Albert. Owing to its geographical
position it enjoys a certain importance from a commercial point of view. It is the
»f the northern district of the Athabaska and the MacKenzie rivers and the thorough-
tare not only of missionaries, but also of prospectors, traders and fur hunters who are
Jung for these regions, as well as farmers and ranchers who seek these unsettled
wilds tor the chance of securing vast tracts of land for themselves.
the mission dates back mainly to the time when the railway, after reaching Cal
gary, was about to be extended to Edmonton, and there had been opened a wagon
road from the latter place to the landing on the Athabaska River. This was about
M although there had been some few people settled there before that time. Since
icn the mission has only been visited at irregular intervals. It is true that the mis
sionaries going to their northern posts passed through the Landing, but anxious to reach
their respective missions as soon as possible, they made their stay as short as possible.
Father Husson the Procurator of the Northern Missions, has passed through
ottener than anyone else, but obliged to attend to his numerous duties, he has had to
confine himself to the more urgent parts of the missionary work. Bishop Glut, Bishop
Urouard and Bishop Breyant have been seen here several time.s. Some of the St
fathers have also paid flying visits to this remote post, but these casual visits
could not produce any remarkable results.
In f^'AH903^ tHe, A'habaska Landi"§ Mission received the pastoral visit of the
.ishop c t. Albert for the first lime Since then it has been attended to more regularly.
In September, 1905, Rev Father P. Beaudry, O.M.I., who had already visited the
place several times was placed in charge of the mission. The necessity of building a
:hurch for the whole Catholic population had frequently been spoken of and steps
were now taken in earnest toward that effect.
Ten lots were secured at a very reasonable price from the Hudson's Bay Company
on the western side of the surveyed plot and the little church, 48 x 26 feet with an
djommg vestry 18 x 1 4, was erected in 1906 on this beautiful locat.on overlooking
the river and the valley. Fhanks to the generosity of the people, Protestants as well
Catholics, the necessary funds were collected to meet the expenses. Within three
s the church was sufficiently advanced to be fit for religious service. Since then
has been provided with a fine bell, an organ, and all other requisites for solemn
:. Gabriel s church, as it is called, is generally crowded on Sundays.
The Rev. Father P. Beaudry, O.M.I., was the one who devoted his energy to
rOn/TlT °k °1r§aniZIng],the Pansh of Athabaska Landing. After bu.ldmg the church in
JO, he built a small presbytery adjoining the church in 1908.
In this same year 1908 the community of the Sisters of Providence of Montreal had
come to establish a new hospital. They began their noble work in a boarding house
longing to Mr Isaie Gagnon, who has always shown his interests and devotion to the
good of the parish and all charitable work. In the meantine the selection of a convenient
place tor the permanent hospital was receiving the attention of priest and people. One site
on the declivity, across the Tawatinaw Creek was at first considered, but it seemed
to be too far away from the centre of the town; so that, finally, it was decided to accept
the offer of the Hudson's Bay Co., which was willing to let, on a long lease, a very fine
location on the block just above the church property.
There after many difficulties had been disposed of, the hospital was built and
regularly opened in the course of the year 1910. Rev. Sister Sosthene, the first superior
ess, has been since succeeded by Rev. M. Heloise.
In 1909 the Bishop of St. Albert had paid a visit to the Landing, on the 12th of
May, to administer the sacrament of Confirmation and, on this occasion, he blessed a
new bell for the church.
Rev. Father A. Desmarais who succeeded Father Beaudry soon had to enlarge
the church to double its former size, and also to improve the presbytery in many ways
He is still in charge of the parish, 1914, and is obliged to divide his energy for the good
of all the people, between the town proper and the surrounding district, especially tor
the Catholic settlement at Lake Baptiste, fifteen miles from Athabaska Landing (
souls) and at Pine Creek (115 souls).
At Athabaska Landing there is an important Post of the Hudson's Bay Company
and steamboats are loaded here to ply on the Athabaska. There are stores, hotels and
many places of business. The permanent Catholic population, apart from its floating
element is not very large. It is composed of French, Irish and Half-breeds. But, at
times, when the boats are getting ready to start on their northern trips, or when they
come back laden with their precious furs, which have been procured by trading the goods
of civilization there is quite an exhibition of activity and bustle. Within a radius ot
about ten miles around the little town, there are to be found about 260 Catholics.
Recent Parishes and Missions
When the priests of the Sacred Heart, a congregation having its mother-house
at bt. Quentm,( France) came to this country, it was decided to give them the mission
of looking after the spiritual interests of the Catholics scattered along the line of the
Grand Trunk Pacific, which had been the last arrival of the Railway Companies head
ing for Edmonton.
The Rev. Fathers, three in number arrived on the 24th of July, 1910, and they
were immediately put in charge of the two posts of Viking and Wainwrigh't. There
was no church nor church property at either of these points, but the Bishop of St. Albert
took immediate steps in order to secure at least a few town lots at several of the stations
along the line.
Rev. Father E. Steinmetz was to look after the Catholic population at Viking He
came there on April 15th, 1911, and, without delay, encouraged the people to build
their own church, but being busy himself, at the same time, with his presbytery he left
too much of a free hand to his building committee, and this is another instance showing
that these lay committees must always be closely controlled. The committee went for-
iT™nUCh ibY°,nrd ^ meanS that they had at their dlsP°sal- The church cost over
$2,300, only half of that sum being provided for; and it has not yet been possible to
pay oft the debt. I he building of the church took place during the summer of 1912,
and that of the presbytery proceeded at the same time. It was too much indeed, for
the small congregation. The presbytery is small but neat and convenient; the church
dedicated to the Holy Name of Mary is not finished.
The episcopal visitation of the parish took place on the 8th of July, 1914, and
the Archbishop was pleased to see that an assistant had been given to Rev. Father Stein
metz in the person of Rev. Father Koolen. There is indeed a vast district to be visited
and there is plenty of work for two zealous missionaries. These are the outposts:
'• — Tofield. There is here a church site provided but no church as yet;
2- — H olden, without any church, but visited from time to time;
3. — Our Lad's of Mt. Carmel which is an old mission formerly known as Birch
Lake and visited by Rev. Father Boulenc or other missionaries of Saddle Lake Reserve,
and, later on, by the priests from Vegreville. There are here 40 acres of land secured
from the government for church purposes and a little church built thereupon, where
divine service is held once in a while.
— Prague is a little mission of Bohemian Catholics, settled here for quite a
number of years. The little church which had been burned down has been rebuilt.
The mission was visited, at first, from Daysland by Rev. Father F. X. Teck; now it
is visited from Viking.
5. — Mance is a new settlement started by an agricultural society of French speak
ing Catholics, only 3 miles from Viking.
Wainwright had been intended at first to be the headquarters of the priests of
the Sacred Heart, and their superior, Rev. Father E. Gaborit resided here, for some
lime, before he took up his residence at Elm Park, Edmonton. The Rt. Rev. Bishop
of St. Albert visited the place on the 1 1 th of August, 1910, only a few weeks after
the arrival of these missionaries and when they had their temporary residence in a
private house rented for the purpose.
The Bishop secured a plot of land a short distance from the town in the neigh
borhood of the public school, and there was soon built a temporary dwelling to serve as
a house-chapel, the upper floor being used for the purpose of the church. Fhe first
winter passed in this house, which was as yet unfinished, was quite severe for the new
comers. There also they received the visit of their Superior General the Very Rev.
Father Dehon.
Rev. Father G. Carpentier was placed in charge of the parish, when Rev. hather
Gaborit left in the course of the year 1911, to take up his residence at Elm Park, and
he has remained at the head of the parish ever since.
Wainwright although a divisional point of the G. T. P. has not been growing as
fast as was expected; the number of Catholics especially has not very materially increased
for the last three years.
Father Carpentier is now assisted by Rev. Father Lemaire and will be in a better
position to visit a few other posts, as: Kinsella, Irma, Heath and Edgerton, where
there are a few Catholic families.
Chauvin is the most eastern station but one, on the G. T. P., in the limits of the
province of Alberta. The settlement has been formed by a certain number of French
speaking Catholic families, which had come from Morinville and even from St. Albert,
in order to secure homesteads. Very likely some of them will sell out when they have
received the patents of their homesteads. Yet while they remain there, they must be
looked after, as to their spiritual welfare.
Rev. Father Albert Soyer, although not a priest of the Congregation of the Sacred
Heart is, in some manner, affiliated with them. While residing with them, at Wain
wright, he was given the task of visiting the Catholics of Chauvin, and, late in the
year 1911, he managed to build a house chapel, divided in two, on the ground floor,
one part being used as the chapel and the other as a dwelling. The Archbishop of
Edmonton visited the primitive mission in 1913 and found everything simple and modest
indeed, but in good condition.
Edson is a divisional point on the main line of the Grand Trunk Pacific, going
from Edmonton to the mountains and eventually to the Pacific coast. The stations,
on the line, have not as yet developed to a great extent. There are no important towns
and only one missionary has been a constant traveller for a couple of years, to visit the
few Catholics settled all along the line. Rev. Father P. Beaudry, O.M.I., was this
missionary engaged in this extensive work, on a distance of about 251 miles, to Yel-
lowhead pass, the limit of the archdiocese and the boundary line between Alberta
and British Columbia. He has even proceeded as far as Fort George, as there was
no other missionary to take up the work in B. C.
Yet, in July, 1914, Rev. Father L. Culerier, O.M.I., was also appointed to
visit part of the line of the G. T. P. There is only one church built on this long
stretch, at Edson. It is dedicated to St. John the Baptist. It is intended to build
another one. as soon as possible, at Jasper, the second divisional point west of Edmonton.
Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Edmonton, Alta.
From the year 1892 or 1893 it became evident that an immigration movement was
being inaugurated from the central regions of Europe towards the Canadian North
west. Those from these countries who had already come into the United States to
work in the coal mines or on the new railroads in course of construction, had doubtless
sent information to their native places. Then, too, after 1 89 6 the colonization policy
of the Minister of the Interior, the Hon. Clifford Sifton. had favored the coming of
these immigrants.
Ir. 1895 and 1896 there was already quite a numerous contingent of these new
comers established east of Fort Saskatchewan, and in all the region bounded by the
curve made by the river up to Victoria and even beyond. These people came for the
most part from Galicia, a province of ancient Poland, made over to Austria.
There were also amons them some Germans. Hungarians. Bohemians, Slavs,
Roumanians. Bukovinians. etc. From the point of view of their religious classification,
these people can be arranged in three great categories: Roman Catholics, Greek Ruth-
enian Catholics ("united to Rome or Uniates). and Greek Orthodox Schismatics. The
Poles, properlv so called, are. as a people, ail Roman Catholics of the Latin rite. The
Ruthenians, all coming from Galicia, are also exclusively Catholics in union with Rome,
but with a special rite which is almost identical with the Greek rite, save that the
liturgical language is not Greek, but the Ruthenian, an ancient Slav tongue which is
no lonaer in use except in the offices of the church.
The Bukovinians and Roumanians are generally schismatics, but they do not be
long to the Russian Schismatic church and to the Holy Synod of St. Petersburg.
These arouos of Catholics established in this part of the country had no resident
missionary in their midst before the year 1898. They were, however, visited very
frequently by some of the missionaries of the diocese, whom thev received willingly, and
towards whom they showed themselves, from the start, full of deference. These mis
sionaries were Rev. M. E. Dorais, parish priest of Notre Dame de Lourdes, near Fort
Saskatchewan, and Rev. Father G. Nordmann, who could make himself understood bv
many, while speaking in German
From 1897 Bishop Legal, then coadjutor of the Diocese of St. Albert, made many
visits to the colony and these were a source of consolation for these people who are
very religious and have a very lively and demonstrative faith. The services were held,
as they had not yet built a church, sometimes in private houses and at other times in a
school house, at Limestone Lake.
In the year 1 899 Bishop Grandin accepted in his diocese a Polish Ecclesiastic,
the Rev. Francois Olczewski, who devoted himself to the missions in this country.
Fr. Olczewski had taken his philosophical and theological course at Turin with the
Salesian Fathers of Dom Bosco. He passed successfully through all the degrees of the
ordinations and was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Grandin at St. Albert on
the 6th of January, 1900. He was then entrusted with the duty of visiting the Polish
and Galician settlements of all this region to the east of Fort Saskatchewan.
He made his headnuarters in the very centre of all this population in a place which
has since taken the name of Krakow about 55 miles from Edmonton. In thus choosing
a larnhiar name they were desirous of consoling themselves with the remembrance of
their far off fatherland. However, it must be stated these people seemed from the
beginning imbued with great courage and determination, to make for themselves definitely
a new fatherland in these far off regions of Canada.
Rev. Fr. Olczewski threw himself with ardor into his task. Journeying constantly
through this almost impenetrable country, where the roads were not as yet laid out or
practicable, he had to endure very great privations. For many years, being deprived of all
comforts, even the most elementary nature; struggling against difficulties without number,
and even at times running the greatest dangers, sometimes lost on the road in the depth of
winter or imperiled in the deep and flooded rivers in summer. In spite of his zeal and
courage, he was not always accorded the respect and marks of gratitude due to him.
Meanwhile he did not lose courage, but with that tenacity of purpose which is so
characteristic of the Polish nation, he worked on with constant persistence at the
organization of the missions. For many years he was the only missionary to visit also,
from time to time, the groups of Poles established on the C. P. R. line from Cochrane
to Laggan, and in other carls of the diocese.
1. — St. Casimir at Krakow.
Soon after his arrival, Father Olczewski succeeded in obtaining a good sized piece
of land and he was able to erect a fairly large house which would serve as his dwelling
and the provisionary chapel in which to gather those of the faithful who were not too
far awav. In 1907 an unpretentious church, larger and more convenient, was completed
at Krakow. The former church was now used as a private chapel. The new church
was dedicated to St. Casimir, patron of Poland.
Even before the building of the church at Krakow, another chapel had been
erected near Skaro, and was blessed by Bishop Legal on July 5th, 1904, under the
title of Our Lady of Good Counsel. One of the neighbors, Mr. Utculak, gave for
the purpose three acres of land.
A little farther, at a distance of six miles, another chapel was also erected on
forty acres of land obtained from the government. It was dedicated to St. John of
Kent on the 18th of JJecember, 1906.
A fourth church has been built more to the east in the Beaver Lake district, to
be the centre of a new Polish parish. It is dedicated to the Ascension of Our Lord.
Finally, a fifth chapel has been established for the Poles on the road leading from
Edmonton to Athabasca Landing, in the district of the little Vermilion of the North.
There are still many other posts which call for the visit of a Polish priest every month
or every two months.
The day of the inauguration of the chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel at
Skaro, also marked another important event. Some Polish young ladies had for three
years sought to be allowed to consecrate themselves to God and to devote their services
to the teaching of the young. This was not without need, for in all this vast district
the visits of the priest were necessarily rare, and the schools that had been established at
great intervals were in Protestant hands. Their petition was granted and on this day,
July 5th. 1904. the first three novices received the holv habit of a Religious^ from .the
hands of Bishop Legal, taking the name of "Auxiliaries of the Apostolate." These
were Anna Weronika Chamulka, Anna Arsenia Dziwinka and Wicktoria Franceszka
Wachowirz. They had left their homes toward midnight and had travelled the rest
of the night to be present in the morning at the blessing of the little church. Nor did
their fervor abate. After the ordinary trials of the noviceship these first to be admitted
pronounced their vows of religion and others joined them.
They prepare themselves for their mission of devotion to the children of their
own nationality by silence, prayer, study and by privations of every kind. Some of
them have already opened a little school at Krakow, meanwhile others are preparing
for the same work while following the course at the Catholic school at Edmonton.
The day is not far distant when their co-operation will be valuable and efficient.
By the end of the year 1911 Rev. Father Olczewski, with his little community
of Sisters, passed to the diocese of Crookston, U.S.
Rev. Fr. Olczewski, however, was not alone to visit the Polish missions of
the diocese. Rev. Fathers Albert and William Kulawy, brothers, both Oblates of
Mary Immaculate, had been sent to Canada to look in a special manner after the
interests of the new Polish colonies. They had truly a vast field for their apostolic
zeal, the Great Lakes on the east, and the Rocky Mountains on the west, being the
boundaries. Although devoting most of their time to their new parish in Winnipeg and
the many Polish stations in Manitoba, they paid occasional visits to the North-west
and to all the new settlements of their countrymen.
But in the year 1903, another brother of the two last named, Rev. Fr. Paul
Kulawy, O.M.I., was sent to remain in the diocese of St. Albert, and in January, 1904,
he began to visit the settlement of the Poles located near Lake Demay, which had been
visited before by Father Olczewski.
Lake Demay is situated about twelve miles north-east from Camrose. The name,
Demay, which should be Lemay, comes from a French priest, Father Lemay, who
some eighteen years ago, had selected this land for a French colony. But the land was
not surveyed as yet, and it became necessary to postpone the scheme. Father Lemay,
having gone to British Columbia, died there, and the project of the new settlement
collapsed with him.
3C3£ In the year 1902 some Polish and Ruthenian families came to this part of the
country from Sandy Lake, where they had found farming almost impossible. The
country around this little lake appealed to their taste and with new-comers from
Austria they started the actual settlement.
We find Father Paul Kulawy attending this mission, now from Edmonton and
again from Calgary. These long distances, however, were a serious drawback, and the
:!!::< increasing population in the hope of securing the ordinary residence of their priest decided
to erect a priest's house, which is a roomy, two-storied building. Fr. Paul Kulawy,
|oj from that time on could devote more time to this mission. A large stable, having
accommodation for eight horses, was soon added to the presbytery, but what is more
*xtraordmary still, a handsome church has been erected there within the short space of
a year. The building is beautifully located, commanding a splendid view of the lake
and its surroundings. The church, although not quite finished inside, is completed on
the outside, with its tower and its long, tapering and elegant steeple, which had not
long to wait for the bell destined for it.
The blessing of this new church on Sunday, the 7th of July, 1907, was a grand
occasion. On the previous day Bishop Legal and the visiting priests were met at the
. depot at Camrose by a large delegation of young men, all mounted and
bearing emblems of their patriotism and belief. They were to make a body guard
for the Bishop as far as Lake Demay.
We find in the "Camrose Mail" the following brisk description of the ceremony
which took place the next day: "On Sunday, amidst all that bespoke of dignity, en
thusiasm and devotion, the Catholic church at Lake Demay was solemnly blessed by
the 1 Rev. Bishop Legal, of St. Albert, assisted by the Rev. Vicar of the Oblates
Father H. Grandin, nephew of the late Bishop of the same name, who has gone down
into history as the first Bishop of the North-west. At eleven o'clock the ceremony of
;ssing the new church took place The church was nicely decorated in
the interior and outside emblems of patriotism and devotion were in evidence on every
There were forty-five persons confirmed, showing in a measure, the
good work that Father Kulawy is doing in the parish."
On the 1 1 8lh of August, during the absence of Bishop Legal, His Lordship, Bishop
Rascal, then Vicar Apostolic of Saskatchewan, but now Bishop of Prince Albert in
the course of a visit to St. Albert, consented to go to Lake Demay, accompanied' by
the Very Rev. Father H. Leduc, O.M.I., Vicar-General, for the blessing of a hand-
Iruly this mission then is now perfectly established, and taking into con
sideration the comparatively short time and the poverty of all the new-comers from
Austria, one cannot but wonder how all these improvements have been completed in
such a satisfactory manner.
Rabbit Hills is eighteen miles south-west of South-Edmonton. This mission was
:ommenced by Rev. Father Albert Kulawy (brother of Rev. Paul Kulawy) who had
from Winnipeg to visit the Poles in Alberta. He had selected the spot on ac
count of the extraordinary quality of the soil, and an unpretentious little chapel was
built there in 1903. After the arrival of Father Paul Kulawy the church was finished
and services are held one Sunday of every month.
The blessing of this little church on June 2, 1904, was the occasion of a
>eautirul and pious demonstration. It was the feast of Corpus Christi, and it had
*r .resolved to gather together the faithful of both rites, Latin and Ruthenian, in the
celebration of the solemn festival. It is, besides, a custom which is practiced at
least some times in Gahcia. His Lordship, Bishop Legal, had arrived the evening
ore and had gone down to the house of Rev. Father Dydyk, the Greek Ruthenian
priest as h r. Kulawy had as yet no house there. Elaborate preparations and decora
tions had been made. There were triumphal arches of foliage and flags of the national
colors of Gahcia, yellow and blue, were floating in the breeze on all sides, even on
the dome of the little Ruthenian church.
All went in procession to escort the Bishop to the church with banners, ikons and
lighted tapers At the church door Rev. Fr. Dydyk, O.S.B.M., made a short address
in Latin and the Bishop replied in the same. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament then
followed, given with the Ciborium, which was surmounted by a royal crown of
beautiful significance and effect. The procession was then formed. The weather was
a little threatening, and not exactly such as desirable, but the procession was able to
be carried on, during which the Latin chants alternated with the Rutheman, and the
"Ospodo Pomi" replied to the "Miserere Nobis" of the litanies.
In this manner the distance between the two little churches, about half a mile,
was accomplished. The Ruthenian church is situated in a fine position on the banks
of the little river, "White Mud." It is well built, of square timber, and surmounted
by a little dome in the Muscovite style. The Polish church of the Latin rite is not so
In spite of the rain which kept threatening, His Lordship Bishop Legal, was
able to accomplish the blessing of the church with the aspersions and other ceremonies.
Rev. Fr. Kulawy sang High Mass, and it was interesting and pious to hear the
whole assembly uniting in the singing of the Gloria and Credo and other parts of the
service in a manner somewhat monotonous, it is true, but intensely religious. Rev. Fr.
Kulawy at the end of the Mass also addressed the Bishop, insisting especially on the
good will that each party at Rabbit Hills displayed to the other, in such a manner as
to prevent any appearance of that animosity which sometimes exists between the different
rites. Finally there was held a Confirmation service for ten persons, and thus ended a
day of pious rejoicing and blessings.
A modest presbytery was built at Rabbit Hills in the course of the year 1907,
for the accommodation of the priest when he visits the place, and it serves also as
a waiting room for the people on rainy days. From Rabbit Hills Father Kulawy also
pays occasional visits to Conjuring Creek, where there are a few Polish settlers scat
tered amongst the Ruthenians.
St. John Nepomuck, at Kopernick, distant about twenty-five miles east of the
mission of St. Stanislas of Lake Demay, and fifteen miles north of Daysland, there
is another group of Poles with whom are mixed a certain number of Ruthenians. It
is the centre of a mission which has been dedicated to St. John Nepomuck, the Polish
Saint who died a martyr for the Secret of the Confessional.
There, also, Fr. Kulawy had been able to build a provisional chapel surmounted
by its little bell tower, and having some pretentions to the dignity of a church. 1 his
however is now the residence of the priest, when visiting the mission and a proper church
was erected in the course of the year 1909.
Recently (1914) the work of visiting the Polish missions has been shared by
Rev. Father Denis, O.F.M., and Rev. Father Geldsdorf, O.M.I., who came recent
ly from Germany.
Jf^. nJAPT
Greek Rutheman Parishes and Missions
As has been said above, among the immigrants coming from the central countries of
Europe, and especially from that province of the Empire of Austria named Galicia,
many belonged to the Greek Ruthenian rite. These are called Uniates, or Greek
Catholics, United to Rome, and submitting entirely to the jurisdiction of the Pope.
From the point of view of dogma, they are at one with the Catholics of the Roman
rite, but differ in their liturgy. Their whole external form of worship is based on the
order of the Greek liturgy. The language used in their worship, nevertheless, is not
Greek, but a very old Slav tongue, called Ruthenian. These people were converted
to the Catholic faith by Saints Cyril and Meltodius, after some vicissitudes in which
they had been partially involved in the Schism of Photius. It was through these same
Saints Cyril and Meltodius that they had obtained from the Sovereign Pontiff the
privilege of preserving the Greek Liturgy and the Ruthenian language in the Divine
Moreover, it is well to remember that this Greek-Ruthenian rite, which did not
exist at first anywhere except in Galicia, holds no connection with any Oriental Patri
arch, but is derived directly from the Sovereign Pontiff of Rome. But in Galicia this
Greek-Ruthenian church has its hierarchy entirely distinct from and independent of
the Latin hierarchy. The three Dioceses of Galicia have each their Ruthenian Bishop
side by side with the Latin Bishop, and the jurisdiction of each extends over the
same territory, but only over persons of its respective rite.
The Archbishop of Lemberg is the Metropolitan and he has for his suffragans, the
Bishops of Stamslaw and Przemysl. These are the three Dioceses whence all the
Catholics of the Greek-Ruthenian rite have come to us, who now are peopling Manitoba
and the new provinces.
As before said, these people were visited from time to time, before 1897, by dif
ferent missionaries, particularly by Rev. M. Dorais, and Rev. Fr. G. Nordmann,
O.M.I. In 1897, when Bishop Legal had been nominated Bishop Grandin's coad
jutor, he made it one of his first cares to provide for the spiritual needs of these people
of the Greek Ruthenian rite who were deprived of all consolation from the point of
view of religion.
There was, in fact, the danger that, finding themselves deprived of spiritual as
sistance they should become the prey of those who were desirous of drawing them into
schism. Indeed, some among these settlers, acting on inaccurate information, had writ
ten to the Schismatical Russian Bishop, Nicholas Tickon, Bishop of Alutzk and
Alaska, residing at San Francisco, California, and in consequence of this communica
tion Bishop Tickon, in 1897, sent two of his ecclesiastics, Rev. Kamneff and Rev.
Alexandroff, who started to circulate a petition, to which all those who wished to pass
over to their religion should subscribe their names — a sufficient proof that those to
whom they addressed themselves already belonged to another church. It was during
this state of affairs that Bishop Legal made his first visit, the consequence of which
was that the movement of enrolling members in the Russian Orthodox church ceased
A little before, the colony had also had the visit of a Uniate priest, the Rev.
Nestor Demytrow, who had passed Easter in their midst and had carried out the
ceremonies of this season of the year absolutely and exactly as they are practiced in the
churches of Galicia. The Rev. Nestor Demytrow renewed his visit again in September,
and in the interval, as Bishop Legal had ascertained that he was truly a Uniate priest,
coming from the Diocese of Harrisburg, where he had exercised the functions of a
parish priest in the Greek-Ruthenian parish of St. Paul at Mt. Carmel, all the faculties
and jurisdiction for exercising the sacred ministry were granted him in the name of
Bishop Grandin, Bishop of St. Albert.
On the occasion of this second visit of Rev. N. Demytrow, it was arranged that
during his stay in the settlement, Bishop Legal should also make an official visit, which
was fixed for October 3rd. I his took place in the school house at Limestone Lake.
Rev. Fr. Demytrow celebrated Holy Mass, while His Lordship, in Episcopal habit,
and attended by the Rev. F r. G. Nordmann, look his place at the customary Gospel
side of the altar. Towards the end of the Mass the celebrant came to bring the pat
en to be kissed by Bishop Legal and Father Nordmann, as the official kiss of peace,
and he made all the people kneel to receive the solemn benediction from the Bishop,
tvhich in fact His Lordship intoned. I hen afterwards the Bishop briefly addressed the
assembly, being interpreted by the priest, the Rev. N. Demytrow. After the religious
service, the Bishop, having now put aside his choir habit, again addressed the assembly.
In this meeting he made inquiries especially regarding the organization of the
parish. Ever since the first visit of Bishop Legal they had asked him two things in par
ticular, vi/., to secure for them a piece of land from the government and to provide the
people with priests of their own rites. Negotiations had already been entered into with
•he Government Land Office at Edmonton, but as yet the answer had not arrived.
Meanwhile, as ihey were quite counting on a favorable replv, they had already collected
a good number of logs on the land selected by them. I hey had to wait for the an
nouncement of the grant, but it came in the course of the following January. It was a
ree grant of forty acres as church grant and the remainder of quarter of section
rvas reserved to serve as a homestead for the priest who should reside at this place.
The proprietary title was not, however, put under the name of Bishop Grandin, as it
nas been said, but under that of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of St.
Albert. I his was the only officially organized corporation for Catholic property in
the Diocese.
As to the other request, that of procuring priests of the Greek Rutheman rite, steps
had also been taken with the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda at Rome, which
is charged with such affairs. The Propaganda put itself in communication with Car
dinal Sambratowich, Archbishop of Lemberg and Metropolitan of Galicia for the
Greek Rutheman rite, but negotiations were not concluded till a little later. In the
^nterval the colony was still visited from time to time, as in the past.
It was on Good Friday, April 8th, 1898, that the Rev. Paul Tymkiewitcz, a
young Galician priest of the Greek Ruthenian rite, arrived at St. Albert with his
recommendations and credentials from the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda.
Bishop Grandin and his coadjutor received him with joy and agreed to give him, for
his support, $100 a year, seeing the poverty of the population he was going to serve,
and he received on the spot a cheque to the amount of $50. He was then conducted
to the settlement known at that time generally by the name of Edna, and of which
he took charge.
The Rev. M. Tymkiewitz only remained about six months in charge of this colony.
Finding the country too little advanced and the people too poor for his taste, he de
parted for the United States. During his stay at the settlement, the Rev. M. Tym-
kiewitcz came to represent to Bishop Grandin that the people were urgently demanding
that he should be willing to consent to transfer the church property, originally put under
the name of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Congregation of St. Albert, to a committee
of three members chosen as "Trustees or Syndics of the Mission." It is said that the
Rev. M. Tymkiewitcz had favored, or perhaps even inspired this movement. There
would have been nothing astonishing in that.
In Gahcia, that portion of the Catholic Church which is called the Ruthenian
church is united to Rome, as has already been said, by the intermediary of a special
hierarchy completely independent of the Latin hierarchy, and it is an open secret
known to all that the Ruthenian clergy in America is desirious of introducing the same
system on this side of the ocean. It would have been natural for the priest to have acted
with this general idea of preparing for such a change.
After some representations pointing out the danger that could happen in confiding
the "Trust" to private persons rather than to the Bishop, His Lordship, Bishop
Grandin, nevertheless, consented to surrender this property to the Crown, with the pur
pose of handing it over to a committee chosen "in trust" for a Congregation of
Greeff Ruthenian Catholics united to Rome. Bishop Legal, was, at the time, in
Europe, and had no share in this transaction.
It was a little after this arrangement that the Rev. M. Tymkiewitcz left the
colony for the United States, where he could certainly find more comfort than among
;:he new colonists of the Northwest, generally very poor, at this period.
On his return from Europe, Bishop Legal instituted new steps with the S. Cong,
de Propaganda, with the result that the Rev. Damascene Poliwka was sent to re
place Rev. M. Tymkiewitcz. Rev. M. Poliwka arrived at Winnipeg on the 21st of
October, 1 899, but he came no further. Owing to the reports that he received there
concerning the colony at Star and the severity of our Northwest climate, he decided
to cross over to the United States where he could find more advantageous conditions.
It was only in the year following that another priest sent by him came to take
his place. This was the Rev. M. Zacklinski, who arrived at Edmonton in the
month of July, 1900. On arriving he was careful to apply for the faculties necessary
for exercising the Sacred Ministry, and these were given, at first, conditionally. He had
to remain there till they were granted in a more definite manner.
It was from his time, 1901, that those difficulties commenced which led to a
protracted law suit which lasted for many years, only to be settled towards the end of
1907 by a decision of the Privy Council of England. Of this we shall say more
The Ruthenian priests who had been in charge of the colony, viz. Tymkiewitcz
and Zacklinski, were secular priests, who in fact were nowise settled in this Diocese,
and they could depart elsewhere, as had been done, whenever the conditions of the
country no longer suited them. It is desirable in a missionary country like this
rather to have priests belonging to some religious order. Then if a priest departs
or is recalled, his place is filled by another and the work commenced is not interrupted.
To obtain this desirable result, the Rev. Fr. Lacombe, who was about to go to
Europe, was commissioned to go to Galicia to visit the Greek Ruthenian authorities of
that country and there to arrange this matter. He departed in February, 1 900, went
to Rome and interested the Cardinal Prefect of the Propaganda, Card. Ledochowski in
his project, as well as Cardinal Rampolla and the Sovereign Pontiff himself. On the
1st of September he left Paris for Austria and he arrived in Vienna on the evening
of September 4th. He first called on Count Golowkoski, the Minister of Foreign
Affairs, who took a lively interest in our Galicians of the Canadian Northwest. After
that, Fr. Lacombe went to Stanislaow, there to meet the Ruthenian Bishop, Mgr.
Cardinal Sambratowich, Archbishop of Lemberg, had recently died and it de
volved upon Mgr. Sczeptycki to treat the whole of this question. He had been already
designated as the successor of Cardinal Sambratowich in the Metropolitan See of
Lemberg, and he himself belonged to the Order of St. Basil the Great. This great
prelate, with his large hearted sympathies, was entirely won over to the cause, and he
promised to do everything in his power to procure for his fellow-countrymen priests
of their own rite.
Finally, to complete his mission, Fr. Lacombe returned to Vienna, where he again
saw the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count Golowkoski, and by his 'intervention
obtained an audience with the Emperor Francis Joseph himself, who listened with the
greatest interest to the account of the position of his former subjects who had emigrated
to Canada.
The immediate result of Fr. Lacombe's journey was the sending of Rev. Basil
Zoldak, private secretary to Mgr. Sczeptycki, on a temporary mission. Rev. B. Zoldak
arrived at Edmonton on Feb. 15, 1902 and immediately undertook the task of visit
ing his fellow countrymen and of acquainting himself with their needs.
In the month of May, following, before returning to Europe to render an
account of his mission to Mgr. Sczeptycki, he addressed a report to Bishop Legal
and requested that Rev. Father Jan should accompany him. Fr. Jan, of the Parish
of St. Joachim, Edmonton, had taken the greatest interest in these newcomers, Galicians
of the Greek Ruthenian, rite. A great number of young Gahcian girls, nearly 300, had
been put into domestic service in different houses in Edmonton. Though generally pious,
prudent and reserved, they had no protection. On the other hand, they were for the most
part placed in Protestant families, and there were from time to time attempts made to pro
selytize them by drawing them away to Protestant schools and churches. Fr. Jan
undertook to establish a night school where these young girls could gather together after
their day's work was done. There they received religious instruction, commenced to
learn English and were taught dressmaking and other useful works. Bishop Legal
did all in his power to encourage this useful enterprise and he was delighted to find
in the Rev. Mothers Faithful Companions of Jesus a perfect readiness to second the
efforts of the priest in respect to these young girls.
Meanwhile His Lordship, Bishop Grandin, of saintly memory, had died, and
one of the first acts of his successor to the See of St. Albert was to promise the Rev.
Fr. Zoldak the companionship of Father Jan to Europe for the purpose of obtaining
priests of the Greek Ruthenian rite and especially those of a religious order. The
matter was one of difficulty, not that they were not interested in Galicia, in these new
Canadian colonists, but they had no subjects at their disposal to send so far afield.
Mgr. Sczeptycki, it is true, belonged, himself, to the Order of Reformed Basi-
lians, but this order was still wanting in numbers, and the fact that he had recently
accepted the responsibility of some new missions for Galician emigrants to Brazil
rendered the difficulty still greater as far as the missions of Northwest Canada were
concerned. After many fruitless attempts our two envoys were nearly discouraged,
when the authorities in Galicia awoke to the necessity of immediate action. Accordingly
a letter from Rev. B. Zoldak, dated the 19th of August, 1902, announced that three
Basilian Fathers and a lay brother, as well as three Sisters, "Servants of Mary," of
the Greek Ruthenian rite, were making ready to cross over to Canada m the early days
of October. They arrived at Edmonton on the morning of the 2nd of November and
at St. Albert on the 3rd. These were the Rev. Fathers Platonides Filas, O.S.B.M.,
Superior; Sozontius Dydyk and Anton Strozky, and the lay brother, Jeremias Jani-
chewshyj. There were four instead of three Sisters, "Servants of Mary," viz., Sisters
Ambrosia Lenkewicz, Emilia Klapowska, Isidora Schepowska and Taida Wrow-
On the Sunday following, November 9th, the Rev. Fr. Filas was with Bishop
Legal in the Beaver Creek district at the house of Rev. Fr. Olczewski, at the place
which later on took the name of Krakow. There he put himself in touch with his com
patriots, who were delighted to see again priests of their own language and rite, ex
actly as they had in their own native land.
Thenceforward, the Basilian Fathers busied themselves in serving the different
groups of their own people. Not having any house as yet built for them, the "Servants
of Mary" were installed in a room above the old church and sacristy at Edmonton.
They courageously set to work to learn English and they bound themselves down to
follow the classes given by the Rev. Mothers of the "Faithful Companions of Jesus."
The Rev. Superior Fr. Filas chose as the centre of his operations, a spot eight
miles south-east of Krakow, which is called today Monaster, and from the following
spring he was busy erecting a fairly large dwelling. The Rev. Fr. Dydyk and Rev.
Fr. Strozky were principally employed in visiting the numerous groups established in
different directions. Rev. Fr. Strozky was occupied particularly in the neighborhood
of Star and Rev. Fr. Dydyk with the Edmonton Galicians and those of Rabbit Hill
and Lake Demay. It was also necessary to visit the Ruthenians and Slavs near
Lethbridge, on the main line of the C. P. R., and on the Crow's Nest Pass. Father
Strozky even made some journeys to Saskatchewan to visit certain groups of Ruthenians
on that side.
When the house was sufficiently advanced at Monaster, the Sisters "Servants
of Mary" went thither to establish themselves in the midst of the Gahcian popula
tion of the district. There were now only three of them. Sister Taida had died on
May 23rd, 1903, after a painful decline.
A church had also been constructed at Rabbit Hill on two acres of ground which
the people had acquired. This was regularly visited by the Rev. Fr. Dydyk or the
Rev. Fr. Strozky. Another group was formed on the site of Lake Demay near the
Polish colony, and a little church erected there in the course of 1906.
But an event of considerable importance now occurred. The branch of the
Order of St. Basil the Great, which had supplied us with Ruthenian missionaries,
had accepted the Reform of Pope Leo XIII. It had had at Us head, since the
beginning of the Reform, a Jesuit Father, Very Rev. Father Bapts being the last
in charge. But the time had now come when the Basilians were enabled to manage
their own administration. It was thought that no better choice could be made than
that of the Rev. Fr. Platomdes Filas himself as the man to undertake the direction of
the Order as its Provincial Superior. In truth, the Rev. Fr. Filas, who had been
proposed for the vacant Episcopate of Stanislaw, was just the Religious qualified for
this post of great responsibility. Intelligent and learned in the Science of Theology
and of Canon Law, an excellent Religious, tactful and at the same time firm, with
ideas perfectly in harmony with the direction of the Holy See, he had, then, everything
that was needed to direct with a firm and sure hand the destinies of the branch of the
Reformed Order of St. Basil the Great. He left Alberta in the latter days of
February, 1905, to follow the call of duty, but it was not without regret and sadness
that he left behind his dear missions in Canada.
The Rev. Fr. Dydyk remained in charge of the Rutheman missions of the
Diocese with only two other Basilians, Rev. Fr. Athanasius Fihpow and the Rev.
Fr. Chrysostomos Tymocko. The Rev. Fr. Strozky had been placed at Rosthern
in Saskatchewan.
The Ruthenian population of Edmonton had been increased in a very note
worthy manner. There were no longer only young girls in service in private families,
but many families had settled down in a more permanent fashion, principally in the
eastern part of the town, and soon it became necessary to provide for their religious
The Episcopal corporation gratuitously handed over to the Basihan Fathers the
half of a block of land which they had acquired in this part of the town and soon,
under the direction of Rev. Fr. Dydyk the building of a handsome church was begun
and was finished and decorated in 1907. It is dedicated to St. Josephat. It shows
in its general appearance the peculiar features of Galician churches. It is surmounted
by a dome, painted in metallic colors, and is very elegant.
Rev. Fr. Dydyk, having been named in 1906 Superior of all the Basilians of
Manitoba and the West, with Winnipeg as his headquarters, was replaced by Rev. Fr.
Miron Hura. The Sisters, "Servants of Mary," had already made some recruits and
a little band was sent to Edmonton, where, as at Monaster, they kept a little school in
which they taught catechism to the young. Thus the work, in spite of the initial dif
ficulties and the endless opposition aroused by the enemy of God and of all good, has
since prospered and will continue to bear worthy fruits of salvation.
In addition to the church at Edmonton, that of St. Basil the Great at Monaster
and of the Nativity of the B. V. M. at Rabbit Hill, there are many other little churches
or chapels built by the Greek Ruthenian Catholics and visited by the Basihan Fathers:
St. Demetrius, at Skaro; St. Michael at Wostock; The Nativity of the B. V. M., at
Chipman; The Ascension of Our Lord at Quarrel Lake; St. Nicholas at Buford; St.
Peter and St. Paul, at Mundare and St. Nicholas at Warwick.
Two other stations unprovided with churches are also visited; one east of Vegre-
ville and the other twelve miles from Innisfree. Near Lake Demay there is a little
church built, and another post visited, between Lake Demay and Quarrel Lake. As
is apparent, there is need of a dozen missionaries for the regular visitation and service
of these different localities and there are now no more than three Basihan Fathers for
the work, "Messis quidem multa, operarn autem pauci."
Although the care and responsibility of the Ruthenian Catholics has been taken
from the shoulders of the Latin hierarchy, let us, before dismissing the subject, record a
few more facts.
When Father Sozontius Dydyk was transferred to Winnipeg he was succeeded
by Rev. Father Athanasius Filipow, and later on, Rev. Father Chrysostomos Tym
ocko. They stayed together, at Mundare, until the time when Father Filipow was also
called to Winnipeg.
After the premature death of Father Tymocko, December 19th, 1909, Rev.
Father Nacratius Kryzanowski came to take his place. A large and beautiful church
was soon erected at Mundare, in the Moscovite style of architecture.
On the occasion of the First Plenary Council of Quebec, through the efforts of
the Archbishop of Toronto, Mgr. McEvay, seconded by the Bishops of the North
west, it was agreed by all the Bishops that a collection would be taken annually for ten
years in all the dioceses of Canada, in order to raise, every year, $10,000 for
the assistance of the Catholic missions of the Greek Ruthenian rite. Archbishop Lange-
vin, Bishop Legal and Bishop Pascal, consented the provision that during these ten
years, no collection would be taken in the dioceses of the Province of Quebec for the
schools of the North-west. In that manner it became possible to help our Ruthenian
brethren in many ways.
In the diocese of St. Albert, depending on this annual collection to have the money
refunded to him, Bishop Legal generously advanced $6,000 for the construction of a fine
brick building destined to be the convent and boarding school for the Sisters "Servants
of Mary." The sum of $1,000 was also lent for the construction of the Ruthenian
church at Mundare.
In 1910, a memorable visit was made to the Greek Ruthenians of the North-west.
It was no other than the great Archbishop Metropolitan of Lemberg, in Galicia, the
Most Rev. Andrew Szeptycki who came to visit his people, in their own settlements.
For several weeks he went along preaching, exhorting, hearing confessions personally,
spending days and nights, for the spiritual good of his pious and devoted countrymen,
His Grace was in Edmonton on the 26th of October, 1910, and when he departed
he left behind the renown of a holy, ardent and zealous missionary.
Another important event which had been expected for a long time was officially
made known, at the beginning of the year 1913, when it was announced that the Right
Rev. Nicetas Budka had been appointed Bishop of the Greek Ruthenian Rite, with
personal jurisdiction over the Ruthenian Catholics of all Canada.
Of course, a sense of relief came over us when we realized that all the responsibility
of these Catholics of foreign language, rite and customs, had passed to some one else,
better qualified to understand and guide them in the way of their salvation.
Consequently when Bishop Budka came to visit his people, in Edmonton, on the
26th of February, 1913, and on the following days, we were only too happy to wel
come the one appointed by God to govern the Ruthenian population of Canada. We
gladly relinquished into his hands the trust we had exercised before, keeping however,
m our heart, a deep and sincere affection for our brethren of the Greek Ruthenian
rite, over whom we had ruled for over ten years.
Before closing this account of the establishment and development of our Greek
Ruthenian Missions, it is important to say a word on the famous law suit begun
years ago and only terminated towards the end of 1907, after having exhausted all
the possibilities of our law system, even as far as the Imperial Privy Council of Eng-
The difficulties commenced from the time of the Rev. M. Zacklynski, who had
taken charge of this congregation, the year which followed the departure of Rev.
Tymkiewitcz in July, 1 900.
In spite of all that can be insinuated, these difficulties were raised through money
considerations and in no way on the subject of the religious question. The three
trustees found themselves at variance with their pastor regarding the church accounts.
The natural consequence was some disagreeable quarrels and reciprocal accusations
and the three trustees, following the natural propensity of stubborn people, decided to
make matters worse by passing over to schism.
For this purpose they approached a Russian priest, Rev. M. Korchinski, who for
some years resided quite near at Wostok. Some other families joined them. Naturally
they had a perfect right to make themselves schismatics and pass over to any religious
sect of their choice, but they ought to have understood that by the very fact of so
doing they were losing "the trust" which had been confided to them, over the church
property of Star. This they would not understand, and they tried to transfer this pro-
perty to the Schismatical church. Rev. M. Korchinski insisted before admitting them
into his church on a public and solemn abjuration, in which he made them declare
that they renounced the errors of the Roman church.
It was only after this abjuration had been made on a Sunday, in presence of the
whole of his congregation that they were formally admitted into the Russian Orthodox
church. Rev. M. Korchinski then attempted to occupy the church and to hold religious
service there, but the great majority of the population had remained what they were before,
Greek Catholics, united to Rome, and they opposed the taking possession of the church.
Rev. M. Korchinski called on the assistance of the police, to maintain him in pos
session. The police came, but there were altercations and disorder, so that finally
the church was closed and its use forbidden to Schismatics as well as Catholics. Rev.
M. Zachlynski arranged that three other trustees should be appointed and these in
stituted law proceedings against M. Korchinski and the former trustees to recover their
The examination of witnesses began at Edmonton in May, 1902, before Judge
Scott. Numerous witnesses were called on both sides. All the circumstances were ex
amined into, with the greatest minuteness. During the course of the law suit Rev.
M. Zoldak arrived from Europe and a little later also the first Basilian Fathers, who
were able to give evidence on the condition of these Greek Ruthemans having emigrated
to Canada. They knew the towns and villages whence they had come and not one
of them had even been a Schismatic or in union with the Russian Orthodox church.
It was not till the September of the following year, 1903, that the hearing was finished
and Judge Scott issued his decision a little later, giving the verdict in favor of the
Catholics and obliging the other party to restore them their property.
An appeal against this decision was lodged before the full court of the North
west, which examined the question afresh, with the result that the former sentence was
confirmed. Be it said to the honor of our Judicial Bench of the North-west, composed
entirely of Protestant Judges, with one sole exception, that they decided to uphold
the rights of the Catholics, absolutely. Of the five Judges, Mr. Justice Sifton alone
dissenting. If fanaticism and bigotry had wished to intervene it had utterly failed.
After this decision of the Supreme Court of the Northwest, the Schismatical party
decided to appeal against it, anew, before the Supreme Court of Canada. The ques
tion now seems to have wandered from the domain of justice into other regions.
The Supreme Court of Canada reversed the former judgment which had been
confirmed by the Plenary Court of the Northwest. Great stress was laid on a certain
permit to cut the timber which had been employed in the construction of the church.
It appears that it had been asked for a Greek Orthodox church. This application had
been corrected and on the permit it had been added "for a Greek Catholic church."
Who had made the application? They did not trouble to enquire. This correction
must have been made in the regular course by the officials of the land department at
the request of the interested party and with the aid of their sworn interpreter. In any
case it was not done by the intermediary of the local Catholic authorities, who made
no application for this permit nor for its correction, and what is even more, they were
totally ignorant of its existence.
The Catholics, strong in their rights, resolved to appeal from this astonishing de
cision to the Privy Council of England. There was some difficulty in obtaining per
mission to make this appeal, but it was nevertheless granted. The case was then dis
cussed afresh before the Privy Council. This was in the month of August, 1907.
The deferred decision was not made public until the festival season of the New Year,
1908. It maintained the decision of the Supreme Court, refusing to recognize the
rights of the Catholics to remain in possession of their property.
It would be too long to examine this judgment in all its details. It pretended that
the congregation at Star had been since its commencement, and could never have been
oherwise than a Schismatical congregation, separated from Rome. It must needs
have required from the distinguished judges an immense amount of "good will" to adopt
this view.
Even when the Bishop of St. Albert had consented to hand over the property so that
it might be entered in the name of certain "trustees," the property was still put in "trust"
for the purposes of the Congregation of the Greek Catholic Church at Limestone Lake."
The judgment adds, "in words drawn apparently by Bishop Legal."
It is assuredly of little importance by whom the wording was chosen. It is suf
ficient to know that these expressions were adopted and accepted by the "trustees." As
a matter of fact, Bishop Legal was absent in Europe at the time when this transaction
took place, and had nothing to do with the formula adopted.
Another remark: when the trustees with certain others applied to the Rev. Kor-
chinski to be admitted into his church, the judgment admits that he had the "tactless
ness" to ask for a formal abjuration. It was no tactlessness, but under the circumstances
it was a necessity to act thus, because a formal change of religion was to take place.
The judgment runs thus: "Unfortunately Korchinski insisted on public renunciation of
Roman doctrine."
This, indeed is "unfortunate" and "most damaging" for the plea that these people
had been schismatics from the beginning. How was it that the Rev. M. Korchinski,
who had been living for some years in the immediate neighborhood of this locality, could
have been unaware that these people belonged to his church? We repeat it, there
must needs have been required an immense amount of "good will" for somebody else
to sustain such a pretension.
The Court of the Supreme Council comprised five Lords, of whom two were
Scotch Presbyterians and three Orangemen. It must be allowed there would seem
to be no great chance of sympathy there for a Catholic cause.
However that may be, the cause is finished, with the result that the poor Catholics
are deprived of their church property, and their trustees who have followed the case
with full confidence in their rights, will be ruined without even being able perhaps to
succeed in paying the whole of the costs incurred. In spite of this adverse sentence all
those who are at all conversant with the question and who know the condition of affairs,
as they then were, and as they are still, will maintain their private and absolute con
viction: "that this properly had been obtained and occupied by a congregation of Catho
lics of the Greek Rutheman rite, united to Rome, and in submission to the Pope, and
that it has been allowed to pass over to an entirely different religious body, viz., 'the
Russian Orthodox church,' which recognizes as its head the Czar of all the Russians."
It is an unfortunate precedent in a country where so many religious denominations may
be liable to find themselves in conflict.
Provincial of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate,
Alberta and Saskatchewan.
ST. ALBERT, 1914
More than half a century has passed since St. Albert was first founded. It is
no longer an msignficant hamlet, or village, but a town of rising importance, with its
own bank, hotels, stores, industries, and finally its own municipal organization, with its
mayor and town councillors. Its principal claim, however, rests on its proud position as
the first Episcopal See of the North-west, the place hallowed by the memory of saintly
Bishop Grandm and the mecca of a devout pilgrimage.
No visitor of note to Edmonton, the capital of the province, fails to visit the pretty
suburb of St. Albert, especially now that since 1906 the Canadian Northern railway
has a line running past it.
Many distinguished men, travelling through the North-west have repaired thither;
great prelates of the church; rulers of the State, among whom may be mentioned three
successive Governors-General of Canada: the Earl of Aberdeen, Lord Minto and Earl
Grey, as well as many distinguished politicians, such as Sir Wilfrid Laurier, when
premier and now leader of the opposition, the Hon. Sir R. L. Borden, premier,
who have paid visits to St. Albert and its Bishop, as a tribute of homage to the dis
tinguished part which St. Albert and the missionaries of the diocese have played in the
work of civilization and the extension of the Empire.
It is within nine miles north-west of Edmonton, and thither on November 1st, the
Feast of All Saints, on a bright morning in the late beautiful Indian summer, a very
humble pilgrim, the present writer, repaired.
Suddenly, within the last mile, the road descended to the valley of St. Albert, be
tween spruce groves. Far off, on the other side, dominating the scene, rose the
gleaming spires of "The Mission."
Thither, through the village, I hurried, pausing only on the bridge-way that spans
the river Sturgeon and connects both parts of the town. This," I reflected, "is the
fourth bridge, the successor of that early one, the first one erected west of Winnipeg
and placed here by the first pioneering missionaries of St. Albert."
It was with rare foresight, for now a settler's wagon, filled with household effect?
and farm implements, and carrying the family, is crossing, making for the "homestead"
one hundred miles up north; while the other wagons, heavily laden with grain and
farm produce, are wending their way to Edmonton, since the bridge forms the prin
cipal point of convergence for the greater portion of the northern traffic making to and
from the capital of Alberta.
As I ascended the slopes of the charming hill and stood upon the plateau, upon
which "The Mission," as it is still affectionately called, rises, the Guardian and Sentinel
of the landscape for miles around, I realized the justice of Bishop Tache's enthusiasm
in 1864.
Here in front of me was a vast extent of elegant buildings, neatly separated from
the hill slopes by a long palisading, painted white with gates and tourniquets quaintly
placed at intervals, enclosing with its numerous buildings, gardens, outhouses, barns and
cemetery, at least a quarter of a square mile.
If Bishop Tache, seeing it in 1864 after a few years progress felt proud of his
choice, as but the site for one more new mission, then the present Bishop has further
reason for rejoicing today.
The landscape is none the less charming than of old. The view is indeed superb.
The picturesque homes of the present inhabitants are still dotted along the banks of
the river, which winds serpent-like between them, and on its slopes leading higher to
the forests there are good farms, east and west, with their broad meadows in which I
can see the threshing machine at work, puffing and snorting out its cloud of finely chopped
straw. To my right gleams with its silvered coat of mail that feature of every suc
cessful village in the west districts — the elevator; the sign of prosperous harvests around
for the farmers whose grain it stores until it is conveyed by the freight train passing under
it to the busy marts of commerce.
There, too, high on the river bank, is a goodly, modern mill with a capacity for
turning out a hundred barrels a day, built now in brick and run by steam — not un
mindful of the fate and the past misfortunes of its four predecessors, destroyed by
flood and prairie fires. The first two mills had been built by the missionaries. This
one is owned by the Municipality, quite as daring and undaunted as ever were the
first St. Albert pioneers.
Then, farther west, beyond the lofty trestle railway bridge, spanning the river in
its circuitous path, there sparkles afar off, like a silvered mirror in a case of emerald,
under the clear flame of the Alberta sun, the lake of St. Albert, called by the Indians
the "Big Lake," with its waters reaching to the horizon, pouring themselves into the
Sturgeon which flows eastward through pleasant meadows and forest clad slopes, till
passing St. Albert it winds its way to lose itself farther on, in the Saskatchewan. While
above, the high, clear vault of heaven, the virginal dome of cool, clear, crisp, open air,
young, life-giving and free, breathes upon the country side, hallowing with its charm of
western grandeur and boundless hope, this site chosen as the See of a Bishop of the
pioneering Northwest.
I turned from this sight at my feet and around me to view the "Mission" behind.
I was charmed again at the sight of the well built, artistically designed buildings with
their variegated painted walls harmoniously blending with the quaint porticoes, veran
das, turrets and dormer windows — all clustering around the uncompleted Cathedral
enshrined in the centre — a "tout ensemble" of dignity and repose.
Behind and around in modest obscurity peeped out the outhouses, the home farms
and vegetable gardens, and then, far behind them still, the meadow lands and wheat
fields, reclaimed from the virgin soil of the forest by the laborious toil of the first mis
sionaries, who taught the arts of cultivation to the early nomad settlers at St. Albert
by their persuasive object lesson of civilization.
As I was wondering which of the buildings to visit first, the merry sounds of chil
dren let loose for play drew me to the western end of the Mission Enclosure, where
stands the Orphanage of the Gray Nuns, or Sisters of Charity, of Montreal. I found
the gray habited nuns with their orphan children, teaching them to swing or play games
in their pleasant gardens. In many cases the faces of the children at once betrayed un
mistakably their origin. They were the descendants of those native Indians for whose
sakes these frail women came hither to these territories from the East, about fifty years
ago, journeying across the great Lakes in their birch bark canoes and crossing the prairies
from Red River in rough carts to spend lives of self-denial and silent heroism in the
From humble beginnings they have so well succeeded that now they possess a large,
well appointed home, named from their foundress, "Youville Convent," measuring 250
x 35 feet, the eastern part of which forms the Orphanage, or Industrial School, in
which they have seventy-five pupils under their care. These are taught, besides re
ligion, and their ordinary lessons, to be useful members of society. The girls learn to
sew, embroider, to do housework, knitting, cooking, gardening and light work around
the farm, while the boys also learn manual labor and work on the farm under the tui
tion of an experienced farmer. Here they may stay as long as they choose, till they
come out the efficient farmers that so many are now recognized to be.
It is a credit to this institution to recall the verdict of the board of International
Examiners at the World's Columbian Exhibition held by the United States of America
at Chicago in 1 893, when it awarded a medal for the school work at St. Albert.
"For General Proficiency, the Industrial work in blacksmithing and carpentering being
of the very best."
The other portion, west of the building, is reserved as a Convent Boarding and
Day School, where as many as 1 25 children receive the usual high-class education.
There are now about twenty-five Sisters, of whom Rev. Mother Dandurand was until
lately the distinguished Superior Vicar, which position is similar to that of a Provincial.
Recently Rev. Mother Page has been appointed to the post. Alberta owes a great
debt of gratitude to these Gray Nuns for their share in the opening out of civilization
in this province.
On the east of the Youville Convent, standing in a spacious property, there was
to arise in a few years a noble Cathedral worthy of a great, flourishing diocese, but
for the decision that the cathedral had to be transferred to Edmonton which has been
made the metropolitan see of the archdiocese, lately created by the Holy See.
The crypt alone had been built so far and was roofed over for the time, and
in this condition the church was opened in the second week of January, 1906, for
public worship.
Behind the High Altar there is placed the tomb of the First Bishop of St. Albert,
the Right Rev. Vital Justin Grandin, O.M.I. He was born at St. Pierre le Cours,
in the diocese of Laval, France, on the 8th of February, 1829. He was elected Dec.
1 I th, 1857, Bishop of Satala, and oppointed coadjutor to the Right Rev. Alexander
Tache, Bishop of St. Boniface, Manitoba, and consecrated under this title November
30th, 1859. He was transferred to the See of St. Albert, September 22nd, 1871, and
died on June 3rd, 1902, leaving behind him in the whole North-west an undying
reputation as a brave and fearless pioneer of civilization, and a heroic apostle and saintly
And Hero, Saint and Apostle, he certainly was! Fulfilling St. Paul's descrip
tion of himself: "In journeys often, in perils of water, in perils from the Gentiles, in
labor and painfulness, in much watching, in hunger and in thrist, in fastings often and in
cold," and now, after all his travels, he rests in peace!
He was a man, single-minded, large-hearted, who was led entirely by one grand
enthusiasm — a passionate personal love for Jesus Christ and His Cause. To prove
his devotion and to extend the Kingdom of God he traversed the pathless North-west,
time and again; hurrying hither and thither to plant the standard of Christian civilization
and claiming the land for Christ; leading to Him captive souls from the Indian tribes
before they should be debased by the onrushing van of a worldly civilization, and
brought to worship Mammon and vice as its gods.
He overcame all difficulties and obstacles, leaving behind for his successors and
fellow workers the memory of a living example of the high heroism of Faith, Hope,
Charity and Self-Sacrifice in action.
During life he slept in mud huts, log cabins, in the open and by the streams, some
times under the same furskin wrappings as his vermin-covered Indian neophytes; some
times lost on the ice of the great lakes in the deadly cold and in peril of his life; night
after night in the forest with the cold stars above him! And now, he sleeps in peace
in the vast crypt of the Cathedral of this Diocese which his zeal has raised to Christ,
his Master.
"God accept him! Christ receive him!"
In life, humble, child-like, poor; in death he lies in dignity and honor! Truly his
favorite text is verified: "Infirma mundi elegit Deus" ("The weak things of the world
hath God chosen. )
His throne, hard by in the Sanctuary, is now filled by his own chosen coadjutor
;ssor, a man after his own heart, the Right Rev. Emile Joseph Legal, O.M I
a Pioneer himself, trained in a like school of privation and hardship, but also peculiarly
by his early education and experience and special mental habits of organizing
Iity as the man needed for the time, to carry on and consolidate the work of the
newly formed diocese, for the foundation of which the clearing was wrought by the
axe, the pick and the shovel of the first saintly pioneer. After the poet and prophet
:omes the statesman and law giver. After Grandin comes Legal! Surely, here, a
more than ordinary coincidence.
Emile Joseph Legal, second Bishop of St. Albert, was ordained priest in 1874
Unginally of the diocese of Nantes, where he distinguished himself by a literary and
scientific career, and was for some time a successful professor of Mathematics, he came
I to join the Oblate Fathers in their work in the North-west
hor sixteen years he labored among the Blackfoot Indians, especially on the
Peigan and the Blood Reserves, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. There he learned
love the Indians in spite of the ungrateful nature of his task, and its seeming poor
results but with characteristic, indomitable patience, he plodded on, refusing all offers
I here he learned to be in turn school-master, architect, cook, doctor and
rave digger. Indeed he was engaged in d.ggmg a grave for the corpse of a
poor little Indian child, abandoned by its parents, when he received the news of his
nomination to the Episcopate.
On the I 3th of May, 1897, the brief was received from Rome, naming him coad-
JTUt°r Tin-?8 , sVccesslon to Blsh°P Grandin. He was consecrated on the 17th of
June, 1897 under the title of Bishop of Pogla and became the Second Bishop of St
rl on the death of his saintly predecessor. He has since justified Bishop GrandiiTs
choice, and the bold conception of the projected Cathedral is ,ndicat,ve of the man
called upon to rule the destinies of the diocese.
Here in the spacious Cathedral crypt in the far West, the Bishop has been able
lebrate with dignity and impressiveness the imposing ceremonies of the church's
liturgy according to the full Roman Pontifical rite.
Here, he has ordained some of his new priests— a moving spectacle. At such a
one the present writer was privileged to be present. The plain chant, sung by a double
choir of the orphans in the body of the church under the direction of the nuns and a
surpliced choir of the young students of the "Petit Seminaire" m the sanctuary stalls
added to the complete rubrical and ancient character of the majestic service It is
among these young boys around him, near his throne, that the Bishop hopes to find
lidates for the needs of the future extension of his ever growing diocese.
Ift^l U^L6 th^sa1cred,edince and stand on the brow of the hill, on the spot where
D4, Bishop Tache planted his staff to mark the site of the new mission on-e
more facing the south and surveying, as it were, the whole of the diocese I find myself
asking the question, "What will be the future of this vast diocese?"
To judge from the past, its wonderful birth in a hitherto unknown and uncivilized
country; the perilous time of its infancy, surmounted, by the labors and self-sacrificing
efforts, of the brave missionaries in the face of overwhelming difficulties and obstacles-
J wonderful development already exhibited; its share, too, of the undoubting calm
spirit of optimism, the genius of the West, with its buoyant youth exulting in its strength-
breathing an atmosphere of enthusiasm and progress— a communicable quality all
lead us to foresee with the eye of Faith and Hope a brilliant future for this young
Province of the Church Militant. The answer to this question was given when the
Holy See has raised the See of St. Albert to a higher dignity in creating a new eccles
iastical Province. Less than a century ago the North-west Territories were a closed
book, save to the few traders who jealously kept its secrets. Christianity was unknown to
its native tribes. In 1817, in all the vast territory extending from Manitoba to
Rocky Mountains, and the northern glacial regions, including Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
Alberta and the northern districts of Athabasca, Mackenzie and the Yukon and com-
posing the original diocese of St. Boniface, there was not one priest. In 1818
were two; 1840, three; 1842, one Bishop and four priests; 1845, one Bishop and
six priests in 1886 there were four Bishops and one hundred and twenty-seven pries
in 1891 five Bishops; in 1902 there were seven Bishops and three hundrec
seven priests.
In dying in 1902, Bishop Grandin was consoled with the thought that the North
west counted" 100,000 Catholics, baptized in the blood of Jesus Christ
The Archdiocese of Edmonton, as now constituted since the creation of the
diocese of Calgary in November, 1912, is bounded on the north by the 55th par
of latitude; on the east by the 1 10th degree of longitude; on the south by the northern
boundary line of the 30th Townships, and on the west by the summit
At the north end of the Cathedral, resting behind the sanctuary, in its shadow
are three buildings intimately connected with its past, its present and us future
old-time log hut on my left, that low-roofed barn is surely out of place , here
old and hardly worth the repairing it has evidently so often received It . shou Ml
cumber this site. "But I am rebuked. That poor hut, which even at its best allov ec
the snow and ram to enter it as into their kingdom, was the first Cathedral of the tint
Bishop of this diocese. No vandal hand has dared to strike it down.
On my right hand stands a graceful, turreted, church-like building, elegantly de
signed, but of small dimensions. It has been added to and renovated, but from the
descriptions of the early chroniclers I have little hesitation m naming this as the s
Cathedral, buill for Bishop Grandin, now no longer coadjutor to he ^Bishop
Boniface, under the title of Satala "in parlibus." but First Bishop ° . StV^^yW^
See he was solemnly enthroned in the building now before me on the first
Easter in 1872, and in which he dedicated the new diocese to the Immaculate
of Mary.
It had been built by the Bishop, Fathers and brothers, helped by the villagers
"Many a time," wrote Bishop Grandin, "have I seen two priests in their soutanes
the roof of t^ church, engaged in nailing on the shingles" Though only measuring
originally 80 x 32 feet, and built of big timber and planks cut by hand with the pit
"w nevertheless, it was a chef d'oeuvre to the poor Indian, and Half-breeds who
would come miles to visit it, for they had never seen its like before.
It was in this church in 1890 that they had the satisfaction of witnessing one
their own, the first native priest of these parts, Fr. Cunningham, raised
the altar. i
The growing needs of the congregation rendered a larger church necessary and
it has now been Eclipsed by the new Cathedral. But so well built was it, that it w 11
emain for many a long year to link the present with the past, though now devoted to
e™r use in connection with the Cathedral. Its present purpose, for which 1
been splendidly rearranged, with modern, up-to-date fittings, is to provide assembly
rooms with a large concert hall and stage for the Catholic congregation
Between these relics of the past there rises the "Little Seminary of the
Family" a substantial modern building, the homes of these young choristers who serve
the Sanctuary and fill the stalls of the Cathedral on all important functions. It is the
successor of a much smaller and humbler diocesan ecclesiastical preparatory school,
preparing for the great seminaries, such as Bishop Grandin had already started in 1875
on a small scale.
Foreseeing the future growth of his diocese. Bishop Grandin had chosen some feu-
Hal f-breeds belonging to the country-side, of the more respectable families, whom ht
wished to be trained to learning and piety, and their vocation to the ecclesiastical state
fostered. Over them he placed Fr. Henry Grandin, his nephew; whom he had brought
from France in 1874, together with fifteen other missionaries, and who is now the rev
erend Superior of all the Oblates in the dioceses of Alberta and Saskatchewan.
The site of this embryonic seminary was that now occupied by the open space in
front of the new Cathedral facade.
The new Seminary was opened in the early part of 1900 and solemnly blessed
later in the year by Bishop Grandin, who retained for himself the post of Professor
Ecclesiastical History to the end of his life, in spite of his infirmities. Fr. L. Cu-
ener, O.M.I., was its first director, starting with a handful of boys. The early dif
ficulties were very many; the work of securing and increasing the number of boys was
very harassing and required much zeal, but these were forthcoming and gradually the
organization assumed permanence.
In the early months of 1905, Fr. G. Nordmann, O.M.I., succeeded as Superior
and carried on for some years the work of progress until, in September 1911 the
seminary passed under the control of the "Sons of Mary Immaculate," and under
the direction of Rev. Father J. Boutin, its actual revered superior, who has maintained
the former efficiency. The course followed is the recognized classical one, while the
basis of instruction is both in French and English.
His Lordship, the present Bishop, has watched and guided its progress with a
>termg care from the beginning, and it must be a satisfaction to him that six of the
dents after having passed through the course of Philosophy and theology in the great
seminaries of Montreal and Ottawa have been crowned with the priesthood.
The spirit of piety and study prevails. The students have learned the lesson
given to them by Bishop Grandin on his death bed, when some of the older boys went
to him to beg his last blessing. "My children," the dying prelate said, blessing them
when one loves the good God well, one has no fear of death. To have served God
in lite is the only thing worth having that remains for a man at the end."
In time, no doubt, a larger building will be necessary and the college song will be
echoed again:
"O, Seminaire! Up on the Hill!
Seminaire! O, Seminaire!
May God's sweet will there keep thee still!
Seminaire! O, Seminaire!
And should the future bring us fame.
When high rings the Seminary's name,
Be, Alma Mater, still the same!
Seminaire! O, Seminaire!
Leaving the Seminary and the cheery sound of merry laughter from the boys en
gaged in constructing a skating rink against the coming winter, I pass over on my left
into sanctified ground. The plain, white, wooden crosses, with their painted names and
dates tell their own simple tale. "Tis God's acre, where the rude forefathers of the
hamlet sleep.
As I wander I come across a portion reserved to the Congregation of the Oblates
find among those who have fought the good fight in these wilds the last
g place of Fr. Remas and Fr. Vegreville— two of the earliest of the brave mis-
sionary band that answered the call to the West. Schoolmates! Friends! Fellow
Religious! Working side by aide in life — in death they are not parted. "Requiescant
in Pace."
Farther on, nearer the Episcopal Palace, I pass its neatly kept garden. Certainly
Brother Letourneur, who tends it must be a wonderful man, or the Alberta soil is mar
vellously productive, for there I saw vegetables which would grace a prize show in the
old country. This good brother has raised cabbages, each weighing thirty-seven pounds;
turnips, twenty-eight pounds; onions, one pound; carrots, two pounds and pumpkins,
50 to 80 pounds, while one was raised in this garden weighing 1 1 2 pounds.
I stand, at last, before the stairway leading to the veranda of the Bishop's house,
with deepest reverence and respect. It is the successor of those earlier Bishop's palaces,
and till but lately the Mother house of the Oblate Fathers living in the diocese, which
has sheltered, at one time or another, so many of those heroic, God-fearing men, who,
though working for Christ alone, without thought or recompense or honor below, have
left their names upon the maps of the newly opened North-west, along the great roads
marking the progress of discovery and civilization.
In proof of this, may be mentioned those who have given their names to the dis
tricts of Tache, Grandin, Legal, Lacombe, Leduc, Lebret, Vegreville, St. Albert
(after Fr. Lacombe), etc.
There are many others from under this roof whose names are household words,
among the old timers: Fathers Remas (one of the earliest workers at L=>ke St. Anne
and Lake La Biche), Lestanc, (so long Bishop Grandin's holy and prudent counsel
lor), Tissot, Maisonneuve, Tissier, L. LeGoff, Legeard, J. Moulin, Blanche!, Merer,
Lizee, (who has published a newspaper in Cree, probably the first of its kind), besides
their Lordships Bishop Grouard, Bishop Pascal, Bishop Faraud, Bishop Glut, Bishop
Breynat and Bishop Joussard.
In this present house it was that Bishop Grand:n, of holy memory, breathed his
last, surrounded by so many of his fellow workers. We have still his successor, Arch
bishop Legal, to carry on his traditions; Fr. Merer, the beloved parish priest and supenoj
of the Oblates of St. Albert; Brother Landais, who nursed His Lordship in the last
Under this roof we still have Father Leduc, the same alert, shrewd, vigorous
organizer as ever, still planning with bold, masterly conception, yet, with all, a fine
grasp of details, and managing as he has done for forty years the financial affairs of
the diocese as its honored Vicar General. To his skilful administration the mission
and town of St. Albert stand today a lasting memorial, and who shall say how much
Edmonton and so many more of the various missions of the diocese are indebted to
his zeal and enterprise.
In 1859 Bishop Grandin was consecrated Bishop of Satala in the Cathedral
church of St. Martin, the temporary Cathedral of Marseilles, by its Bishop, the saintly
Mgr. Mazenod, the founder of the Oblate Fathers. Before leaving France, Bishop
Grandin paid a visit to the Petit Seminaire of Mayence. The Venerable director,
the Rev. Abbe Pillion, presented to him in recreation time the elder^ pupils, who were
then students of philosophy. "Monseigneur," said he^ charmingly, "whom would you
choose of these to work with you on your missions?" The Bishop gazed upon the
faces upturned to him, "I take these two," he replied, drawing them to his side. This
was for these the call of Our Lord. "Come, follow me!"
Some years later, both of them became Apostles of the North-west under Bishop
Grandin. The one was Father Legeard and the other, Father Leduc.
Truly a wise choice, for which the diocese of St. Albert, now the archdiocese of
Edmonton, is a debtor.
The other Vicar General, Father Lacombe, the Apostle of the Crees, the Black-
feet and the Half-breeds, whose name is sung under the tents of the prairie, may well
close this list of these noble men who claim this Bishop's Palace as their Mother house.
Here it was that the founder of St. Albert, who gave it his name, celebrated the golden
jubilee of his priesthood in 1899, amidst unusual splendor, accompanied by congratula
tions from many public bodies and hightened by the graceful recognition of his services
by Queen Victoria, who sent him an engraving of herself to mark her esteem and
personal interest in Fr. Lacombe and his work.
A brave, intrepid, pioneering missionary, a warrior, and a wanderer by instinct,
restless unless working among his dear Indians! He is old now, and feeble, no more
able to use the passes that the great railway companies of Canada have conceded him
for the free use of their lines. This was in recognition of his services to the cause of
civilization. Who shall say the number of massacres prevented by his influence over
the Redskins of the north in their rebellion of 1885, under Riel and Dumont, against
the tide of the White domination invading their hitherto unbounded domains? Who
shall say that the massacre of the Canadian Pacific workmen on the Black feet Reserve,
near Calgary, had not been inevitable except for Father Albert Lacombe!
Therefore, I stood with reverence before entering the portal of this Bishop's house.
Within we find a Religious Community, clothed, fed and lodged simply as befits priests
and refined men, who have embraced poverty as their mother, who enjoy some of the
humbler comforts of modern civilization, but none of the luxuries. ^ el what a contrast
to the hardships rendered necessary by circumstances in those early days which so many
of Bishop Grandin's companions still living, cheerfully endured! Skins for their cloth
ing! Moccasins for their feet! I he snow shoe and the dog sleigh and hunger, for
hundreds of miles on a sick call, or the frail and dangerous birch bark canoe! bor
their food, often nothing but fish, which they had to catch on the lake like the Apostles
on Genesareth. 1 he fish, when plentiful, they dried to serve for the long winter's sus
tenance, and then fish, fresh fish, dried fish, somelirr.es rotten fish, day after day, with
nothing else to relieve their monotony — "ad nauseam!"
Poor Father Grolier, a martyr of the apostolate, dying in the depth of winter at
Good Hope, for want of a change of this fish diet, was forced to exclaim, "Oh! if
I only had a little milk and a few potatoes, I cculd perhaps pull round again."
1 hese are not fairy tales. Bishop Grandm wrote in 1890 of these early strug
gles. " I hese sacrifices are hard to believe today, but in twenty years they will appear
to have been quite impossible.
1 he old Bishop's Palace at St. Albert was a log hut 60 x 30 feet, of one room,
which served many purposes. It was kitchen, reception room, class room, for the in
struction of the Indians, study, workshop, a dormitory by night where the inmates slept
on shelves, arranged like a library or bunks at sea, and finally a sanctuary for Mass
next morning. Yet the missionaries preserved their cheerfulness and sense of humor.
One of them wrote to his family as follows: "We are eight in one room. We sleep,
one above the other, with a beast's skin for our covering. Mattresses and bed clothing
are an unknown luxury. We only have bread on feast days, and then in small quanti
ties. But then, by way of reprisal, we have pemmican, a kind of pulverized meat mixed
with fat and compressed in skin sacks for ten or twelve months. We cut it into pieces
with an axe. It is nearly as good as a candle! We have also another meat, dried in
the sun. It is as hard as leather, but with good teeth you can manage to tear your
way through it in the end. Our drink is tea, without sugar. But with unrefined diet
we manage to keep our good looks. As for myself, I am so inclined towards 'em
bonpoint' that they call me the 'Canon.'
Indeed, it was not till May 28th, 1892, when a great gathering of Canadian
Bishops with their Vicars General and various laymen of distinction came to visit the
present Bishop's Palace, that the luxury of sugar and bed clothes made their first ap
imes are changed, but simplicity still reigns. The old log hut has disappeared.
A more dignified dwelling shelters the ruler of the Diocese, Deo gratias!
As I leave the Bishop's house, now the Archbishop's residence, I pass the "Son-
nerie" or Bell Tower, with its chime of bells. It is an epitome of the life in the val
ley below. To this village of French Canadian Catholics it rings out, thrice a day.
the mystery of Christ's Incarnation. It calls to worship, to Mass and evening prayer.
It rings out clamorously at the alarm of fire, and joyously at the return of the Bishop
to his See. It heralds a christening and a wedding and it tolls the funeral knell for
the departed soul.
And now the evening is closing. A solemn stillness broods over the valley, broken
only by the tinkling of the bells of the cattle still wandering on the hill slopes. Lights
are appearing in the windows. I cannot but picture myself this "Summer of All Saints"
as at Grand Pre, in that valley, distant, secluded, immortalized by Longfellow's "Evan-
geline" : —
— dwelt together in love those simple Acadian farmers,
Dwelt in the love of God and Man. Alike were they free from
Fear, that reigns with the tyrants, and envy, the vice of republics.
Neither locks had they to their doors, nor bars to their windows;
But their dwellings were open as day, and the hearts of their owners:
There the richest were poor, and the poorest lived in abundance."
Such a village I have seen not once or twice in this Diocese of Alberta, raised
and tended by the good Oblates who founded St. Albert. No wonder that in the re
bellion of the natives and Half-breeds in 1885, this spot preserved its calm and^peace
amid the general ferment and that Louis Riel should have been forced to write: "I can
not count upon the people of St. Albert."
All honor to those brave sister-hoods who have joined these good Fathers in the
work of founding and developing such missions; the Gray Nuns of Charity of Montreal,
and of Nicolet, the Faithful Companions of Jesus, the Sisters of the Assumption of
Nicolet, the Sisters of Charity of Providence, those of Misericordia, the Daughters of
Jesus, the Servants of Mary (of the Greek Ruthenian rite) and the Daughters of
Providence, the Ursulines de Jesus, the Sisters of Notre Dame d'Envron, the Ladies of
the Refuge.
As I leave this scene I have before my mind a clause of Bishop Grandin's last
will and testament:
"Later on, doubtless, other Congregations will ask my successor the favor of es
tablishing themselves in the diocese of St. Albert. This vision of the future gives me
joy, but were I still at the head of my diocese, I should regard myself as bound in
conscience to gratitude towards those religious Congregations, who have, at the price
of so much sacrifice, aided in forming this diocese, in introducing, building up and extend-
ng the kingdom of God in all the North-west.
"I recognize that I have my faults, but I believe I can affirm that I am not un
grateful. Ingratitude is, however, the only recompense that the missionaries and the
Congregations can hope for here below. It is all we can look for from our poor
Indians, but too often it comes from Christians from whom we should have the right
to expect better.
"But I cannot suppose that the diocese of St. Albert will ever turn against those
who have founded it, at the price of so many sacrifices. I pray God to ward off from
this church the humiliation which other churches of great renown and importance have
not escaped.
"The Oblates, as far as I know, have not as yet been the victims of ingratitude in
Canada. God will not permit them to be such in the rest of the Northwest.'
To which we may add: "Amen" and conclude.
Premier of Alberta, Edmonton.
From the time of the creation of the
Province of Alberta down to the present,
there have been none to fill the position of
Premier in a more acceptable manner than
the present incumbent, the HOP. Arthur
Lewis Si f ton, who formed the existing gov
ernment of the Province in May, I V 1 0.
The office is one involving great responsibil
ity, but as Mr. Sifton brought to it an ex
perience of many years in active, public life
he is well equipped to serve the people in a
manner productive of the greatest good to
the greatest number. Under his able regime
the Province of Alberta has experienced an
era of unwonted prosperity, and every indi
cation points to a long continuance of this
condition of affairs.
Mr. Sifton was born at Middlesex, On
tario, on October 26, 1858, and as a boy
he was educated in the public schools and
later at Wesley College and at Victoria
University. Having chosen the law for a
profession, Mr. Sifton was called to the bar
of Manitoba in 1883, and after six years of
practice came West to Alberta.
Mr. Sifton's ability was speedily recog
nized in this western field, and his first pub
lic position of importance came in 1898
when he was elected a member of the North
west Council. In 1901 he was appointed
Commissioner of Public Works for the
North West Territories, and in 1903 there
came a still greater honor when he was
made Chief Justice of the North West Ter
ritories, and again in 1907 when he was
made Chief Justice of Alberta. In 1910
he retired from the bench to become premier.
1 hrough all of these years there are few
men in the entire Dominion who have had
a more interesting or successful career than
Premier Sifton, and the commendable rec
ord he has made in official life is one of
which any individual might well feel proud.
Premier Sifton is a member of the Ranch
man's club at Calgary and the Edmonton
club as well, and resides in Edmonton with
his family at Garry-Kennagh.
At the head of the list of the distinguished
barristers and statesmen who have figured so
prominently in shaping the destinies of the
province of Alberta, and in creating a new
empire from the virgin territory of the Can
adian West, stands the name of Alexander
Cameron Rutherford, B.A., B.C.L., LL.D.,
K.C., a name which will go down into his-
tory as that of the First Premier of the Pro
vince of Alberta.
Hon. Alexander Cameron Rutherford
Mr. Rutherford was born at Osgoode,
Carleton county, Ontario, on February 2,
1857, the son of James and Elizabeth
Rutherford. He received his education in
the public schools and at the High school at
Metcalfe, Ontario, and later graduated with
honors from Woodstock College and from
McGill University. He was called to the
bar of Ontario in 1885, and began the prac
tice of the law at Ottawa. In 1895 Mr.
Rutherford came west to what is now Al
berta and settled at Strathcona, now known
as South Edmonton. He was not long in
gaining recognition as a barrister of far more
than average ability and not long after his
arrival was made secretary-treasurer and
solicitor for Strathcona. It was as the Lib
eral representative for this constituency that
he came into prominence by being elected to
a seat in the Alberta Legislative Assembly,
and immediately thereafter his selection by
Lieutenant Governor Bulyea to be the first
premier of the newly created province of
Alberta. Prior to this Mr. Rutherford had
been a member of the Legislature of the
North-West Territories, and was Deputy
Speaker at the last session of this body.
During his regime as premier, Mr. Ruther
ford also served as Minister of Education
and as Provincial Treasurer as well. In
1 909 he was re-elected again, but the fol
lowing year because of a division m the
ranks of the Liberal party in the legislature
he resigned the premiership.
While Alexander Cameron Rutherford
no longer occupies an official provincial po
sition he is still regarded as the Grand Old
Man of the Liberal party in Alberta and his
words of advice and counsel are eagerly
sought by those who are active in politics at
the present time.
It was under his administration that the
foundation was laid for all those institutions
similar to those possessed by the older pro
vinces, and long after he has been called
to the Great Beyond his memory will be
cherished for the part he took in this great
work of organization. It was largely
through his influence while Premier that Ed
monton was selected as the capital of Al
berta, and during his regime, also, the Par
liament buildings were started. He also
was a loyal worker in the establishment of
the Normal College and the University of
Alberta. He likewise did everything in his
power to foster the building of railroads and
in encouraging the development of the agri
cultural, mining and other natural resources
of the country.
In private life Mr. Rutherford is a mem
ber of the legal firm of Rutherford, Jamie-
son & Grant, with offices on the South Side
in the Imperial Bank Chambers and on the
North Side at 56 McDougall avenue. This
is not only one of the oldest, but one of
the largest law firms of the Province in
point of the volume of business handled.
While pursuing a general law practice, the
members of the firm devote special attention
to corporation and commercial law and act
as solicitors for many of the best known
concerns and individuals of Edmonton and
the Province.
LL.B., M.L.A.
Attorney Genera! of the P'-ovirr.p <^( AlKPrta.
When one stops to consider that the pro
vince of Alberta was only established in
1905, and takes cognizance of the remark
able advancement that has been made during
this brief period of nine years, then does one
begin to realize something of the real worth
and ability of the men who have shaped the
affairs of this wonderful country and who
have made the laws for the government of
the fairest province within the borders of the
Of these there is certainly none more
worthy of mention in this historical sketch
of Alberta than the Hon. Charles Wilson
Cross, who holds the position of Attorney
General of the province, and who has been
a member of the Legislative Assembly from
the very formation of the province.
Mr. Cross was first chosen as the Liberal
member for Edmonton in 1905, and that
same year was named as Attorney General.
He was re-elected in 1909, but in March,
1910, resigned his position as a member of
the Executive Council. In 1913 he was
again returned for the constituencies of Ed-
son and Edmonton and again was he called
to the post of Attorney General — a position
he has filled so acceptably in the estimation
of the general public. This not only be
speaks the confidence reposed in Mr. Cross
by the people of Alberta, but it also re
flects something of his splendid ability as a
barrister and solicitor, and of the early train
ing and experience which has so well fitted
him for public life.
In private life Mr. Cross is a member of
the legal firms of Short, Cross, Biggar,
Sherry & Field and Short, Woods, Biggar
& Collisson, with offices at 14 Howard
street. 1 he individual members of these
firms rank as the leading lawyers of this sec
tion of the Canadian West, and their large
general practice is a pretty good indication
of the substantial success they have attained.
Mr. Cross is still a comparatively young
man in point of years, having been born at
Madoc, Ontario, on November 30, 1872.
He received his education at Upper Canada
College, at 1 oronto University and later com
pleted his preparation for the practice of the
law at Osgoode Hall. He came West to
Alberta and established himself in Edmon
ton, where his career has been marked by
a series of brilliant achievements.
Mr. Cross has long been looked upon as
one of the most talented Liberal leaders in
the West, and in all the deliberations of
that party his advice and counsel are eager
ly sought. He is a member of the Edmon
ton club, takes an active interest in municipal
as well as provincial affairs, and in general
is a striking example of the type of men to
whom Alberta is indebted for her present
A Judge of the Supreme Court of Alberta.
Mr. Justice Beck was born at Cobourg,
Ontario, 4th May, 1857. He received his
education at private and public schools and
the Collegiate Institute Peterborough. He
was admitted to the Ontario Bar in May,
1879, and received the degree of LL.B.
from the University of Toronto in 1881.
He practised his profession in Peterborough
as a member of the firm of Hatton and
Beck till 1 883 when he went to Winnipeg,
where on December 1 883 he was received
into the Catholic Church. He practised
there for some years at one time being in
partnership with J. E. P. Prendergast, now
Mr. Justice Prendergast of Manitoba and at
another of A. E. McPhillips, now Mr. Jus
tice McPhillips, a Judge of the Court of
Appeal for British Columbia. While in
Hon Nicholas D. Beck
Winnipeg Mr. Beck for some time edited
The Northwest (Catholic) Review; and
for a term was the representative ot
St. Boniface College in the Senate of the
University of Manitoba. In 1889 he re
moved to Calgary and practised there as a
member of the fr>m of Lonsheed, MrC^'W
& Beck. In 1891 Mr. Beck removed to Ed
monton. He was made a Queen s Counsel
in 1893; was Crown Prosecutor from I 89 1
to 1987 and Town and City Solicitor from
the incorporation of Edmonton in 1892 till
his appointment to the Bench in 1907. He
edited the earlier volumes of the North-West
Territories and the Alberta Law Reports.
He was a Bencher of the Law Society of
the Territory and of Alberta and for a term
preceding his appointment to the Bench the
President of the latter society. In 1905 he
was engaged to advise the Dominion Gov
ernment on the Autonomy Bills for Alberta
and Saskatchewan, especially the education
al clauses. He was one of the Catholic
representatives on the Educational Council
for the Territories and for Alberta and has
always taken a deep interest in educational
matter. He was elected by the Senate of
the University of Alberta as their first Vice-
Chancellor and thereby became an ex-officio
member of the Senate and is Vice-Chancellor
by subsequent election. He is a member of
the C. M. B. A. and of the Knights of
Columbus and a member of the Board of
Governors of the Catholic Church Extension
of Canada. He is a corresponding mem
ber of the Archeological Society of France.
Address: 443 16th street. Club: The Ed-
mcnton Club.
Minister of Municipal Affairs of the Pro
vince of Alberta.
Conspicuous among the talented men of
affairs who have attained distinction in public
as well as private life in Alberta and who
have been intimately identified with much
of the great development work that has tak
en place in recent years is the Hon. Wilfred
Gariepy, who was last year appointed Minis
ter of Municipal Affairs of the provincial
government, and who, as a member of the
Legislature is the Liberal representative for
Beaver River. He is the first Catholic to
hold a port folio west of Winnipeg. In
private life Mr. Gariepy is the senior partner
of the legal firm of Gariepy, Madore & Dun-
lop, with offices in the Gariepy Block, corner
of Jasper avenue and Howard street.
Mr. Gariepy was born in Montreal, Que
bec, on March 14, 1877, and is the son of
Mr. Joseph Gariepy, who has been so pro
minently identified with Edmonton's history
since 1892, and who ranks as one of the
wealthiest and most influential citizens of the
province of Alberta. He received his educa-
tion at St. Laurent College, at Laval Uni
versity and McGill University, receiving his
degrees in the Arts and Law Departments.
Coming to Alberta in 1893 it was then
that he began active practice in his profes
sion as a member of the law firm of Taylor,
Boyle & Ganepy, with which he continued
until 1907 when he was associated with Mr.
Hector L. Landry for a time, and finally in
1914 established the present partnership.
Hon. Wilfred Gariepy
Mr. Gariepy first served in an official
capacity as alderman of the city of Edmon
ton from 1907 to 1910. In 1909 he was
the unsuccessful Liberal candidate for St.
Albert for the provincial legislature, but in
1913 he was more successful, and the active
part he has taken in the law making branch
of the provincial government is a sufficient
indication that the people of the Beaver
River constituency made no mistake in their
selection of an efficient representative.
Mr. Gariepy is a director of the Edmon
ton Children's Aid Society; a member of the
Edmonton club; of St. Jean Baptiste Society;
the Knights of Columbus, and aside from
his prominence in professional and social
circles is ever to be found in the forefront of
those who are ever doing their utmost to ad
vance the cause of city and province and
spread abroad in the land a knowledge of the
untold advantages of this Last Great West.
The firm of Gariepy, Madore & Dunlop
ranks as one of the leaders of the West, be
ing solicitors for such concerns as the Franco-
Canadian Mortgage Company, the Jasper
Mines, Limited; the Empire Loan Company;
the London & Lancashire Life & General
Insurance Company (loan department), Ed
monton college, and a large number of other
firms and individuals, including a syndicate
of French bankers who have made many
important investments in Edmonton and
436 Eighth Street, West, Edmonton.
To the old time pioneers who braved the
dangers, the perils and privations in the early
days of the Northwest, we residents of Al
berta of today owe a debt of gratitude that
can never be fully repaid. In this historical
reference to the development of the Pro
vince, it is eminently fitting that more than
casual mention should be made of Mr. Henry
W. McKenney, a retired merchant of Ed
monton, and who represents the constituency
of Clearwater in the Alberta Legislative As
Mr. McKenney was born at Amherst-
burg, Ontario, on February 24, 1 848, the
son of Augustus and Matilda McKenney.
He was educated in the Roman Catholic
separate schools and the public schools of
Amherstburg as well as at the hands of a
private tutor, and in 1 866 he struck out for
the Northwest when this entire region was
little more than a vast wilderness, and when
Indians and the American bison were the
principal denizens of forest and plain, and
when it was a comparatively rare occurrence
to encounter a white man. Mr. McKenney
first passed through Edmonton in 1875,
when this thriving city was little more than
a struggling settlement on the banks of the
Saskatchewan, on an expedition to the Rocky
Mountains. Some years later — in 1883,
to be more exact, Mr. McKenny returned to
this neighborhood to take up his home and
for a considerable number of years was a
resident of St. Albert. Here he engaged in
the mercantile business and was also post
master for a term of years. He also filled
the offices of Police Magistrate and Chair
man of the School Board for some years.
Later he was also appointed License Com
missioner and was secretary-treasurer of the
first Agricultural Society formed in the dis
Mr. McKenney has been identified with
the Liberal party for years, and it was a
well deserved recognition of his valuable
services rendered in its behalf when he was
first elected to the Legislature in 1905 as
the member for St. Albert. At the fol
lowing general election he was again returned
for Pembina.
He is an honored member of the Catholic
Mutual Benevolent Association, and was
president of the organization in Edmonton in
1905. He is likewise a member of the
Knights of Columbus and in all Catholic cir
cles is regarded as one of the representative
men of the times.
S., M.L.A.
42 Jasper Avenue, West.
The land surveyor and the civil engineer
may well be termed the real pioneers of
every new country, and close upon their heels
comes the vanguard of civilization. These
are the men who have established boundary
lines; whose maps and surveys give to the
world a knowledge of mountain ranges, of
river courses and the general contour of a
country, not to mention the mapping out of
highways and the building of railroads. And
furthermore, these are the men whose names
should be indissolubly linked with the his
tory of every country.
One who has figured prominently in much
of this work in the West and Northwest of
Canada is Mr. Jean Leon Cote, senior mem
ber of Cote & Smith, Land Surveyors and
Engineers, with offices at 42 Jasper avenue,
Mr. Cote was born at Les Eboulements,
Quebec, on May 6, 1887, the son of Cleo-
phas and Denise Cote, and received his early
education in the Commercial Academy at
Montmagny, Quebec, afterwards graduating
with the degrees of civil and mechanical en
gineer from Ottawa College.
Mr. Cote began life as an engineer and
surveyor with the Department of the In
terior at Ottawa in 1893, and continued
these relations in the employ of the Govern
ment until 1900. The summers of 1893,
1894 and 1895 he spent as a member of the
staff on the Alaska Boundary Survey. Mr.
Cote also did Government survey work in
the four Western Provinces of the Dominion,
and is undoubted! v one of the best posted
engineers thai the West today possesses.
From 1900 to 1903 he was engaged in
legal surveying at Dawson, Y.T., and in the
latter year became a permanent resident of
Edmonton, although his first visit to this
community was paid in 1 886.
Mr Cote first came into prominence in
political life in 1909, when he was elected
as the Liberal member for the constituency of
Athabasca to a seal in the Alberta Legis
lative Assembly. In this capacity he has
proven a most valuable member because of
his familiarity with conditions throughout the
Province, and his advice has been heartily
welcomed on numerous occasions.
K.C., M.L.A.
Agency Block.
Throughout all of the Canadian West
there are few communilies, indeed, which
offer such splendid advantages for attaining
success in the general practice of the law as
Edmonton, and it is no exaggeration to state
that the membership of the local Bar in
cludes many capable men who have not only
attained eminence in their profession, but
who have rendered very material assistance
in the general development of the city and
Included in this list is Mr. Albert Free
man Ewing, B.A., K.C., M.L.A., who is
the senior member of the legal firm of Ewing
& Harvie, with offices in the Northern
Agency Block. Inasmuch as Mr. Ewing had
for years demonstrated his ability as an in
terpreter of the laws, it was quite fitting that
he be chosen to assist in the making of the
provincial laws, and so last year he was
elected as the Conservative member for Ed
monton, winning out by a handsome major
ity in the face of great odds. This speaks
volumes for the personal popularity of Mr.
Ewing and for the splendid support he re
ceived from a host of friends throughout this
district. In 1909 he had made the race
unsuccessfully, but this defeat did not dis
may him in the least, but only led to a more
determined effort in 1913.
Albert Freeman Ewing, M.L.A.
Mr. Ewmg comes originally from Elora,
Ontario, where he was educated in the pub
lic and High schools, and later graduated
from the University of Toronto with the de
gree of Bachelor of Arts. When he first
started out in life it was as a school teacher,
but after one year of this work he took up the
study of law at Calgary in the office of
Premier Sifton. In 1902 Mr. Ewing was
called to the bar of the Northwest Territories,
and here in Edmonton he has since been ac
tively devoting his attention to the law in all
its branches, forming the partnership with
Mr. Harvie in 1909.
As a member of the Legislative Assembly
Mr. Ewing has displayed the same inherent
ability as has characterized his work as a
lawyer, and notwithstanding the fact that
the Conservatives are in the minority in the
present government he has proven a most
valuable member of the provincial parlia
ment — a staunch supporter of every move
ment and every measure tending to promote
the welfare of the people and to advance the
development of this young and growing pro
Mr. Ewmg is an honored member of the
Edmonton and Country clubs, and in all
social circles is greatly esteemed for his many
excellent qualifications as a man and as a
248 Jasper Avenue, Edmonton.
A pioneer in the fullest sense of the word,
and one who has witnessed some wonderful
transformations in this Northwestern country,
is Mr. Joseph H. Picard, retired merchant
and capitalist, of 248 Jasper avenue, Ed
monton, who came to this country a little
more than thirty years ago.
While thirty years is not in itself such a
wonderfully long period of time, it has been
sufficient to work wonders in Alberta. Towns
and cities have sprung up as if by magic.
Railroad lines now traverse the province in
all directions, and fields of grain have sup
planted the native prairie grass. Surely it
has been an age of progress for this garden
spot of the Dominion — this famous land of
"Sunshine and Flowers."
Mr. Picard was born at St. Jean de Ma-
tha, Joliette county, Quebec, on February
18, 1857, the son of Joseph Picard and
Angele Roy. He was educated in the public
schools of his native Province, and began
life as a contractor and builder in 1880.
Four years later Mr. Picard moved to Al
berta and in 1887 took up his home in Ed
monton. In 1 889 he engaged in the gen
eral merchandise business which he disposed
of in 1907, and since that time has devoted
his attention mainly to looking after his pri
vate investments.
Mr. Picard is a director of the Jasper
Coal Mine Company, The Edmonton Brew
ing and Malting Co., Ltd.; Edmonton Port
land Cement Co., and the Arrow Lake
Lands Company, Limited. He is also vice-
president of the Franco Mortgage & Loar<
Company, Limited and the owner of con
siderable valuable real estate in Edmonton
and vicinity.
In public life Mr. Picard served the city
as Alderman from 1893 to 1906 except an
interval of one term and for many years was
a member of the school board. He was one
of the active advocates of municipal owner
ship when that question was finally approved
by the people in 1 899.
Mr. Picard is a charter member of the
Edmonton club; a member of the C.M.B.A.,
and secretary-treasurer of the Alliance Na-
tionale. His political affiliations are with
the Liberal party, while all of his life he has
been a loyal member of the Roman Catholic
Church. Such men as Mr. Picard have in
deed been the makers of history in Alberta,
and their unswerving confidence in the great
future of the Province has led to the ac
complishment of many great undertakings.
408 Eleventh Street.
In the preservation of the Western spirit
and its traditions, the inculcating of the les
sons of those who came before and the im
parting of the many examples of self-denial,
tireless energy and the indomitable determin
ation to win regardless of the odds against
them have placed the stamp of individuality
upon the West and given to the nation a
people as hardy as they are progressive.
In the East one encounters an individual
ity that is not real, and when one leaves the
congested centers of population and draws
in a breath of the pure, sweet air of the Last
Great West a wonderful transformation takes
place. Journeying westward the landscape
changes as do the customs, and one possesses
a -feeling of independence quite foreign to
anything ever experienced in the older coun
As one views this region for the first time,
memory paints a picture of the descriptions
that have been written of those early days.
Here on this very spot the Indian was wont to
congregate; on yonder prairie the buffalo
ranged at will. Along these northern trails
one can picture the fur clad trapper and hun
ter wending his way. Another shift of the
scenes and there is brought into view a herd
of cattle in lieu of the buffalo, and in place
of ihe hunter there is a man with his hand
to (he plough — the prairie grass has given
place to immense stretches of golden grain.
Hut here in Alberta there is but little trace
ot the old days left. Memories of those
days si ill exist in the minds of the old timers
who have survived those strenuous days and
who are reaping in the present the fruits ot
their pioneer labors.
Among those who have witnessed the great
metamorphosis which has been wrought dur
ing the past third of a century, there is none
better known throughout Edmonton and all
of northern Alberta than Mr. Cornelius Gal
lagher, who has now practically retired from
active life and who resides in this city at
No. 408 Eleventh street.
Coming here in the early days when the
Hudson's Hay Company's post was the chiet
object of interest here, Mr. Gallagher re-
alized something of the possibilities of the
future with the result that he set about the
acquisition of a goodly amount of real estate.
Down along the Saskatchewan river is a long
stretch of desirable known as "Gallagher's
Elats." Cornelius Gallagher was at one
time the sole owner of all this land and today
still retains a considerable amount. He if
also the president of the Hardstone Brick
Company, Limited, and has many other
large and profitable investments in industrial
and financial enterprises that entitle Mr. Gal
lagher to be classed with the leading men of
affairs of the West.
In the more splendid development of Ed
monton m recent years and in all civic and
municipal affairs Mr. Gallagher takes a
deep, personal interest — a big-hearted des
cendant of Old Erin whose friends are legion
and whose name is indissolubly linked with
that of Edmonton and Alberta for all time
to come.
1068 Twenty-fifth Street.
That Edmonton and Alberta have at
tained the proud place they now occupy has
been due in large measure to the unremitting,
zealous labors of that little band of hardy
pioneers who came here in the early days
when Edmonton was simply a trading post
conducted by the Hudson's Bay Company;
when there was only a handful of white peo
ple in the entire country. Back in those
days the Indians comprised the major por
tion of the population of this region. The
Buffalo ranged over the prairies and all
kinds of game abounded in profusion. Civil
ization had scarcely advanced this far in the
Northwest, but the intrepid souls who had
ventured into the comparatively unknown
wilderness were of the sort who feared not
the perils of the frontier, and who loved the
call of the wild.
One of this little band was none other than
Mr. James Gibbons, who is now in his 77th
year, who has retired from active life and
residing at 1068 Twenty-fifth street. Mr.
Gibbons was born in Ulster, Ireland, on
Christmas Day, 1837, and who early in life
started out to see something of the world on
ihis side of the Atlantic. In 1 854 he crossed
the Isthmus of Panama and for a number of
years worked as a miner along the Pacific
coast in the United States, and finally in
1 865 made his way as far as Fort Edmon
ton. For a time he was engaged in operat
ing freight and merchandise between Winni
peg and Edmonton. Still later he took up a
homestead in what is now known as Laurier
Park. He was also Indian Agent for the
Government for several years, and still later
on engaged in the wholesale liquor business
in Edmonton.
When the Old Timers' Association was
formed in 1 894, Mr. Gibbons was its first
president — an honor most worthily bestowed.
He is indeed one of the few survivors link
ing the past with the present, and the many
interesting reminiscences that he is able to
recall bear witness to the stirring scenes and
incidents that were a matter of such com
mon occurrence in those days, and of which
today have such little conception.
248 Jasper Avenue, East.
We who visit Edmonton for the first time
in this year 1914 and behold stretching in
every direction a modern city of metropolitan
aspect, find it difficult to conceive that this is
a community which has sprung out of a wil
derness in but little more than a quarter of a
century. As we view the broad paved
streets and boulevards, the lofty office build
ings and magnificent private residences it
seems scarcely possible that only thirty years
ago this was simply a trading post for the
Hudson's Bay Company and a rendezvous
for hunters, trappers and a few adventurous
spirits who faced the perils of the frontier
and paved the way for the oncoming of civil
From those early days the Indian and the
buffalo have given way to the white man and
the automobile, while the transcontinental
railway lines have brought the East within
easy communication. I ruly the Last Great
West is coming into its own, and the early
day pioneers who survive those stirring time.:
back in the early '80's have only pictures in
their memories to remind them of the clays
that have gone never to return.
Edmonton of today certainly owes a debt
of gratitude to those intrepid souls who made
the present development possible, and among
the list of those who are deserving of more
than casual mention in any historical connec
tion is Mr. Stanislas Larue, member of thai
well known real estate firm of Larue 5: Pic
ard, with offices at 248 Jasper avenue, East.
It was back in 1882 that Mr. Larue came
from the E^ast to Winnipeg, which was then
only a town of about 15,000 population,
and the following year he came on to Ed
monton, where the Hudson's Bay Company
had established a post and where there was
a little handful of white men gathered —
freighters and trappers who realized some
thing of the possibilities of this great west
ern country which was destined to turn into
the greatest gram producing region the world
has ever known.
Among other things, Mr. Larue was em
ployed in the making of surveys of Alberta
and in this occupation gained a comprehen
sive knowledge of the country which has since
stood him in good stead in the making of in
vestments. For a time he was engaged in
the work about St. Albert and Lake Waba-
mun, and when the rebellion broke out Mr.
Larue tendered his services as a scout and
did valiant duty along the trail between Ed
monton and Calgary.
In 1 889 he formed the partnership with
Mr. J. H. Picard and Larue & Picard was
the firm name under which they conducted a
mercantile business until 1907. Mr. Larue
was the first man to erect a residence on
Kinistino avenue and in 1 890 the firm erect
ed the block on Jasper avenue, East, where
the present offices are located. Both of these
pioneers have practically retired from active
business life and now devote the major por
tion of their time and attention to their private
investments which include a goodly portion
of some of the most valuable realty in all of
Real Estate and Financial Broker — Telger
Building, Edmonton.
In this general resume of the able men of
affairs who have taken such an active part in
the development of Alberta and the great
Northwest country, it is with pleasure we
refer to the splendid record of achievements
made by Mr. Henri Milton Martin, real
estate, insurance and financial agent of Ed
monton. Although Mr. Martin only estab
lished himself in the present business in Ed
monton in 1 906, he has previously been ac
tively identified with this western country
for years and is thoroughly familiar with the
region as a whole.
Although born at Clintonville, N.Y., on
June 6, 1872, Mr. Martin received his
education in Canada, where he has spent
the greater portion of his life. He was a
student at Plateau Academy, Montreal, as
well as at the College de Joliette, and when
he started out on his career it was as a
book-keeper, clerk and accountant at Van
couver, B.C., in 1887. In 1890 he was
assistant paymaster with Hugh Keeper, a
contractor at Nelson and from 1891 to 1893
he was accountant and manager at New
Westminster for Lowenberg-Harns & Com
pany. The succeeding four years Mr. Mar
tin spent in mining in the Kootenay, and in
1 898 he entered the government service in
the Yukon. The next year he filled the
position of mining recorder. In 1900 he
was Assistant Crown Timber and Land
Agent at Fort Selkirk, Y.T., and from 1902
to 1906 filled the post of Crown Timber
and Land Agent for all of the Yukon Ter
ritory with Headquarters in Dawson.
Since coming to Edmonton and establish
ing his present business enterprise, Mr. Mar
tin served as vice-president of the Edmonton
Board of Trade in 1911 and as president of
the Greater Edmonton Board of Trade in
1912. He was also chosen as a trustee of
the Separate School Board and is a director
of and stock holder in various Edmonton
industrial enterprises established in recent
He was appointed attorney in fact by His
Grace the Archbishop in 1 908 and given
charge of the material interests of the diocese
of St. Albert and he is now in charge of all
financial affairs of the archdiocese of Edmon
Mr. Martin is a member of the Edmon
ton, Edmonton Country, Columbian and
Capital City Curling clubs as well as of the
Knights of Columbus. His political affilia
tions are with the Liberal party, and in every
forward movement tending to advance the
welfare of the people of the province, Mr.
Martin has always signified his willingness
to lend a helping hand.
Proprietor Hotel Selkirk and Yale Hotel,
Among the progressive men of affairs who
have taken an active, personal interest in the
development of Alberta and who has es
pecially been an important factor in the up
building and improvement of the City of
Edmonton, is Mr. Robert McDonald, pro
prietor of two of the best known hotels in
the entire Province — the Yale Hotel, on Jas
per avenue, and the Hotel Selkirk, formerly
the Windsor, at the corner of First street and
Jasper avenue.
Mr. McDonald, who ranks as one of the
most popular hotel men of the Canadian
West, has spent the greater portion of his
life in this line of business, and ever since
1902 has been one of Edmonton's most loyal
and sanguine supporters.
It was a little more than four years ago
that Mr. McDonald acquired ownership of
the Yale Hotel, which he preceded to oper
ate on the European plan, the rates ranging
from $1 to $1.50 per day. 1 his was some
thing of an innovation for Edmonton and
Mr. McDonald made good from the begin
ning. I he Yale has 50 guest rooms, a
spacious cafe and one of the best appointed
bars in the West. 1 he house is furnished
throughout in modern style and provides its
guests with every convenience that can be
Having thus made good with his first ven
ture it was the logical sequence for Mr. Mc
Donald to expand his interests in keeping
with the general growth of the community,
and so last year when the opportunity came
for him to acquire possession of the old and
well known Windsor Hotel, he lost no time
in embracing it.
Under his direction the building occupied
by the Windsor was completely overhauled
and remodeled, and greatly enlarged and im
proved throughout, while the name, Hotel
Selkirk, was chosen for the transformed
house. This hostlery now contains a total
of 100 modernly furnished guest rooms, 26
with private baths, a bar of ample propor
tions, a magnificent grill and cafe, and like
the ^ ale is conducted strictly on the Euro
pean plan, the rates ranging from $1.50
to $2.50 per day. Both of these hotels
cater to the very best class of trade and are
specially favorites among commercial travel
ers and tourists. Mr. McDonald has two
very capable staffs of assistants for these
hotels and the utmost courtesy and consider
ation is shown to every guest. He spends
the major portion of his time between the two
places giving his personal direction to the
management and to a general supervision of
the many details which enter into the con
duct of hotels of this magnitude.
varied field for the activities of the individual
who has thoroughly prepared himself for the
Barristers and Solicitors — Third Floor Royal
Bank Building.
In the general practice of the legal pro
fession there is probably not another com-
munily in all of Canada offering such ex
ceptional advantages as Edmonton. Not
only is this the capital city of Alberta, but
its growing importance in a commercial and
industrial way has opened up a broad and
To illustrate the truth of this statement it
is only necessary to refer to the splendid pro
gress which has been made by Hyndman &
Hyndman, a successful firm of barristers and
solicitors with offices occupying the entire
third floor of the Royal Bank Building. The
senior member of this firm, Mr. James D.
Hyndman, although but forty years of age,
ranks as a veteran in point of experience.
Mr. Hyndman was born at Charlottetown,
P.E.I., on July 29, 1874, and received his
education at the Prince of Wales College,
at Charlottetown. He then took up the
study of law and when he responded to the
call of the West in 1899 it was to engage
in active practice as a member of the firm
of Macdonald & Hyndman, at Portage la
Prairie. Four years later Mr. Hyndman
came to Edmonton, and for the next two
years was identified with the firm of Ken
nedy & Hyndman. In 1905 he formed the
present partnership with Mr. H. H. Hynd
man, and so rapidly did their business de
velop that last year Messrs. Milner and
Matheson, two capable representatives of
the younger generation of Edmonton bar
risters were taken into the firm.
Mr. J. D. Hyndman, aside from his law-
business, is vice-president of the Northwest
Mortgage Corporation, Limited; director of
the Dawson Coal Company and of the Ed
monton Mortgage Corporation. He served
as a member of the Board of Aldermen of
the city in 1910-1911 and also as a member
of the Hospital Board in 1 9 1 0. In 1908
Mr. Hyndman was the unsuccessful Con
servative candidate against Frank Oliver for
a seat in the Dominion Parliament, but the
strong fight put up by Mr. Hyndman marked
him as a man worthy of political preference
and in the 1913 provincial campaign he was
selected as a candidate against the Hon.
J. R. Boyle for the Sturgeon constituency.
Although again unsuccessful, Mr. Hynd-
man's spirit is undaunted, and it is altogether
likely that the future has in store for him
great political honors. He is a born fighter
and defeat does not discourage him.
E. S. McQUAID, B.A., LL.B.
Barrister and Solicitor — Gariepy Block,
While the upbuilding of Edmonton and
the general development of the province of
Alberta has in large measure been the result
of the patient, untiring efforts of the early
day pioneers, we should not lose sight of the
part that has been played by the younger
generation in recent years and of the in
domitable energy and pluck which has won
for them the respect and admiration of the
older heads.
In this connection we know of no better
example to cite than in the case of Mr. Ed
ward S. McQuaid, barrister and solicitor,
whose offices are in the Gariepy Block.
This capable and talented young lawyer
made his debut in Edmonton in 1 908. Here
he hung out his shingle, and with only a
limited amount of capital at his command
started in on his career. He came at a most
opportune time, at a time when Edmonton
was just beginning to come into her own,
and it was not long before Mr. McQuaid had
built up considerable of a general practice.
But all the time he was practicing law he
was keeping his eyes open for profitable fin
ancial investments, with the result that he
soon began to acquire considerable valuable
real estate. Following this he turned his at
tention to finance as well as the law, and
now devotes his spare time to making loans
and various kinds of financial investments
for his many clients who have come to repose
perfect confidence in his judgment and ability.
Mr. McQuaid was born in Elgin, Albert
county, N.B., on August 25, 1881. In
turn he was educated at the Provincial Nor
mal School, at Fredericton, N.B., at Mount
Allison University and at Harvard and Man
itoba Universities, receiving degrees in Arts
and Law. This thorough preparation well
prepared him for his chosen profession and
throughout the Canadian West it would be
difficult to find another of his age who has
won so many laurels. He is a member of
the Canadian and Edmonton clubs, and a
prominent character m all social as well as
professional circles.
Furniture and Furnishings — 292-300 Jasper
Avenue, Fasl, Edmonton,
Coincident with the general growth and
development of Edmonton in recent years
has been the splendid progress made by
many of the mercantile firms, for, as a trade
center in both a wholesale and retail way,
this city already ranks as a leader in Alberta
and one of the most important in all of the
Canadian West.
A typical example of this is to be found
in the advancement which has been made by
the Blowey-Henry Company, dealers in fur
niture and furnishings, with finely appointed
show rooms at 292 to 300 Jasper avenue,
East. Eight years ago this progressive firm
began business in a modest way in a little
two-storey frame building, while the working
members of the staff could be counted on the
fingers of one hand. Today the company
occupies a modern four-storey structure hav
ing more than 100,000 square feet of floor
space available for the storage and display
of its immense stock of everything coming
under the general heads of furniture and
furnishings. Not only does the Blowey-
Henry Company do a large retail business
in supplying the wants of the people of Ed
monton and vicinity, but its wholesale trade
has developed accordingly, and it regularly
supplies dealers in all the principal com
munities throughout the northern portion of
the province.
1 he stock embraces the ordinary lines of
moderate price which have a place in the
modest cottage as well as the costly, ex
clusive creations for the palatial mansion.
One floor alone is devoted to draperies and
floor coverings and the array of carpets is
representative of everything from a medium
priced Tapestry to the high-grade Wiltons
and Axmmsters.
The success the firm has attained is due
in large measure to the superior quality of
goods handled and to the wide experience in
the furniture business possessed by the indi
vidual members of the company. Then, too,
there has been the loyal support of the em
ployees, who have always sought to show
their appreciation of good treatment by the
personal interest they have taken in the busi
ness and the courteous treatment shown all
The Builders' Material Man — Wholesale
and Retail — 635 Fifth Street,
Truly one of the marvels of the age has
been the wonderful advancement made by
the province of Alberta during the past de-
cade. Not only has splendid progress been
made m the development of the natural re
sources of all this vast region, but in all
other lines as well, and the manner in which
the flourishing towns and cities have grown
can only be termed as phenomenal. Best
of all, this growth has been a healthy one.
It has not been due to any so-called "boom"
or any fictitious basis of values, but because
of the real worth of this country and the
substantial backing which means a long con
tinuance of the present prosperous condi
Nowhere is this better illustrated than in
the upbuilding of the city of Edmonton —
a community which now boasts of a popula
tion of approximately 70,000 people. Ac
companying this wonderful expansion in
recent years has been a corresponding ac
tivity in building operations, and the many
large and substantial structures that have
been erected reflect the fullest measure of
confidence that investors possess in the sta
bility of city and province.
Closely identified with the building in
terests of Edmonton are the firms and in
dividuals who are devoting their attention
to the supplying of contractors and builders
with the requisite materials for such work,
and an acknowledged leader in this con
nection is Mr. W. B. Poucher, whose office,
yards and ware rooms are at 635 Fifth street,
with a South side branch at the corner of
First street, West and Fourth avenue. South.
Mr. Poucher is a wholesale and retail
dealer in practically everything coming under
the general head of building supplies. In
fact, so well established is Mr. Poucher that
the sobriquet of "The Builders' Material
Man," is a most unique and appropriate ap
pellation, and one that he has well earned
in giving the general public such a superior
Mr. Poucher made his establishment in
Edmonton in 1902, and during the period
which has since intervened his well directed
efforts have kept steady pace with the city's
general growth. He has been a leading
factor in the promotion of building of every
description, and some idea of the scale on
which he operates may be gained from the
statement that he gives employment to a staff
of 22 workmen and assistants and utilizes a
force of 14 teams in making deliveries to
all required points. His stock is a most
comprehensive one, including sand, lime,
brick, cement, sewer and drain pipe, building
paper, roofing materials, hardwall plaster,
etc., and these are provided in quantities to
suit the customer, no matter whether it be a
car lost or less.
Mr. Poucher is a loyal, enthusiastic sup
porter of Edmonton interests, and a splendid
example of the type of men who are doing
so much to promote the welfare of all this
section of the Last Great West.
1 38 McDougall Avenue, Edmonton.
Incorporated in 1855, the Canada Per
manent Mortgage Corporation has not only
enjoyed a long and prosperous career, but
ranks today as one of the leading financial
institutions of the Dominion. The company's
head office is at Toronto, while large and
important branches are maintained at Ed
monton, Regina, St. John, N.B., Vancouver
,and Winnipeg. It has a paid up capital of
$6,000,000; a reserve fund of $4,250,000
and total assets amounting to $31,826,618.
37 — a showing which indicates something of
the big scale on which the Canada Perma
nent Mortgage Corporation operates through
out all parts of Canada.
This old established concern is purely an
investment company; not a speculative enter
prise, and its solidity is largely due to the
fact that ninety per cent of its assets is in
the form of mortgages on real estate.
The Edmonton branch at 1 38 McDougall
avenue is one of the most prosperous of all,
and for the past eight years the manager has
been Mr. W. T. Creighton, a gentleman
who has been identified with the company for
the past twenty-eight years, and who is wide
ly known and most highly esteemed in all
business and financial circles of the West.
Canada's School Furnishers — McKenny
Building, No. 665, 104th Street,
The advancement which has been made in
the development of the province of Alberta
within the past decade, and particularly in
the growing towns and cities, is especially
apparent in Edmonton — a community whose
population is now close to the 70,000 mark
and whose building operations average some
thing over $1,000,000 per month. Whole
sale merchants and manufacturers in general
are beginning to realize more and more the
advantages to be derived by the establish
ment of branches here, for not only is the
local business a matter of increasing impor
tance, bul the trade throughout the adjoin
ing territory tributary to Edmonton is rapidly
attaining large proportions.
A well known Canadian Concern which
has appreciated the value of this western
country is the E. N. Moyer Company, Lim
ited, manufacturers, publishers and importers,
and which ranks as the premier hrm of the
Dominion in supplying schools, churches and
other institutions with furniture and other
I his company made its beginning in 1 o-
ronto in 1884, and its thirty years of life
have been most prosperous ones. 1 oday it
has branches in Winnipeg and Edmonton,
the latter having been opened in 1909 and
the scope of its operations embraces practic
ally all of the Dominion. Here in the West
the E. N. Moyer Company, Limited, has
supplied such well known institutions as the
Edmonton Jesuit College, St. John's Col
lege, St. Boniface College, Calgary Separate
Schools, Edmonton Separate Schools, Ed
monton Public Schools, as well as those at
Red Deer, I rochu, Lethbridge, Camrose
and other points.
Some of the lines handled are the New
Empire desks. Harvard desks, Moulthrop
chairs, Teachers' desks, Steel desks, New
Empire Maps and Globes, Hyloplate black
board and Mover's Clean Air System of
heating and ventilating.
The company's facilities for supplying or
ders of every description and in any quantity,
great or small, are unsurpassed, while the
superior quality of its wares makes the Moyer
goods standard in every locality.
is especially apparent in such thriving com
munities as Edmonton — a city whose sub
stantial and permanent growth has made the
whole world sit up and take notice. 1 hrough-
out the down town section stately and im
posing office buildings have sprung up as if
by magic, and in the residential districts
luxurious homes add greatly to the general
appearance of this City Beautiful.
A contributing factor to the splendid up
building of the city in recent years has been
the firm of Schwarz Brothers, importers and
contractors for tiling, tiles and marble for
all uses, and whose office and display rooms
are at 551 Fourth street. I his enterprising
firm comprises Messrs. E. R. Schwarz and
A. E. Schwarz, who formed the partnership
in I 9 1 0, and who have more than made good
with their venture in this western country.
1 hey carry in stock and take orders for
everything in the shape of geometrical, en
caustic and plain tile; art mosaic and ceramic
mosaic floors in various arrangements and
colors for use in entrance halls, porticoes,
lobbies, kitchens, conservatories, churches,
etc. ; enamel tile, dull glazed faience, matt
glazes, terra vitrea, mouldings, skirting, white
gla/ed tile for dadoes, fire-places, hearths,
bath rooms, kitchens, sink backs, stairways,
store fronts, signs and the like. They also
stock with grates and fire-place furniture and
marble for all purposes, and have every
facility for supplying of special and original
designs to suit any particular or exacting
I he Messrs. Schwarz operate with a force
of 20 competent and expert tile workers and
examples of their proficiency in this form of
decoration are to be found in many of the
better class of buildings that have been erect
ed in recent years. Altogether the firm per
forms a most useful service to the general
public and certainly merits the support of
all in its efforts which are of such value
in enhancing the beauty of interior construc
Tiles, Mantels and Grates — 551 Fourth
Street, Edmonton.
While the province of Alberta has made
a most astounding record in all forms of de
velopment work during the past decade, this
Wholesale Tobacconists and Confectioners.
Kelly Block, Jasper Avenue and Fifth
Street, Edmonton.
That Edmonton is rapidly developing in
to a wholesale center of growing importance
is evidenced by the splendid advancement
made by such progressive concerns as John
ston & Boon, Limited, wholesale tobaccon
ists and confectioners, with offices and stock
rooms in the Kelly Block, at the corner of
Fifth street and Jasper avenue.
This successful company had its origin in
Fort William, Ontario, something over seven
years ago, being founded by Messrs. R. C.
Johnston and C. W. Boon. Two years after
it started the firm broadened its scope of
operations by opening a branch at Sault Ste
Marie, under the management of Mr. J. J.
McCormack, who had previously been in the
retail cigar and tobacco trade there for ten
About eighteen months ago the business
was incorporated as a limited company with
head office at Fort William in charge of
Mr. R. C. Johnston. Since that time a
second branch has been opened, viz., the
one here in Edmonton, which is under the
supervision of Mr. C. W. Boon.
The officers and directors of the company
include Mr. R. C. Johnston, president; Mr.
C. W. Boon, secretary; William Buchta,
Fort William; J. J. McCormack, Sault Ste
Marie and J. H. Duff, Fort William.
The stock carried in Edmonton is repres
entative of that at the other houses, em
bracing a fine selection of imported and
domestic, cigars, cigarettes, tobaccos, pipes,
smokers' supplies and choice confectionery.
The line of pipes and smokers' sundries can
not be surpassed and dealers who are am
bitious to fill their shelves with seasonable
goods in these and the other lines will make
no mistake by extending their patronage to
Johnston & Boon, Limited.
From this western house the firm covers
practically all of Alberta and Saskatchewan,
and the big stock carried in Edmonton is
sufficient to meet all demands promptly and
in an eminently satisfactory manner. No
matter whether you call in person or send
the order by mail it will receive the same
careful and considerate attention, and as to
the quality there is never any question. This
is the asset on which the company has built
up such an excellent reputation throughout
all of Western Canada.
MacLean Block, 609 Jasper Avenue, West.
In this far northern country where the
human framework demands adequate pro
tection from the chilly blasts of winter, there
is nothing more essential than good fur gar
ments — such, for example, as the high class
lines manufactured and sold by the Alexan-
der-Hilpert Fur Company, Limited, whose
work and sales rooms are so centrally located
at 609 Jasper avenue, West.
This company of genuine fur specialists
made its establishment in this city in 1910,
and the splendid success that has crowned
its efforts is the result of long experience on
the part of the management in the buying and
manufacturing of furs in such big centers as
Montreal, Toronto, Vienna and Paris.
In addition to the manufacture of a gen
eral line of fur garments for men and women,
the company also buys choice raw furs and
skins and has every facility for the remodeling
and renovating of old furs.
The president and manager is Mr. N. D.
J. Alexander, a successful and enterprising
business man of the highest standing in all
Funeral Directors — 30 Second Avenue,
S.W. Edmonton, South.
The wonderful advancement that has been
made in all the arts and sciences during the
past quarter of a century is nowhere more in
evidence than in the improved, scientinc
methods employed by the funeral directors
of the present day and generation. Not only
has the art of embalm/rig come inio general
use by the members of this profession, but
other approved practices as well, and the
visits of the Grim Reaper have been shorn
of much of their horror by the careful and
painstaking manner in which the Twentieth
Century funeral director prepares a body for
burial and conducts the funeral ceremonies.
An Edmonton firm which has attained a
most enviable position in the estimation of
the general public during the eighteen years
it has been engaged in the undertakin busi-
ness is Wainwright & Jackson, whose finely
appointed establishment is in Edmonton
South, at No. 30 Second avenue, S. W.
The individual members of this partnership
are Messrs. Sam Wainwright and R. O.
Jackson — two of the city's most capable and
successful men of affairs. In connection with
the general undertaking business, the firm
also operates a full livery, cab and hack ser
vice, and its modern, up-to-date equipment
is unsurpassed by any similar company in
all of Alberta. The firm is prepared to
answer all calls for its services at any hour
of the day or night, having a competent staff
of assistants and drivers who are noted for
their courtesy and infinite attention to all the
little details which are so essential. It also
has ready for instant use at all times a well
equipped, heated ambulance which affords
comfortable transportation for the sick or in
jured in the very coldest weather.
Messrs. Wainwright and Jackson are in
deed open to congratulation on having given
the people of Edmonton an enterprise of such
real merit and such practical utility to the
community at large.
Office, Storage and Garage — 554 First
Street, Edmonton.
Among the energetic individuals who have
been quick to take advantage of the op
portunities for success offered by the thriving
city of Edmonton is Mr. D. V. Farney, who
is the active head and owner of the Farney
Truck Company and the City Messenger Ex
press Company, two allied enterprises with
headquarters at No. 554 First street.
It was only a little more than four years
ago that Mr. Farney invested his limited
amount of capital in a single team and
started the work of moving furniture, trans-
fering baggage, delivering parcels and hauling
anything and everything that came along.
From that modest beginning the above com
panies have made wonderful development.
Foday the Farney Truck Company operates
with seventeen teams and three motor trucks
and twenty-eight employees are on the pay
Of course all of these men and all of the
equipment were not added at one time. As
the business grew Mr. Farney increased his
facilities in accordance with the demands put
upon him, and so he will continue adding
to his teams and motor trucks in keeping with
the general growth of Edmonton.
A storage department is now one of the
useful adjuncts of the Farney Truck Com
pany's business, and the big warehouses that
are utilized for this purpose insure the safe
keeping of everything in the line of furniture
and household goods. The parcel delivery
service, too, is something that local merchants
have been quick to take advantage of, and
the speedy, careful messengers employed by
the company are a guarantee of the maximum
amount of satisfaction to the merchant as
well as to the customer.
Mr. Farney also owns and operates his
own carriage shop and blacksmithing depart
ment. He is the owner of the McGeorge
C afe and the numerous investments he has
made in Edmonton real estate is convincing
proof of his confidence in Edmonton and
of the fact that he is one of the city's most
loyal and faithful supporters.
Corner Clark and First Streets. Edmonton,
Closely identified with the building interests
and the other industrial enterprises of Ed
monton is the Alberta Granite, Marble &
Stone Company, whose office and works are
so conveniently located at the corner of
Clark and First streets.
This company, which was formed nine
years ago, is under the personal management
of Mr. R. T. Dykes, who has had a
thorough, practical experience in this field
of endeavor and who has made a splendid
success of the undertaking.
The Alberta Granite, Marble & Stone
Company devotes its attention to the produc
tion of high-grade marble and granite monu
ments, tomb stones, head stones, etc., to
gether with marble for interior or exterior
use in buildings, curbing, marble counters,
and operates with a goodly number of work
ers who are experts in the artistic execution
of simple or ornate designs.
Office and Brewery, Twenty-First Street.
Ainong the industrial enterprises that have
steadily kept pace with the general growth
and development of Edmonton and the pro
vince of Alberta is the Edmonton Brewing
&: Malting Company, Limited, whose mag
nificent new plant on I wenty-First street rep
resents the very last word in brewery con
The huge storage tanks are all of steel with
glass enameled interiors, and the sanitary
arrangement of the entire plant is something
that could not well be improved upon.
In the operation of the various departments
of the brewery and in the wholesale distribu
tion of the output throughout Edmonton and
the surrounding territory in Alberta and the
adjoining provinces of Saskatchewan and
British Columbia, a force of from thirty-
five to forty employees is required — all men
of thorough experience in the brewing in
dustry. Inasmuch as the new plant is in
close proximity to the lines of the C.N.R.
This progressive company was originally
incorporated in 1903, and the following
year began the manufacture of a general
line of malt products which have become
famous throughout the western country ; such
well known and reliable brands as the cele
brated "Yellowhead" beer; the "Edmonton
Family Lager" and "Imperial Stout."
The advancement made in the ten years
of the company's existence are best illustrated
in the handsome new brewery which was
completed ready for occupancy but a few
months ago. This is a substantial, five-story
structure, of brick and reinforced concrete
construction, and embodying all the ideal
features which modern methods have brought
into use in play in this line of manufacture.
and the G.T.P., there is every facility for
the receipt of raw materials as well as the
shipment of the manufactured products.
All of the barley utilized by the Edmon
ton Brewing & Malting Company, Limited,
comes from the farming district in the ter
ritory surrounding Edmonton, and in thus af
fording a market for this cereal is rendering
valuable aid to the agricultural community.
The plant has a capacity for the making
of 75,000 barrels of beer per year, this in
cluding the various brands above mentioned.
The company, being capitalized for $750,-
000, has ample funds at its command and is
fully prepared to conduct the business in a
most successful manner.
The officers of the company are Mr. D.
R. Ker, president, who resides in Victoria,
B.C., and Messrs. W. H. Sheppard and
W. E. Lines, of Edmonton, are the manag
ing directors.
10125 104th Street, Edmonton.
An Edmonton firm that is carrying on a
most commendable work in the wholesale
handling of school supplies and many other
things pertaining to educational matters is
the Alberta School Supply Company, whose
office and display rooms are at No. 10125
104th street.
Among the leading specialties in school
equipment handled by this progressive firm
are the "Preston Ball-Beanng Desks," and
"Acme Plate" Blackboard, which have been
adopted by many of the leading educational
institutions of the Provine. The company is
also agent for the "Hero" ventilating room
heaters and the "Parkyte" sanitary closets
— the very best devices of the kind on the
The company also has every facility for
the handling of debentures, having, during
the past year successfully disposed of over
$3,000,000 worth of Alberta school bonds.
It likewise furnishes bonds for school treas
urers, rural municipalities, etc., and makes
a specialty of supplying insurance for school
Mr. A. F. Carrothers is the active man
ager of the business, and associated with him
in the conduct of the same is Mr. A. L.
Cameron Street, Edmonton.
Established in 1906, the Edmonton City
Dairy, Limited, is a local enterprise which
has made wonderful advancement and which
stands today the acknowledged leader in the
handling of dairy products in Alberta or
the Canadian West. Not only has it become
a most important factor in supplying milk,
cream, butter, ice cream, eggs, etc., to the
people of this community, but has accom
plished a world of good in providing a mar
ket for the farmers who have turned then-
attention to dairying as a profitable adjunct
to their general farming.
When the Edmonton City Dairy, Limited,
was first incorporated in 1909, it was with
a capital stock of $50,000. The next year
it was re-capitalized for $100,000. In
1912 it was increased to $250,000, and last
year it was raised to an even half million
dollars. That is a graphic illustration of the
healthy, steady growth which has charac
terized all of the company's operations.
Those who have been actively identified
with the operation of this growing concern
are Mr. W. W. Prevey, managing director,
H. W. Johnston, an active director, and
Mr. George Hazlett, secretary, while the
board of directors include such prominent
men of the community as D. W. Warner,
G. A. Wilkinson, J. A. Davis, E. Gee, J.
H. Morris and J. W. McKernan. All are
staunch men of affairs and active in the de
velopment of the city and province.
A few interesting figures are to be gleaned
from a statement of what the Edmonton
Dairy Company, Limited, has been able to
accomplish during the past eight years, and
of the really big scale on which it operates.
In 1909 the company manufactured 74,-
000 pounds of butter. Last year it reached
the handsome total of 1,708,203 pounds.
In 1 9 1 2 the milk department sold 1 ,822,9 1 6
quarts, and last year this was increased to
2,875,764 quarts. It sold 36,782 gallons
of ice cream in 1912, and in 1913 the
figures are placed at 61,724 gallons. In
1912 the firm handled 173,037 dozen eggs,
while last year a total of 420,850 were dis
posed of to its many customers. Last year
272,370 quarts of cream were sold — a gain
of more than 125,000 quarts over the pre
ceding twelve months. All told, the total
turn-over for 1912 amounted to $674,784,
and for 1913 it was $1,130,367.
Such figures are indicative of the splendid
management on the part of Mr. Prevey, and
of the loyal support that has been given by
the staff of approximately 200 employees.
For 1914, judging by the business handled
during the first six months, it is quite evident
that a new high record will have been es
The importance of this industry as re
lates to the development of the dairy interests
in Alberta, and particularly in the Edmon
ton district, is evidenced by the fact that the
company receives shipments of milk and
cream from approximately 4,000 farmers.
It goes without saying that the men be
hind this company have the most implicit
confidence in the continued growth and ex
pansion of Edmonton and the Province of
Alberta, and that their future operations will
be continued on the same magnificent scale
to meet existing conditions.
630 Second Street. Edmonton.
That the people of Edmonton are keenly
alive to the progress of modern times and
are ever imbued with the desire to take ad
vantage of improved conditions and advanced
ideas is manifest in the kindly spirit in which
the advent of the taxicab has been received
in recent years. People coming from the
larger cities of the East are agreeably sur
prised to find that rapid transit by motor
driven vehicles has obtained such a foothold
here, but that is only one of the many sur
prises which Edmonton and the Province of
Alberta have in store for them.
In this connection it is interesting to note
the phenomenal progress which has been
made by the Phoenix Taxi & Auto Com
pany, Limited, which made its beginning in
this city in September, 1913.
This ably managed concern, which mam-
tains its garage and office at No. 630 Sec
ond street and head office 14 Jasper, West,
entered the field with but two cars, but the
splendid service that was given from the very
beginning spelled success, and now, within
less than one year's time, the company has
in constant use four taxi cabs and four tour
ing cars, the latter being six-cylinder, 1914
models of the famous Hudson make. In ad
dition to the prompt service, day or night,
the firm lays particular stress upon keeping
all of the cars and taxis in prime condition,
and the spick and span appearance of the
vehicles naturally appeals to patrons with
considerable force.
The manager of the Phoenix Taxi & Auto
Company is Mr. K. J. Tailyour, an ener
getic, ambitious Irishman who came out to
this western country in 1 902 and who is
more than making good with his well direct
ed efforts. The secretary-treasurer of the
company is Mr. W. J. Butchart, who comes
originally from Toronto, and who has spent
some three years in Alberta. Both are men
of ripe experience in everything pertaining
to the auto business, and their careful at
tention to details can only result in a con
tinued expansion of their service and addi
tions to their equipment to meet the ever
increasing demands from Edmonton people.
10542 Saskatchewan Drive. Edmonton,
Among the industrial enterprises of Ed
monton that have made phenomenal progress
during the past few years is the Strathcona
Brewing & Malting Company, Limited,
brewers and bottlers of export lager and por
ter, aerated and distilled waters, with offices
and finely equipped plant at No. 10542
Saskatchewan Drive, Edmonton, South.
This enterprising company as it exists to
day, was formed in 1907, although the
original brewery was founded some fifteen
years ago, and its officers are Mr. J. P.
Gross, president, who resides at Wetaskiwin ;
Mr. Alex. Dow, general manager; Mr. A.
Schmid, secretary-treasurer and Mr. Fred
Geisler, plant manager. These are all men
of wide experience in the brewing business,
and the splendid success they have attained
has been due to well directed efforts and to
the adoption of modern, improved methods
in e;ery detail of the manufacture.
This magnificent plant is really a model in
all of its appointments, and represents an in
vestment of approximately $350,000 in land
and buildings. Shortly after the company
was formed a new structure was built at a
cost of $95,000 and in 1913-1914 a still
larger building was erected at a cost of
This latter building is devoted mainly to
use as a bottling and storage department. It
covers a ground space 60 x 150 feet, and the
cellars alone have a storage capacity for
some 15,000 barrels of beer.
One-half of the first floor is given over
to the bottling works, and the remainder of
the space to the racking off of beer. The
second floor contains the aerated water de
partment, laboratories and storage rooms for
hops, and the third floor comprises the office
and shipping department.
One of the most striking features in con
nection with the equipment of the brewery is
the modern conveyor and elevator system
that has been installed, and which greatly
facilitates the handling of the products from
one floor to another, with an immense saving
of time and labor. There are automatic
machines and appliances for the washing of
the bottles, for the filling of the same, the
attaching of the crown stoppers, labelling
and pasteurizing. Then there is a unique
piece of apparatus which is used for washing
and cleansing the kegs, and which seems al
most human in the methodical, automatic
manner it does this work.
The entire structure of this new part of
the brewery is of brick and re-inforced con
crete, the cement floors being easily cleansed
with a hose and especial attention being paid
to maintaining everything in a perfect sani
tary condition. In the various departments
there is a working force of from thirty-five to
forty employees, while two huge motor trucks
and a half dozen wagons are required to
make the deliveries about town and to at
tend to the shipments that are made to the
surrounding territory. This trade territory
extends for 600 miles east and west of
Edmonton, and 400 miles north and south,
the company maintaining cold storage plants
in both Calgary and Saskatoon.
The principal brand of bottled beer pro
duced by the Strathcona Brewing & Malting
Company, Limited, is the "Varsity" — a
brand which has been received with much
favor in all communities where it has been
introduced. Of superior quality, too, is the
porter and the numerous kinds of aerated
beverages, the company handling about
$35,000 worth of the latter each year. The
output of the beer alone ranges from 1 7,000
to 20,000 barrels each year, there being a
steady increase with the general growth and
development of the country.
General Contractor — Edmonton.
As an evidence of the progressive light
in which the people of Edmonton view the
subject of municipal improvements, one has
only to refer to the mammoth trunk drain and
sanitary sewer, ten miles in length, and which
is being constructed at an approximate cost
of $1,500,000. In casting about for some
experienced contractor to whom this might be
awarded, the city was fortunate in securing
the services of Mr. Henry C. Ulen, of Chi
cago, who for a considerable period of years
has been engaged in sewer building in many
of the larger cities of the United States and
whose special knowledge in relation to this
kind of work enables him to handle such
gigantic undertakings to the best possible ad
This extensive addition to the sewerage
system of Edmonton begins at Thirteenth
and Nelson streets, and runs along Sprague
to tenth street to the Grand Trunk Pacific
property; at Waterloo another contract takes
in the sewer along Waterloo to Alberta
avenue, to Gerald, and northeast to King
and Cleave streets; north on King to Water
loo and east on Cleave; thence northeast on
Edmonton avenue to Gordon street. Still
another contract awarded to Mr. Ulen is for
a sewer from Stephen avenue, south-west to
the slough, and north from Stephen avenue on
I wenty-third street to Westminster.
The big trunk sewer ranges from four to
six feet in diameter, is to be lined throughout
with concrete blocks, and will undoubtedly
be the best of its kind ever installed within
the borders of Alberta.
The preparation for this work represented
an expenditure of about $60,000 by Mr.
Ulen, this including the erection of a big
two-storey lodging house and dining hall for
the accommodation of the two hundred and
fifty employees, which is about the average
number engaged on the work. This is a
long step in advance of the usual methods of
providing rough shacks or tents for the men,
and not only does it make for contentment
on the part of the workers, but illustrates the
progressive ideas which are characteristic of
Mr. Ulen in all of his great undertakings.
Mr. Henry C. Ulen is the president of
the company and Mr. J. R. Ulen, his broth
er, the vice-president. Both are most favor-
ably impressed with the splendid develop
ment of the Canadian West, and even after
the completion of the work now under way
they will undoubtedly maintain a branch of
fice in this city, the better to handle the
future contracts which are sure to come from
Edmonton as well as the other growing com
munities of this and the adjoining provinces.
Dealers in Milk, Cream, Ice Cream, Buttei
and Eggs — 346 Picard Street.
strides the company has since made have
been due to superior management and the
splendid quality of the output, which includes
milk, cream, ice cream, butter, eggs, etc., all
of which have such a steady call in the every
day life of the people of this community and
the surrounding country.
The quarters occupied by the Woodland
Dairy, Limited, were built especially for this
purpose, the structure being a three-story
brick and concrete affair with more than 20,-
000 square feet of floor space available for
the several departments of the business. 1 his
plant, the machinery and general equipment.
One of the prime essentials to the health,
welfare and happiness of every community is
an adequate supply of dairy products — pro
ducts which are pure and wholesome and up
to the required standard of excellence in
every particular. In Edmonton one of the
most dependable sources of supply is in the
Woodland Dairy, Limited, whose finely
equipped, modern plant is located at 346
Picard street.
This institution to which we would invite
the attention of the general public, those in
all the walks of life, was founded in 1912
in a comparatively small way, and the rapid
represents an investment of approximately
There is an immense storage room which
has a capacity of 300,000 pounds of butter,
while the milk capacity of the dairy is es
timated at 5,000 gallons per day, not in
cluding the large quantities of milk and cream
that are utilized in the manufacture of ice
The capacity of the butter room is 1 car
daily and they are now manufacturing every
day, 5,000 pounds of Woodland Dairy
Butter. The capacity of the ice cream room
is 1 ,200 gallons per day. Eighty-five people
are regularly employed.
I hey now have 36 sub-stations in the
country for the buying of cream and eggs
and at these sub-stations farmers cream is
weighed and tested before sending to the
Every precaution possible is taken to pre
vent contamination of the Woodland pro
ducts, and the sanitary arrangement through
out the dairy is such as to insure the maximum
degree of cleanliness, as this well known con
cern has an established reputation for the put
ting out of food products that are of un
questioned purity and wholesomenes. .
1 ypical of this modern advancement has
been the rise of the Mountain Spring Brew
ing Company, Eimited, a concern which
came into existence in 1912 and which has
since come to be recognized as one of the
leaders in its class for all of the western por
tion of the Dominion. In the manufacture
and sale of malt products of unquestioned
purity and of a recognized standard in every
particular so far as the element of quality i*
concerned, this Mountain Spring Brewing
Company, Eimited, has set an example which
other manufacturers might well emulate.
' his is the home of two of the most fam
ous brands that the province of Alberta has
ever known — the "Silver-Spray," a rich,
amber-colored liquid that is one of the very
best beverages ever concocted by a judicious
combination of high-grade malt and hops,
and "Wurzburger," known as the original
pW^'^ "••'•! WHSgpL
»i»«/»- *.-•
^7*. .
With a population of approximately 90,-
000 people, Calgary not only occupies the
proud position of being the metropolis of
Alberta, but is the largest community in all
that vast stretch of country between Win
nipeg on the East and Vancouver on the
Pacific coast. 1 he financial, commercial and
industrial interests of this growing city have
kept abreast of all the more splendid develop
ment that has been characteristic of West
ern Canada m recent years, and the casual
visitor is invariably impressed with the mar
velous achievements that have been accom
plished here in the comparatively few years
which have elapsed since Calgary was a fron
tier settlement.
Cerman beer. The latter is a slightly darker
and somewhat heavier beer, made after the
same methods employed in the brewing of
the best known of the imported brands. Both
are produced under ideal conditions, as spe
cial attention has been paid by the manage
ment to the equipping of the plant with the
latest improved mechanical appliances and
machinery, and so far as the sanitary con
ditions are concerned it would seem that the
acme of perfection has been reached.
One point of special interest in connec
tion with the making of this "Mountain
Spring" beer is the fact that the malt that is
utilized is made from Alberta barley. When
one takes into consideration the thousands
upon thousands of bushels of this grain that
are used annually by this brewery, then does
one begin to realize what an industry of this
character means to the agricultural districts.
Not only that, but the firm is a large employ
er of labor, having on its payroll at the brew
ery a force of 50 well paid workers, the an
nual distribution in the form of wages run
ning well up into the thousands of dollars.
The output of the brewery amounts to
approximately 60,000 barrels per year, this
being put out in both the keg and bottled
form, as one of the important adjuncts of
the plant is an up-to-date bottling works.
Not only is it disposed of at wholesale to
the hotels and liquor dealers and to the large
family trade which has been built up in
Calgary, but the "Silver-Spray" and "Wurz-
burger'' are shipped in large quantities to
oul of town points throughout all of the ter
ritory covered by Calgary in its ever increas
ing wholesale operations.
Head Office, Calgary.
When one pauses to contemplate the
magnitude of the grain growing operations
in the prairie provinces he is lost in a bewil
dering maze of figures of startling propor
tions — startling because of the brief period of
years which has elapsed since the agricultural
development of this vast region really first
began. Last year the approximate yield of
grain in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Mani
toba was about 200,000,000 bushels, and
for 1914 the prospects would indicate even
greater returns, notwithstanding the fact that
the farmers are each year turning their at
tention more and more to mixed farming.
In 1900 in Alberta there were but 30,-
361 acres of grain harvested. Last year the
One of the 140 Elevators of the Alberta Pacific Grain Conrpanv, Limited.
official figures show that 1,077,299 acres
had been devoted to gram alone — an increase
of considerable magnitude. When it is
shown that Alberta has a total area of 260,-
000 square miles, of which 1 72,000 square
miles are adapted to agriculture, it may readi
ly be seen that there are still millions of acres
waiting for the plough.
After the sowing comes the reaping and
the threshing, and then the marketing, but
after delivering the grain at the railroad or
elevator, the fanner's responsibility ends, and
the work at this point is taken up by such
representative concerns as the Alberta Pa
cific Grain Company, Limited, whose head
offices are at Calgary, with branches in Win
nipeg and Vancouver.
This sterling grain company, which was
founded in 1903, makes a specialty of hand
ling consignments of grain on commission as
well as purchasing the grain outright upon
its delivery in cars on track at any point in
Western Canada, and its annual volume of
business runs into the millions of bushels.
Throughout Alberta and the neighboring
provinces the company maintains as many as
140 grain elevators of an average capacity
of 30,000 thousand bushels, so that so far
as its facilities for handling grain on a large
scale are concerned its facilities are unsur
The officers and directors of the Alberta
Pacific Grain Company, Limited, comprise
Mr. Nicholas Bawlf, president, Winnipeg;
Mr. John I. McFarland, vice-president and
manager, Calgary; Messrs. P. Burns and
R. B. Bennett, Calgary and Mr. D. R.
Ker, Victoria.
All the above are gentlemen who have
attained eminence in the financial and indus
trial circles of the Canadian West and whose
connection with a concern of this character is
the best evidence as to its stability and its
ability to meet every obligation and carry
out in detail the terms of every contract en
tered into as relates to the handling of con
signments of grain. It is essentially a home
enterprise that is in every way worthy of
Calgary and the province of Alberta and one
in which the grain growers repose the utmost
I he phenomenal growth which has taken
place throughout Alberta during the past
decade in particular has been especially ap
parent in Calgary, where some wonderful
strides have been made by the financial, com
mercial and industrial interests that are here
represented. The fact that the community
now has a population of close on to 100,000
gives some indication of the remarkable ad
vancement that has been made, and of the
ever increasing importance of the local field
as a market for the products which are man
ufactured right here in the provincial metro
One of the older and more firmly estab
lished of these industrial concerns which has
won a national reputation for the superior
quality of its lines of manufacture is the
Calgary Brewing & Malting Company, Lim
ited. This immense brewery, which was
founded in 1 892 has made such substantial
progress in the manufacture of malt products
that the fame of "Calgary beer," its prin
cipal brand, extends from the Atlantic to
the Pacific, and throughout the Western pro
vinces there is scarcely a community where
this standard brew is not to be obtained.
I he leading hotels and liquor houses have
long since become cognizant of its intrinsic
worth, and of its purity and general excel
lence, and the only difficulty the company
has thus far experienced has been in produc
ing a sufficient amount to supply the demand.
While the brewery's facilities are such that
it could manufacture considerably more than
it does each year, its policy of thoroughly
aging the output before putting it on the mar
ket is rigidly adhered to, and as everybody
knows, this is one of the secrets of produc
ing a beverage rich in flavor and satisfying
in every particular.
Thousands of bushels of barley are used
every year by the company in the making of
the malt which forms the basis of the beer,
and this fact alone is sufficient to commend
the enterprise to the serious consideration and
attention of the grain farmers of Alberta.
Then, too, the fact that the company has in
its employ a large force of competent workers
means the distribution of an annual payroll
of large proportions. These are features
which combine to make this home enterprise,
backed by home business men and home
capital, one that is certainly worthy the sup
port of all classes in every community.
The annual output of "Calgary" beer by
the Calgary Brewing & Malting Company,
Limited, is in the neighborhood of 100,000
barrels in the keg as well as in the bottled
form, and this is not only disposed of m Cal
gary, but throughout Alberta and the neigh
boring provinces where breweries of this mag
nitude are an unknown quantity. This fam
ous brand of beer has probably done more to
spread abroad in the land the name and fame
of Calgary than any other single agency that
can be mentioned, and that the long and
prosperous career of the Calgary Brewing &
Malting Company, Limited, is destined to be
more than duplicated in the years to come
is a foregone conclusion.
Interior Vieiv, Jackson Bros., China Depi., 1914. Edmonton, Alia.
B\) Ccorgc M. Hall, Industrial Commissioner.
EDMON 1 ON — the city present and the city prospective — is a highly interesting
proposition. A few years ago a small trading post, an outfitting point for trap
pers, and prospectors of a wild and unknown Northwest, Edmonton is today a city
well equipped with modern appliances for trade, commerce and industries, and well found
in those things that go to make a city of home comforts. So lately as 1901, Edmonton
had only 3,167 people; the card census of May 1914, showed a population of 72,516.
Edmonton has grown faster than any city in North America in the same period of time.
At the same time, Edmonton's growth has been solid, substantial in every respect;
its buildings are of sound construction; its streets are well laid out and paved; its civic
government is based upon proper principles and is generally administered with a high
degree of efficiency.
Edmonton is strong in municipal ownership. The city owns and operates its street
railway, power plant, and water works system; has a public parks system that embraces
an area of 801 acres and more than two hundred acres to be devoted to industrial sites,
leased on long terms and at low rental cost, to new industries. Edmonton also employs
single tax and a modified form of civic government by commissioners. A plan for a cim-
mission form of government, with referendum and recall, will be submitted for the vote
of the people some time during 1914.
The following comparative figures show something of how Edmonton has made
headway under its plan of conducting civic business:
Building permits, 1905, $702,724; for 1913, $9,242,450.
Property assessment, 1905. $6,620,985; 1913, $187,941,920.
There are twenty-six chartered banks and branches in Edmonton and bank clear-
ing figures show these increases: 1908, $38,484,496; for 1913, $213,053,319,
Passengers earned on street cars: 1 9 1 1 , 6,296,824 ; earned in 1913, 17,208,487.
Edmonton has excellent public schools. These are housed in thirty-seven build.ngs,
nearly all of them modern and well-equipped, and follow approved educational lines from
primary to collegiate grades. There are four good schools for higher education— the
University of Alberta, Robertson Presbyterian College, the Oblate Fathers College and
Alberta College, with an excellent preparatory school in the Westward Ho! School for
Boys. The Alberta College and McTavish Business College give complete business
courses of instruction. There are also seven separate schools and the Roman Catholic
and Ruthenian colleges.
There are fifty-three churches in Edmonton, including all regular denominations.
Amusement features are presented by three theatres and a number of moving picture
Edmonton has coal beds containing 60,000 million tons of coal directly under the
city. Thirty mines are operated and coal is sold as low as 75 cents a ton for steam
purposes and for $4.00 a ton for domestic use.
Three great railway systems center on Edmonton— the Grand Trunk Pacific, the
Canadian Pacific and the Canadian Northern and the city is also the chief central point
of the Edmonton, Yukon and Pacific Railway, the Dunvegan, Peace River and British
Columbia Railway, and the Alberta and Northwestern Railway. These roads are
under construction or soon to be. Twenty-eight passenger trains run to and from E
monton daily.
Edmonton is the capital of Alberta, a province with an area of 253,540 square
miles. New Parliament buildings were recently completed at a cost of $3,000,0(
The country about Edmonton is very rich in agricultural and other resources, only
partly developed. Ready market and good prices for farm products are had at Ed
monton the year round.
At present, four railways are building into the Peace River Valley and country
north and west of Edmonton. This land contains 40,000,000 acres of land and bound
less resources of minerals, timber, natural gas, water power and cattle ranges.
All of this goes to make Edmonton a highly desirable place to live and a vantage
point for carrying on business. Edmonton has made much progress as a railway, business
and trade center and is doing excellently as an industrial point in what is, as yet, a
comparatively small way. But the advantage of being from two thousand to five thou:
and miles nearer the great market of Western Canada, than any industrial city of com
manding consequence, will tell heavily in the scale of desirability as a manufacture
point for Edmonton. The course of the empire of industrial growth is taking i
westward at a rapid rate and there is no city better fitted for its seat of Governr
the West than Edmonton.
[ N every community within the Province of Alberta are to be found representative men
of affairs who have performed valiant service in the upbuilding and development of
this section of the Canadian West in recent years. This is especially true of the city of
Edmonton, and among those worthy of more than passing notice in these columns than
Mr. Louis Arsenault, real estate and financial broke, with offices at 301 C. P. R.
Although Mr. Arsenault was born at Lewiston, Maine, U.S.A., on July 4, 1880.
he has spent all of his life within the borders of the Dominion. He was educated at
Nicolet Seminary, Quebec, and in April 1904 came west to Edmonton, Alberta. For
a time he was employed by Messrs. Gariepy and Lessard, and then as a book-keeper
by Kenneth McKenzie & Company, of Edmonton, and in 1905 was manager of the
Richelieu Hotel. Erom 1906 10 1910 Mr.
Arsenault was employed as a clerk in the
Dominion Lands Office, and upon resigning
i . . .
this position it was to engage in the present
business on his own account
In the handling of real estate, Mr. Arse
nault not only deals in Edmonton city pro
perty, bul in Alberta, Saskatchewan and
British Columbia farm lands as well, and
also in Coal and Timber Lands and in this
line of endeavor has been remarkably suc
cessful. Not only does he act as the agent
for others in the making of financial invest
ments, but has also had sufficient confidence
in the future of this region to make many in
vestments on his own account. Aside from
this business Mr. Arsenault was one of the
proprietors of the Corona Hotel Company,
Limited, of Edmonton in the beginning of
1912 and sold out in June of the same year.
In the past few years Mr. Arsenault has traveled a great deal throughout the
western country for the purpose of acquiring more experience and general information per
taining to the country. In 1911 he made an extended trip through the famous Peace River
country and in 1912 he visited throughout Washington, Idaho and Montana and other
Western States. The latter part of 1913 and the beginning of I 9 1 4 he made an extended
trip through North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. He has made a number
of other trips over Western Canada which have given him a personal knowledge which is
great value to investors.
In the advancement of both city and province, Mr. Arsenault has always taken a
lively, active interest in civic and political affairs and has repeatedly demonstrated that
he is one of the public-spirited men of the times — a splendid example of the type of men
who are today making history in Alberta.
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Established in Paris, France, in 1723, the Revillon Freres Trading Company, Limited,
takes ranks as one of the world's oldest commercial enterprises — the only company of
the kind, in fact, that has proven a most formidable competitor of the Hudson's Bay Com
pany in this great Northwest country.
Back in the early days of its existence, this immense fur trading company was one of
the first to send men into remote and well-nigh inaccesible regions where the fur bearing
animals abounded, and in the course of time it naturally followed that a trading post
should be established here in Edmonton, when this was but a tiny outpost, far beyond
the reaches of civilization. As the country grew and developed the Revillon Brothers
steadily kept pace with the general progress of the country, and its representatives were
scon to be found in every community of importance in this Canadian West.
Nowadays the operations of the Revillon Freres Trading Company, Limited, extends
north into the farthest reaches of the Arctic wilds; south as far as Olds; east to Lloyd-
minster and west to the Pacific coast. In addition to the Edmonton house, branches are
also maintained in this district at Athabasca, Grouard. Peace River Crossing, Dunvegan,
Spirit River, Grand Prairie, Sturgeon Lake, Fort St. John, Hudson's Hope. Fort Vermil
ion and Wabasca . At all of these points the company dees an enormous business in
trat'ficing in furs, and to their big warehouses come the skins of the seal, beaver, martin,
mink, otter, wolf, ermine, muskrat, fox and skunk. These are in turn disposed of at
wholesale, finding their way to the largest fur manufacturing concerns on the glebe.
This expansion of the fur trading business naturally led to the firm's branching out
as a wholesale dealer in merchandise of every description, this line of trade being carried
on under the firm name of Revillon Wholesale, with headquarters in a mammoth concrete,
fireproof warehouse erected two years ago at the corner of Fourth street and Athabasca
avenue. Here, also the Revillon Freres Trading Company, Limited, maintains its
offices, and there is available fcr use in the six floors of the building a total floor space
of approximately 153,000 square feet— more than three and one-half acres.
The head office of Revillon Freres Trading Company. Limited, is at Montreal, and the
president is Mr. Leon Revillon. His son, Mr. J. M. Revillon, is president of Revillon.
Wholesale, and has the general management of all of Revillon Freres foreign business.
For a considerable length of time he was also manager of the Edmonton business as well,
but this, so far as the trading company is concerned, now devolves on Mr. John Keith,
who is the superintendent for the entire Edmonton district. Mr. Keith has long been
associated with the firm, and his wide knowledge of the entire Northwest well quail
his to fill such a responsible position in a most capable manner.
THERE is no better example of the splendid success which may be attained by well-
directed eflorts in this western country and especially in the central portion of
Alberta than in the case of Mr. Walter Ramsay, wholesale and retail florist, whose
magnificent greenhouses on Victoria Avenue represent the outgrowth of a comparatively
modest beginning.
It was eight years ago that Mr. Ramsay first started this business which has de
veloped into such splendid proportions, and the careful attention he has devoted to the
work has made him the acknowledged leader in the production of flowering plants, palms,
lerns and other greenhouse products. I oday he has fifty thousand square feet under
glass, and besides providing amply for his own large retail trade sells a large quantity of
cut flowers and plants to other dealers not so fortunate in the possession of greenhouses
and other equipment so essential to the propagation of nature's delicate products in this
northern latitude. In the several departments of his business Mr. Ramsay gives employ
ment to a force of 20 skilled assistants and has every facility for the filling of all orders,
large or small, in most satisfactory manner. His stock includes all kinds of choice cut
flowers and every variety suitable for the making of floral designs for weddings, funer
als, dinner parties and social functions in general, together with rare and beautiful potted
plants for private conservatories or home decoration.
Mr. Ramsay came originally from Ontario, where he prepared himself for the pro
fession of teaching. This he followed in his native province for eight years, coming to
Edmonton in 1898 and serving as principal of the Edmonton public schools for seven
years, or until 1905. The next year he branched out as a florist, to which occupation
he has since devoted the major portion of his attention. Aside from this, Mr.
Ramsay is the president of the Riverview Land Company and a director of the Western
Land Company, and has acquired the ownership of many valuable realty holdings in
Edmonton and vicinity. He is a member of the Public School Board since 1909 and
chairman of the Board since 1912,
Dmin- Room, Steamer Nasookm. Operating on Kootenay Lake Service, Canadian
Pacific Railway, between Nelson and Kootenay Landing.
c u;«™
steamer Nasookm. Operating on Kootenay Lake Service, Canadian
icific Railway, bet'weew Nelson and Kootenay Landing.
Jewelers, 235 Jasper Ave., East EcJmonton
The fact that Edmonton has developed into a city
of such commercial and industrial importance is largely
because of the fact that such sterling firms as Jaskson
Brothers, the leading jewelers, have had the wisdom to
make their establishment here in the past, and who
have been confident in their belief that this city would
develop into a community with metropolitan aspirations.
The strides chat have been made in recent years only
go to strengthen this confidence, and those early day
pioneers who first put the town of Edmonton on the
map builded better than they knew.
Back in 1886. when Edmonton was only an ob
scure trading post, a modest little jewelry store was
opened here by Mr. E. Raymer. As the town grew, so
did the store, and finally when the proprietor retired in
1905. lie disposed of the eld established business to
Jackson Brothers, of Toronto, the present owners of
the enterprise which has enjoyed such a marvelous
growth. t ne of the most striking features of the firm's
expansion was in the erection of their magnificent build
ing at No. ;35 Jasper avenue, East — a structure which
not only serves the purpose cf a retail store but of a
manufacturing establishment as well. This building
alone represents an investment of something like $250,-
CCO, and is really one of the show places of the city.
In addition to the immense stock of jewelry of
every description the firm gives steady employment to
six jewelers in its manufacturing department. It em
ploys eight watchmakers; three engravers and a full
stall of salesmen together with the employees in the
copper plate printing department.
Jackson Brothers pay particular attention to the
mounting of diamonds and other precious gems, and
tlie manufacture of trophies,
c., for exhibition and athletic
have every facility for
shields, medals, cups, et
The immense stcck also embraces a superb collec-
ticn of cut glass and silverware, and the display of
China is unequaled by any store west of Toronto.
The individual members of the firm are Mr. W. J.
Jackson, Mr. J. A. Jackson and Mr. H. A. Jackson, all
cf whom have had years of practical experience in dif
ferent branches of the jewelry trade.
Interior View, Jaclfson Bros., 1914
Head Office 14 JASPER ST., next to Selkirk Garage & Office 630 SECOND ST
Phone 2525 Phone 6262
Phoenix Taxi and Auto Co. Limited
Edmonton, Alta.
The Largest and Best Equipped Auto Livery in Western
Canada. Taxicab Service Surpassed by None. :: :: ::
Finest 6 Cylinder Hudson Cars in Our Livery.
Call "Phoenix" Phone 2525
PHONE 1327 F'HONE 6720
Mothers &read a Specialty Only the fQest Qoods Handled
We Guarantee Everything We Sell
European Plan, Rates $1.50, $2.50 Per Day
Hotel Sell(irl( occupies a commanding site in the very heart of things at Jasper
Avenue and First Street, the commercial, financial anil business centre of Edmon
ton. It is Tvilhin a fet> minutes' rvallf of the principal hanlfs, s/ores, offices, theatres
and railway stations. It is equipped throughout n>ith the most modern and approved
Rates $1.00, $1.50 Per T)oy European Wan
Electric Fixtures For The Home
Or Store Our Specialty
Besides We Sell
The Famous Hughes Electric Range Electric Washing Machines
Electric Vacuum Cleaners, Irons. Toasters, Hot Plates
And Many Other Useful Articles that are
Great Labor Savers.
You Can Buy At Home and Save Money
Burnham-Frith Elec. Co., Ltd.
10170-IOOth Street Edmonton, Alia.
Head Office:
.$ 4,000,000
. 4,000,000
RESERVE FUND $ 3,625,000
TOTAL ASSETS (Nov. 30th, 1913)... 31,874,709
President: J. A. VAILLANCOURT, Esq
Directors: Messrs. A. TURCOTTE, Hon M
Vice President: Hon. F. L. BEIQUE.
General Manager: Mr. BEAUDRY LEMAN.
Manager of Chief Office: Mr. F. G. LEDUC
Inspector: Mr. YVON LAMARRE.
-.-was incorporated May 3rd, 1873, with an authorized capital of
$1,000 COO. Its firs. President was Hon. Louis Tourville, who was succeeded by Messrs. F. X. St.
Charles, Hon. J. D. Rolland and J. A. Vaillancourt, in 1912.
paid up capital of $4,000,000, and Reserve Fund of $3,625 000 the BANQUE
stands forth among the leadmg Banks of Canada. The following comparative
statement shows its steady progress since its foundation: —
Capital Paid Up.
$ 393,070
Reserve Fund
$ 1 5,000
£ 252,120
$ 1,021,096
BRANCHES: 1S82, 2.— 1X5)3, 7.— 1903, 17.— 1910. 35.— 1914, 90.
EDMONTON OFFICE: Corner Third St. and Jasper Ave. ALEX LEFORT, Manager
Furs For All
Quality the
Sfy/es the
Prices Most
We sell Readu-madt Furs, or
make up from the rav> furs to
suit special laslei
Repairs and Alterations
The Alexander-Hilpert Fur to. Ltd.
Phone 4094
McLean Block 609 Jasper Ave.
Pure Natural Ice
PHONE 1220
Arctic Ice Company Ltd.
Main Phone 5555
Farney Truck Co. Bldg.
Phone 2544
554 First Street
Farney Truck Co. Ltd.
In Co-Operation with the
City Messenger & Express Co.
Messengers on Wheels, Bills and Posters De
livered Motor Express, Light and Heavy
Delivery, Contract Rates to Merchants, Stor
age Warehouse, Teams for Hire by the
Day, Week or Month. :: :: ::
Dennie V. Farney,
Lt Proprietor J
1 Edmonton,
Phone 2022
465 First Street
Phone 5353
Farney Truch Co.
Canada Permanent Mortgage
Corporation Building, McDongall Ave.
Total Assets 531,826,618
4'r' Interest Allowed on Savings Accounts
Money to Lend at Lowest Current Rates
Phone 1522
W. T. CREIGHTON, Manager
Alberta Granite, Marble &
Stone Co. Ltd.
Manufacturers of
Granite, Marble & Stone
Candy Slabs
Corner First and Clark Streets
From 1884 Our Birthday
To 1914 Our Thirtieth Birthday
E. N. Moyer Co., Ltd.
Established 1884
Canada's School Furnishers
Jesuit College, St. John's College, Calgary Separate
Schools, Edmonton Separate Schools, Edmonton
Public Schools.
Red Deer, Trochu, Lethbridge, Camrose.
A FEW OF OUR LINES— New Empire Desks,
Harvard Desks, Moulthrop Chairs, Teachers' Desks,
Steel Desks, New Empire, Maps and Globes, Genu
ine Hyloplate Blackboard, Moyer's Clean Air Sys
tem of Heating and Ventilating.
665— 104th Street. (Formerly 4th St.)
EDMONTON, ALTA. Telephone 4828
We solicit your patronage for SUPPLIES AND
FURNITURE, for Public and Separate Schools,
High Schools, Colleges and Convents.
PMOP1E 9237 TD][eT PHOhE 31535 ^
We carry the only complete slock in ihe province, of School equipment includin« "Preston Ball-
Acme Plate Blackboard. These supplies are in use in Camrose Lutheran
College, Alberta Provincial University and ihe Government Agricultural Collects in Olds
i Claresholm. Complete stock m our Edmonton warehouse. Prompt delivery guaranteed.
A great many < the largest .debentures issued in Alberta are purchased by us. During' 1913, bonds
amounting to over $3,000,000.00 (Three Million) passed ihrouqh our office. Wn.e us con-
cernmg any issue you have for sale.
We bond Treasurers of S.D., L.I D Rural Municipalities, e.c, being agents for .he "London
Guarantee & Accident Co., Ltd., ihe strongest concern in the world. Rales sent on request
\Ve msure Schools etc at the lowest rates and g,ve a liberal policy. Write for rates.
We supply the Hero Ventilating Room Heaters which are recognified ihe best on the market.
Dtock in Kdmcnlcn ready for shipping.
We supply complete plans and specifications for any sine of school desired.
We sell the F arkyte Sanitary Closels, especially adapled for Towns and Villages that have no
sewer system.
(1) Large illustrated catalogue of school supplies.
(2) Catalogue describing "Hero Ventilating Room Heaters."
(3) Calalogue describing "Parkyle" Sanitary Closels.
The House of Quality ' '
We are growers. Our farm at St. Albert is evidence ol lln:
fact. We "test hundreds of varieties of gram, selecting only
those which are most suitable for Alberta.
We have our own greenhouses and testing grounds in Fct-
mcnton. \X'e lest all seed for germination before placing i!
on the market.
Ornamenlal and Fruit Trees. Strawberry, Raspberry and j
Gooseberry Planls. Currants both red and while, have proven
a success.
Poultry Supplies of all kinds: Incubators, Brooders. Drinking
and Food 1' ounls.
Drills, Garden Cultivation.
753 to 157 Queens Ave. Special Attention Given to Pet
House Phone 3932 Stock Foods and Medicines
Our New and Enlarged Music Store
Is the Finest in Western Canada
an j oui slock of PIANOS, Musical Merchandise, and SI IF FT
MUSK', the pick of the world.
BUSINFSS enables out of town cuslcmers io deal with us by mail,
w!ih every assurance that their interest will be guarded the same as
lhou< li they made a personal selection.
Buying a piano here is a pleasure. Very easy lenm of payment
arranged when desired, and every curlcsy extended to our customers.
423-425 Jasper Ave. We.t EDMONTON, ALTA.
Home of the New Art {Bell, the Piano with the Sweet Tone.
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E. C. D. Dairy Products
The Choice of the People
Butter, Velvet Ice Cream, Guaranteed Eggs, Milk, Cream, Buttermilk
E. C. D. Devonshire Cream, E. C. D. Cream Cheese, E. C. D. Cottage Chesse
E. C. D. Pimiento Cheete, Buttermilk Cheese
Edmonton City Dairy, Limited
Phone 9291
When You Drink
Note the brilliancy, the zest, the
pleasing aroma, that are charac
teristic of this fine brew. They
all denote honesty in brewing and
quality in the product.
When you simply order beer, you
leave the selection to the whim of
another. Use your own discretion
and ask for
Edmonton, Alberta.
i sketches of the f,
authui :Leydl, Em lit Jo^e
'"em id :31 761 0199860,%
clue; 28/1 1/2005
8X 1422 .A34 S43 1914
Short sketches of the
history of the Catholic
AKE-3146 (mcsk)